L1 L2 VAA AnnexationTown of Avon
Staff Report
Annexation, Zoning, Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plat,
and PUD Development Plan
September 3, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date August 29, 1996
Project type Annexation, Zoning to PUD, Sketch Plan/Preliminary
Plat, and PUD Development Plan
Street address 37333 Highway 6
Legal description Avon School Tract, Grace White Parcel
Current Zoning County Zoning
On June 18, 1996, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on applications
for annexation, zoning, sketch plan/preliminary plat and a PUD development plan for the
Chateau St. Claire project. The application was tabled so that the applicant could provide a
complete application submittal and to address issues raised by the staff and Planning and Zoning
Commisison. These issues included the height and scale of the building, amount of density/site
coverage, setbacks from Beaver Creek and property lines, and removal of trees and vegetation in
the 30 foot stream setback. The applicants have also requested Design Review Approval. The
Design Review Application revisions were received August 20, 1996.
The applicants are requesting annexation of two parcels of land: the White Tract and the Avon
School Tract. The 5.8 acre property is located on the south side of Highway 6 just east of the
Village Road entrance to Beaver Creek. At the request of Town Staff, the applicants are
proposing a two lot subdivision. Lot 1 is the lot proposed for commercial development by the
PUD. Lot 2 is proposed as a public open space parcel to be owned and maintained by the Town.
Lot 1 is 2.42 acres and Lot 2 is 3.38 acres.
The PUD application proposes a is a four story, chateau theme building with 59,450 square feet
of office, retail, and restaurant uses. According to the figures provided on the floor plans, 47,
241 square feet of this area is leasable floor space. Parking is provided in a combination of
structured (beneath the building) and surface parking in the front and rear of the building. The
garage area totals 43, 727 square feet. The total area of the structure is 103, 177 square feet. The
PUD indicates the ridgeline of the roof will not exceed 72 feet and the tower will not exceed 82.
The building, as it is proposed, will be 74 feet at the highest point, measured from the existing
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1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page, 2
On June 4, 1996, the Planning and Zoning Commisison held a work session, including a site
visit, to review the project. Issues raised during the work session included:
• the proximity of the buildings to the adjacent stream (Beaver Creek);
• treatment of the existing trees and other vegetation along the creek
• the height and scale of the buildings
• density of site development
The applicants were given direction to provide more landscaping between the front parking lot
and Highway 6.
The site plan has been revised to reduce the square footage of the building to meet concerns
regarding setbacks and parking deficiencies. The site now exceeds the minimum parking
requirements for a mixed use building based on the square footage provided by the applicants on
the floor plans. Following is a list of staffs general comments on the proposed applications:
General design comments
• The proposed design still maximizes development of the site.
• The parking lot (north west corner) conforms to the 30 foot stream setback line, but provides
little buffer for construction activities.
• On-site circulation system will likely cause conflicts at the entrance of the site. Accessing the
parking spaces at the top (south end) of the entrance ramp will cause conflicts.
• It appears that the applicants still intend to have reserved underground parking. Reserved
parking can artificially cause a parking shortage, and is not supported by staff.
• A sidewalk should be located on the north side of the property, in the Highway 6/24 Right of
Way, connecting with the intersection of Avon Road and Highway 6/24. Any easement
required should be dedicated at the time of final plat Construction plans will be required in
conjunction with the final plat.
• Retaining walls over four feet in height are subject to setback requirements. Retaining walls
are shown on the property line and four feet in from the property line. These have been
screened with landscaping. The eastern retaining walls appear to be four feet in height. The
rear retaining wall appears to be 23 feet in height at the rear of the property in the east, and a
12 foot wall on the west.
• We have not yet received any comments from the Colorado Department of Transportation.
Process summary
1. The applications are for annexation, zoning, subdivision sketch plan/preliminary plat and
PUD Development Plan.
2. Each of these applications requires a public hearing and recommendation to council. Council
will consider the annexation, zoning, and PUD Development Plan by ordinance, and the
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Chateau St. Claire, Annexation, Zoning„ Sketch plan/preliminary plat and PUD development plan. September 3,
1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page, 3
preliminary subdivision plat by resolution. The public hearing was held on June 18, 1996.
Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission on take additional comments
from the public from any one wishing to address the Commission.
3. Additionally, the applicants would like to receive final design review approval concurrently
with these applications.
The annexation review criteria are established by state statutes. The council is
required to pass by resolution, findings as to whether the petition meets the
statutory criteria for review. Following is a list of the statutory requirements that
the petition asserts have been met:
1. It is desirable and necessary that the territory be annexed to the Town of Avon.
2. The property exceeds the requirement for 1 /6th contiguity. Over half (50.99 percent) of the
boundary is contiguous with existing Town Limits.
3. A community of interest exists.
4. The territory is urbanized or will be urbanized in the near future
5. The territory proposed to be annexed is integrated or is capable of being integrated or is
capable of being integrated into the Town.
6. The petitioners are owners of the property and consent to the establishment of the boundaries
of this territory as shown on the annexation plat.
7. The territory proposed for annexation is not presently a part of any incorporated city, city and
county, or town, not have annexation proceedings been commenced for the annexation of part
or all of such territory to another municipality
8. Annexation of the above territory will not result in the detachment of territory from any
school district.
9. The requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-104 and 31-'2-105 exist and have been met.
The property is now within unincorporated Eagle County and has Resource zoning. Although
this is a county zone district, it is appropriate to consider the application in light of the criteria for
a rezoning.
Rezoning Criteria for review, recommendation and approval
(Section 17.28.080)
Is the proposed rezoning justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of
the area proposed to be rezoned?
The surrounding area is urbanizing, and the property is adjacent to a major intersection
(Highway 6 and Avon Road), where increasing development is anticipated during the next
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five years. Annexation and zoning to PUD for development within the Town Limits is
2. Is the proposed rezoning consistent with the Town's comprehensive plan?
The Comprehensive Plan designates this parcel for mixed use. The proposed combination of
office, retail, and restaurant uses is consistent with this designation.
3. Is the proposed use compatible with the surrounding area or uses?
This commercial development described by the applicant is compatible with the surrounding
area from a land use standpoint. It is across from the Visitor entrance to Beaver Creek and
offices for Vail Associates. The property to the immediate west is open space within the
Beaver Creek PUD and across the road to the west is the parking lot, visitor center and bus
stop for Beaver Creek. The property to the east is zoned PUD and the Comprehensive Plan
designates this area for mixed use development. Properties to the north and east are multi-
family residential areas.
4. Are adequate facilities available to serve development for the type and scope suggested
by the proposed zone?
Utilities are available to serve the site. The applicants are responsible for furnishing proof that
the utility providers have agreed to provide service and have approved the proposed subdivision,
including easements, and development plans. The applicants have provided letters from utility
providers that services can be provided, but the applicants have not submitted plans to utility
companies for approval.
Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code, Subdivisions, requires a sketch plan be submitted for
review. Normally this is done so that the applicant can have some initial feedback from the Town
before spending significant funds for preliminary engineering and design. Since this application
includes a Preliminary Plat, the sketch plan becomes moot. Nonetheless, the criteria for
evaluation of a sketch plan follow:
Sketch Plan criteria
Conformance with master plan, policies, guidelines, zoning and other applicable
1. The replatting of the two parcels into two lots, one lot for commercial development and one
for residential development, is in conformance with the land use plan. The review of the
project with respect to Goals and Policies of the Master Plan will be discussed in the PUD
analysis to follow.
2. Suitability of the land for subdivision
The property includes developable land at the base of a small mountain, plus a large portion
of the lot that has slopes exceeding 40 percent. The undevelopable portion of the subdivision
will be reserved for open space. The area proposed as Lot 1 is generally suited for urban
development although 22,007 square feet of this lot is in slopes exceeding 40 percent.
However, the site can be developed without extreme modifications to the slope and is
therefore suitable for subdivision.
3. Reports and studies of significant hazards, areas or activities of local interest.
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A formal geological analysis has been submitted. The analysis indicates that there are no
significant environmental geologic hazards on the site. A wildfire analysis has also been
provided and the area does not present any significant concerns regarding wildfires. The soils
report indicates that there may be some ground water encountered.. This can be addressed with
the engineering plans for the building.
Development Plan
Because of site constraints, the proposed zone district is Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Unlike other zone districts within the Town, the PUD zone district requires approval of a
Development Plan. Following are the criteria for evaluating a PUD Development Plan.
Design criteria for review of a PUD Development Plan (Section
1. Conformity with the Avon Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives.
• The project conforms with the Comprehensive Plan designation of the area for mixed use
• Goal A-2 of the comprehensive plan is to make the most efficient use of existing land and
community resources, with objective (b) to locate new development within or adjacent to
existing developed areas. The property is adjacent to the undeveloped Folsom Annexation,
which has PUD zoning but no approved Development Plan. VA owns property to the west
and north of the property. Although none of the property immediately adjacent is developed
within the Town, the site is adjacent to urban level development, including the entrance to
Beaver Creek. The Nottingham Station development is under construction to the north of the
site, across the Eagle River. The parcel is contiguous to the Town limits and is part of the
area planned for Avon's expansion.
• Goal B-2 is to enhance the Town's role as a principal, year-round residential and commercial
center in the Vail Valley. The proposed development provides additional square footage for
office, commercial, and restaurant space in conformance with this goal.
• Goal F1, is to Annex key parcels of land adjacent to the Town Boundary, and objective b
under this goal is to promote the master planning of parcels of land at the time of annexation.
The proposal is to annex a key site at the entrance to Beaver Creek. The proposed PUD
which accompanies the annexation petition addresses the objective to master plan parcels of
land at the time of annexation.
Goal G1 is to "ensure that the high quality natural environment is preserved and integrated
into the developed areas of the Town, with objectives, (a) ensure that future development will
minimize degradation of the environment, particularly in sensitive natural areas, (b) preserve
view of the mountains and the valley, (provide special controls for development in hillside
areas to minimize environmental degradation) and to preserve the visual areas of these unique
areas). A 30 foot area from the mean annual high water mark of Beaver Creek will be
preserved to meet the minimum required setback. The applicants are dedicating the
undevelopable area of the property to the Town to preserve open space. This includes part of
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1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page,6
a prominent local landmark sometimes called Gyp Hill., which is east of the entrance to
Beaver Creek PUD.
A perspective sketch has been provided, but formal view studies have not been performed.
The proposed development site is located at the toe of the mountain. Although a significant
amount of excavation will be required for the underground parking including cuts and
excavation up to 18 feet will be made into the slope, these disturbances will not be apparent
once the project is complete. Retaining walls are proposed on the south, east and west sides
of the property. Two four foot walls are proposed on the eastern property line, the west
property line walls will be approximately 12 feet, and the rear wall may scale 23 feet.
2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the town, the sub -area
design recommendations and design guidelines of the Town.
The Comprehensive Plan discusses that development within this area enhance the image of
the Town and Beaver Creek Resort. It should complement but not compete with the Town
Center or Core Commercial Area in terms of scale or intensity of development These parcels
will require a well planned, internal circulation system. As with all mixed use parcels,
individual uses should be developed within a master site plan for the area.
The site is located within Planning sub area 11. The plan notes that this area is where first
impressions of the Town are developed. Recommendations include new development and
redevelopment should be in conformance with the overall design theme established for the
Town. (An overall design theme has not been established). New development should limit
building heights to four stories in order to allow the Town Center to remain as the focal point
of the Town, to minimize cut areas of slopes. When necessary, retaining walls should be
constructed of high quality materials that complement the building's architecture. The
buildings themselves may be and are encouraged to be built into the hillsides to reduce their
dominance. Screened parking lots should be provided.
The proposed four story building approximates the scale of all but the tallest of the
downtown buildings. The buildings are four stories in height plus the towers.
The design theme is quite different from the contemporary mountain architecture found in
Avon's downtown.
There will be 13 to 18 feet excavations primarily in the rear of the property. The rear
retaining wall may be as high as 23 feet. Although this is a very tall wall, most of the wall
will be screened by the building in front and by landscaping along the eastern property line.
A short section of the wall will be visible on the east side of the property, on the end of the
parking ramp. Most of the proposed excavation will be in the area underneath the proposed
building for the underground parking lot. The excavation of the underground parking is
about 18 feet in one area.
Staff recommends that landscaping at the base of the wall at the end of the parking lot may be
appropriate to screen the wall.
3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent
properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones,
character, and orientation.
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The four story buildings are within the recommendations of the sub -area plan. The building
design is high quality and is compatible with the Architecture of Beaver Creek to the south.
It is dissimilar from the design of buildings in the immediate area and Avon's town center to
the north.
The buffer zone between the buildings and Beaver Creek meets the minimum 30 foot setback
from streams established by the Zoning Code. The applicants have provided an additional
partial buffer zone of 10 feet for a portion of the area adjacent to the stream. However, the
patio and the parking lot are proposed within 1 to 2 feet of the stream setback/no disturb area.
The plan notes indicate that snow fencing is proposed to delineate that no disturb area during
construction. Plastic construction limits fencing would be more appropriate.
The applicants' arborist recommends the removal of 14 Cottonwood and Aspen trees located
in the no disturb setback primarily because the trees are decayed or diseased. Staff
recommends that the PUD plan be amended to remove any reference to removal of the trees.
This could be considered separately after construction. The removal of the trees would
disturb the "no disturb" area. Additionally, dying trees, referred to as snags, can provide
valuable wildlife amenities such as roosting and nesting sites.
The buildings conform to the maximum total building coverage of fifty percent. This
calculation has been adjusted to subtract all areas within the site that exceed slopes of forty
More landscaping has been added to the area between the parking lot and the highway. The
plants in this area include Lodgepole pines, Tammy junipers, service berries, and Broadmoor
junipers. The service berries may present a site distance problem as they are located at the
driveway entrance of the site. All tall bushes and trees should be removed from the site
distance triangle.
4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship
with surrounding uses and activity.
The office, restaurant, and commercial areas are generally compatible with the surrounding
area. The property to the north and to the west is in unincorporated Eagle County and is part
of the Beaver Creek Development. Two concerns are raised on this development site. Due
to adjacent development in unincorporated areas, the site is essentially cut-off and is not
contiguous with the development. This creates a difficulty in providing pedestrian linkages.
The site is also difficult in terms of access to Highway 6/24. Left hand movements out of the
site will be difficult. The commercial activity is not anticipated to create significant impacts
to residential development in the vicinity, which includes the Eagle Bend III Townhome
development and the River Oaks development to the east.
5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that
affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed.
There are no significant natural or geologic hazards within the area proposed for development
that have been identified.
6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a
functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and
overall aesthetic quality of the community.
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1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page, 8
A moderate amount of excavation is required for the proposed design. A section of wall
about 30 feet in length will be visible at the south end of the parking ramp. It may be
desirable to screen the ramp with a landscape planter in this area.
Retaining walls on the property lines are necessary to accommodate the design that is
The removal of the trees in the 30 foot stream setback is not sensitive to the natural
environment. Staff recommends that trees be removed only when there is a documented
safety concern.
The most significant amount of excavation is for the underground parking and the retaining
wall and parking area in the rear of the property. These areas will not be highly visible off
The building meets the minimum stream setback. The Town Engineer's notes indicate that
the stream setback and 100 year flood plain have been shown schematically and these actual
lines need to be delineated.
7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off
site traffic circulation that is compatible with the town transportation plan.
A pedestrian circulation system has not been provided. The County has submitted comments
recommending that a connection be made between this site and existing development. Staff
strongly recommends that a sidewalk system be provided on site and extended to Avon Road
to the west. The sidewalk could potentially be located in the Highway right-of-way
alleviating the need to obtain off-site right of way for the walk. Staff believes the sidewalk
system is critical in connecting this site to the town and addressing concerns that are
frequently raised concerning a lack of sidewalks in town. The sidewalks should be provided
for the safety of pedestrians walking to and from and past the site.
The on-site circulation system will create some conflicts between traffic entering and exiting
the site. The entrance to the front parking lot, ramp to the rear parking and entrance to the
underground parking are all located very close to the front of the lot. Staff recommends that
four parking spaces across from the underground parking ramp be removed and that four
spaces at the top of the ramp to the rear of the property be removed. This would eliminate
conflicts between cars backing out of these spaces and cars entering the parking lots and
ramps. It could would also increase turning radius in both areas as well as potentially
provide additional snow storage.
8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve
natural features, recreation, views and function.
The standard zoning requires five percent of the parking lot area as interior, landscaped
islands. The landscape plan needs to provide a chart indicating how much of the total
development site is landscaped. This percentage of landscaping has not been provided. The
applicants state that the interior landscaping would interfere with snow storage and request
not to provide it.
The undevelopable portion of the site will be dedicated to the Town as an open space tract.
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1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page, 9
A visual analysis has not been submitted. However, the building is sited at the toe of the
mountain. It is not anticipated that the building will have a significant negative impact on
9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional, and
efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. The phasing plan shall
clearly demonstrate that each phase can be workable, functional and efficient without
relying upon completion of future project phases.
The proposed development will be completed as one phase.
10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems,
roads, parks, and police and fire protection.
The applicant is required to provide documentation that utilities exist and that the utility
agencies have approved plans to serve the property before the subdivision can be approved.
Water service will be provided by either Eagle -Vail Metro District or Upper Eagle Valley
Sanitation. The applicant will be responsible for meeting the requirements of all utilities,
including petitioning for inclusion into the districts. The utilities have provided letters
confirming the availability of the utilities.
The Town will provide fire and police protection.
11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic
within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD.
The site will generate increased traffic and introduce turning movements onto Highway 6.
The Highway is designated as an arterial in the Town's Transportation Plan. The site is
located a short distance from the intersection of Highway 6/24 and Avon Road. The
intersection of Avon Road and Highway 6 already operates at unacceptable service levels
during peak traffic times. The Town is currently studying the possibility of providing round-
abouts to address the capacity concerns. This applicants should contribute toward the
roundabouts to mitigate traffic impacts from traffic generated by this annexation and
The Colorado Department of Transportation will be the agency responsible for approving a
state highway access permit to the property. The applicants preliminary plans indicate using
an existing acceleration lane as a deceleration lane for traffic entering the site. An
acceleration lane is proposed east of the site. Left hand turning movements from the site will
be difficult at best.
12. Development Standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density
control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the town council
as pat of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendation of
the Planning Commision.
Lot area: the proposed lot size of Lot 1 is 2.4 acres. This is an appropriate size lot to
accommodate a commercial development. An open space parcel has been created per staff s
Setbacks: The site plan proposes the standard Town setbacks. This is a 25 foot front, 7.5
foot side and ten foot rear. The standard 10 foot front parking lot setback has also been provided.
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The minimum 30 foot stream setback and non -disturb area will be met. A 12 foot retaining wall
is proposed on the western property line. Under standard zoning, any retaining wall over 4 feet
high must conform to setback requirements. The PUD will need to specifically state that
retaining walls are allowed in the setbacks to accommodate the proposed walls.
Building Height: The PUD proposes that the maximum building height will be 72 feet at
the ridgeline of the roof, with the tower at a maximum height of 82 feet. The building is a total
of 74 feet to the top of ridgeline, as is measured from the existing grade underneath the building.
The buildings are four stories, with the exception of chimneys and the tower. These buildings
are taller than structures in the SC and NC zone districts, but are not as tall as the 80 foot tall
buildings allowed in the TC, Town Center zone district.
Landscaping: the standard requirement is 25 percent landscaping. The PUD plan
indicates that 40 percent of the lot is landscaped. Interior parking lot landscaping equal to five
percent of the surface parking area is also required by standard zoning. The landscaping exceeds
the twenty-five percent requirement but does not meet the five percent interior landscaped areas.
Staff supports the landscaping without the interior islands. The applicants state that these would
interfere with snow removal.
Parking: The Zoning Code, (Section 17.24.020 6) specifies parking requirements for
mixed use projects This requires 5.5 spaces per 1000 square feet for the first floor, and 4 spaces
per thousand square feet for all other floors. This formula requires 197 spaces for the site based
on the floor area provided. Please note that when staff spot checked the floor areas provided,
there was a discrepancy between the square footage calculated by staff by "scaling" the areas and
the figures provided by the applicants. Staff s calculations indicated the floor area to be higher
than the figures provided. Parking requirements will be based on the actual square footage of
GLFA (gross leasable floor areas of the building).
Staff recommends that eight parking spaces be eliminated to improve on site circulation. The
building would still exceed the parking requirement by nine spaces.
The UBC requires 6 handicap parking spaces for this size parking lot. Two parking spaces need
to be converted to handicap spaces.
The applicants recent letter states that the parking spaces will not be reserved. The submitted
covenants indicate the spaces will be sold separately, and reserved as limited common elements.
Staff does not recommend that underground spaces be reserved in that an artificial parking
shortage can be created when reserved spaces are not available to all drivers.
Some of the compact parking spaces do not appear to meet the minimum width of eight feet
wide. This needs to be addressed. The number of compact parking spaces proposed slightly
exceeds the maximum of 30 percent that the zoning code would allow in a standard zone district.
31.5 percent compact parking spaces are proposed. It is staff s opinion that this is acceptable
because it is close to meeting the standard requirement.
The applicants have proposed the covered/underground parking on their own initiative, this helps
to reduce the impacts to the area from the large parking lot.
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1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page ,11
Allowed Uses: The PUD guide proposes the following uses:
• Retail/commercial stores
• Professional Offices
• Restaurants, excluding drive through windows
• Medical Offices and facilities (without emergency access)
• Parking garage
• Bar/cocktail lounges
• Personal service shops
• financial institutions
• Other similiar commercial uses as approved by the Town of Avon
Staff recommends that the parking garage be deleted from the use list or it should be clarified
that the parking is accessory to the main uses. It may also be appropriate to delete facilities from
"medical offices and facilities" if the commission feels it is desirable to prohibit potentially
larger scale medical clinics.
• Zone district changes are enacted by ordinance adopted by the Town Council.
• The Planning and Zoning Commision reviews the proposed annexation, zone district change,
preliminary/sketch plan and PUD plan. A public hearing has already been held, however
staff recommends accepting any additional public comment at the meeting.
• The Council reviews the ordinances along with the Commission's recommendation, then
determines whether to approve the ordinance on first reading and set a public hearing. Final
adoption can occur once Council holds the public hearing and votes on the ordinance.
• The applicant is requesting final design review approval concurrent with the PUD. Staff
recommends that the Final Design Review not be considered until the PUD is acted on by the
commission. This will allow for the final design review plans to reflect the recommendations
by Planning and Zoning Commisison and correct the deficiencies noted in the staff report and
address the outstanding concerns noted by the Town Engineer.
The procedure for the September 3, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting is as
1. Staff presentation
2. applicant's presentation
3. receive comments from public
4. discussion by the Commisison
5. Vote to recommend that the Town Council either:
• Approve the ordinance (changing the zone district to PUD, Sketch Plan/ Preliminary Plat,
plat, PUD development plan as proposed OR
• Approve with modifications: OR
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Chateau St. Claire, Annexation, Zoning„ Sketch plan/preliminary plat and PUD development plan. September 3,
1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page ,12
• Not approve the ordinance OR
• Table all or some of the applications.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the Annexation, Sketch Plan, Preliminary Plat, and PUD
plan subject to the conditions outlined in the recommended motion.
Recommended Motion:
Approve Chateau St. Claire Annexation, Sketch Plan/Preliminary Plat and PUD plans
dated August 29, 1996 subject to the following conditions:
1. A sidewalk system be constructed on site and extended west to the Avon Road Intersection.
Construction plans for the sidewalk will be required with the submittal of the final plat.
2. The applicants contribute a proportional share toward the round a bouts to accommodate
additional traffic that would be generated by the site.
3. All landscaping above 36 inches in a 30 foot site distance triangle be removed from the site
4. Four parking spaces be removed from across the underground parking entrance to provide an
increased turning radius and minimize conflicts between cars entering the site.
5. Four parking spaces be removed from the south end of the parking ramp.
6. Landscaping be provided at the end of the parking ramp.
7. Parking garages be deleted as a principal allowed use from the PUD.
8. The PUD be amended to indicate that retaining walls be allowed in the setback.
9. Parking calculations will be determined at the time of final design review. The actual
leasable floor area needs to be provided with dimensions of the areas.
10. All of the Town Engineer's comments be addressed before the final design review
application be presented before the Planning and Zoning Commision.
11. The garage floor plan be revised to indicate that all compact parking spaces will meet
minimum dimensions.
12. Two more handicap parking spaces be provided to meet the accessibility requirements of the
13. An emergency access easement across the parking lot with steps or other means of accessing
Lot 2 needs to be provided to the town.
14. The ridgeline building height be limited to 72 feet from existing grade and the tower be
limited to a maximum height of 82 feet.
If you have any questions regarding this project, please call me at 949-4280. A reduced copy of
the project plan is attached to this report. If this plan is missing or otherwise not usable, please
contact the Community Development Department for another copy. You are welcome to stop by
during regular business hours to review the full size plans prior to the public hearing on May 7.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\090396\chateapz.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280
Chateau St. Claire, Annexation, Zoning„ Sketch plan/preliminary plat and PUD development plan. September 3,
1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page ,13
Karen Griffith, AICP
Town Planner
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\090396\chateapz.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280
Chateau St. Claire, Annexation, Zoning„ Sketch plan/preliminary plat and PUD development plan. September 3,
1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting, page ,14
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted OJ Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Denied ❑ Tabled ❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
o Date
Jack Hu , h it
Attest: e�_,�
iLtCL� Date /3
Sue Railton, Secretary
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\090396\chateapz.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280