PZC Minutes 052097Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 20, 1997
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order
by Vice Chairperson Andrew Karow at 5:49 p.m., May 20, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620.
Members Present
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Staff Present
Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Patty Lambert swore in Mike Dantas, Chris Evans, Anne Fehlner and Beth Stanley as new
Commission Members.
Vice Chairperson Karow welcomed Mike Dantas as a new Commission Member.
Roll Call
All Commission members were with Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Railton absent
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Karen Griffith suggested that the Commission elect the new officers for the following positions;
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Secretary.
Karen Griffith requested to add to Other Business Item B, Tract A, The Lodge at Avon Center,
window additions.
Mike Matzko requested to add to Other Business Item C, Update the Regulations and Codes for
Planning and Zoning.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve of the Addition and Amendments to the Agenda as
stated by staff. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Election of New Officers
Commissioner Stanley nominated Vice Chairperson Karow as Chairperson. Commissioner
Schneider seconded the nomination. Vice Chairperson Karow accepted.
Commissioner Stanley moved to elect Commissioner Karow as Chairperson. Commissioner
Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Dantas nominated Commissioner Evans as Vice Chairperson. Commissioner
Schneider seconded the nomination. Commissioner Evans accepted.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to elect Commissioner Evans as Vice Chairperson. Commissioner
Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Stanley nominated to reelect Commissioner Railton as Secretary. Commissioner
Fehlner seconded the nomination. Commissioner Railton was absent.
Commissioner Stanley moved to reelect Commissioner Railton as Secretary. Commissioner
Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Dantas opposing.
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Fehlner declared a Conflict of Interest for Lot 39, Block 3, Wildridge
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the May 6, 1997, Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
B. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Small Residence
Project Type: Design Modification
Property Owner/Applicant:: Ed Small
Address: 4214 W. Wildridge Road
Commissioner Evans moved to table Item A of the Consent Agenda for the next Planning and
Zoning Commission Meeting, dated June 3, 1997 and move Item B of the Consent Agenda to
Final Design Review as Item A. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Small Residence
Project Type: Design Modification
Property Owner/Applicant:: Ed Small
Address: 4214 W. Wildridge Road
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
Commissioner Evans was concerned that the application was approving the landscape plan. Mr.
Harrison said he a copy of the original approved plans.
Mr. Harrison mentioned the following; additional landscaping would be added to the south side
of the residence and west side of the driveway.
Mr. Harrison said there were (3) three parts to this application, the landscape plan modification,
the color and materials and the design modification.
Commissioner Fehlner said this application appeared to met the Final Design Review Guidelines
and agreed that the colors and materials were acceptable.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner and
asked staff if they were comfortable with the landscape plan. Ms. Harrison said "yes".
Commissioner Stanley asked if the colors were complete for the siding and wood trim.
Ed Small, Sierra Construction, said "yes", the color of siding was a natural color and the facia
was fairly dark brown.
Commissioner Schneider asked if there was drip system for the trees. Mr. Small said "yes".
Commissioner Dantas said the house was good looking. He asked if the height from the middle
portion of the house was increased. Mr. Small said "no". (no further comment was stated).
Commissioner Dantas said he liked the garage doors.
Chairperson Karow asked what the maximum height of the house was. Mr. Small replied (tape
was inaudible).
Chairperson Karow asked the applicant if he had a color board. Mr. Small said he did have one
but did not bring it to the meeting. He reiterated the colors for the siding and facia.
Commissioner Schneider asked staff if approval for colors were allowed without a color board
but with photographs. Mr. Harrison said "yes", a color board was not a requirement for
submittals and that photographs were acceptable.
Chairperson Karow asked staff if the were comfortable with the colors and materials provided.
Mr. Harrison said "yes".
Mr. Small said the windows would be clad windows in a burgundy color. He presented some
photographs to the Commission.
Commissioner Stanley said she was comfortable with staff comments.
Commissioner Evans moved to approved the colors and materials, landscaping and design
modification Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Schneider seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 20, Block 2, Eaglebend Subdivision - Bartock Addition
Project Type: Design Modification, deck addition
Property Owner / Applicant: Greg Bartock
Address: 5325 Eaglebend Drive
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. He said the project was a
removal of the gable portion of the roof over the garage on a single family residence located on
Eagle Bend Drive.
The applicant wanted to install a deck with a railing system, which meets the Building Codes,
and install a sliding glass door to access the deck.
Greg Bartock, applicant, made a brief presentation to the Commission. He said the proposed
deck addition would improve the value and appearance of the house. He further stated the hand
railing would match the existing siding in colors.
Commissioner Fehlner asked the applicant if he was aware of the contingency of staffs
recommendation to the Commission. Mr. Bartock said "no".
Commissioner Fehlner expressed her concerns regarding staffs recommendation number 5 to the
applicant. Mr. Bartock said this should not be a structural problem.
Commissioner Fehlner said she was concerned about the roof line and the addition of the two
French doors. She asked if a snow fence or gutter system would be added. Mr. Bartock said he
was thinking about adding some type of diversion above the doors. He said a snow fence would
probably work best in this location.
Commissioner Evans asked if the existing railing met the current Building Code Standards. Mr.
Matzko said he did have an answer at this time, that he was using the drawings submitted to
match the Building Codes. He said spacing could be an issue.
Mr. Bartock said there was a deck by the entry door which consisted of red wood laths.
Mr. Matzko clarified that the codes would automatically be reviewed during the building permit
Commissioner Evans commented on staffs recommendation number 4 stating that he could not
find any indications that the railing would be higher than 36". Mr. Matzko said the railing height
for a residence was 36".
Commissioner Stanley clarified the comments made by Mr. Matzko. Mr. Matzko said the railing
height had to 36" in height.
Commissioner Dantas asked Mr. Matzko if a header would be created above the garage door.
Mr. Matzko said "yes", the wall would extend above the garage door.
Commissioner Evans asked about the garage doors. Mr. Bartock said the size of the garage
doors were (7) seven feet in length with a (2) foot wall above the doors.
Commissioner Evans said based upon the site visit, he was not in favor of recommendation
number 5.
Commissioner Stanley said she was not in favor of staffs recommendations numbered 4 and 5.
Commissioner Schneider said number 5 of the staffs recommendations was not needed, not
unless the applicant wanted it so. The applicant said "no".
Commissioner Dantas said he liked the project.
Chairperson Karow commented on staffs recommendation number 4. The applicant said that
was what he wanted.
Commissioner Fehlner asked for clarification regarding staffs recommendation number 4. She
suggested that number 4 be removed from the conditions.
Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the proposed remodel and deck addition for Lot 20,
Block 2, Eaglebend Subdivision, as depicted on the application and plan set dated May 6, 1997,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Paint new materials to match existing siding.
2. Paint any additional flashing to match surrounding materials.
3. Submit any proposed exterior lighting fixtures for staff for approval.
4. Obtain any homeowner association approval prior to building permit.
Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Lot 39, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Eschenlohr Residence
Project Type: Single Family Residence
Property Owner: John Eschenlohr
Consultant: Greg Lemon, Architect, and Vail Architecture Group
Address: 4550 Flat Point
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. One issue was discussed
during the noon site tour, the metal roof.
Ms. Griffith read from the Design Review Guidelines, Item D, Section 6.25, Number 4 regarding
metal roofs.
Ms. Griffith said she received some comments from the town engineer after the staff report was
printed, they were as followed; fine tuning the drainage area by the garage and a note on the
topographical survey stating the survey was under snow.
Ms. Griffith presented a lighting cut sheet to the Commission depicting frosted glass with a
lantern style fixture.
Tab Bonity, Vail Architect Group, and Brian Jefferies, Attorney, represented the owner who was
out of town during this meeting.
Mr. Bonity presented a color board to the Commission.
Commissioner Evans asked staff for clarification regarding the south east elevation stating the
building height appeared to be approaching 34 feet. He was concerned about the chimney cap
and height of the building.. Ms. Griffith said that the chimney caps were excluded from the
building heights.
Mr. Bonity commented on the drainage problem by the garage. He said the house could be
relocated about (2) two feet to eliminate this problem.
Commissioner Evans asked about the size of the facia for the proposed building. Mr. Bonity
responded and said "2 x 1213
Commissioner Evans asked about the sewer routing. Mr. Bonity said the sewer would have to
flow down, so there would be some disturbance below. However, the site would be re -seeded.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the design of the house but disagreed with metal roofs.
Mr. Bonity responded to Commissioner Evans comments regarding the metal roofs. He said the
metal roofing was correct and considered a major benefit as far as the Planning and Zoning
Design Guidelines were defined. He said the metal roofs were used on the eves and lower sloped
dormers where icing could occurred. A copy of the American Society of Standard Roofs
Engineer Corporation was presented to the Commission regarding the reflectivity issues for
metal roofs.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the comments made by Mr. Bonity, but was concerned
with the consistence stand point of approval from other applicants. He said other applicants have
had to change their applications before if was presented to the Commission. He said he was
aware of metal roofs in the Wildridge area and supported the design of the building but not the
metal roof design..
Commissioner Stanley commented on the metal roof, colors lighting features, and drip lines
above the entry ways. However, she said that she could not support the project because of the
metal roof. She did mention the Planning and Zoning was revising the regulations and codes.
Mr. Bonity presented stone samples to the Commission.
Commissioner Schneider commented on the snow loads for the south elevation of the building.
He said he could not support the project because of the metal roof.
Mr. Bonity said the support of the metal roof was contradictory to the Design Review
Commissioner Evans said the metal roof support was not contradictory to the Design Review
Guideline and that there was guidelines previously approved in the Wildridge Covenants. He
asked the Commission to approve this project with the provisions that the metal roof be changed
to an asphalt shingles. He encouraged the applicant to keep in contact with staff.
Mr. Jefferies suggested to approve this application with the changes made upon adoption of the
revised regulations and codes.
Commissioner Stanley said she disagreed with this statement.
Ms. Griffith read from the Planning and Zoning Commission Policies, "Metal Roofs in
Wildridge", dated February 16, 1993.
Mr. Bonity said that all (6) six criterias could be met with the exception that the material lists
needs to be specified.
Commissioner Dantas asked if there were railings located in the back side elevation. Mr. Bonity
said he could not answer this question at this time, the owners were out of town. However, wood
railings would be installed in the south side elevation.
Commissioner Dantas commented on the metal roof. Mr. Bonity said the homeowner liked this
type of roof because of durability and maintenance.
Ms. Griffith said that the applicant could supply of the metal roof sample for review to the
Commissioner Evans said that major issues, regarding the metal roof, were based upon the
Design Review Guidelines number 8.
Commissioner Dantas said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans.
Chairperson Karow commented on the (4) four aspens located in the right of away easement and
the metal roof.
Chairperson Karow asked staff how the applicant would know about the polices and criteria
previously discussed. Ms. Griffith said references were made by Chairperson Hunn and that the
policy was not an adopted code but was a policy applied in the past.
Mr. Matzko suggested that a site test and sample for the metal roof be performed and said it
would be considered appropriate.
Chairperson Karow said he agreed with comments made by Mr. Matzko and that the metal roof
would need to met the (6) six Design Review Criterias before Final Design review could be
Commissioner Dantas discussed elevation numbered 83.2 with the applicant at the bench. Mr.
Bonity asked Commissioner Dantas to review the roof plans. He explained that the low slope
dormer was a 3/12.
Commissioner Schneider asked staff if the Commission should vote for the metal roof with
conditions or table the project. Ms. Griffith said Commission could approve the project and
make the roof material subject to a site visit.
Commissioner Schneider asked what defines a "large sample" was for the metal roof.
Mr. Bonity said the seam for the metal roof was 18" on center. He suggested that a sample for
the metal roof consist of a least (2) two seams which would be about (3) three feet wide.
Commissioner Dantas said the metal roof would accent the house and suggested an ice and water
shield to take of the problems regarding glare. Mr. Bonity said this would be the last item of
defense for ice and water prevention.
Commissioner Stanley said she was willing to go to the site to review the metal roof sample.
Commissioner Dantas suggested that the applicant provide a sample with (2) two seams.
Commissioner Evans said that the size of the roofing material needed to be large enough so that
the Commission could address the concerns previously discussed.
Commissioner Stanley suggested a sample of (4) four to (5) feet wide with (2) two seams.
Chairperson Karow suggested that the size for the metal roof be (4) four feet by (5) five feet
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the final design for a single family residence on Lot 39,
Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated May 9, 1997 subject to the following
1. All trees be moved outside the Town's 10' Road Maintenance, Drainage, and Snow storage
2. Muhgo pines shall be in a minimum of five gallon containers.
3. Final engineering be approved by the staff and town engineer.
4. The topographic survey be resubmitted with the snow exclusion note removed.
5. Roofing material to be approved contingent upon the site visit on June 3, 1997.
6. The railing detail to be approved by staff.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Fehlner
Preliminary Review
A. Tracts A & B and Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision - Chapel Square
Project Type: Mixed Use Development
Property Owner: Palmos Development
Applicant: Paul Trementozzi, OZ Architecture
Address: 0220 Beaver Creek Place
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. She discussed the PUD,
the building height for buildings A, B and C, parking lot reduction, Town Council approval of
the PUD and mix use development.
Staffs issues and concerns were the compact parking spaces which did not conform with the
PUD Guidelines and snow storage area.
Paul Trementozzi, OZ Architecture, addressed staffs comments regarding the following
recommendations; number 1 - conformance of the building height to the PUD, number 2 -
compact parking spaces, number 3 - redesigning Building B's south and east elevations, number
4 - redesigning the facade for Wal-Mart and Building A, number 11 - additional landscaping,
number 14 - charts, materials, colors and manufacturer numbers, number 19 - material and color
samples for the Chapel elevations and number 20 - stone chimneys for the south elevation.
Mr. Trementozzi used the model and color rending board to describe the materials for the project.
He said that building A will be next to Wal-Mart. The materials used for Building A will be the
same for Building B.
Mr. Trementozzi presented rock samples to the Commission. He said the stone base will be
located in the front and back of the buildings.
Mr. Trementozzi presented stucco samples to the Commission. He said the color would be a
brown tone for the lower portion and a yellow tone for the upper portion for the Arcade.
Mr. Trementozzi presented cement board samples to the Commission. He used some
photographs taken in Aspen to describe how the cement boards were used. He also presented
some photographs from Keystone to describe the type of windows to be used for the project.
Mr. Trementozzi said he was proposing to use the Town of Avon's standard fixtures for the
parking light fixtures. He used a site plan to describe the locations of the light poles and lighting
Leo Palmos, Palmos Development, made a brief presentation to the Commission. He said he
was producing a high quality building. He said that underground parking would cost him over
(3) three million dollars. He asked the Commission to approve this project.
Commissioner Fehlner agreed with staff comments that this was a hugh addition to the Town of
Avon. She addressed the following recommendations and issues numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 16, 19
and 20. She said she was concerned about the cement boards being placed horizontal and liked
the colors samples presented.
Commissioner Evans agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner. He addressed
the following recommendations and issues numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 19 and stated some concerns
regarding the gold leaf dome and lighting issues.
Mr. Griffith suggested that the shoe box style lights be removed from the lighting plan.
Mr. Palmos said the lights were illuminating downward because of the tenants that will be living
Commissioner Evans said he was concerned about the parking lights. Mr. Trementozzi said the
type of lighting was very costly.
Commissioner Stanley commented on the type of lights, wattage, length of time the lights would
be on. She suggested that the chimney treatment be added around the whole project. She was
concerned about the following issues; the trash enclosures, landscaping, compact parking spaces,
snow removal and the PUD amendment.
Commissioner Schneider said he was concerned about the Wal-Mart facade. He suggested that
the chimney treatment continue around the whole project.
Commissioner Dantas said he agreed with the comments made by Commission Stanley regarding
the chimney treatment. He mentioned the back side easement and the conformance with the
PUD amendment.
Chairperson Karow addressed the building height envelopes, PUD amendment, compact parking
spaces, number 3 of the recommended motion regarding the details and connections of the
building, number 4 - Wal-Mart facade, number 11 - additional landscaping, and window colors.
Commissioner Stanley commented of the landscape plan regarding the calipers of the aspen
No further comments were said and a motion was made.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to grant preliminary design approval for mixed use on Tract A and
Tract B, Lot 22, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as depicted on plans dated
April 30, 1997 with direction that the following items be addressed:
1. All building heights conform to the original PUD -the Chapel Buildings Building B and
Building C be adjusted to conform to the heights approved by the PUD.
2. A maximum of 30 percent compact parking spaces be provided in structured parking.
3. Building B's south and east elevations be studied to further integrate the upper and lower
stories and the stairways and entrance roofs with the overall building design.
4. Building A and Wal -mart facade be studied to further integrate the buildings and a color
rendering board to be presented and approved by the Commission.
5. Parking space requirements be met -one more parking space be provided.
6. Elevations and specifications be provided on the cooling towers.
7. Final grading and engineering will be addressed with final design review.
8. All handicap parking spaces meet minimum dimensions.
9. All meters will be placed upon the building.
10. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
11. Additional landscaping, including trees, be provided between parking and drive area and
south property line and if the irrigation ditch can be abandoned on the east side, additional
landscaping be added.
12. Landscape plan specify ground cover between southern and eastern property lines and
parking and drive areas.
13. Note on page A 1.1 be revised to indicate that the PUD granted an additional reduction of 27
parking spaces.
14. During Final Design, a detailed chart of materials and colors including manufacturer and
number be included on the building elevation sheets.
15. A complete lighting plan be submitted for review.
16. A complete signage plan be submitted for review.
17. A commitment be provided from developer that any snow accumulation outside designated
snow storage areas will be hauled off -site.
18. Mulch in planting beds be limited to wood mulch.
19. Provide a consistent stone chimney design on all elevations.
20. An easement be granted by City Market. for the sidewalk and landscaping improvements on
City Market property.
21. Any outside storage or equipment to be screened or painted to match the surrounding
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hearing
None scheduled
Other Business
A. Discussion of rezoning multi -family zoned lots
Mike Matzko briefly summarized and presented a draft policy for subdividing existing
multifamily lots in the Wildridge Subdivision.
Michael Hazard addressed the Commission regarding Lot 111, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision.
A color rendering board was presented. He discussed the access to the proposed (4) four parcels,
site locations for (4) four 3330 square foot home, elevations and views, individual landscaping
plan for each home owners, however, a landscape plan will be submitted.
Mr. Hazard said this was an opportunity to maximized the lot.
Mr. Matzko asked for Commission review.
Commissioner Fehlner said this project should be considered. She was concerned about the
following issues; size lot, regulations regarding the subdivision and front setbacks being
Commissioner Evans said this needs to be applied by a case by case basis. He said this site had a
positive benefit in rezoning for a multifamily lots.
Commissioner Stanley agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans. She said she
was in favor of allowing the subdivision of Lot 11, Block 1, Wildridge.
Commissioner Schneider said he was in agreement with this subdivision. He said he was
concerned about the cost of the homes.
Commissioner Dantas commented on the lot size. He suggested reducing the lots from (4) four
to (3) three lots because of the set backs.
Chairperson Karow said the comments made were a "good starting point" for establishing the
criterias for Final Design Review.
No formal action was taken.
B. Update the Regulations and Codes for Planning and Zoning.
Mike Matzko presented a draft copy regarding the P&Z procedures, rules and regulations to the
Planning and Zoning Worksession will meet on Tuesday, May 27, 1997 at 7:00 am.
C. Tract A, The Lodge at Avon Center.
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation to the Commission. She said the applicant wanted to
add (3) three windows to the building.
Ms. Griffith used a site plan to describe the locations for these windows.
Commissioner Fehlner said she was comfortable with staff reviewing this application.
Commissioner Evans said he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner.
Commissioner Stanley said he agreed the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner.
Commissioner Schneider said he agreed the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner.
Commissioner Dantas said he agreed the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner.
Chairperson Karow said he agreed the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner.
No formal action was taken.
Other Business Continued
Fire Department will be installing new signs for the fire station. Staff will do the approval.
Commissioner Stanley recommended that the Commission thank Jack Hunn for his service with
the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to acknowledge Jack Hunn for his service with the Town of Avon.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion, The motion passed unanimously.
Chairperson Karow thanked the Commission for voting him in this position.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by
Commissioner Fehlner and the meeting adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Qanrnfar-
M. Dantas
C. Evans
A. Fehln
A. KaroN
S. Railton
M Schneider
B. Stanley