L36 B1 BMBC Auto ShopTown of Avon
Special Review Use staff Report
June 3, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Special Review Use type
Legal description
May 30, 1997
Expansion of Auto Body Shop
Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
0120 Metcalf Road
Rich's Auto Body is requesting a special use permit to expand their auto body business into the
adjacent condominium space to the south previously occupied by Benchmark Cleaners. Rich's
Auto Body currently occupies 4,270 square feet The proposed expansion would result in a total
of 7,312 square feet. Approval of this application would vacate the special review for Benchmark
Criteria for Review, Recommendation and Approval
According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning
Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a special
review use permit:
1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the
zoning code.
• Allowed use: Although the Zoning Code does not specifically list auto body as a special
use in the IC zone, other auto body shops have been approved and the use falls within the
intent of an industrial commercial zone district.
• Lot Coverage: No change.
• Setbacks: The wall separating two condominium units will be removed. The party wall
agreement and condominium plat may need to be amended to reflect the change.
• Easements: No encroachments.
• Building Height: No change
• Grading: None proposed
• Parking: The parking requirement for an auto body use is not specifically enumerated in
the parking requirements. However, it is most similar to a service station requirement of
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Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Review, page 2
June 3, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
2 spaces per 1000 square feet. The parking formula has been used for other recent auto
body applications. The 7,312 square foot building meets the requirement for 15 parking
spaces. The spaces in front of the building should be reserved as customer and employee
• Loading- a loading area should be designated. Trucks currently have been observed
unloading on Metcalf Road. Chapter 17.24 of the Municipal Code requires a loading
• Snow Storage: No change, however snow storage areas need to be designated on the
plan. Any snow accumulation outside designated snow storage areas shall be hauled off-
• Landscaping: Not all landscaping shown exists on the site. Staff recommends that any
landscaping not in place now should be planted prior to applicants receiving a certificate
of occupancy for the expanded use.
• Previous Expansion- the applicant needs to request a final inspection and request a
certificate of occupancy for the 1994 expansion and approval of the 1996 retaining wall.
2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan.
The Comprehensive Plan designates this area for industrial land uses. The expanded auto
body use is consistent with this designation.
3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. Such compatibility may be
expressed in appearance, architectural scale and features, site design, and odor,
lighting, traffic, safety, etc.
The proposed auto body expansion should be compatible with adjacent industrial uses. Since
the expansion is into an existing building, the only impacts would be from parking, loading
and storage of vehicles. No damaged vehicles should be stored outside the screened rear
storage area. As long as no vehicles from the business park or load off-site on adjacent roads
or property, the expansion should be compatible with the surrounding industrial
The additional landscaping shown on the plan will help to provide screening. The existing
fence does not provide adequate screening. A solid screen fence should be added.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of a special review use permit for the expansion of Rich's Auto
Body at Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as described on the site plans
dated 5-13-97 with conditions.
1. Approve with conditions recommended by staff.
2. Approve with modified conditions.
3. Table to address concerns
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Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Review, page 3
June 3, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Recommended Motion
I move to approve Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as described on the
site plans dated 5-29-97 with the following conditions:
1. Snow storage areas be designated on the site plan.
2. No snow accumulation shall occur outside designated snow storage areas. Any excess snow
shall be hauled off-site.
3. A solid wooden fence be constructed to screen the trash enclosure and rear storage area for
4. A loading area be designated on the site. No loading shall occur in Metcalf Road.
5. The delivery of vehicles by tow trucks shall occur on-site.
6. Vehicles shall be parked in designated parking or storage areas only.
7. One of the parking lots shall be reserved for customer parking.
8. All landscaping shown on the plan shall be provided and any dead or dying plants be
replaced. All new plant material shall be a minimum of 2 inch caliper for trees and 5 gallon
containers for shrubs. All new or replacement plants shall be planted prior to occupancy of
the expanded business in the southern condominium space.
9. All landscape areas shall be weeded.
10. Any required changes to the party wall agreement or condominium plat be made and
approved by the Town through the subdivision review process.
11. All requirements from previous approval be satisfied prior to occupancy of the southern
condominium space.
12. Documentation be provided that Rich Cooper is owner of the southern condominium unit.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other project, please call me at 949-4280
(extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
llz_lt�1_11 9
Karen Griffit
Town Planner
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Lot 36, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Review, page 4
June 3, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
Variance granted as submitted ...............................................( )
Variance granted with recommended conditions ...................( )
Approved with modified conditions ......................................( )
Continued...............................................................................( )
VarianceDenied.....................................................................( )
Withdrawn..............................................................................( )
Date — C% % Sue Railton, Secretary j � ,
1. Snow storage areas be approved by staff.
— 2. No snow accumulation shall occur outside designated snow storage areas. Any excess snow
shall be hauled off-site.
— 3. A wood veneer fence be constructed to screen the trash enclosure and rear storage area for
— 4. A loading area be designated on the site. No loading shall occur in Metcalf Road.
5. The delivery of vehicles by tow trucks shall occur on-site.
— 6. Vehicles shall be parked in designated parking or storage areas only.
7. One of the parking lots shall be reserved for short term customer parking with a minimum of
— 3 (three) spaces marked with designated signage.
8. All landscaping shown on the plan shall be provided and any dead or dying plants be
replaced. All new plant material shall be a minimum of 2 inch caliper for trees and 5 gallon
containers for shrubs. All new or replacement plants shall be planted prior to occupancy of
the expanded business in the southern condominium space.
9. All landscape areas shall be weeded.
10. Any required changes to the party wall agreement or condominium plat be made and
approved by the Town through the subdivision review process.
11. All requirements from previous approval be satisfied prior to occupancy of the southern
condominium space.
12. Documentation be provided that Rich Cooper is owner of the southern condominium unit.
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(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-5749