L29 B2 WR Conditions of ApprovalMemorandum Date: May'), 1996 To: Planning & Zoning Commission From: George H. Harrison, Planner Re: Lot 29, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision-Terramont Duplex; Satisfaction of Conditions of Approval On April 16, 1996 the Commission approved the above project's Final Design with the following conditions: 1. Staff recommendations 1 & 2 (91 That the six (6) Potentilla bushes be a minimum of five (5) gallon planting size). (92 That additional information be provided to ensure the proposed exterior light fixtures will not cause off-site light pollution, for staff approval). 2. The exterior stucco color be brought back for approval 3. The window detail be brought back for approval 4. The roof sample be brought back for approval 5. The deck lights will be downlight cylinders 6. The hammerhead will be preserved 7. The undersides of the decks will be stained The applicant is now returning to the Commission to address conditions 1(42), 2, 3, 4 and 5. Cut sheet are provided that show the new proposed exterior light fixtures and the new roof material. The material sample board has been painted with a darker stucco color and is available for viewing in our offices. The revised elevations show the new window details. j: \p&z\050796\29b2wr3. d oc Lot 29, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Satisfaction of Conditions, page 2 May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Planning & Zoning Commission Action Z Approved as submitted ❑ Denied ❑ Approved with conditions (noted below) ❑ Tabled ❑ Withdrawn by applicant Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number): LJack Huf,Mir Attest: Sue Railton, Secretall Date Date "'