PZC Minutes 061599Planning and Zoning Commission Record of Proceedings June 15, 1999 The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission regularly meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month, in the Avon Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in the following locations: Avon Municipal Building lobby; Avon City Market lobby; Avon Recreation Center lobby; Avon/Beaver Creek Transit Center Commission Members Staff Members Ward Morrison Karen Griffith, Town Planner Chris Evans, Chair Beth Salter, Recording Secretary Anne Fehlner, Secretary George Harrison, Planner Paul Klein Steven Hodges, Community Service Officer Greg Macik, Vice Chair Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Andrew Karow Brian Sipes Agenda I. Call to Order Commissioner Evans called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present with Commissioner Karow attending at 6:50 P.M. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda 1. Moved item D of Final Design Review to the Consent Agenda. 2. Add Lot 61, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision to Other Business. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 1999 IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the June 1, 1999, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 60, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - [Vilest Residence] Project Type: Single family home Property Owner: John West Consultant: Stephen Richards Address: 4380 June Point C. Lot 52, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision —(tower addition to MCKenny Residence] Project Type: Building addition to duplex Property Owner: Chuck McKinney Consultant: John Railton Address: 5183 Longsun Lane D. Lot 4, Nottingham Station Subdivision - [Canyon Run Sign Variance Project Type: Variance on setback for freestanding sign Property Owner: Shapiro Development Co. Address: 400 Hurd Lane E. Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: Master Sign Program Amendment Property Owner: DeClark Brothers LLC Applicant: Water Realty Group Address: 281 Metcalf Road Motion: Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve items A — E of the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passes unanimously. VI. Public Hearing VII. Final Design Review A. Lot 47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — Nightstar Residences -Remand from Town Council Project Type: Multi -family Apartment Building Property Owners: Victor Mark Donaldson and Thomas P. Weber Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 1999 Applicant: Mark Donaldson, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects Address: 0410 Nottingham Road Motion: Commissioner Klein moved to approve the final design for the Nighstar apartment project on Lot 47, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, as described on the application and plan set dated May 26, 1999, and the plan set dated June 11, 1999, with the following conditions: 1. All building colors and materials shall be specified, and inconsistencies in materials such as the roof material shall be corrected and returned to the Planning and Zoning Commission for final approval. 2. The sign must be re -located to meet the 10 -foot sign setback and must be approved through the sign permit process. 3. A professional engineer must stamp the design of any retaining wall over 4 feet in height. 4. Entry door cladding to match cladding around windows as displayed on the exterior material color board, not as shown on the cover sheet. 5. The roof materials will be cedar shake. 6. The storage doors will be painted to match the adjacent wall. 7. All exterior lighting to be approved by staff. 8. No grading shall occur beyond the property lines without the Town's express permission. 9. Final grading and drainage to be approved by staff at time of building permit. The motion passed 5 — 1 with Commissioner Macik opposing. B. Lot 92, Block 1,Wildridge Subdivision - [Duplex Residence] Project Type: Duplex Property Owner: Wildridge Duplex Joint Venture Applicant: Mike Bruin Consultant: Stephen Richards Address: 2440 Old Trail Motion: Commissioner Karow moved to approve the proposed duplex design for Lot 92, block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated May 18, 1999, and June 9, 199, with the following Conditions: 1. A minimum of 10 additional trees be planted on the back of the building. 2. All disturbed areas not a part of the formal landscaping shall be re -vegetated with native grasses and bushes. The bushes shall be planted at a density of 3 plants per 100 square feet of disturbed area. 3. The grading plan shall be revised to incorporate the use of retaining walls to reduce the area of site disturbance behind the structure. 4. Graded or disturbed areas shall not exceed a slope of 2:1 5. Any walls to be installed must be approved by the Town prior to installation. 6. Driveway to be redesigned to eliminate a portion of the asphalt with added landscaping for staff approval. Commission Macik seconded. The motion passed 5 — 1 with Commissioner Morrison opposing and Commission Karow abstaining. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 1999 C. Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision — Rockin' Horse Ridge Townhomes Project Type: Modification for free standing electric Property Owner: Mike Bruen Applicant: Skip Organ Address: 2000 Wildridge Road Motion: Commissioner Karow moved to deny the modification for a freestanding electrical meter on Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated June 9, 1999, based on the finding that it does not conform with Design Standards, Section 4.25 C 5. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. Lot 51, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/Applicant: J.J.P. Co. Inc. Consultant: Erwin Bachrach Address: 2626 Beartrap Motion: Commissioner Fehlner moved to approved the final design of the residential duplex for Lot 51, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated May 18, 1999, and June 10, 1999, entryway provides 1999, with the following conditions: 1. That the landscape plan be updated to include the revision of the back.up areas shown on the site plan. 2. That the west Unit's entryway provides a post left of the door or other design to visually balance this element. 3. That the plan set be revised to correct inconsistent window and door openings and a new deck represented between the elevations and the floor plans on the second level. 4. That an additional improvement location certification (ILC) will be required prior to any framing inspection to confirm all ridge heights comply with the maximum allow height. 5. That a licensed surveyor shall stake the building to ensure that the structure does not encroach into any setbacks. 6. That the Town is not responsible for any damage to plant materials in the 10 foot Slope Maintenance, Drainage and Snow Storage Easement resulting from municipal snow removal operations. 7. West unit's entryway to be redesigned for staffs approval. 8. Landscaping plans to be revised so as to nestle the corners into the site. 9. Limits of disturbance to be revised to reflect all areas that will be disturbed. 10. All disturbed areas not a part of formal landscaping shall be re -vegetated with native grasses and bushes. The bushes shall be planted at density of 3 plants per 100 square feet of disturbed area. Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed 6-1 with Commissioner Evans opposing. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 1999 VIII. Other Business A. Lot 61, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. B. Staff approvals Adjourn Commissioner Macik moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15 P.M. Commissioner Fehlner seconded. The motion passed unanimously Respectfully Submitted Beth Salter Recording Secretary