L23 B3 WR Duplex DesignTown of Avon
Final Design Staff ortRep
May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Project type
Legal description
May 3, 1996
Duplex -final design review
4266 W. Wildridge Road
Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
PUD -Duplex
The proposed duplex is a 4,400 square foot structure with 2,200 square feet on each side. The
structure is a contemporary home with stucco siding, timber trim and an Elk Prestige Antique
The site faces west and slopes up from Wildridge Road. The lot is .67 acres and has slopes of
about 18 percent.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
The site plan is in conformance with the Zoning Code and other regulations, including:
• The building meets all setbacks; the boulder walls are less than 4 feet in height and are not
located in any setbacks.
• There is no encroachment into utility easements or road maintenance easement.
• The 30 foot building falls within the 35 foot height limitation.
• The driveway grades are less than the maximum 4 percent requirement at the edge of the road
and less than the maximum of 10 percent for the rest of the driveway.
• An adequate snow storage area has been provided.
• The parking requirements of two spaces per unit have been satisfied with two car garage for
each unit.
• The retaining wall in the northeasterly corner of the building does not appear to be adequate
to provide grades or space required for positive drainage around building. The site plan
indicates the northeasterly corner of the deck on the north end of the building will be below
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Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subaivision, Review, page 2
May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be
constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
The stucco and timber trim materials are found on many other homes in the neighborhood
and are compatible with the building site.
3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
The structure is 112 feet long and parallels the road. The duplex includes features to break up the
massing and provide visual interest, including a varied roof line, timbers, the chimney chases and use
of columns. Staff suggests that additional shrubs are needed between the driveway and the road to
provide screening of the driveway. Staff also recommends more ornamental shrubs. The proposed
sage is found on the site. Given the expanse of asphalt driveway and length of the structure,
introducing more variety and more ornamental shrubs could screen the driveway and provide more
visual interest.
4. The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography.
The building is located parallel to the existing topo lines and is compatible with the site
5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways.
As stated previously, more shrubs are recommended below the driveway, which parallels the
road. A variety of shrubs would be appropriate to provide more visual interest.
6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that
values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The home has a unique design yet it is not dissimilar to many other "contemporary mountain
living" structures in the neighborhood..
7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and
Programs for the Town of Avon.
Although the duplex has elements of a mirror image duplex, the units have different design
features and are therefore in conformance with the Design Guidelines requirement that mirror
image duplexes are not allowed. The site plan conforms to the steep slope guidelines by
siting the building parallel with the topography and minimizing grading.
Staff believes the proposed exterior patio lights are in conflict with the Design Guideline
requirements that the source of light not be visible. The top of the fixture is shielded,
however since the lights are significantly higher than the road, they will likely cause off-site
glare. Staff recommends that the lighting fixtures be changed to ones that have seeded glass
or can lights where the source is completely shielded.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the recommended motion.
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Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subaivision, Review, page 3
May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Recommended Motion:
Approve Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision with the following conditions to satisfied at
time of building permit submittal:
1. Ten additional shrubs be added between the driveway and the road.
2. A variety of shrubs be substituted for the proposed sage brush.
3. The lighting fixtures be changed to seeded glass.
4. Grading and drainage issues be addressed.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 949-
4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submi d, —
Karen Griffith, AI
Town Planner
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Lot 23, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Review, page 4
May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Denied
Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
1. 10 Additional shrubs be added between driveway and the road.
2. A variety of shrubs be substituted for the proposed sae brush.
3. The lighting fixtures be changed to white globe type fixture.
4. Window wells in the rear should have the side teared.
5. Deatailina colors on pillars.
6. Windows on side elevation over kitchen sink.
Date -5 %
Sue Railton, Secretary
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(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280