PZC Minutes 031897Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
March 18 1 G97
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to or�:ier
by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 5:52 p.m., March 18, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, Colorado.
Members Present
Jack Hunn
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Roll Call
All members wer- present.
Staff Present
Lin'-. Xnnf_ :,—,lording Secr�:tary
George Harrison, Manner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
George Harrison stated that Public Hearing item B was withdrawn at the re ue i of the applicant.
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Karow declared a conflici of interest with Public searing item C
Concept Review
A. Lot 97; dock 1, Wildridge Subdivision- Folkvord Duplex
Project Type- Residential Duplex
Property Owner/Applicant: David Folkvard
Consultant: Robert Reevey
Address: 2340 Old Trail Road
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission -Meeting, Minutes for March i a, 199i`
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B. Lot 77, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision- Duny\Shelde Duplex
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owner/Appi j cant: Rick Cuny
Consultant Peter May, Habitat Post & Beam
Address: 2340 Old Trail Road
No formal action was taken on the Concept Design Review items.
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the March 4, 1997 (Manning & Zoning Go mmission
Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the following amendments
stated by Commissioner Stanley. on page 7, change "32 feet wide" to "32 square feet." Second by
Commissioner Railton The motion passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 65, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Baiola/Mintfsng Duplex
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owner: Jay Raioia
Applicant: Kathy Langenwalter, PeeliLangenwaiter Architects, LLC
Address: 2345 Fox Lane
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
A color rendering board was presented to the Commission.
Kathy Langenwalter, Peel/Langenwalter Architects, LLC., made a brief present - tion and
described the duplex to the Commission. The building was separated by wood trim and light
stucco for the upper levels, dark stucco for the lower levels, and Clontrasting fae a color with an
asphalt shingle roof. She also explained the modifications made to t".; driveway by using a site
Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant to clarIA the driveway and the working platform. Ms.
Langenwalter did, and presented the Commission with an 11x17 copy of the site plan.
Chairperson Hunn asked if the grade was 10.4%. Ms. Langenwalter said "yes.'
Commissioner Fehlner was concerned that the retaining wall was not in scale with the southeast
and southwest elevations. Ms. Langenwalter used the color rendering board to describe the
elevations and retaining wall outlined in red.
Commissioner Evans suggested the following: add additional landscaping to mirsate the asphalt
driveway and a& a heat taped gutter to minimize snow pack above t' -.e garage.
Town of Avon P inning & Zoninv Commission Meeting Minutes far March IS 199 J
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Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the driplines orito the driveway. V— . Langen:alter
said that heat tape and gutter would be installed.
Commissioner Schneider asked what type of materials would be used for the retaining walls. Ms.
Langenwalter stated that 2 (two) types of retaining walls would be constructed: a 4 (four) foot
boulder wall sloping down to a 3 (three) feet; and the continuation of the garagd: walls with a
maximum height of 6 (six) feet, and covered with stucco. The garage doors we. e pressed wood
with stain. The roof line on the south west elevation has a gable above the entr-v.
Commissioner Karow stated that this project appeared to be in conformance wl`h the Design
Review Guidelines.
Commissioner Railton asked about the existing growth in fr::nt of the house. Ms. Langenwalter
said that aspen trees would be added to replace the trees that tivere removed
Chairperson Hunn asked about the 10.4% driveway grade. Mr. Harrison stated that staff did not
feel that 4/10th. of a percent was excessive. He agreed with Commissioner Karow's comments
and stated that the project was very creative and complete.
Commissioner Karow moved to approve Lot 65, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivisioa as presented on
the plans dated received March 4, 1997, with the following conditions:
1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be tainted to match surrounding materials.
2. All meters will be placed upon the building.
3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
4. Move the driveway westward to eliminate retainage over the existing culver-..
5. Eliminate grading cuts in the public right-of-way and the 10 foot Slope Maintenance,
Drainage and Snow Storage Easement.
Seconded by Commissioner Schneider. The enation passed unanimously.
B. Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Residential Townhouse Fourplex
Property Owner/Applicant: 'Ward Morrison, MVM Deveiopers, Inc.
Consultant: Ron Diehl; Diehl Designs
Address: 2492 Draw Spur
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. He said the applicants
worked with the water and sanitation district regarding the 50 foot easement and access to the
Mr. Harrison noted the following: parking space on the south side of building, additional
landscaping be added on the east side of the duplex, add a sufficient turn aroun, area in the
driveway, concerns regarding the light fixtures.
Commissioner Ecans asked staff about staff recommendation number 5 (five) Mr. Harrison said
it referred to "a permanent residential building identification sign".
Todd Morrison, property owner, commended the staff for a job Weil done to the Commission.
Ward Morrison, property owner, discussed the recommendations suggested by ,he Commission
from the last meeting. He stated that he had made changes as suggested by the-'ommission.
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Commissioner Railton said the applicant addressed all the comments made by the Commission
Ward Morrison presented photographs to Commissioner Railton and explained .he entryway
Commissioner Karow stated the he agreed with the staff report and that the pro; ect conformed
with the Design Review Guidelines.
Commissioner Schneider stated that he agreed with the staff report.
Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the snow storage area, � -Id commented on the rear
elevation and balconies.
Commissioner Evans was concerned about the trash enclosures. Ward Morrison said that the
trash enclosure were replaced by individual trash pickups.
Commissioner Fehlner commented or, additional landscaping, retaining wall and; snow shed on the
Chairperson Huna asked about maneuvering in the southern guest parking lot. `',hard Morrison
stated that staff recommend a "T" shape driveway for snow storage and turnaround
Chairperson Hunn expressed concern about landscaping and impact from snow storage, views for
the adjacent neighbors, stairs concerns regarding the lighting issues, -.id color o"the stain. He
suggested that an additional one or two trees be planted by the decks.
Todd Morrison explained that the exteriors colors were white clad window trim and facia boards
with gray smoke stain for the siding.
Commissioner Evans moved to approve Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivisior: as presented on
the plans dated received March 10, 1997 with the following conditions:
1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
2. All meters will be placed upon the building.
3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
4. Exterior light fixtures that mitigate light trespass and off-site glare be presented for staff
5. A project identification sign with address be submitted for Commission review.
6. Additional landscaping above driveway retaining wall, based upon staff approval.
7. Turn around area be added to the south 2 (two) parking spaces.
Second by Comn,issioner Fehlner The motion passed unanimously.
[Please note that the two following items, "C" and "D, " were
discussed in reverse order as they appeared on the agenda. They are
presented in the meeting minutes in their actual order of discussion.'
D. Lot 41-43, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -
Beaver Creek West Condominiums
Project Type: Residential Project Entry Signs
Property Owner: Mike Bernet, Beaver Creek West Condominium Association
Applicant: Eric Hill; Paradigm Designs, P.C.
Address: 0288 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
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George Harrison made a brief presentation to the Commission as outlined in the staff report. He
stated that a pine tree will have to be removed and relocated to the far north west corner of the Iot
to accommodate the sign.
Staff expressed concern that the secondary entrance sign will have removable text and that the
primary sign incorporated 2 (two) large flag poles.
Eric Hill, Paradigm Designs, P.C., presented photographs to the Commission and said that there
would be 2 (two) signs. He described the proposed flag poles as green in color one 18 feet tall
the other 15 feet tall. The 18 foot tall pole will hang the American Flag and the 15 foot poie will
hang another flag.
Mr. Harrison noted that the sign should not exceed 8 (eight) feet.
Commissioner Fehlner asked about the sign codes regarding flag poles. Mr. fiarrison said that he
was not aware of any regulations regarding this particular issue.
Mr. Hill said that the sign was 10 feet behind the setbazk, the tree would be moved to a difcrc -Ir
location, and that the colors of the signs, the visuai impacts of the signs from adacent land
owners, and the American Flag did not diminish adjacent property values. He also stated that the
removable text for the signs would not be used for advertising, but only for public information
Mr. Harrison saic staff was concerned about the sign itself, not the display of the American Fla -
Commissioner Fehlner said she agreed with the staff report and comments made by Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Harrison saic the project was in a residential zoned district and that the sign was a form of
advertising. She was concerned about the "control factor" of removable letters.
Mr. Hill stated that the second flag post would be a "welcome wage..*' for special events and used
the Beaver Creek West Condominiums as an example
Mr. Harrison clarified that sign colors, appearance, and text were reviewed prior to approval.
removable text would require approval every time the sign was changed.
Mike Matzko asked the applicant to clarify the term "condo -tel." Mr. Hill stat:,_! that it was a
generic term for a condominium run as a hotel. 7511% of the building was consid"-red "rental"
units, either by night or week with l (one) or 2 (two) bedrooms.
Mr. Matzko said the current zoning code does not allow this type of activity in ;his zone district,
unless it was a legal use prior to the enactment to the zoning regulations, which would then make
this a nonconforming use.
Mr. Matzko expressed concern about the applicant's continents regarding the display of the
American Flag, which may raise a potential constitutional issue. He advised the Commission not
to proceed on this matter without the advice from the town's legal counsel.
Mr. Matzko stated that should this project be a non -conforming use, there are c_ear restrictions
regarding the expansion of a non -conforming use. Placement of the sign with the ability to
change the text indicates that the use was a hotel, and may constitute an expansion.
Mr. Matzko recommended that this project be tabled so that staff could research and consult with
legal counsel regarding the flag and signage, with the intent of returning to the next meeting.
Mr. Hill stated that this building was in operation since the late 70's. He stated -hat this buildinc,
was a condominium because of the ownership agreements. Mr. Matzko stated that the ✓
"ownership" was irrelevant as far as the use was concerned from the zoning regulations.
Town of Avon Pianning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 18, 1997
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Chairperson Hun:, stated that with the unresolved issues, he aL. v d with staffs ricommendatiolI
Commissioner Evans moved to table the two Residential Project Entry Signs as presented in the
application dated '_March 5, 1997, until the April 1; 1997 Planning & Zoning Co? emission meeting
Second by Commissioner Fehlner. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Lot 41-43, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -
Beaver Creek West Condominiums
Project Type: Remodel of Pool House and Pool Area
Property Owner: Mike Bennet, Beaver Creek West Condominium Association;
Applicant: Eric Hill, Paradigm Designs, P.C.
Address: 0288 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Mike Matzko addressed the Commissior, stating that this project raised the same issues as did the
previous discussion, in that the project may affect a non -conforming use; and revommended it be
tabled until the next meeting
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. He sa=d this remodel
would allow the association to better control access to the tennis cc _.rts.
Mr. Hill used a color rendering board to explain the proposed modifications. H: said that the
tennis courts would be reduced in size to accommodate the proposed pool area. He presented a
sample for the security fence and for the stucco. He explained the security concepts for the
project: a security fence by the retaining wall and front of the building, low leve' lights. light color
stucco for the building, and the motion sensors.
Commissioner Railton asked what the colors were for the project and suggested a lighter color to
blend with the landscaping. She was concerned about the color for the gravel o -I the roof, and
being able to see into the entrance to the dressing room.
Commissioner Karow asked about the building codes regarding the Lype and height of the fence.
He also suggested a sod roof for the pool building. Mr. Hill said that a sod roc: would be too
Commissioner Schneider asked about the type and color of the railing for the deck. Mr. Hill said
the railing was smooth and brown in color.
Commissioner Schneider asked about the west elevation entry door band. Mr. -.ill saia ine color
of the doors will oe brown and match the siding on the building.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the railing around the pool area and wall height. Mr. Hill
explained that there would be a 2 (two) foot railing on a 4 ('four} soot stucco wall around the pool
Mr. Hill used a site plan the explain the wall and elevations to Commissioner Stanley.
Commissioner Evans asked if the pool was heated and opened year round. Mr. Hill said "yes "
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission :Vleenns4 Minute, nor March 18, '997
Page 7
Commissioner Evans was concerned about the snow removal, sensitivity of the motion sensor,
lights, threshold adjustments for sensitivity on the motion sensors and the Avon police
Mr. Hill stated the Gary Murrain, building official, said the Town of Avon adopted the appendix
in Chapter 4 of the 1994 UBC codes.
Mr. Hill further stated that Mr. Murrain would like to have this pan : "unadoptec,' from the 1994
UBC codes.
Commissioner Fehlner was concerned about children playing around the fence, stating that the
fence may be a hazard because of the horizontal bars. She suggested consulting legal counsel
regarding the type of fence presented to Comni ssion.
Chairperson Hunn commented on the condominium owners viewing the roof and asked about its
potential use as a deck. Mr. Hill stated that the condominium, owners voted 4 (tour)to 1 (one)
against using the roof for other proposes.
Mr. Hill did not state what type of materials were on the roof, ;List that it was in poor condition.
Commissioner Railton moved to table the remodel of the poor house and pool area for Lots 41-
43, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as presented in the plans dated received
March 5, 1997, until the next Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Second by Commissioner
Schneider. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Lot 16, Block 1, Wildr-idge Subdivision
Project Type: Replacement of Siding ana Trim
Property Owner: Shawn Rudy, Pres. Saddleridge Association
Applicant: Clinton Cox, Pinnacle Resorts Management Co.
Address: 2140 Saddleridge Loop
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff* report.
Shawn Rudy, President of Saddleridge Association, made a brief presentation including a color
rendering board and siding samples to the Commission. There were 2 (two) siding samples
presented: a Lake Forest from Alcoa, high quality and lifetime guarantee, and a --edar Ridge from
Reynolds Company. Final estimates were not in at the time of the meeting.
Chairperson Hunn asked about detailing with the facia, and store v Meer.
Clinton Cox, Pinnacle Resort Management Co., said there would not be any Joints midway down
the building, and that the Lake Forest siding would be 14 feet insiead of the regular 12 foot
Commissioner Railton suggested that a horizontal siding be used and suggested that some type
detailing be added to the southern unit.
Commissioner Evans said that there would be a '`pop out" variation to the siding because of the
siding pattern. Ms. Rudy said that all the windows, facias and soffits, chimneys would be
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commissior: Meeting Minutes for March 18, 1997
Paue 8
Chairperson Hun,a asked if the entire project would be done at the same time. The applicant said
Chairperson Hunn asked if the garage doors would be altered in any way. The-pplicant said that
this was not in th= proposed plan.
Commissioner Schneider asked what colon; 14 oposed for this project. Ms. Rudy stated that
she like the sage brush color.
Commissioner Schneider asked if the garage doors were not replaced, would they be refinished at
the same time the building was re -sided Ms. Rudy said painting will include the garage doors.
Further discussion followed. (Tape inaudible. Too many people talking at the same time).
Chairperson Hunn stated that the sample siding appeared to be a thicker gauge. Mr. Cox said that
the siding presented tonight was a number 8 (eight) gauged siding compared to he standard
number 3 (three) gauged siding.
Commissioner Schneider asked if the siding would be installed as sl-, n in the picture presented-
resentedto the Commission. Ms. Rudy said the association was planning to do so. (Tape inaudible. train
passing by).
Chairperson Hunn said there was a precedence for vinyl siding in the Town of Avon and asked the
Commission for their opinions.
Commissioner Railton said she liked the Lake Forest siding because of the thicker gauge and
Commissioner Schneider said he liked the "protection" aspects of the siding because of the harsh
Commissioner Evans said he like the vinyl siding and the lifetime jL, .. antee.
Commissioner Karow said the siding meets number 2 of the f Mal Design Criteria.
Commissioner Stanley said she liked the life time warranty.
Chairperson Hunn suggested the thicker gauge because the siding would appear more realistic,
and would not warp as much as the thinner gauge siding.
Commissioner Karow mentioned designed criteria number 5 and stated the following, that the
views from adjoining neighbors and the proper installation of the siding would L)e a key factor in
the success of this project modification.
Commissioner Fehlner was concerned about recommending a specific product --ad the legal issues
that could arise should the product fail.
Chairperson Hunn responded by saying that the Commission has stated their preference between
the 2 (two) products presented by the applicants at the meeting.
Ms. Rudy said the railing and the trim would b: painting in a reddish brown tone, the color
scheme would be the same.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve the vinyl siding, trim and Soffit for Lo_ lb, Block I,
Wildridge Subdivision as presented in the application dated March 3, 1997 with the following
1. Midfield seams be eliminated or disguised to the greater= -.xtent possible.
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 18., 1997
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2. Railing and garage doors be repainted
I Product to be used will be -Alcoa Lake Fores-L Premier'' Wiry: siamg in a "R ver Wheat"' color
Seconded by Commissioner Stanley. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Hea-ring
A. Lot 1, VVildwood Resorts PUD - Colorado Alpines, Inc.
Project Type: Extension of Approval Period for Temporey Garden. Center,
Nursery and Storage
Property Owner: Oscar Tang, Tanavon Corp.
Applicant: Marty Jones, Colorado Alpines, Inc.
Address: 0100 Buckcreek Road
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report.
Marty Jones, Colorado Alpines, Inc , made a brief presentation to the CommissL.)n. Mr Jones
said he was still in the process of relocating down valley.
Chairperson Huna stated that there were concerns from the Mountain Star Subalvision
representatives and asked if there has been any additional complaints made since the last review.
Mr. Matzko said he would have to check in to this Mr..io: vs said he did not i:.we any
knowledge of any complaints at this time.
The same conditions would still be enforced if the proposal was approved. Mr. Matzko said there
were 6 (six) recommended conditions in the stff report.
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer. said t -here were no repons or comp,tims from the
adjoining neighbors or Mountain Star owners at this time
Chairperson Hunn opened Public Hearing, and seeing no one, closed Public He4:ring and opened
for Commission review.
Commissioner Evans stated that a nursery and landscaping products was an effe;tive use of this
vacant site. He said he did notice the rocks cairns on the south end of the lot wore spilling over
the pallets, and suggested restacking them.
Commissioner Railton suggested that gravel be added to the employee parking lot and to move
the equipment behind the building.
Chairperson Hunn said he would be comfortable in approving this extension.
Commissioner Stanley asked about the storage area being cleared on the lot. Ni._.Matzko said
that in staffs opinion, it was not necessary to add to this to the staffs condition, a was clear to the
applicant that this subject was mentioned in the previous meetings and approvals
Commissioner Karow moved to approve Planning and Zoni s_ f_`onuriission Resolution 97-4,
recommending approval of the PUD amendment, as depicted on plans dated 2- 7-97, for an
extension of the time period through June of 1998 for the storage of nursery material and
Town of Avon Pianning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for _larch 18. 1997
Paiae 10
equipment on Lot 2 and the extension of the Garden Center with nursery and Christmas tree sales
on Lot 1 through June of 1998 with the following conditions:
1. That portable toilets continue to be provided on the site.
2. Outdoor lighting be downcast and shielded so as to not generate off site gla e (light trespass;.
I Christmas trees and all items related to Christmas tree sales such as fences, i.nd any litter be
removed from the site by January 2nd (one week) after the Christmas tree sates have beer.
completed for the season.
4. Restore Lot 2 to its natural condition and the area be seeded or other appropriate re -
vegetation as determined by staff by August 20, 1998.
5. The letter of credit be extended through August 20, 1998.
6. Dust control be continued.
Seconded by Commissioner Railton The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 21, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Special Review Use (SRU) for Home Occupation
Property Owner: Victory Jeffers and Davie Gilman
Applicant: Victory Jeffers
Address: 5580 Coyote Ridge
Withdrawn by applicant.
C. Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Project Type: Special Review Use (SRU) for Aute Repair and Autc Body Shop
Property Owner: Alan Wigod
Applicant: Louis Medeiros
Consultan-: John Perkins, Architect
Address: 0140 Metcalf Road
Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the st;� tT repo,,. The facii:ty is currently
occupied by TCI Cablevision.
Commissioner Schneider asked if the parking space were consistent with this use. Mr. Matzko
said that the application meets the parking requirements.
Louis Medeiros, applicant, made a brief presentation to the Commission. He st:.ted that this
application was an expansion to his current business.
Chairperson Hun�l opened the Public Hearing, seeing no one, closed Public hearing and opened
for Commission review.
Commissioner Fehlner stated that this application was in conformance with the ;,final Design
Commissioner Evans asked the applicant if he agreed with staff condition, number 1 (one). Mr
Medeiros said "yes," that parking was substantiality for specific framing repairs on site and that
staff condition number 1 (one) was also stipulated in his lease.
Commissioner Stanley agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans and the repl4 b\,
Mr. Medeiros.
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Commissioner Schneider asked the applicant if he was goinz; to remodel. Mr. Medeiros said
"yes," that TCI Cablevision office will be removc-and that the original door vvl be reinstal?ed
He also said all the storage bins located in the far west end units will be removed:.
Commissioner Railton asked if there would be any signage added to the building. Mr. Medeiros
said "yes" that he would like to have the signs depicting all the operations of his business. The
tow truck and any and all vehicles for the business will be st -red inside the bulla ng or at the
Avon Auto Body Shop for security.
Chairperson Hunn asked if the public would be encouraged to go the new location. Mr. Medeiros
said only for mechanical repair located at 180 Metcalf Road; unless they request a specific type of
mechanical work_ which would be done at the new location
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the traffic between the properties., loading and unloading
of vehicles from a plat form truck or towing from the road. Mr. 'Medeiros stated that this would
be a rare occasion and stated that there was adequate room to load and unload -r ehicles.
Chairperson Hunia asked the applicant if he knew haw much tar is would be ar+ icipated bevvkeen
the sops in a given day. Mr. Medeiros stated that this would be har- .o anticipate at this time He
said that his company could work on 4 (four) damaged automobiles a day.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the traffic impacts on a 2 (two) lane road and peak times
in the morning. Mr. Medeiros felt that traffic would not be impacted by his business.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the berm and items place on top of it. Mr. Medeiros said
that this was a short term solution at the time and stated this would be cleaned up right away
Chairperson Hunn asked staff if a time limit should be added to the application. Mr. Matzko said
that 1 (one) option would be to make it conditional with a 1 (one) year review period in which
traffic or off site impacts could be addressed.
Mr. Medeiros was concerned about the owners of the property and One suggested stipulations
might have on his lease. He also asked if this type of stipulation were in placed with other
projects. Chairperson Hunn said "yes" there were time review periods and limits placed on other
properties for special review uses.
Mr. Medeiros' lease agreement will be signed for a 5 (five) year period.
Judy Wigod, property owner, said she v,ould rot accept a lease for less than a I (three; yea:
Chairperson Hunt asked the applicant if this rental property was a lease tenant property. Mr.
Medeiros said he would be interested in an answer for this question. Mr. Matzho said he would
check with legal council on this.
Mr. Matzko stated that a special review use generally runs with the property.
Ms. Wigod said she would prefer permission to be attached to the land. She stated that she has
known the applicant for 10 to 12 years.
Commissioner Evans asked the applicant if he was running a mechanical shop independently from
the body shop. Mr. Medeiros said that when he relocates to the new building, the old shop will be
Commissioner Evans asked the applicant if the traffic would increase or decrease or stay the same
when he relocates to the new shop. Mr. Medeiros stated that there would be fa- less traffic at the
Town of Avon Fanning & Zoning Commission Meeting- Minutes for March 18, 1997
Page 12 y
new location, because the towing company will operate out of the new building. The internal
traffic will probably remain the same.
Commissioner Evans asked staff that should the applicants install a --pies of signs over the garage
bays, would that need to be reviewed by the Commission. Mr. Matzko said "yes," that would be
a normal sign application.
Mr. Medeiros reminded the Commission and staff that he has been operating under a special
review use permit for the last 12 years as Avon Auto Body.
Discussion follov, ed, including that should the applicant fall out of compliance with the
conditions, the applicants can have their special review use permit revoked.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve Resolution � 97-3 granting a special ::.view use permit
for Lot 37, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision for ar. _ato repair facility, as
described in the application dated March 3, 1997 with the following conditions:
1. There shall be no outside storage of dismantled, inoperable, or visibly damaged vehicles.
2. The use and type of construction shall be in conformance with the UBC.
Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The moncn passed unanimously wit l Commissioner
Karow abstaining.
Other Business
Mike Matzko discussed the Rocky Mountain Land Use Conference he had attended with
Commissioner Karow and Commissioner Evans. He recommended sanctioned worksession and
further discussior, regarding legal issues and procedures discussed during the conference
Worksession announcement made for "Wise to Water or out of Water, dry ideas for smarter
landscape" by the Vail Alpine Garden Foundation at the Avon Library, March 25, 1997.
Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge, height ridgelines and height limits. Mr. Harrison sad that they
conform with the towns regulations.
Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, soffit lights were too bright
Lot 55, Block 1, Wildridge, concerns regarding clearing and snow removal on the lot. Staff said
they was not authorized to remove the snow.
Personal liability with Planning & Zoning outside of the recommencL' .a Final Design Review
Criteria. Limitations were recommended by code and shouitC o,:ollowed by the Commission
Introduce a Resolution for staffs recommendation, i.e. standard tc) the motion for Final Design
Recommend a worksession for clarification for the following: building heights a;td landscaping.
Introduction of the Urban, Wildlife Codes for landscaping issues regarding wildlife and potential
fires from landscaping.
Clarification regarding flag poles and sign codes. Recommendation each design needs its own
Review and site tour of the Swift Gulch project.
The "U-turn" sign on Avon Road needs to be fixed.
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 18, 1997
Page 13
Introduce a Resolution for staffs recommendation, i.e. standard to the motion for Final Design
Recommend a worksession for clarification for the following: building heights and landscaping.
Introduction of the Urban, Wildlife Codes for landscaping issues regarding wildlife and potential
fires from landscaping.
Clarification regarding flag poles and sign codes. Recommendation each design needs its own
Review and site tour of the Swift Gulch project.
The "U-turn" sign on Avon Road needs to be fixed.
Tenant was conducting a recreational business out of his home located at Stonebridge
Condominiums. Steve to check on special review use permit.
Complaints from the people parking on the berms and damaging the landscaping located at
Eaglebend Drive.
Request to clear the trash and cinders from the sidewalk on Hurd Lane.
Discussion regarding the time for Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting to be changed to
5:00 for dinner and 5:30 p.m. for the meeting.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner
Fehlner and the meeting adjourned at 10:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Secretary
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for March 18, 1997
Page 14
_ f
S. Railton
M Schneider
B. Stanley