01-01-2018 IGA Eagle County Housing & Development Authority 1 year extensionFrom: Tori Franks[mailto:tori.franks@eaglecounty.us] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2018 3:08 PM To: Matt Pielsticker <mpielsticker@avon.org> Cc: Kim Bell Williams <kim.williams@eaglecounty.us> Subject: Re: Billing Hi Matt, ECHDA received your Renewal Request via email (in accordance with our Intergovermental Agreement Between ECHDA and the Town of Avon dated November 1, 2016) requesting a 1 year extension for affordable housing services. This renewal request will apply to the term January 1, 2018 -December 31, 2018. We look forward to working with you again this year. Thanks Tori Franks From: Matt Pielsticker Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 9:03 AM To: 'Tori Franks' <tori.franks@eaglecounty.us> Cc: Kim Bell Williams <kim.wiIlia ms@eaglecounty.us> Subject: RE: Billing Tori, Can you please accept this e-mail and request ("Renewal Request" pursuant to the Intergovernmental Agreement) for continued services through 2018? Prior to commencing work next year we would like to discuss a modified approach for Unit Compliance checks. We look forward to utilizing your expertise with multiple upcoming housing projects. Regards, 970.748.4413 www.avon.org V osxxo� n