PZC Minutes 070296Memorandum Date: July 16, 1996 T o : Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary R e : Minutes of the July 2, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:33 p.m., July 2, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, Colorado. All members were present except for Commissioner Reynolds. Members Present Jack Hunn Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Henry Vest Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Gary Murrain, Building Official Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith asked that the Concept Design Review for, Lot 66, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision be conducted following the Consent Agenda. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Schneider declared a conflict of interest and requested to be removed from discussion on "Other Business" regarding Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. j Ap&z\minutes\070296.doc Consent agenda Approval of the June 4, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Approval of the June 18, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Lot 52, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Patriacca Duplex Project Type: Color Modification Owner: Rick Patriacca Applicant: Dick Patriacca Address: 2640 Beartrap Road Lot 41, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Schurenstedt Duplex Project Type: Material and Color Modification Owner: Rex Schurenstedt Applicant: Ron Diehl Property Address: 4015 West Wildridge Road Lot 3, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Lakeview Condominiums Project Type: Roof Material Modification Owner: Lakeview Condominium Homeowners Association Applicant: Gary Stevens, Manager Address: 0816 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve the Consent Agenda, with items "A" and "B" to be corrected. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion carries 5 (five) to 1 (one) votes, with Chairperson Hunn opposing. Continuation of Concept design Review Lot 66, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Duplex Owner: Dan Nelson Applicant: Ron Diehl Property Address: 5221 East Wildridge Road OA Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the Staff report. Jeff Cunningham made a brief presentation, (Ron Diehl was unable to attend). Commissioners expressed concern with the following items: driveway, building height and size, snow storage, and rock retaining walls, and suggested additional landscaping, additional color and detail to the stucco. No formal action was taken. Final Design Review Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision Phase I - Brookside PUD Project Type: Multi -family & Commercial PUD Mixed Use Owner: Frank Navarro Applicant: Rick Pylman Property Address: 37333 Highway 6 and 24 Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the Staff report. Steve Hodges presented a video to the Commission. Rick Pyleman, consultant, made a brief presentation and presented display boards, pictures and a color rendering board to the Commission. Commissioner Vest asked Staff about the location of the dumpsters on the property. Ms. Griffith requested that this issue be subject to Staff approval Ms. Griffith recommended the location of the dumpsters to be by the parking lot or building. Mr. Pylman stated that phase I will have a total of 129 parking spaces. 37 spaces will be located in the garage area, and 93 spaces on the surface area. Phase I will also have 61 Blue Spruce, with the size break down as; 10 eight foot, 20 ten foot , 20 twelve foot, and 11 fourteen foot trees, 22 Cottonwood Trees with 21/2 inch caliper, 70 Aspen Trees, 35 of those with a 2 inch caliper and the other 35 with a 3 inch caliper, 3 flowering Crab Apple trees with a 4 inch caliper, and 150 shrubs. Although detailed, additional plans are not available at this time, the owner was committed to these quantities. A landscape plan will be provided. Mr. Pylman announced 2 changes on the site plan for Commissions approval. No. 1 was the circulation system, including a relocation of the access point per the Colorado Department of Transportation, and an additional landscape island, No. 2 was the lighting plan; location, number of lights, and wattage on the property. Frank Navarro, owner, made a brief presentation and presented a color rendering board to the Commission. Commissioner Railton asked about the blank wall on the east elevation of the site. Mr. Navarro stated landscaping would be provided. Commissioner Karow asked about the parking spaces on the eastern side of the property and the slope on the southeast elevation. Mr. Navarro stated the parking spaces on the grade were going down hill, and a 41/2 to 5 foot retaining wall added for support, not to exceed 51/2 feet. 3 Commissioner Schneider asked about the removal of the trees and the bike path. Mr. Navarro stated that the unhealthy trees would be removed and relandscaped. Mr. Navarro stated that the bike path on the site plan was the same as the Town of Avon Recreation Master Plan and on the County's Trail Plan. George Harrison stated that Town of Avon will have a Trail system and that a lot depends on the railroad abandonment. Commissioner Vest asked about the color chip on the display board. Mr. Navarro stated the color to be more of a rust color used by Vail Associates on the lift enclosures in Beaver Creek. Commissioner Vest was concerned about the neighbors using the trash receptacles and swimming pool. Mr. Navarro stated that this situation would be handled by an effective management and control of the property. Commissioner Stanley asked about the dumpster enclosure. Mr. Navarro stated that the enclosures would have gates to conceal the dumpsters and would match the building. Chairperson Hunn asked about the landscape and the regrading on the lot. Mr. Navarro stated that there would be a loss of some Cottonwood Trees, the Spruce Trees will remain. Mr. Navarro used the site plans to describe the areas that would be affected. The ditch will be cleaned and landscaped. Chairperson Hunn suggested that the base of the east elevation on the building be the darker color. Mr. Navarro stated that he would check into this. Karen Griffith recommended that the mechanical equipment be screened or painted and asked that the pool be fenced in for safety factors. Mr. Navarro stated that "No Trespassing", and "Private Property" signs would be posted around the property. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve final design for Phase I (Building A) of Brookside Park, Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision, as shown on the plan set dated 6/10/96, subject to the following conditions: 1. A master sign program be presented to and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. The program will include relocating the freestanding sign to meet the 10 foot setback. 2. The parking analysis be revised on the site plan to reflect the mixed use formula that was used to calculate the parking requirement. 3. The grading plan be revised to address concerns including disturbance in the 30 foot setback and slopes exceeding 2:1. Details and materials are to be provided for all retaining walls. Any wall over four feet tall requires a P.E. stamp. 4. The river setback/ non disturb line be clearly delineated and labeled on the site plan. 5. All flues, flashings, galvanized metal and mechanical equipment to be screened and painted to match surrounding materials. 6. All meters are be placed upon the building. 7. All easements are to be clearly labeled on the site plan sheet. 4 8. Approval to reduce the stock pass under US Highway 6 and 24 to a 36 inch CMP is conditioned upon receipt of written approval from the Colorado Department of Transportation. 9. Approval to relocate and pipe the irrigation ditch shall be conditioned upon receipt of written approval from ditch owner which specifically includes permission to reduce proposed pipe size to 42". 10. East elevation be changed to provide darker base elements consistent with other elevation of the project. 11. Pool fencing, if necessary, to be approved by Staff. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 74, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - TNT Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Owner: Tommy Ambrosio Applicant: Eric Johnson, Architect Property Address: 2461 Saddle Ridge Loop George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the Staff report. Tommy Ambrosio, owner, made a brief presentation and presented a color sample board and display board to the Commission. Commissioner Stanley stated the northwest elevation needed an additional belly band to match the southwest elevation. Mr. Ambrosio stated that this was not shown on the site plan, because the floors plans were at two different levels and requested to keep the belly bands at floor level. Commissioner Vest asked about the length of the building, Mr. Ambrosio stated that the floor plans were at different levels and kept the roof line at one level. Commissioner Vest recommended the shingles be changed to a lighter color with a texture. Mr. Ambrosio stated this would not be a problem. Commissioner Schneider asked about the rock retaining wall on the easement and the type of rock that to be used in construction of the wall. Mr. Ambrosio said he talked to Norm Wood, Town Engineer, regarding the retaining wall on the easement and also stated the type of rock for the retaining wall to be an synthetic river rock, stating this style and type was in the budget. Commissioner Karow asked about the grading of the driveway, and suggest to move the building back to ease this problem. Mr. Ambrosio stated that to move the building back would hamper the views and explained the grade of the driveway was at 6 percent maximum for the first 20 feet down to 10 percent then back up to 4 percent before the garage door. Chairperson Hunn used the site plan to explain his concerns regarding the grade of the driveway, the hammerhead on the backside of the building, the 8 foot fill used for the corner patio, the culvert pipe for the driveway and the distance and dimension between the powder room wall and E the garage door. Mr. Ambrosio stated that with out a scale, the distance between the garage door and the powder room wall appeared to be about 20 feet. Chairperson Hurn stated additional landscaping would be needed, such as quantity and placement of trees. Commissioner Railton asked the applicant to check on the type of trees being planted, due to climate and water use. Mr. Ambrosio stated that Aspen trees were one the hardest trees to grow in Wildridge, and that the Cottonwoods faired very well there with a drip system. Motion Commissioner Railton made a motion to table final design for Lot 74, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Avon Project Type: Final Design Modification, Addition Property Owner: Tim Garton, Kim Peterson Applicant: Ed Ladwig, Dokken Architects Property Address: 0150 East Beaver Creek Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the Staff report. Tim Garton, property owner, made a brief presentation and used the easel to present facts and figures to the Commission. Commissioner Stanley asked if revising the method to calculate the square footage would change Staffs opinion. Mr. Harrison stated "no", that this was a mixed used project by definition under today's standards and the applicants would have to meet these requirements. Tim Garton mentioned he worked with the Town of Avon in formulating these regulations and stated the intent was missing. Mr. Garton said the first regulation on page 14-9 list the parking spaces as 4 per 1000 for retail, 3 per 1000 for office and 1 per 60 square feet of restaurants. Mr. Garton said to use the mixed use calculation if you have a restaurant when it was applicable, at this time, it was not applicable. Mr. Garton stated that this project should not be calculated as a mixed use, that Columbine Bakery was relocating to the Avon Plaza, with 240 square feet for seating and 2000 square feet for the bakery. Chairperson Hurn asked about the additional parking spaces and the conversion of retail space to a restaurant Mr. Garton said this was already done when the permit was issued and that under paragraph "C", of the parking requirements have been met. Mr. Garton stated 4 parking spaces were available for seating and 4 for the bakery. Commissioner Railton asked how many seats would be in the restaurant. Mr. Garton replied with 35 to 40 seats at this time. 6 George Harrison clarified the size of the restaurant space was 1985 square feet, multiple that by 4 then divide by 1000 gives the parking requirement of 8 spaces, multiple 8 by 60 gives 480 square feet allowed for seating area in the restaurant. Mike Matzko demonstrated facts and figures on the easel for the applicant and Commission. Mr. Garton stated 5.5 parking spaces was to small for the size of the restaurant. Mr. Garton said he would wait until the figures checked out with Staff. Commissioner Karow agreed with Commissioner Railton that there was a parking problem in Avon, with the understanding of the calculations for parking spaces verses square footage. Commissioner Karow stated the project was short 23 spaces with out the addition. Commissioner Vest stated that without the bakery, 956 square feet of additional office space on the second floor will only have 73 spaces, and asked the applicant if that was the total required parking prior to construction of this addition. Mr. Garton said "no", that there were too many parking spaces prior to this addition. George Harrison stated the parking figures arrived on Thursday and was calculated by the old procedure, the applicant was allowed 71 parking spaces, at this time the they have 73, as the project exists now, without the addition. Karen Griffith stated that the Slifer Building was calculated under the mixed use formula. Chairperson Hunn stated the application should be based on the written Parking Ordinance. Mr. Garton agreed with the Commission but not with Staff's interpretation of the parking requirements. Motion Commissioner Vest moved to deny approval of final design for Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, as shown on the plan set dated March 27, 1996, for failure to meet the Town parking requirements as detailed in Chapter 17.24 of the Avon Municipal Code. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing None Scheduled Other Business Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision - Myerstein Residence Update on Stop Work Order. Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the memorandum, dated June 28, 1996. 7 Mr. Matzko presented to Commission drawings of the projects building envelope. Mike Schneider, contractor, spoke on behalf of the owner and made a brief presentation. Mr. Schneider stated the survey and staking was done by Intermountain Engineering and that the house was constructed according to the survey. The building was then constructed to exceed the approved building height by as much as 7 feet. Mr. Matzko stated that a design modification or a variance would be needed to correct this problem. No formal action was taken. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the cooking smoke from the Eagle Burger King, and asked Staff if there was some type of filter system available to ensure this would not happen to the Avon Burger King. Commissioner Railton asked about Avon Crossing chimney, stucco and siding. Staff stated the applicant would be meeting with them on July 3, 1996 regarding these issues. Mike Matzko talked about the comp plan and asked the Commission about the level of discussion and schedule. Karen Griffith stated a tentative meeting was scheduled with the Town Council on July 9, 1996. Adjourn Commissioner Railton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the meeting adjourned at 12:33 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon J. U 61 A. Reynolds M. Schneider ` B. Stanley ✓ H. Vest 8