L1 CSC DesignTown of Avon
Final Design Staff ortRep
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date September 13, 1996
Project type Final Design Review -Chateau St. Claire, including
lighting plan and Master Sign Program
Legal description Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision
Zoning PUD
Address 37,333 Highway 6/24
The final design application proposes a four story, Swiss chateau theme building with
approximately 59,450 square feet of office, retail, and restaurant uses. According to the figures
provided on the floor plans, 47, 241 square feet of this area is leasable floor space. Parking is
provided in a combination of structured (beneath the building) and surface parking in the front
and rear of the building. The garage area totals 43, 727 square feet. The total area of the
structure is 103, 177 square feet.. The plan indicates the ridgeline of the roof will not exceed 72
feet and the tower will not exceed 82. The building, as it is proposed, will be 74 feet at the
highest point, measured from the existing grade The Planning and Zoning Commission has
recommended that the ridgeline of the roof at the highest point be allowed at 74 feet at the
highest point, measured from the existing grade, with the tower measuring 84 feet in height.
The Planning and Zoning Commision Commission recommended approval of the Planned Unit
Development on September 3, 1996. Town Council held a first reading of the Ordinance on
September 10, 1996 and is scheduled to hold a public hearing and act on the Ordinance on
September 24, 1996. Since the Town has not yet taken final action on the annexation, zoning,
PUD, and Preliminary Subdivision Plat, approval of the final design for Chateau will need to be
conditional upon those applications being final approved, as well as approval of the final plat,
and Highway Access permit from the Colorado Department of Transportation.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 2
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
• The PUD establishes the zoning requirements for the development. The site plan is
essentially the same plan as proposed by the PUD and therefore will conform to the PUD
when the conditions of PUD approval are met.
• Allowed use: The PUD lists commercial uses for the building including retail, office and
at least one restaurants. Specific uses will be reviewed at time of tenant finishes by staff.
• Lot Coverage: The 26% building coverage conforms with the standard 50% maximum.
• Setbacks: No proposed encroachments once the PUD is amended to allow the
encroachment of the 12 foot retaining wall on the eastern property line.
• Easements: An access easement needs to be dedicated to the town for access to Lot 2, no
other easements are proposed.
• Building Height: The tallest scaled height of 74 on the south elevation conforms with the
74 foot maximum limit recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning
Commission. The building height will also be verified at the Building Permit review and
the applicants will verify building height with ILC's provided by them during building
• Grading: All proposed slopes conform with the maximum of 2:1 slope guidelines and the
proposed driveway grades conform with Town standards.
• Parking:. The required 199 parking spaces have been provided, assuming the restaurant is
interpreted as being located on the main level floor. The parking requirements are
calculated for a mixed use project, based on 5.5 spaces per 1000 square feet of floor area
for the main floor level (the restaurant), and 4 spaces per 1000 for all other floors.
• Snow Storage: Submitted plans show snow storage area equal to the minimum standard
of 20% of the impermeable surface area.
• Landscaping: Submitted landscape plan appears generally suitable. Staff suggests more
of a mixture of deciduous and coniferous trees be provided in the front landscape strip.
• The landscape plan indicates the removal of 20 trees, a number of which are in the 30
foot no disturb zone. These trees are important to wildlife as nesting and roosting sites for
birds. Staff recommends that only the trees deemed a safety hazard on the site be
removed. The landscape plan should be revised to show the removal of trees that are a
documented safety hazard or are in an area that will be paved or where the building will
be constructed. All other trees should be retained.
• Lighting: The proposed parking lot light standards exceed the 25 foot maximum height
specified by the Design Guidelines. The lighting plan also features a significant number
of floodlights to light the building and landscaping. The Design Guidelines discourage
floodlights except to accent architectural features. Staff suggests that the number of
floodlights be reduced to fall within this guideline and conform to the guideline that
states that light spill over to adjacent properties should be minimized. Eight 150 Watt
floodlights are proposed on the property line in front of the landscaping and seven are
proposed on the eastern property line. Unless these lights are needed for security reasons,
staff suggests eliminating these lights. All lights should be positioned so that they do not
generate any off-site glare.
Following is a summary of the proposed lighting:
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 3
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Lighting Type
Number of
Lamp Type and Wattage
Accent Lights
Up Light for trees
150 Watt
Mini -flood
Building Up Light
13 Watt
Mini -flood
Building Down Light
13 Watt
Parking Lot
Parking Lot Lighting
400 or 250 Watt Metal Halide
or High Sodium Vapor
2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be
constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
The building's architecture is compatible with Beaver Creek to the south utilizes high quality
building materials.
The proposed materials appear to all be high quality, durable and low maintenance as
encouraged by the Planning & Zoning Commission's Design Guidelines. All proposed colors
are either natural or earthtone (please refer to the table below and Elevation Sheet 4" of the
plan set).
• Retaining Wall
Concrete with Stucco Finish
4P-26 Augusta Integral
• Stucco
Merlex Stucco
4P-624 Oaktone Integral -
Upper Stucco
• Stucco
Merlex Stucco
#P26 Augusta Integral
• Decking, railings, fascias
Olympic Solid color latex
stain "Chocolate"
• Stone Veneer
Natural Moss Rock
• Windows
Dunn -Edwards Metal Clad
PC -2160)
• Roofing
Monier Roof Tile
Normandy Blend
• Roofing
ASC Pacific "Metallic
3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
There will not be any significant impacts on adjacent properties. The property to the west is
open space dedicated by the Beaver Creek PUD. The property to the east will be adjacent to
two four foot retaining walls. These walls will be screened with landscaping, including a row
of trees within the planter created between the retaining walls.
4. The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography.
The plan features moderate grading of the site. The proposed development site is located at
the toe of the mountain. The building is designed with two at grade entrances to take
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 4
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
advantage of the site's natural slope. Although excavation required for the underground
parking includes cuts and excavation up to 18 feet, these disturbances should not be readily
apparent once the project is complete. Retaining walls are proposed on the south, east and
west sides of the property. Two four foot walls are proposed on the eastern property line, the
west property line walls will be approximately 12 feet, and the rear wall will scale 23 feet.
The 23 foot wall will be screened with a landscape planter at the base of the wall and a
landscape planter attached to the wall. These treatments should help to soften the appearance
of the wall.
5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways.
The building is ornate with a chateau theme with a varied roof line featuring towers and
dormers, a copper and tile roof and natural moss rock. The building will be very attractive as
viewed from the road. The retaining walls will be screened by landscaping to soften their
appearance. They will be finished with stucco painted to match the lower building color.
6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that
values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The architecture is similiar to the buildings in Beaver Creek. It is not similiar to buildings in
the town of Avon. The building will likely enhance the aesthetic as well as monetary values
in the vicinity.
7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and
Programs for the Town of Avon.
The plan is in conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of
Avon as outlined in the PUD report. However, staff has received input from members of the
Eagle County Trails committee that a bikepath should be provided for conformance with the
County Trails plan and Avon's Recreation Master Plan. The Avon Master Plan states that
paved bike lanes along the shoulders of Highway 6 are proposed to "provide the touring or
commuting cyclist a corridor through Avon." The plan should be amended to provide the
bike lanes. A bus stop will also need to be shown on the plans, and be approved by the Town
and CDOT.
Master Sign Program -Design Review Considerations
The Master Sign Program proposes only wall signs, consisting of a building identification sign, a
building directory sign in the rear of the building, and individual tenant signage. The signage
will be located only on the first and ground level floors. A 40 square foot building identification
sign in front of the building and a 40 square foot tenant directory in the rear of the building are
proposed. All other signs will be limited to 12 square feet in size. Rather than specifying the
dimensions for the signs, they will be designed to fit the building within the 12 square foot size
According to the Town of Avon's Sign Code, Section 15.28.070 Design Review Criteria, the
Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 5
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed
and the site upon it is to be located.
The primary sign will be brass or stainless steel reverse pan channel letters with neon interior
lighting and Lexan backs. The Secondary Signs will be Bronze or aluminum cast metal
letters with a projection stud mount to building surface, with direct lighting.. The Sign Code
encourages the use these sign types and materials. The signs are suitable for the building and
the site to provide signage in keeping with the Swiss Chateau style of the building. All signs
appear harmonious with the buildings scale and architecture. Additionally, all tenant signage
are properly located on the ground level as recommended by the Sign Code (please refer to
attached Master Sign Program for Chateau St. Claire).re
2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements
The signage is compatible with adjacent and neighboring improvements. The property to the
east is not yet developed and the property immediately to the west and to the south is open
3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement.
Addressed in Consideration #1.
4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring
The proposed reverse pan channel and cast metal letters are consistent in style and quality
with approved building and will be compatible with other developments in the area..
5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity
that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired.
The signage will enhance the aesthetic and monetary value of property in the vicinity. The
brass, aluminum and steel reverse pan channel and cast letters fall within the general theme
of signage within the town core area for individual letters, as opposed to cabinet signs.
6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the sign code,
and are appropriate for the project.
The signage proposed in the Chateau St. Claire Master Sign Program complies with the Sign
Code and is appropriate for the project. The total square footage of the project is one square
foot for every linear foot of building frontage, as is specified by the Sign code.
7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign
is appropriate for the determined orientation
The signage is appropriately oriented for both vehicles and pedestrians. The buildings
identification sign and tenant signs are primarily for vehicular traffic. The tenant directory
provided in the rear of the building will serve pedestrians entering the building.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval with conditions outlined in the recommended motion.
Recommended Motion
Approve Chateau St. Claire, Final Design Review Plans dated August 20, 1996 with the
following conditions:
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 6
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
1. A sidewalk system be constructed on site and extended west to the Avon Road Intersection.
Construction plans for the sidewalk will be required with the submittal of the final plat.
2. The landscape plan be revised to provide a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees in the
northern front planting strip.
3. All landscaping above 36 inches in a 30 foot site distance triangle be removed from the site
4. Four parking spaces be removed from across the underground parking entrance to provide an
increased turning radius and minimize conflicts between cars entering the site. The eastern
most space should be converted to the landscaping, and the remaining three spaces converted
to snow storage.
5. Four parking spaces be removed from the south end of the parking ramp.
6. The lighting plan be revised to reduce the number of floodlights and return to Planning and
Zoning Commission for final approval. It is recommended that the front (north side) and
eastern accent lights be deleted from the lighting plan.
7. The parking lot lights be reduced to a maximum of 25 feet tall.
8. Final Engineering be approved by Town staff and all of the Town Engineer's
comments(dated September 9, 1996) be addressed prior to building permit submittal.
9. The garage floor plan be revised to indicate that all compact parking spaces will meet
minimum dimensions.
10. Two more handicap parking spaces be provided to meet the accessibility requirements of the
11. An emergency access easement across the parking lot with steps or other means of accessing
Lot 2 needs to be provided to the town.
12. The ridgeline building height be limited to 74 feet from existing grade and the tower be
limited to a maximum height of 84 feet. The ridgeline elevation on the tower needs to be
provided on the plan to confirm it conforms to the 84 foot maximum height.
13. A bike lane adjacent to the property be provided. Plans for the Bike Path need to be included
in the construction plans for the Final Plat and approved by the Colorado Department of
14. The site plan be revised to include a bus stop. Construction plans for the bus stop shall be
submitted with the final plat and approved by the Colorado Department of Transportation.
15. The final design review site plan is conditioned upon approval of an access permit by CDOT
A copy of the access permit shall be provided before building permit submittal.
16. The final design review is conditioned upon approval of the annexation, zoning, preliminary
and final plat and PUD. Any changes required by Council approval will be reflected in the
final development plan prior to building permit submittal.
17. All flues, vents, on the copper roof will be copper.
18. All flues, vents, or galvanized metal on the tile roof will be painted or otherwise match the
tile roof.
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 7
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
19. All meters will be placed upon the building.
20. Automatic irrigation system will be installed
21. The Master Sign Program is approved with the condition that maximum and minimum
dimensions be provided for the signs.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully sub ed;
Karen Griffith,
Town Planner
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Lot 1, Chateau St. Claire Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 8
September 17, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Denied
d Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
Jack Hunn, Chair
� Date
, Ov/
Sue Railton, Secretary
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(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749