PZC Minutes 052196MEMORANDUM
DATE: May 22, 1996
TO: Honorable Mayor and Town Council
FROM: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
RE: Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting
May 21, 1996
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:33 p.m., May 21, 1996, in the Council Chambers,
Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members were
Members Present:
Jack Hunn
Sue Railton
Buz Reynolds, Jr.
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Henry Vest
Andrew Karow
Staff Present: Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Director of Community Development
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Norm Wood, Town Engineer
Bill James, Town Manager
John Dunn, Town Attorney
Council Present: Tom Hines
C.C. Nottingham
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
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Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Schneider stated that as he was an applicant for a project on Lot 64, Block
4, Wildridge Subdivision, he would abstain from the discussion and voting on this item.
Consent Agenda
The following items were scheduled on the Consent Agenda:
A. Approval of the May 7, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting
B. Lot 14 & 15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision-Vail/Avon
Commercial Park
Project Type: Master Sign Program Modification
Owner/Applicant: Vail/Avon Commercial Condominium Association
Address: 371 Metcalf Road
C. Lot 52, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision-Patriacca Duplex
Project Type: Color Modification and Satisfaction of Conditions -
Landscape Plan
Owner: Rick Patriacca
Applicant: Rick Patriacca
Address: 2640 Beartrap Road
D. Lot 37, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision-
Nawajczyk Duplex
Project Type: Addition
Owner/Applicant: Hazel Nawajczyk
Address: 0228 West Beaver Creek Blvd.
E. Lot 6, Tract B, Eaglebend Subdivision-Anghel Residence
Project Type: Fence
Owner/Applicant: Doru Anghel
Address: 4673 Englebend Drive
F. Lot 67/68, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Project Type: Sign Approval
Property Owner: City Market
Applicant: Gallina Co.
Property Address: 260 Beaver Creek Blvd.
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Item A was tabled until June 4, 1996 Planning & Zoning meeting.
Karen Griffith briefly explained the Consent Agenda as outlined in the Staff reports.
Item B was pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion.
Regarding Item D, Chairperson Hunn asked if the proposed addition would displace
existing landscaping. George Harrison stated that 3 aspen trees would be displaced and
moved westward from the addition.
Item E was pulled from the Consent Agenda for further discussion
Regarding Item F, Karen Griffith stated there was a change to the Master Sign Program in
that the additional cabinet signs would be illuminated and turned off automatically by
11:00 p.m. Chairperson Hunn requested that Item F be pulled from the Consent Agenda
for further discussion.
Commissioner Vest amended the motion to table item "A" to the next meeting and move
items "B" and "E" to the end of the regular agenda for further discussion. Second by
Commissioner Railton and the motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing
A. Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision, PUD Amendment No. 3
Project Type: Amendment to PUD to modify building envelopes
Owners/Applicants: Canyon Run LLC
Applicants: Ken Shapiro
Property Address: 120-320 Hurd Lane
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report, and
listed each of the criteria, contained in the Municipal Code, for evaluation of a PUD
Ken Shapiro spoke on behalf for Shapiro Development Company and Canyon Run, LLC.
Mr. Shapiro stated taht on May 7, 1996, finalization of the Condominium Map and ILC
(Improvement Location Certificate) revealed a conflict between the actual location of the
building and the building envelopes specified in the approved PUD.
Commissioner Reynolds asked when the first ILC was done. Mr. Shapiro stated that the
first ILC was prepared to coincide with the completion of framing. Ken mentioned that
he was informed by the building official to have the ILC prepared at that time. On May 7,
1996, Mr. Shapiro received a call from Arlain at Intermountain Engineering, asking if he
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wanted to show the building envelopes on the Condominium Map and ILC, as the
buildings did not comply with the approved building envelopes.
Chairperson Hunn opened the Public Hearing. No members of the public requested to
speak. Chairperson Hunn then closed the Public Hearing, and opened the Commission
discussion of the application.
Commissioner Reynolds asked how many buildings were under construction. Mr.
Shapiro responded that 3 buildings and a poured foundation, with building B being
approximately 80% complete, under roof and being drywalled, building C was ready for
roof framing, building D had a foundation with framing to 2nd floor deck, the building A
site had been slightly graded before the project was stopped. Mr. Shapiro stated that the
height and grading problems with building D were due to shifting of the building south
by 5 feet, which also put it on a lower grade. Mr. Shapiro said that to rectifying this
problem would require lowering the 2nd and 3rd floors by 4 inches. Mr. Shapiro stated
that his company supplied IME (Intermountain Engineering) with a CAD file, an
automated drawing file that measured in inches and feet, which showed all the buildings
in the approved envelopes for construction. He stated that an employee from IME
translated the drawings into decimals (tenths), created the rounding errors that changed
the building envelopes. Duke from Intermountain Engineering stated that the current
buildings on the north side, developed by Winter Green Homes, were completed with out
error, as verified by ILCs.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the size of building A. Mr. Shapiro stated that
building A was a six plex, with only 2 attached garages. Commissioner Stanley asked if
access to the Eagle River would be provided. Mr. Shapiro stated that access would be
located between buildings C & D and between buildings F & G.
Commissioner Vest asked Staff to explain recommendation number 4. Mr. Matzko stated
this was a design element rather than a PUD modification.
Commissioner Schneider asked what type of retaining wall would be installed. Mr.
Shapiro described a gabion retaining wall as cylindrical bags filled with earth, formerly
used in buildings and fortifications. These bags, if properly irrigated and seeded would
grow vegetation. Commissioner Schneider asked about the decks on building D. Mr.
Shapiro stated that the upper decks extended out 6 feet, and suggested, at an extreme, the
decks on the first floor would be eliminated, with landscaping provided.
Commissioner Karow asked Mr. Shapiro if the landscape plan would be affected by the
grading. Mr. Shapiro stated the landscape plan be affected and new plans would be
presented to the Commission for approval. Ed Smith, architect for Shapiro Development,
clarified that the landscape in the back of building D would be kept in a natural state,
without sod or flower beds and the gabion retaining wall would help with erosion control.
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Chairperson Hunn expressed concerned that building D was 5 feet closer to the no disturb
area and that the Design Review Board should review the proposed solution before
Commissioner Reynolds asked Sam Ecker, from Peak Land Surveying, to explain the
situation at Canyon Run. Mr. Ecker stated that the original site plan did not show the
property line or the building envelopes in relationship to the property. Mr. Ecker
obtained a copy of the recorded plat and title commitment, which showed the legal
description, setbacks and easements, but no envelopes. Mr. Shapiro recommend that an
amended plat be recorded to show the building envelopes and to have the ILC's
completed during footing construction.
John Dunn, Town Attorney, commented that the applicant was before the Commission to
amend the PUD and to consider the statements made by the applicant. Mr. Dunn
recommended to the Commission that they obtain all the pertinent information before
approving the PUD amendment.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to recommend that Council approve the PUD
amendment for Lot 4, Nottingham Station, PUD, based upon the following findings of
compliance with PUD criteria 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 8, with the following condition:
1. Record the PUD Amendment, and original PUD.
Seconded by Commissioner Stanley.
Restated Motion
Commissioner Railton amended motion to approve Resolution #96-5. Seconded by
Commissioner Stanley and the motion carried six (6) to one (1), with Commissioner
Reynolds opposing.
B. Tract Y, Proposed Mountain Star Filing No. 3
Project Type: Amendment to Zoning District Map
Applicant: Rick Pylman, Peter Jamar and Associates
Property Address: Unassigned, Metcalf Road
George Harrision made a brief presentation explaining the project as outlined in the Staff
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Chairperson Hunn asked Staff if the traffic impact would be part of the criteria. Mr.
Harrison stated the existing access from Metcalf Road was providing a level of service
for the existing commercial uses considered sufficient at this time.
Rick Pylman from Peter Jamar & Associates represented the owners. Mr. Pylman
explained there was 5 to 6 years of planning with the Mountain Star Development
and presented to the Commission a zoning map which showed Tract Y. On October,
1993, the Forest Service did issue a notice of decision to trade Tract Y to Mountain Star,
Chairperson Hunn opened the Public Hearing. No members of the public requested to
speak. The Chair then closed the hearing and opened the Commission discussion.
Commissioner Reynolds asked if Tract Y was intended for development or to complete
the "Big Square". Mr. Pylman stated that this tract of land would not be developed by
Mountain Star LLC, but sold and that traffic would be minor.
Commissioner Railton asked about the 1 out of 7 acres being developable. Mr. Pylman
stated that this was the parcel that was excluded from the Mountain Star PUD with access
being at the top of the lot. Commissioner Railton expressed concern about the semi -
trucks unloading and backing down the road and the traffic in general.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve the rezoning of Tract Y, Proposed
Mountain Star Filing No. 3 as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Vest.
Restated Motion
Commissioner Reynolds amended his motion to approve Resolution 96-4 with the Staff
recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Vest and the motion carried unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 64, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Single Family Home
Property/Owner: Glorie Schneider
Applicant: Michael Schneider
Street Address: 5110 Longsun Lane
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff
report. Commissioner Schneider excused himself from the discussion, based on his
stated conflict of interest.
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Jim Bryant, Architect, stated that the design of the house conforms to applicable
Commissioner Railton was concerned that the landscaping on the backside of the house
did not match the front side of the house and stated that a least 2 different clumps of trees
should be added.
Commissioner Karow asked about items number 2 and 5 regarding the visual appearance
and materials on the south side of the house. Mr. Bryant stated that this was a standard
metal vent and would be painted to match the stucco.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the utility cuts that go well beyond the "no
disturb" limited and asked what type of vegetation would be used to restore up this site
disturbed. Mr. Bryant stated that native seed mix would be used to minimized the
excavation done at the site. Chairperson Hunn requested sage to be replanted in the area.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to approve Lot 64, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
with the following conditions:
A minimum of four (4) trees be added to the north elevation.
2. The exterior light fixtures be shown on the elevations and cut sheets provided for
Staff review at the time of building permit application.
3. Naturally revegetate the utility cuts.
4. Fire place vent to match building.
Seconded by Commissioner Stanley. The motion passed unanimously with
Commissioner Schneider abstaining.
B. Lot 42, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Modification for meter location
Owner/Applicant: Anthony Scharpf/Debra Yates
Property Address: 4500 Flat Point
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff
Mike Matzko presented additional information to the Commission regarding Holy Cross
Electric Association's decision.
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Tony Scharpf, builder, presented to Commission a petition from every owner on Flat
Point and one secondary owner stating that they did not have a problem with the location
of the meter box in front of the house.
Commissioner Railton suggested planting some evergreens or tall bushes to cover up the
meter box. Mr. Scharpf stated that a blue spruce was planted but removed due to the
request from the owner of the other half of the duplex, stating the tree would grow too
tall and block her view from the west of the building.
Commissioner Karow asked about the location of the meter box being placed in front of
the house instead of the backside of the house. Mr. Scharpf stated that Holy Cross asked
that the meter box be placed close to the road for easy access during meter readings.
Chairperson Hunn stated that there were alternatives at the time Holy Cross
recommended the change for the location of the meter box. Mr. Scharpf said he was
unaware of any alternatives or problems at the time he had reviewed the certificate of
Chairperson Hunn asked if the meter box could be moved close to the transformers. Mr.
Scharpf stated he did not have an answer at this time.
Chairperson Hunn stated that the Town of Avon had standards for the settings of the
meter boxes and was overlooked during the construction of the house. Mr. Scharpf stated
he was unaware of that standard during construction.
Commissioner Karow stated the location of the meter was unsightly and should be
landscaped. Mr. Scharpf stated the meter box can not be seen from the west and north
from Wildridge road.
Commissioner Schneider suggested low growing shrubbery or bushes could be planted.
Mr. Scharpf stated that Holy Cross Electric would not allow the removal of the meter
box, even at that the expense of the builder.
Chairperson Hunn read the letter from Holy Cross Electric stating that they would not by
to move the meter box. He suggested relocating the meter box to the side of the garage.
Commissioner Reynolds explained that the transformers receive 4 to 5 feet of snow, and
relocating the meter box to that area would not be recommended.
Chairperson Hunn asked Staff if there will be future construction with this type of
problem. Mr. Matzko stated that there was a verbal agreement with Ted Huskey from
Holy Cross Electric Association, that plans will show the meters on the buildings and
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should there be changes, the applicant will have to go through the Town of Avon
approval process.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve the meter location of Lot 42, Block 3,
Wildridge Subdivision with the following condition:
Two (2) additional shrubs be placed near the meter for Staff approval.
Seconded by Commissioner Michael Schneider.
Restated Motion
Commissioner Reynolds amended the motion to include, that sufficient screening be used
as approved by Staff. Seconded by Commissioner Vest. The motion carried 6 to 1 with
Chairperson Hunn voted nay.
C. Lots 41-43, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -Beaver Creek
Project Type: Lighting Plan Modification -Satisfaction of Conditions of
Property Owner: Beaver Creek West Condominium Association
Applicant: Eric Hill, Paradigm Designs, P.C.
Property Address: 0380 Benchmark Road
George Harrision made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff
Chairperson Hunn asked about the spacing between the light fixtures. Eric Hill of
Paradigm Designs, P.C., stated the light fixtures would be located 25 feet from the center
road on the property with an average spacing of 30 to 35 feet.
Mr. Hill presented a site plan showing all the light fixtures and illuminations on the
Commissioner Karow asked about relocating some of the light fixtures on phase Il,
illuminating more coverage on the property.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve Lot 41-43, Block 2, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision -Beaver Creek West Condominiums with the following
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Elimination of one light fixture on the south corner of phase II, and moving over
one fixture on the south east corner of phase IV.
Seconded by Commissioner Karow. The motion carried unanimously.
D. Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision-Fricker Residence
Project Type: Single Family
Owners: Werner Fricker
Applicant: Rudi Fisher, Fisher Architects
Property Address: 5178 Longsun Lane
George Harrision made a brief presentation explaining the project as outlined in the Staff
Rudi Fisher from Fisher Architects spoke on behalf of the owners and agreed with Staff
Commissioner Railton asked what color was "Navajo White". Mr. Fisher said it was an
off white color.
Chairperson Hunn asked what "Flexrock" hard coat stucco was made of. Mr. Fisher said
it consisted of 3/8 inch cement stucco with a synthetic layer of stucco on top. Mr. Fisher
presented a display board to the Commission.
Chairperson Hunn requested the underside of the deck be finished. Mr. Fisher stated that
the decks would be stained, the driveway paved and a drip system for irrigation.
Chairperson Hunn asked if some other type of material could be added below the drip
line, to present the mud splashing onto the stucco.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge
Subdivision as submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Vest.
Restated Motion
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve Lot 57, Block 4, Wildridge
Subdivision as submitted with the following condition:
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1. Two (2) additional trees and a shrub, per Town of Avon's standards, to be located
north of the hammerhead and west of the house.
Seconded by Commissioner Vest. The motion carried unanimously.
Other Business
Item "E", Lot 6, Block 2, Eaglebend Subdivision was pulled from the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve Lot 6, Block 2, Eaglebend
Subdivision with the Staff recommendation that the finished side of the fence face out
from the property. Seconded by Commissioner Michael Schneider with Commissioner
Railton opposing. The motion carried unanimously.
Item "B" was pulled from the Consent Agenda, Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver
Creek Subdivision.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion not to approve the master sign program and
requested that the applicants come back. Seconded by Commissioner Stanley.
Karen Griffith asked that the Swift Gulch Master Plan, and the Wildridge Park Tract D
Master Plan be withdrawn and reschedule for the next meeting during the worksession.
Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by
Commissioner Stanley. Meeting adjourned at 11:48 p.m..
Recording Secretary
Meeting Minutes
May 21, 1996 jf
J. Hu
A. arow
S. R ilton
A. Reynolrl-z
M. Schnei
B. Stanley
H. Vest _
nning land Zoning Commission Meeting
Page 12