PZC Minutes 061996MEMORANDUM
DATE: June 19, 1996
TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
RE: Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
June 18, 1996
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order
by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:34 p.m., June 18, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. All members were present except
Commissioner Reynolds.
Members Present:
Jack Hunn
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Henry Vest
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Staff Present: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Director of Community Development
Call to Order
Roll Call
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Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Conflicts of Interest
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the May 21, 1996 Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
B. Approval of the June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
C. Lot 33, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision:
Mountain View Building Specialties, Inc.
Project Type: Wall Sign
Owner: Beck Family Partnership
Applicant: Mountain View Specialties, Inc.
Address: 0780 Nottingham Road
Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with item `B" removed for
further discussion. Seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the motion carried unanimously.
Continuation of Concept Design Review
B. Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: 10 Unit Multi -Family Townhomes
Owner/Applicant: Phil Theriault
Consultant: Ron Preston, Architect
Address: 1080 West Wildwood Road
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Steve
Hodges presented a video of the property to the Commission. Mr. Preston, Architect, made a
brief presentation and presented site plans to the Commission. The Commission commented on
the 8% cetan grade, parking, color of the garage doors, trash removal, rock retaining wall,
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mirror image of the buildings, and requested additional shrubbery be added to the landscape
plan. No formal action was taken.
Final Design Review
D. Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision: Disher Duplex
Project Type: Final Design
Owner: Jim Disher
Applicant: Michael Silbert, Architect
Address: 2649 Beartrap Road
George Harrison made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Jim
Disher, owner, made a brief presentation and presented a stucco and gravel Sample to the
Commission. ,Fc�
Commissioner Railton was concerned about the setback on the roads': Mr. Harrison stated that
there was a 10 foot easement on every property.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the landscaping on the west side of the building. Mr.
Disher stated that the location of the landscaping on the west consisted of a berm, native plants
and shrubbery.
Commissioner Vest was concerned about the site disturbance shown on the site plan and stated
that more dirt will be taken off the property than previously shown.
Chairperson Hunn asked about the redesigning of the driveway. Mr. Harrison stated there wa �
two issues3easements, and accessibility, which would be enhanced by the increase of the radius
of the driveway. Mr. Disher stated that irrigation would be added to the landscape plans, and the
retaining walls would be stucco or boulder rock finish.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to approve Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision with
the following conditions:
The Landscape Legend be amended to state that all Narrowleaf
Cottonwood Trees will be a minimum of 2" in caliper.
2. All flues, flashings and galvanized metal will be painted to match
surrounding materials.
All utility meters will be placed upon the building.
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4. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
Seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the motion carried unanimously.
E. Lot 87, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision: Rosenfeld
Project Type: Landscape Plan Modification
Owner/Applicant: John Rosenfeld
Address: 5755 E. Wildridge Road
Steve Hodges presented a video of the project to the Commission. Karen Griffith made a brief
presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report and Larry McNeil, owner, presented
pictures to the Commission. Mr. McNeil clarified the engineering of the stone wall. This
retaining wall was approved with natural boulders and was pertified and designed by an engineer.
Commissioner Karow asked about the location of the four trees. Mr. McNeil stated that the trees
would be on the south side of the snow storage area.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the height of the retaining walls. Mr. McNeil mentioned
that one wall was 3.5 feet high and the other wall at 10.5 feet, with the dimensions of the
materials used at 2x2x6.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned that this type of retaining wall was not appropriate for all
applicants in this situation. Ms. Griffith stated that the applicant r .e e �fo::: a
roduced adequate coverage to screen the walls.
Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve Lot 87, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision with the
following condition:
1. Four (4)Spruce trees (non -dwarf variety) with a minimum planting height
of six feet be planted east of the garage and south of the snow storage area
to screen the block walls.
Seconded by Commissioner Railton and the motion carried unanimously.
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F. Lots 14 & 15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision: Vail /Avon Commercial Park
Project Type: Master Sign Program Modification
Owner/Applicant: Vail/Avon Commercial Condominium Association
Address: 0371 Metcalf Road
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff Report. Carrie
Shaw spoke on behalf of the Vail/Avon Commercial Condominium Association. Ms. Shaw
made a brief presentation and presented pictures to the Commission. Ms. Shaw stated that the
smaller, wooden signs are not working well with the visibility from the road.. Ms. Shaw
requested that the Commission allow the signs to be located above the windows of the
Chairperson Hunn asked about the sign program. Ms. Griffith stated that the tenants signs are
now stacked on the side of the building, and the applicants want the signs to be relocated above
each individual business. Ms. Shaw stated that all the tenants and businesses would have to
follow the criteria that all signs would be 2x8 cabinet signs, and approved by Staff.
Commissioner Karow made a motion to approve Lots 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek Subdivision with the following conditions:
All wall signs be cabinet signs.
2. All wall signs be placed at the same height on respective floors.
3. The lights be turned off at 9:00 P.M.
4. The maximum dimension of the signs be 2 x 8 and all consistent.
5. Limit one sign per business.
Seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the motion carried 4 (four) to 2 (two) votes, with
Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Schneider opposing.
G. Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision:
Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant
Project Type: Above Ground Storage Tank
Owners: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District
Applicant: Gusty Kanakis
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Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Gusty
Kanakis spoke on behalf of Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District and made a
brief presentation.
Chairperson Hunn stated he was in support of the above ground storage tanks.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the removal of the underground tanks. Mr. Kanakis stated
that the rules for the year 1999 mentions underground tanks that are 10 years or older must be
removed and updated. Mr. Kanakis stated that the underground tanks were located about 150
feet from the river and would be replaced with the above ground storage tanks in the same area.
Commissioner Karow questioned the Town of Avon's temporary approval measure of 3 years.
Mike Matzko stated that the Town Codes provide for of temporary storage tanks and this
measure would allow the applicant to complete construction and the Town to consider changing
the regulations.
Commissioner Railton asked about the dirt pile located by the river and tank site. Mr. Kanakis
stated that the dirt pile will be removed as required by the Town of Avon, a chain link fence
would surround the property and be properly landscaped.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to approve Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision with the following conditions:
Above ground fuel tanks be approved as a temporary use for a one year
time period to conform to Town Code.
2. The tanks be painted to match the building.
Seconded by Commissioner Railton and the motion carried unanimously.
H. Lots 1 & 2, Nottingham Station Subdivision: Burger King
Project Type: Master Sign Program and Satisfaction of Conditions of Final
Design Approval
Owners/Applicants: Bill and Robin Oldershaw
Address: 0015 Hurd Lane
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Bill
Oldershaw, owner and applicant for Burger King made a brief presentation. Mr. Oldershaw
compared the wattage of the Eagle, Monument and Avon Burger Kings as outlined in the
attached letter presented to the Commission. Mr. Oldershaw stated he liked the wattage of the
Slifer Building.
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Commissioner Vest questioned Mr. Oldershaw on the height of the light poles in the Eagle
Burger King and the wattage of the Slifer Building. Mr. Oldershaw said he did not have an
answer for these questions but did state that 400 watts was very low for commercial use.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the overlapping of the lights in the parking lot. Mr.
Oldershaw stated that this light was very important to keep in this location because of the drive
through visibility. The overlapping was about eight feet with a single headed lamp.
Commissioner Karow was comfortable with the 2000 watt total for the Burger King.
Commissioner Railton asked about the closing time of the Burger King. Mr. Oldershaw stated
that the actual time would be to close at 10:00 P.M. on Sundays through Thursdays and at 12:00
A.M. on Fridays and Saturdays. The Shopette lights would be turned off about 12:00 A.M. at
this time. The tenants would need to come before the Commission for approval of their business
closing time.
C _,
Chairperson Hunn stated a note on the site plan showed 7 lightsrised
e installed, another plan
showed 4 lights. Ms. Griffith stated that only 4 lights would bealled along the roadway.
Chairperson Hunn asked if the band on top of the Burger King to cover up the
mechanical equipment, or be painted to match the color of the band. Ms. Griffith suggested a
screening technique. Mr. Oldershaw stated to the Commission he would look into the matter to
cover up the mechanical equipment on top of the building.
Commissioner Stanley made a to approve Lots 1 & 2, Nottingham Station Subdivision - Burger
King with the following conditions:
1. Parking lot lights and the signage lights be turned off after hours, with in
15 minutes after closing.
2. The maximum height of the metal halide light standards are not exceed 20
feet in height and not to exceed 400 watts.
3. One light standard by the shopette be removed.
4. The shopette parking lights be turned off at 10:00 P.M. on Sunday
through Thursday and 12:00 on Friday through Saturday.
Seconded by Commissioner Vest and the motion carries 5 (five ) to 1 (one) votes, with
Chairperson Hunn opposing.
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Public Hearing
A. Avon School Tract and Grace White Tract: Chateau St. Claire
Project Type: Annexation, Rezoning and PUD of Commercial and Retail
Owners: Grace White, et. al., and H&R Contracting
Applicants: Danny Brose and George Roberts
Consultant: Ken Long
Property Address: 37333 State Highway 6/24
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the Staff report. Staff recommended
approval of the Chateau St. Claire Annexation, and PUD Rezoning to the Town Council, Town
of Avon, with the condition that the PUD zoning was conditioned upon approval of the PUD
development plan.
Steve Isom from Isom and Associates Architects, spoke on behalf for the Chateau St. Claire
project. Mr. Isom presented some drawing boards and models to the Commission, then followed
with a brief presentation of the project. Mr. Isom presented a letter dated June 12, 1996 to the
Commission. This letter contained comments and concerns brought up in the meeting. Mr. Isom
was concerned about the Beaver Creek side, and suggested the old Cottonwoods be removed
for the safety of the building. He also stated that there were no geological hazards identified,�oil
reports were prepared by Intermountain Engineering showing bedrock down 27 to 29 feet and on
the site. Although there were encroachments on the 30 foot setback, there was no wetland
vegetation on site and the underground parking will be used by the employees. Mr. Isom stated
there were 216 spaces for parking, 5 spaces were removed for landscaping. Due to the
encroachments, the parking spaces would be primarily used by compact cars.
Chairperson Hunn opened Public Hearing. As there was no request to speak, he closed the Public
Hearing and began Commission review.
Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant about the current PUD approval. Mr. Isom stated the
applicants,,-was'lvorking on a detailed annexation agreement which describes what will be on the
site, which in turn will protect both the Town of Avon and the applicant. Mr. Isom recommend
that the Commission approve the Annexation and the PUD Zoning simultaneously. Chairperson
Hunn was concerned about the unresolved issues at this time.
Mike Matzko stated that the Folsom Tract was zoned SPA (special planned area), but does not
have an approved development plan.
Commissioner Stanley asked about CDOT's requirement for traffic control. Mr. Isom stated that
he would need to make a formal application with them. Mr. Isom stated that the pedestrian
sidewalk will connect to Village Road and that the parking lot and sidewalk do encroach
on the 30 foot stream setback, with about 3 feet of disturbance.
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Chairperson Hunn asked about the location of the traffic signal in the year 2000. Mr. Isom stated
a lot depended on the Folsom property and that the traffic study completed went to the year 2015.
Commissioner Vest stated that he was not in favor of the deck encroaching onto Beaver Creek
stream setback and asked about the building coverage for the site. Mr. Isom stated the coverage
was about 32%.
Commissioner Vest was concerned about the building height, pitch of the roof and Town of
Avon bus service. Mr. Isom stated the height of the building was 67 feet at the ridge with the
tower at 74 feet, the pitch of the roof was 12/12 for 63 feet, and discussion has taken place with
the Town of Avon and Eagle County transportation departments with the possibility of using
service vans for this complex. Commissioner Vest was concerned about the size of the project.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the Cottonwood trees that were to be removed and if these
trees where shown on the site plan. Mr. Isom stated the trees are shown in detail on the plans.
Mr. Isom stated the snow storage area would be heated, the berm on the north side of the
parking lot will be 3 feet tall with heavy vegetation, and that the grade was 2 feet below the
Commissioner Karow asked about the formula used to figure the parking ratio to the size of the
building. Ms. Griffith stated that item number 12 on the Staff report explained the development
standards and read a portion of the report to the Commission. Ms. Griffith stated that 254 spaces
would be required, assuming no reductions.
Commissioner Railton had three concerns: parking, not in favor of any reduction with the
parking spaces: no development in the 30 foot stte 'etback, and adequate pedestrian walkways.
unn stated that his number one concern was the setback from Beaver Creek t o
proposed buffer zone. Upon reviewing the 100 year flood plain map and the 30 foot
setback map, a decision would be made. Chairperson Hunn stated that he was not in favor of the
encroachment of the deck onto Beaver Creek if it touched the ground and suggested air space
over the ground. The vegetation in the area was considered wetland species, and removal of the
trees does require mitigation, and recommended a mitigation plan be prepared for removal of the
trees. With the snow storage area equaling 20% of the parking lot, concern was made regarding 7-IrL�-'
adequate parking spaces needed for the parking reduction. The _ grade standard_was 8%�
with the commercial development showing a proposed 10% n-d'heated ramp,
which faced the north side. Chairperson Hunn suggested to redrthbest
rade to 8% for safety
reasons, should the heating unit fail. With all issues discussed, solution was to reduce
the size of the building. P -o -&x \ .e .1 L/'t LAJ d i
Mike Matzko recommended that the Commission approve the Annexation with conditions to the
PUD Zoning.
Karen Griffith stated the Town Council passed the first Resolution and the second Resolution of
compliance for the State Statue was scheduled for July 9, 1996.
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Steve Isom recommended that the Annexation press forward and asked to table with the Town
Commissioner Railton made a motion to•ve the Avon School Tract and Grace White
Tract/Chateau St. Claire Annexation to the Avon Town Council with the following items tabled:
1. The PUD Rezoning.
2. The PUD Development plan to follow the rezoning.
3. The sketch plan and preliminary plat.
Seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the motion carried unanimously. op, ° y�
Other Business 1
Mike Matzko introduced Marvin Simon, owner of Lot 8, Block 4, Wildridge. Mr. Matzkostated
that Mr. Simon had made some modifications to the approved plan which included the following:
a wheel chair ramp, shotcrete retaining wall, wider driveway, additional landscaping, carport:
gutter system around the house, clumps of 12 foot Aspen trees with a drip irrigation system,
railing on top of the retaining wall, and a wider stairway. Mr. Matzko recommended that the
applicant get Staff approval regarding the exterior lights.
Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve Lot 8, Block 4, Wildridge with the following
The retaining wall design be approved by an engineer.
2. Staff approval of exterior lights.
Seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the motion carried 5 (five) to 1 (one) votes, with
Commissioner Sys pposing-
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Mike Matzko announced a contractors meeting and open discussion with the Commission for the
July 16, 1996, meeting.
Staff to draft an Ordinance to correct the problems associated to the regulations for construction
activities, animal control, noise, dust, and trash pollution and parking control.
Commissioner Vest made a motion to table the June 4, 1996, Planning and Zoning Commission
Minutes and to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the meeting
adjourned at 12:28 A.M.
Resp ct lly submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Secretary
A. Reynolds
M. Schneider ,
B. Stan
H. Vest