PZC Minutes 010296Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:40 p.m., January 2, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members were present except Bill Sargis and Sue Railton. Members Present: Jack Hunn Buz Reynolds Rhoda Schneiderman Beth Stanley Henry Vest Staff Present: Karen Griffith, Town Planner Jacquie Halburnt, Recording Secretary Mike Matzko, Director of Community Development Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith requested that item A. under Other Business be withdrawn from the agenda and rescheduled for the next meeting. Conflicts of Interest None Consent Agenda The following items were scheduled on the Consent Agenda: A. Approval of the December 19, 1995 Meeting Minutes Chairperson Hunn indicated that Mr. Glenn Ellison's name was typed incorrectly. It was spelled Allison in the minutes and the actual spelling is Ellison. B. Lot 3 Nottingham Station Subdivision; Avon Crossing Project Type: Fence Owner: Jeff Spinelli Applicant: Russell Thrasher Address: 1001 Hurd Lane Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 Karen Griffith stated the fence was already shown on the previous final design approval; however, the design of the fence was not shown. Therefore, it was required that the fence be resubmitted to the Commission. Commissioner Schneiderman asked if the finished side of the fence faced in toward the project or out from the project. Commissioner Stanley indicated she had seen the fence and the finished side did face in toward the project. Chairperson Hunn suggested that it be stipulated in any motion. Commissioner Schneiderman made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the following stipulation regarding Item "B": that the finished side of the fence be in toward the project and be of the dog-eared variety. Seconded by Commissioner Vest. The motion carried unanimously with an abstain from Commissioner Hunn. Final Design Review A. Tract Y, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: Zoning change Property Owner: Town of Avon Applicant: Ed Smith, Town of Avon Property Address: 0401 Swift Gulch Road Mike Matzko pointed out this parcel on the zoning map. Commissioner Schneiderman stated she was concerned with traffic, especially if a roundabout is in the Town of Avon's future. Chairperson Hunn suggested that the applicant, represented by Mr. Matzko, briefly summarize the project first, and then the Commission could discuss particulars. Mr. Matzko stated the parcel is currently zoned OLD (Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage), and the TOA wanted to rezone it to GPEH (Government, Parks, and Employee Housing). He stated that the county was looking for an area for a satellite office. The TOA would lease the property to the county for a nominal fee and make economically feasible construction of a government facility. He stated the Chamber of Commerce was also considering leasing some space from the county. Mr. Matzko explained this could be done if GPEH was redefined to also include community oriented organizations. Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 Mr. Matzko reviewed the staff report indicating that the rezoning request met the criteria for review, recommendation, and approval. Public Hearing Chairperson Hunn opened the public hearing and no one from the public was present; therefore, he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Reynolds stated he feared this satellite system would become a stack -a -shack project because it was a very narrow parcel. He stated he was totally displeased having the Public Works facility to the east of this project and would like to see a different option. He stated he would not give approval until he saw plans. Mr. Matzko indicated they had thought about rezoning to NC (neighborhood commercial), but by rezoning to GPEH, it limited the type of developments that could occur there. Commissioner Reynolds stated he was nervous that due to cost restraints that might come in, trailers could show up on the property and he did not want to see trailers at the beginning of the town. He continued that the citizens are furious enough about the buses. Commissioner Reynolds estimated the setbacks as 25 ft. on front and 20 ft. on back, which left less than 70 or 80 feet. Mr. Matzko said he thought it would be 4 or 5,000 square foot building. Commissioner Schneiderman asked what the height limitation was on the building and if the county was willing or had a legal obligation to abide by P&Z design review decisions. Mr. Matzko indicated the county wanted TOA zoning regulations so they could design per TOA, and yes, they legally had to design per TOA. Commissioner Schneiderman stated she would not support this until she knew the county was legally bound to abide by P&Z design review decisions. Mr. Matzko recommended incorporating that into the recommendation to council. Commissioner Reynolds asked what would happen if the Town owned the parcel and leased it to the county, and the county came in and said "we're under restrictions for the next five years, can we do it in trailers?" Mr. Matzko said it was a possibility, but that was why the Commission would review the project and approve or deny it. Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 Mr. Matzko clarified the setbacks as follows: Front - 25, Sides - 7 1/2 feet, Rear - 10 feet, and the height limit was 60 feet. Commissioner Schneiderman asked if they could limit the building height in rezoning. Mr. Matzko stated no, if this rezoning was approved. Mr. Matzko stated the parking requirement was 4 per 1,000 sq. feet, which would be 16 parking spots. Commissioner Schneiderman stated that was woefully inadequate. Mr. Matzko stated that the county was not interested in having a site that did not work. Commissioner Vest stated he thought is was a feasible rezoning, but the 60 foot height limit was a problem for him. He stated that Pizza Hut and Coastal Mart were short buildings and a 60 foot building would be difficult for him to approve. He stated there should be enough conversation between the county, Commission, and Council that a good project could be put onto the site. He stated he would be in favor of approving the rezoning with all of the minutes going to the Council for their review. Commissioner Schneiderman stated that if she had confidence that the Council would put all restriction in writing in the lease, she might feel more confident about it. Without seeing a plan, she would not feel confident approving the rezoning because the Commission had been burned too many times. Commissioner Reynolds stated there were substantial cotton wood trees in the ditch that could be kissed good-bye if the site was developed. Chairperson Hunn stated that he agreed with just about everything that had been said. He stated his understanding of why county was no longer in the municipal building was because of concern for parking needs and traffic conflicting with other town business and combined with the Chamber attracting people to get information, would be a great generator of traffic. He also explained he had an experience trying to pass Coastal Mart to go up to Wildridge and it was literally a traffic jam from cars trying to go in and out of Coastal Mart. He felt it would be overburdening the intersection with traffic. The loss of the trees and putting a building image up instead of a natural image was of concern to him. Chairperson Hunn posed the question that if the Public Works Staff was moving out of the Municipal Building, would there now be room for the County? Mr. Matzko stated the space vacated by Public Works was spoken for already. Chairperson Hunn stated he thought the synergy of Avon's Town Government and the county outlet was a good marriage. He further stated the Chamber of Commerce was seeking other locations. Chairperson Hunn asked if the intent Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 was to limit the use or was it possible that employee housing could be proposed at a later date? Mr. Matzko replied that he had not heard any proposals. Chairperson Hunn stated he did not feel comfortable with applying the rezoning to this area. He stated he thought a better way to approach it would be to create an SDD, then they could determine what fit the site and apply a height limit and determine how many parking spaces were needed and apply that, etc. In TOA code, it would be a PUD. He stated this was a valuable open space and in order to support development, it would have to be an outstanding architectural solution that was a good first impression for the community and enhanced the site. Motion Commissioner Schneiderman made a recommendation for denial of Tract Y, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek with the following recommendations to Town Council: The property be brought back under PUD with a complete building design 2. The Town include in their lease agreement with the county that the county will abide by any P&Z design review decisions. Commissioner Vest seconded the motion and it carried unanimously with one nay from Commissioner Reynolds. Commissioner Reynolds stated he opposed because he did not think the parcel should be developed. Chairperson Hunn clarified that the action taken was a recommendation of denial because the Council had the final decision. Mr. Matzko clarified Commission's specific concerns as follows - 1 . ollows:1. The traffic generated by a County office and Chamber of Commerce would be adverse to the intersection 2. The trees that created a natural setting at the entry to town would be destroyed 3. The zone district applied was too broad, provided too little parking and too high of a height limitation 4. A PUD would be more appropriate 5. The building would be a tombstone on a hillside 6. Based on past history, it was likely they would see a temporary or low budget solution Other Business Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 6 Chairperson Hunn stated he was absent from the last meeting and he noted that the Staff's "life safety" concern regarding Lots 18 & 19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek subdivision was not discussed at any length. He requested to ask the Commissioners who voted on the approval how they felt about their decision two weeks later. Commissioner Vest indicated that 5/7 staff concerns were on the positive side, it was zoned Industrial Commercial, and the parking in rear was a benefit. He further stated that the site would be developed at some point and out of the three designs he had seen, this was the best. He acknowledged life safety would be a concern. Commissioner Reynolds agreed with Commissioner Vest regarding the access to the lot. He also stated with all of the conditions, he did not think the project would not make it. He was uncertain if he still felt confident with his decision. He stated he was acting as Vice -Chairperson and was basically trying to maintain peace. He also stated after he thought about the project he realized it was maximized, like a lot of other Donaldson projects. Chairperson Hunn stated that as a citizen who drives up and down Metcalf Road, he was concerned that it was not a complete solution. He stated the conditions would help cause a better solution, but he was considering writing a letter as a citizen asking the decision to be appealed. Commissioner Reynolds pointed out the two lane winding road has no easements and can not be expanded. Commissioner Vest stated that even if you put a duplex on the site, the access would be dangerous. Commissioner Schneiderman suggested that the Town could make it a right - turn -only off the property. Commissioner Vest stated he was concerned about a truck turning left into the driveway and a car ripping down the corner at the same time. He stated he thought signage should definitely be put up on the road. Commissioner Schneiderman stated that they could not put up signage prohibiting large trucks, because they could not preclude deliveries to Mountain Star. Adjournment Meeting Minutes January 2, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page Commissioner Schneiderman moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Reynolds and the meeting adjourned at 8.40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jacqueline Halburnt Recording Secretary Cc J. S1 A. B R B H