PZC Minutes 071696Memorandum Date: August 2, 1996 T o : Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Re: Synopsis of the July 16, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:33 p.m., July 16, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, Colorado. All members were present except for Commissioner Stanley. Members Present Jack Hunn Andrew Karow Sue Railton Buz Reynolds, Jr. Michael Schneider Henry Vest Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith requested to add Lot 9, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, modification of the landscape plan, to the Consent Agenda. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Schneider declared a conflict of interest and request to be removed from discussion on "Final Design" regarding Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Reynolds asked to abstain from voting on Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision. Consent agenda Approval of the July 2, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Lot 7, Block 1, Wildridge, Modification to final design -grading plan Project Type: Site modification - removal of fill Owner: Brandon Trust Applicant: Malcolm Combs Address: 3038 Wildridge Staff recommends approval of the excavation as depicted on the topographic survey sheet stamped "Received" July 2, 1996 subject to the following conditions: 1. That temporary erosion control measures be installed, per Town of Avon standards, prior to the start of the excavation. 2. That the temporary erosion control measures be maintained until revegetation measures have significantly taken hold. Lot 9, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Klein Duplex Project Type: Modification to Landscape Plan Owner: Chris Klein Address: 0630 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. Staff recommends approval of the Modification to Landscape plan as submitted. Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve of the Consent Agenda with Staff recommendations, Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Final Design Review Lot 74, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - TNT Duplex Project Type: Owner: Consultant: Property Address: Residential Duplex Tommy Ambrosio Eric Johnson 2461 Ridge Loop George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Chairperson Hunn asked staff if the revision on the driveway has been reviewed. Mr. Harrison stated that the driveway was still under review and that revised plans have been submitted. Tommy Ambrosio, owner, made a brief presentation to the Commission and stated that revisions have been made on the driveway and hammerhead as requested by staff. Mr. Ambrosio presented a color rendering board to the Commission. George Harrison asked the applicant if the colors were the same color depicted on the elevations. Mr. Ambrosio stated that the roof color was the only change on the elevation, and that the other colors remained the same. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant about the lower window and door located on the north west elevation. Mr. Ambrosio stated that was a crawl space access and would need to be secured. Chairperson Hunn asked staff to verify this was not a habitable area. Commissioner Railton asked the applicant if the chimney would be painted. Mr. Ambrosio stated yes that the color would match the roof. Commissioner Reynolds asked the applicant if there was a definition break in the party wall and roof line or one flat ridge line going straight across. Mr. Ambrosio stated that the flat ridge line was straight across. Commissioner Railton mentioned that sod was not shown on the landscape plan. Mr. Ambrosio stated that lot would be hydro -seeded. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve the final design for the Residential Duplex, Lot 74, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, as shown on the plan set dated July 8, 1996, subject to the following conditions: 1. The driveway design be approved by Town staff prior to issuance of building permit. 2. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 3. All meters will be placed upon the building. 4. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 49, Block 3, Wildridge, Modification to final design for driveway Project Type: Modification of driveway design Owner: Sierra Construction Consultant: Ed Small Property Address: 4700 W. Wildridge Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff if the distance from the stop sign and the grade of the driveway was the main issue with the Town Engineer. Ms. Griffith stated that the relocation of the driveway would be an improvement and that the Town Engineer recommended that the local access points be used. Commissioner Vest asked about comment No. 2 from Norm Wood's letter. Ms. Griffith stated that issues from Mr. Wood's letter was reviewed with the approved building permit. Doris Bailey spoke on behalf for Ed Small, consultant for Sierra Construction. Mr. Small was out of town during this meeting. Ms. Bailey was the listing broker for Sierra Construction, and explained that 2 (two) separated driveways would give the duplex a "single family look" to the neighborhood and that additional landscaping would be added to screen the driveways. Ms. Bailey asked about the proper address used, since the lot has 2 (two) different access point from Wildridge Road and North Point Road. Commissioner Reynolds stated that once the property was subdivided, the official address issued would be the one used with that driveway. Ms. Griffith stated that 2 (two) addresses were added to this particular property. Commissioner Railton stated that a duplex with 2 (two) driveways gives them their own identity and that additional landscaping would be needed to screen the driveways. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the steep grade of the driveway, which curves around to Wildridge Road, and suggested that the driveways be moved eastward to accommodated the natural topography. Commissioner Reynolds stated that during the site tour, the location of the lights would illuminate onto the adjacent property and suggested moving the driveway eastward to the end of the lot. This would help eliminate the lights, lessen the grade, but would increase the landscape and asphalt cost. Ms. Bailey stated that this would not be a problem with the applicant. Chairperson Hunn stated that there were 2 (two) significant items with this property: the four-way stop sign and the driveway entrance to the duplex. Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to approve modification to final design for driveway and building elevations to allow decks to be built on the south side of the duplex with Staff approval of conditions for Lot 49, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, as described on the plan set dated July 2, 1996 subject to the following conditions: 1. Driveway to be relocated to the far eastern corner as approved by Staff. 2. Lights be located as not to illuminate on adjacent property. 3. Additional landscaping be added to site plan. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 4, Nottingham Station, Building A, Canyon Run -Modification to final design of garage Project Type: Modification to final design Owner: Canyon Run, LLC Consultant: Ed Smith Property Address: Hurd Lane Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Ed Smith, architect for Shapiro Development, made a brief presentation to the Commission and stated that this was a primary clean up for the building envelopes on building `B" & "C". Commissioner Reynolds was concern with the appearance on the building. Mr. Smith requested a slight increase of 1 1/2 to 2 feet to offset of the building and garage. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant what size the garage stalls would be. Mr. Smith stated that the garage stalls where slightly over sized from 14 feet to 12 1/2 feet, which would be a standard 24 x 24 double garage. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to Approve the design modification for Building A, Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision, as described on sheets A-2 and A-3 of the plan set dated July 2, 1996, subject to the following condition: Verification by staff that the amendment conforms with the Nottingham Station PUD amendment No. 3, Lot 4. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision -Modification of building envelope between Building C and D Project Type: Modification of building envelopes Owner: Canyon Run. LLC Consultant: Ed Smith Property Address: Hurd Lane Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Mr. Smith made a brief presentation to Commission and explained the notes made on the PUD allowed for shifting between the building envelopes. Mr. Smith stated this was a mixture of an 8 unit and 6 unit buildings. Mr. Smith requested that an adjustment be made to the building envelopes for the location of the 6 unit and 8 unit buildings. Commissioner Reynolds asked the applicant if the building did not shift, could the hot tub still be installed. Mr. Smith said "no", not with the present location of buildings "C" & "D" Commissioner Karow asked the applicant about the foundation. Mr. Smith said the foundation was being moved back by 5 (five) feet. Commissioner Railton asked if the spacing between buildings "C" & "D" will be kept the same. Mr. Smith stated that the space would not change as outlined in the PUD. Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to approve the modification of the building envelope between Buildings C and D, Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision, as described on sheet 1 of 1, "Building D, Envelope Adjustment," dated July 10, 1996, subject to the following condition: Verification by staff that the amendment conforms with the Nottingham Station PUD amendment No. 3, Lot 4. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision -Modification of final design for hot tub Project Type: Site Modification: installation of hot tub Owner: Canyon Run, LLC Consultant: Ed Smith Property Address: Hurd Lane Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Chairperson Hunn asked staff if the stairway was part of the project. Ms. Griffith said "yes". Mr. Smith stated that the stairs do cross the property line to the soft path. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant the following questions: if the hot tub was electric or gas powered, location of the equipment and if the equipment would be exposed. Mr. Smith stated that the hot tub was electric, the equipment would be concealed in a vault located underneath the walk way area. Mr. Smith stated he was not sure if the hot tub would be gunite or self contained at this time. Commissioner Railton asked if this was a designated public access to the soft path. Mr. Smith stated that there were 2 (two) access points opened to the public. Commissioner Railton was concerned about the public having an easy access to the hot tub and asked the applicant how he was going to keep the public out. Mr. Smith did not have an answer at this time. Mr. Smith stated that his insurance company was requesting a fence be constructed around the hot tub. Commissioner Karow asked about the grade and fencing on the north side of the hot tub. Mr. Smith stated that a rock wall would be constructed and landscape provided Commissioner Reynolds suggested substantial amount a screening from the river corridor. Mr. Smith stated that there was a fair amount of landscaping at this time. Commissioner Vest stated that the hot tub, patio and landscaping enhances the landscaping plan. Mr. Smith stated he did not have a problem returning to the Commission for the landscape approval. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve the design modification for Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision, as described on the Canyon Run - Hot Tub Plan, dated 6-18-96 (sheets 1, 2 and 3) with the following conditions: 1. The proposed retaining walls above the hot tub shall not exceed 48 inches (four feet) in height. 2. The plan conform to the amended PUD, Exhibit A. 3. Final grading plan and design of rock retaining walls to be approved by staff. 4. Fencing for the hot tub to be approved by staff. 5. Landscaping plan to be brought back to Commission for final approval. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion carries 5 (five) to 1 (one) votes, with Commissioner Reynolds opposing. Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision - Meyerstein Residence Project Type: Building design modification: height reduction Owner: Roger Meyerstein Consultant: John Heinly Property Address: 5743 East Wildridge Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Chairperson Hunn asked staff about revised elevation, stating that the height of the garage was 5 feet higher. Mr. Harrison said the revision should reflect the garages as designed, should it be altered. Commissioner Vest asked staff to explain the garage height. Mr. Harrison stated the only review done at this time was the modification to the three ridges on the primary section of the building. Mr. Harrison stated that the plans were received on Thursday, that the driveway or site plan issues have not been reviewed at this time. Commissioner Vest asked about the 6/12 pitch modified to a 4/12 pitch. Mr. Harrison stated that the northern portion of the roof was a 4/12 pitch and the southern portion of the roof was a 6/12 pitch. Commissioner Vest asked what the center roof pitch was. Mr. Harrison stated that both sides of the center pitch was 4/12. Chairperson Hunn made a comment on the center section of the roof, and asked if it was necessary to have a 4/12 pitch roof to meet the height regulations or was this a design planned to separate the roof elevations, would a 6/12 pitch lower the roof and still keep the height elevation. Mr. Harrison stated that a steep pitched roof would lose the ability to add windows in that particular area. The revised plans showed the pitch of the roof at the 35 foot ridge height. Michael Schneider, owner and contractor of the Schneider Group, made a brief presentation and used the building plans to describe the pitch of the roof to the Commission. Chairperson Hunn asked Mr. Schneider to explain the difference in the 6/12 and 4/12 roof pitch. Mr. Schneider stated that he asked the architect to attend the meeting, the architect said "no". Mr. Schneider stated that it would be hard to answer the questions without the architect present. Mr. Harrison stated that the building department did do a cursory review of the revised design plans. Chairperson Hunn said this was an incomplete submittal in terms of resolving the issues involved, and was concerned about the aesthetic impacts from lowering the house and the conflicts from the drawings. Mr. Harrison informed the Commission that there was a "stop work order" in effect at this time. Commissioner Railton stated before "any" approval can be made, a correct set of drawings would be needed. Commissioner Karow stated that he would like to see a corrected set of drawings that depict the garage and grading. The applicant requested a letter from staff showing all the discrepancies in this project. Mike Matzko explained to the applicant that the discrepancies involved the elevations that do not match according to the plans. Mr. Matzko said staff would put this in writing. Commissioner Karow suggested having all of the south side of the building 4/12 and all of the north side 6/12. Chairperson Hunn suggested to the applicant to ask the contractor to provide some feed back to the architect regarding what details are missing. Motion Commissioner Railton made a motion to table the building height modification for Lot 85, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on sheets dated received July 11, 1996, Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously, with Commissioners Reynolds and Schneider abstaining. Public Hearing None Scheduled Other Business Appeal to Town Council of July 2, 1996 P&Z Decision regarding Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision George Harrison made a brief presentation to the Commission. Mr. Harrison stated that the applicants have submitted an appeal to the Town Council. The meeting was scheduled for the July 23, 1996 Town Council Meeting. Chairperson Hunn asked Staff to research the following items: 1. The McDonald residence, outdoor air condenser on the west side of the house with out proper screening. 2. The Simon's residence, status on the modification lighting plan. 3. The Finley residence, amount of dirt located on the east side of the remodel. Karen Griffith made a brief presentation and presented an exhibit to the Commission regarding Canyon Run PUD plan, the building and garage envelopes. Ms. Griffith stated that the garage envelopes do not accommodate the roof overhangs. The roof overhang on the garages go outside of the designated envelopes for the garages. Mike Matzko stated that the garages are measured from the walls and are separate from the residential buildings. Mr. Smith, project architect, stated that in order to make the garage deep enough for a car, the overhangs would have to be eliminated. On the original zoning plat, the depth on the envelopes does not allow for a 20 foot garage with a 1 foot overhang on each side, which is the way these particular garages are built. Commissioner Reynolds asked why these buildings were shown as an inflow, when it stated common use. Mr. Smith stated that the garages were a common element. Mike Matzko made a brief presentation regarding the Comprehensive Plan and the revised schedule. The next worksession was scheduled for the worksession on July 23, 1996. Chairperson Hunn urged all Commission members to attend this joint worksession with the Town Council. Adjourn Commissioner Railton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon Recnrdina CA(`rPtArV n. v est