October 3, 1995
The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to
order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:30 PM, October 3, 1995 in the Council Chambers,
Avon Municipal. Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members present.
Members Present: Jack Hunn, Rhoda
Schneiderman, Henry Vest
Bill Sargis, Buz Reynolds,
Sue Railton, Beth Stanley
Staff Present: Mike Matzko, Director of
Community Development,
Karen Griffith, Town Planner,
Sheila Kremski, Recording
CONCEPTUAL REVIEW (6:15 nm worksession)
1) Lot 7, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision, Multi -family, Theriault
2) Lot A and B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Commercial Remodel
1) Lot 89, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Roof Modification
2) Approval of the September 19, 1995 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes
Karen Griffith described the Consent Agenda. Bill Sargis moved to approve the consent
agenda with addition of item #1, Lot 89, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Roof
Modification with the condition that the asphalt shingle color be one selected that post
represents the existing color subject to staff approval and the product meet the Town of
Avon standard. Rhoda Schneiderman seconded. Motion carries unanimously.
Planning & Zoning Co_ .nission Meeting Minutes 2
October 3, 1995
Lot 2, Block 1, Wildridge Acres Subdivision Fence Barron
Staff stated in response to the Commission's direction at the September 19, 1995 Planning
& Zoning Commission meeting, staff conducted several site visits to determine if Mr.
Barron's neighbor had addressed the conditions identified by Mr. Barron. Steve Hodges,
Community Service Officer, has spoken with Mr. Barron and with his neighbor, Eric
Moen. Based on those conversations and several sit visits, Mr. Moen appears to be in
compliance with respect to all code issues.
Steve Hodges was present to respond to code issues. The main concerns from the
applicants letter were some minor code infractions on the neighbors part specifically Steve
could address most of them. There was a metal shed that was erected and put up without
an application to the Town of Avon. The shed is being removed after talking to the
owner. One of the neighbors on many occasions has changed roommates at the house to
the east and does have a constant flow of roommates with one owner, this does not cause
a code violation. There has been some instances of storing junk which has been mostly
taken care of. There is a question of the quality of paint on the house next door which is
faded but is not peeling.
Chairperson Hunn questioned if there was an opportunity to pursue the diesel vehicle
fumes under the hazardous and noxious fumes since diesel exhaust is not something one
should breath regularly.
Steve responded he did not know. A diesel motor is worst when it is warming up and that
none of the laws were meant to keep you from warming up a diesel engine.
Rhoda Schneiderman asked if that diesel vehicle was parked in a designated parking area?
Steve replied according to code there is no such thing as a designated parking area unless
you are looking at the plans that say driveway.
Chairperson Hunn stated that since he is not parking on a portion of his site that is
approved for parking is there an opportunity there?
Steve replied that there is nothing that specifically addresses that since the vehicle is not
junk. The town has no codes that says you can not park a car on the lawn.
Sue Railton commented what if landscaping was damaged and if people start parking on
lawns they are damaging the landscaping.
Steve replied it is a possibility but in this case it did not since there is stone in that area.
Planning & Zoning Cot—Assion Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Chairperson Hunn noted that if this is an extended portion of the driveway it is required
that all driveways be paved. It is an unpaved portion of the driveway and is in the setback.
Steve stated that you can go through the Guidelines to get to the Code.
Chairperson Hunn commented that what is currently there is inconsistent with the
approved plans, maybe there is an opportunity there.
Staff noted they did look for the plans and there were none in the file, therefore they could
not determine whether that parking space was shown originally or not.
Buz was surprised that people could park anyplace on their lawn as long as it is on their
own property.
Steve replied yes. It is not addressed.
Chairperson Hunn stated that one of the reasons this is of interest is to help the applicant
resolve some of his problems and also to see if there is some efficiencies in the current
Rules and Regulations to shore up if the Commission sees conditions to be unacceptable in
the town.
Chairperson Hunn noted that the application before the Commission is an application of an
installation of a fence. The purpose of this fence is primarily to create the separation
between the applicant and the neighbor.
Mr. Barron was present for questions. He noted that there is not parking on that street.
When anyone there has an event they will park on the lawns and the police will give
rickets if you park in the street so everyone parks on the lawn.
Sue Railton suggested contacting the police before hand and get permission. Sue asked
the applicant if the fence would be solid wood?
Mr. Barron replied it would be dog eared cedar.
Sue asked what it would be painted?
Mr. Barron replied natural with a water seal.
Chairperson Hunn appreciated the efforts Steve Hodges has made in researching the
Sue was concerned with making the precedence of putting solid wood fences in Wildridge.
Planning & Zoning Coi.—fission Meeting Minutes 4
October 3, 1995
Chairperson Hunn replied the town has rules regarding fences shall have separate approval
of the Commission except that functional or decorative fences or walls may be approved
as an interval part of the building design. Wood fences are generally more acceptable than
metal. Limited use of fences is encouraged. The Wildridge Covenants has language that
discourages fences and limiting them to split rail.
Buz feels the fence is being installed for the purpose of the applicants dogs.
The applicant replied not totally for the dog.
Buz feels if this is let go the Commission could be opening a can of worms. There are a
lot of properties with extensive amounts of square footage. If one applicant is let go then
why can't another applicant come in and want a fence in their back yard but they have
three and one half acres. Buz does not want to set a precedence having everybody install
fences just to keep their dogs in.
Chairperson Hunn commented the regulations are clear on discouraging fences. It would
be a negative precedence for the neighborhood and does not address a solution to some of
the applicants problems. Steve could pursue all open off street parking in the code (page
214-8.) If this is an off street surface parking space you could encourage that individual
to either pave it or lose it. Hunn would rather see real solutions to the problems and to
help out those in the future with the same problems. Hunn noted the design criteria that
the Commission is supposed to consider in making a decision (page 9, Guidelines). There
are any number of criteria the Commission could cite as a reason for denying or for
Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 2, Block 1, Wildridge Acres, Fence with the condition
the fence is 4 feet in height, based on the Design Guidelines Criteria 6.12 - 6.17.
Second by Sue Railton. Motion carried. Rhoda Schneiderman, Buz Reynolds, and Jack
Hunn nay.
Lot 52, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Duplex Patriacci
Staff stated the project is 4,470 square foot duplex on a gently sloping site (less than 20
percent) fronting on Beartrap Road on the north, east and west sides of the property.
Each unit is 3 levels with a walk out basement. Building materials include stucco siding,
cedar trim and an asphalt shingle roof. The stucco is Benjamin Moore "Manor White"
with "Spruce Blue" accents, and a "Weathered Wood" colored roof.
The applicant present was Richard Patriacci. The home is being built for himself.
The roof will be an asphalt weathered shingled look.
Planning & Zoning Cot --fission Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
Buz commented the Commission is looking for a product that weighs 300 pounds per
Chairperson Hunn questioned staff if this project had come through for conceptual.
Staff replied no.
Buz commented that since the lot has a lot of road frontage the landscaping on the north
east side of the building, is there any way to get additional landscaping in the rear of the
The applicant would not be against that suggestion.
Rhoda noted there are four trees. She does not mind staff approval as long as they are
holding the minimum standard. Rhoda suggested a minimum of 10 trees.
Chairperson Hunn questioned the with of the driveway as it meets the street is quite wide
and seems to be a good solution to this duplex to consolidate the driveway to one. Is
there a town standard? Does it allow maneuvering?
Staff replied it was 25 feet. It does allow maneuvering.
Chairperson Hunn noted in regards to the natural cedar rails, there are some very good
sealers. How will the applicant minimize the disturbed area?
The applicant will keep a close eye on it. The underside of the decks will be stained. The
exterior lighting will be minimal.
Chairperson Hunn questioned if the landscape will be irrigated with an automatic system.
The applicant had not planned to.
Chairperson Hunn recommended an automatic drip system.
Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 52, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Duplex, Final
Design Review, Patriacci with the following conditions:
1) a drip system is recommended;
2) a lighting plan be brought back for staff and staff approval;
3) 10 trees to be added to the landscape plan and that landscape plan be brought
back to the Commission for approval;
4) large pieces of material with there respective colors be brought back to the
Commission for approval.
Seconded by Buz Reynolds. Motion unanimously carried.
Planning & Zoning COl__.Assion Meeting Minutes 6
October 3, 1995
Lot 43, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Vinyl Siding Gross
Staff stated the applicant is applying for a material modification. All of the units have
experienced problems keeping paint on the siding and the applicant wants to apply a vinyl
George Gross was the applicant present. The houses have been difficult to keep the paint
on. The applicant wants to apply the siding which will have low maintenance. Mr. Gross
passed out the samples.
Rhoda noted that she has seen many houses with vinyl siding. She asked if this product
was exactly the same profile and is what the applicant has now.
The applicant replied yes, it is a 5 inch.
Rhoda is not sure of the product.
Buz stated that the siding will shine.
Rhoda disagreed.
Buz insisted the product will shine. The alternative is to put a better product on the home
that was originally installed. It would set a precedence to apply the product.
Rhoda would like to see some other materials.
Chairperson Hunn mentioned that there was a four plex in Wildridge that has vinyl siding.
Chairperson Hunn also commented that the Commission must be careful on how the
regulations are interpreted. The work is ordinarily. So we can make an exception,
without opening it up for everybody. If new construction came to the Commission and
proposed vinyl siding would we support it?
Bill Sargis answered no.
Chairperson Hunn replied that it is a special condition.
Bill Sargis explained because of a hardship or a problem.
Rhoda stated that it is a case by case decision.
Chairperson Hunn explained that is why he is pointing it out. If we are inclined to
approve this for the applicant special conditions the Commission needs to make that clear
in the motion. Chairperson Hunn was concerned with the dissimilarity of the applicants
Planning & Zoning Coi—aission Meeting Minutes 7
October 3, 1995
home comparing it to the three other homes that are supposed to all look similar is a
concern that Chairperson Hunn has.
The applicant commented that the dissimilarity, the color is the same, and unless you get
up really close you can not tell.
Sue Railton motioned to approve the material modification on Lot 43, Block 2, Wildridge
Subdivision with the following conditions:
1) the material be the beveled edge to match the existing siding;
2) to bring the actual sample for approval;
3) to display a sample attached to the building for Commission review (3 rows);
4) the reason for material modification is that the previous material is not
satisfactory and the Commission is trying to resolve the problem with a better
Seconded by Rhoda Schneiderman. Motion carries. Buz Reynolds nay.
Avon Village Annexation
The applicant has withdrawn the application.
Other Business
1) Buz Reynolds commented on Lot 45, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. Buz thought
the landscaping plan would be brought back in. The entire site was disturbed. Is the
building height within the Town of Avon requirements?
Staff will check on it.
2) Buz noted the the retaining wall adjacent to the church on Nottingham Road is very
Chairperson Hunn questioned staff if the Town has any ordinance with regards to quality
of construction?
Staff noted they were not aware of that but will check.
Planning & Zoning Cots -.fission Meeting Minutes
October 3, 1995
3) Buz also questioned Lot 39, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision if the driveway should
have been paved.
Steve noted that the owner does not have the money to finish and he is looking into the
letter of credit.
4) Buz noted that a site has been stripped on Wildridge Road.
Steve wrote him a letter but there has been no response. Staff will continue to investigate.
5) Buz mentioned a truck blocking Metcalf Road for 15 minutes, and that it could pose a
serious problem for the winter.
Steve did notify the police and the driver was spoken too.
6) The Commission discussed that Recreation Center should be painted rather than sealed
and the mechanical equipment should be screened. The Commission members were
reminded to stop by the construction trailer to view the colors.
7) Mike Matzko noted that Parcel C is coming back to P&Z for concept review in two
weeks, and reiterated the importance of consistency in applying the Design Guidelines,
Comprehensive Plan, etc. A discussion of the relationship of projects (specifically and
generally) with the Design Guidelines, Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance and
other regulations ensued.
Bill Sargis motioned to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.
Planning & Zoning Cc nission Meeting Minutes 9
October 3, 1995
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila Kremsid
Recording Secretary
Commission Approval _
B. Sargis
S. Railtc
R. Schn
A. Reyn
B. Stanl
H. Vest
-J Hunn