PZC Minutes 020497Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 4, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:39 p.m., February 4, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Jack Hunn Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Additions and Amendments to the Agenda George Harrison requested to add Lot 37, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, temporary above ground storage tank, to the Consent Agenda. Conflicts of Interest None Consent Agenda A. Approval of the January 21, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 37, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Temporary above Ground Storage Tank Project Type: Temporary above Ground Storage Tank Property Owner: Eric Warble Property Address: 5024 Wildridge Road j Ap&z\minutes\1997\020497.doe Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve of the Consent Agenda with the following conditions for item B: a July 1, 1997 time limitation for the temporary above ground propane fuel storage tank and a letter of approval from the adjacent property owners. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Final Design Review A. Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Sunrise Sunset Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: John Dunham Applicant: John Perkins, AIA Property Address: 2180 Long Spur George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Schneider asked if the revised grading plan has been approved by Norm Wood, Town Engineer. Mr. Harrison said no and that the plans have not been officially submitted to staff. John Perkins, AIA and representative for the owners, made a brief presentation and presented a model and revised site plans to the Commission. Mr. Harrison mentioned that staff did not have a chance to review the model prior to the meeting. Mr. Perkins distributed 11x17 copies of the revised site plan to the Commission and staff. Mr. Perkins stated that he has addressed and responded to all the comments made by staff from the last Planning and Zoning meeting. He asked the Commission to approve this project and stated appreciation for the comments made by Commissioner Railton regarding the decks. John Dunham, applicant, used the model to explain the revised modifications made to the building and describe the visual aspects from the building site to the Commission. Commissioner Fehlner was concerned about the snowfall onto the decks and grade of the driveway. She also suggested that a snow fence be installed. Mr. Harrison stated that the submitted "materials" list was attached to the backside of the staff report. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the revised driveway grade. Mr. Perkins stated that the driveway grade was 4% from the property line to the edge of pavement, 7% to the garage, with the steepest grade at 10%. He used the site plan to describe the driveway grade and the retaining wall. Mr. Harrison reemphasized that the revised site plan has not been reviewed by the town engineer to the Commission. Commissioner Evans was concerned about the size of the structure on the lot, 7% grade from the driveway to the garage, the retaining wall and site disturbance of the lot. Commissioner Schneider state that he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans. Commissioner Karow stated the he would base his comments from the design review guidelines and that the project conformed to numbers 1, 2, and 3, and suggested a revised solution for number 4. Number 5 was not too dissimilar from the other properties in Wildridge and felt that this project would not negatively impact the monetary value aesthetics of the neighborhood. He 2 further stated that he was concerned that the applicant did not have the town engineer's approval for the grading plan. Commissioner Railton was concerned about the visual effects of the decks regarding the size and height of the posts. She suggested that the grade be leveled underneath the decks to eliminate the } "high and low" side of the house and that additional landscaping be added to the site plan. Mr. Perkins presented a stucco sample and color board to the Commission. Mr. Perkins used the site to explain the color and location of the materials to Commissioner Railton. Commissioner Railton was concerned about the colors samples, and recommended that a two toned grayish color be used instead of the cream and gray color presented. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the following items: roof overhangs, vertical stepping of the house, siding on the west elevation, treatment of the underside of the decks, driveway grades and drainage. Mr. Perkins commented on the following: he liked the double band board detail$ and the underside of the decks will be stained to match the house. Chairperson Hunn suggested it would be beneficial to pull the siding down or put the siding in- between the band boards for added dimension. Another suggestion was to eliminate the upper band board. Chairperson Hunn appreciated the improvements made by the applicants, and remained concerned with the size of the duplex relative to the size of the lot and the separation of the units. Mr. Perkins responded by stating that the size of duplex does not impact the lot like the adjacent owners does, that the house was located on the lot for the views. Mr. Harrison used the model to explain and describe the concerns made in the staff report the Commission. John Dunham discussed the following items: allowed use, density, lot coverage, setbacks requirements, easements, encroachments, building height, grading, parking, snow storage, landscaping, and stated that this project appears to generally conform to the zoning codes and town regulations. Chairperson Hunn stated it was staff's opinion that this proposal failed to meet the Planning and Zoning criteria, items numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7, therefore it was up to the Commission members to see if they agreed with the staff or the applicants. Mr. Matzko announced to the Commission that staff did not make a recommendation for denial lightly , that the applicants worked hard. Staff believed that this project did not fundamental fit this site. Motion Commissioner Karow moved to approve the Final Design for Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as presented by the plans dated January 21, 1997. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion failed with 5 (five) votes to 2 (two) votes. Further discussion followed. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to deny the Final Design approval for Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as presented by the plans dated January 21, 1997, based upon the finding of its 3 failure to satisfy Design Review Considerations #4, #5, #6 and #7. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed 5 (five) votes to 2 (two) votes, with Commissioner Karow and Commissioner Railton opposing. B. Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - The Orchard Project Type: Residential Four-plex Owner: Tanavon Corp. Applicant: Ray Nielsen, Architect Address: 2311 Old Trail Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Schneider asked staff if the applicant had a color rendering board. Mr. Harrison said yes. Commissioner Stanley asked about the 2 (two) guest parking spaces. Mr. Harrison stated that there needed to be 2 (two) parking spaces in front of the garage. Ray Nielsen asked staff to explain the parking requirements. Mr. Harrison explained the parking space dimensions to the applicant. Mr. Nielsen made a brief presentation regarding the grading, landscaping and irrigation plan to the Commission. Commissioner Railton stated that she liked the project. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the second story windows. Commissioner Schneider stated that he liked the project, and asked about trash enclosures. Mr. Harrison stated that the trash enclosures would need to be approved by the Commission. Commissioner Evans stated that he liked the project. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the -fir the project. Commissioner Fehlner stated that she liked the project. Chairperson Hunn asked about the chimney and location of the boiler. Mr. Neilsen used his hands to described the location of the boiler. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the lack of outside space for the residents and suggested that decks be provided. Motion Commissioner Schneider moved to approve the Final Design of Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as presented by the plans dated January 22, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. That two (2) guest parking spaces be added. 2. That all landscaping materials be a minimum of 2" minimum caliper for deciduous trees, 6' minimum height for coniferous trees and all shrubs be a minimum of 5 gallons. 3. That all exterior lights be submitted for staff review prior to issuance of building permits. 4. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 5. All meters will be placed upon the building and either painted to match surrounding materials or enclosed inside a cabinet or shed. 6. Installation of an automatic irrigation system. 7. Commission approval of a color board. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. S C. Lot 56, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - The Gathering Project Type: Residential Duplex Owner: Tanavon Corp. Applicant: Ray Nielsen, Architect Address: 2245 Old Trail Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Ray Nielsen, applicant, made a brief presentation regarding the design, material, and site location to the Commission. Commissioner Fehlner commented that the building was appropriate for the site, and agreed with the staff report. Commissioner Stanley stated that she approved of the project with only 1 (one) concern, the placement of the trees. Commissioner Evans stated that he agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Fehlner and Commissioner Stanley. He was concerned about the gas lines to the property and site disturbance to the property. Commissioner Schneider was concerned about the pitch to the entry overhang and the size of the windows. He requested that the applicant supply a color rendering board to the Commission for review. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the size of unit B's closet and the chimney located at the east side of the duplex. He suggested a stucco cover for the chimney that will match the building. Commissioner Railton was concerned about the detailing where the roof and wall meet, the flashing details and metal clad windows. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the non -recessed windows, type of stucco to be used, connections and functions between the duplex. He was also concerned about the detached duplex style of the building, with the connecting element consisting of a non -roofed attachment, storage and garage elements. Motion Commissioner Karow moved to approve the Final Design of Lot 56, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as presented in the plans dated January 21, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. Commission approval of a color board. 2. A roof structure be added to attach the duplex. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing None scheduled Other Business George Harrison mentioned the APA, San Diego trip, and presented a booklet to the Commission. He reminded the Commission that registration was due February 21, 1997. 5 Motion Commissioner Karow moved to appoint Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Railton to attended the APA conference in San Diego, with Commissioner Stanley and Commissioner Schneider as alternates. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Continuation of Other Business 1. Mr. Harrison announced other conferences to the Commission. 2. Discussion followed regarding the leaning lamp post at the GNC and Burger King parking lot. 3. Mike Matzko announced that the Town Council will be meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. 4. Problems with the icy sidewalks, muddy entry way, and trash bins at the Avon Post Office. 5. Mike Matzo mentioned the field trip he and Karen Griffith made to Breckenridge. 6. Chairperson Hunn mentioned the copper pipes, visible above the roof at the Centennial Center. 7. Commissioner Schneider asked about the 2 (two) modular homes at the Benson's site. 8. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the public having access to information regarding the round about, and asked staff who they (the public) should talk too. Mr. Matzko stated that he would be happy to answer any questions they (the public) would have, or suggest Norm Woods, project manager. Commissioner Railton asked where the crosswalks would be located and commented on Vail's round about, stating that you could not cross them. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the crosswalks located by the Firstbank of Avon and the old and new Post Offices. Chairperson Hunn commented on the tear drop shape round about located on Benchmark Road, and was concerned about the current traffic pattern in this area. Commissioner Stanley asked about funding for the round abouts. Chairperson Hunn stated that the Town of Avon should be getting contingent funding from other sources Commissioner Railton suggested that construction should be done all at once, then landscaping done afterwards. Chairperson Hunn mentioned that the citizens supported the round abouts under certain conditions and that they deserve to be part of the process. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the tear drop round about on Benchmark Road, and stated that the citizens would be very concerned about the flow of traffic through there. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the cost vs. the function of the round abouts. His major concerns were regarding the business owners. Chairperson Hunn suggested to a few Council members, that there might be an alternative solution to the tear drop section. To back up the grade separation going towards Beaver Creek. Chairperson Hunn asked if the issues discussed tonight should be mentioned to the Council. Chairperson Hunn stated that he would contact the Mayor to set up a joint session. Commissioner Karow stated for the record that the Planning and Zoning Commission would like to set up a dialog with the Council to exchange some ideas. Chairperson Hunn suggested that Planning and Zoning meet with the Town Council for a worksession regarding the round abouts. 9. Discussion regarding the diversion process on the trains, sometime during March or April. 10. Chairperson Hunn asked if there has been a traffic count done past the library through the municipal parking lots. 11. Commissioner Railton mentioned that the vent covers were falling out of the roof from the first and second floors of Eaglebend apartments. 12. Graffiti on the walls by Sunridge apartments. Adjourn Commission Karow made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Stanley, and the meeting adjourned at 10:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon Re, J. I C. A. A. S. Railton M Schneider IV B. Stanley a&k.2 h Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes February 18, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 5:52 p.m., February 18, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Jack Hunn Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call All members were present. Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Additions and Amendments to the Agenda none Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Fehlner said she had a conflict of interest with item A on the Public Hearing. Commissioner Schneider said he had a conflict of interest with item C on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Evans said he had a conflict of interest with item C on the Concept Design Review and item A on the Public Hearing. j: \p&z\minutes\1997\021897. d oc Concept Reviews A. Lot 36, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/Applicant: Thomas Campbell, Southwest Builders, LLC Address: 5016 East Wildridge Road B. Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Residential Townhouse Fourplex Property Owner/Applicant: Ward Morrison, MVM Developers, Inc. Consultant: Ron Diehl, Diehl Designs Address: 2492 Draw Spur C. Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Dennis Brown Applicant: Michele Evans, Mendel -Allison Construction, Inc. Address: 5768 East Wildridge Road D. Tract Y, Filing No. 3, Mountain Star PUD Project Type: Warehouse Development Property Owner: Riverview Park Associates, Inc. Applicant: Les Shapiro Consultant: Victor Mark Donaldson, Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P.C. Address: Unassigned, Metcalf Road No formal action was taken on the Concept Design Review items. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the February 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -Avon Storage Center Project Type: Freestanding Business Identification Sign Property Owner: Doyle Warehouse, Avon Storage Center Applicant: Kirk Van Hee 2 Address: 0090 Metcalf Road C. Lot 64, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Materials Modification on Single-family Residence Property Owner/Applicant: Glorie Schneider Address: 5110 Longsun Lane Motion Commissioner Karow moved to approve of the Consent Agenda, with the following changes: item A be tabled until the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, item B be removed for further discussion, and item C be approved as submitted with the condition that the belly band continues around the entire building except for the round tower. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Schneider abstaining. Final Design Review None scheduled Public Hearing A. Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision - Brookside PUD Project Type: PUD Amendment for Residential Condo and Townhouse Development Property Owner: Frank Navarro, Riverview Park Associates, Inc. Applicant: William Armstead, Resort Concepts, LLC Consultant: Tab Bonidy, Vail Architecture Group Address: 37333 Hwy. 6/24 Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Frank Navarro, owner, made a brief presentation and introduced Rick Pylman, consultant, to the Commission. Mr. Pylman, Peter Jamar Associates, made a brief presentation regarding the history of Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision - Brookside, to the Commission. He discussed the previous zoning, number of units, development of the property, which resulted in the present PUD zoning process. Bill Armstead, applicant, stated that the staff was very cooperative and helpful during this process and emphasized that the trees and the environment were his most important concerns. David Beadle discussed the site design for the property. He was concerned about the turn around radius for buildings C3 and C4 and commented on the following issues; a 16 foot wide street proposed for the residential area, building C3's floor plan to be modified to have a minimum 20 foot setback on the south driveway to the garage door for a larger turning radius, buildings C4 and C2's floor plan to be further defined and modified to accommodate 1 (one) additional parking space. Pete (last name not very audible), from Alpine Engineering, was concerned if the recommended sidewalk extension was provided, it would not be very accessible or functional and would require long retaining wall the length of the sidewalk. Eric Johnson, Architect for building C, stated that building C3 and C4 would be modified to accommodate the turn around and backup radius. Commissioner Railton questioned the car parking spaces for C1, C2, C3 and C4. Mr. Johnson stated that there would be 2 (two) parking spaces per unit with an additional 10 parking spaces for the guest. Mr. Johnson presented the a site plan to answer Commissioner Railton's concerns regarding the parking spaces and further explained that there would be 1 (one) parking space between buildings C2 and C3 and 1 (one) parking space between buildings C3 and C4. Commissioner Railton was concerned about the snow storage area. Mr. Johnson stated that the snow storage areas were located around the south side of the building and the trees would be moved back 8 to 10 feet from the edge of the pavement to accommodate the snow storage area. Ms. Griffith stated that the snow storage area would be measured and reviewed during the Final Design Review. Mr. Johnson stated that there was 20% snow storage for the surface area of parking, as per the Town's requirements. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about buildings C3 and C4 parking and turn around radius. Mr. Johnson used a site plan to describe the parking situation and stated that there were 2 (two) parking spaces per units. Commissioner Schneider asked about the height, the type and replacement of the trees. Mr. Beadle stated that 15 to 16 of the trees would be removed and replaced with a mixture of conifers and deciduous trees, the size will be 2 1/2 to 4 inches in caliper, the evergreen trees will be 6 (six) to 10 feet tall. Ms. Griffith said that the landscape plan did not reflect the new proposed trees that would be off set by the ones being removed and stated that this issue would be discussed during the Final Design and Review. Tab Bonity, Vail Architecture Group, requested that the 63 foot building height be approved to accommodate the 15 foot long ridge on the east side of building B. He was concerned that should an ILC (Improvement Location Certificate) be issued, the ridge would protrude 1/2 foot above the maximum building height, the additional 3 feet would eliminate this. Chairperson Hunn opened Public Hearing, seeing no one, he closed Public Hearing and opened Commission review. Commissioner Karow commented on the following: sidewalks from Highway 6 to the west side of the building and to the east side. Mr. Navarro stated that the sidewalks would connect to the bus stop to the east end at West Beaver Creek Boulevard. S Commissioner Railton was concerned about the number of parking spaces for the townhouse units. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the number a parking spaces for the townhouse units. Chairperson Hurn stated that he was comfortable with the amended PUD, and asked staff about the 63 foot height. Ms. Griffith stated that the height change could be part of the PUD approval for the ridgeline at building B. Chairperson Hurn discussed the following issues with the applicant: that the building height request for 63 feet be limited to the ridge along gridline number 12. The applicant agreed (tape not audible). Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the Brookside PUD Amendment with the following conditions: 1. Access and parking be re -designed to provide a minimum of 20 foot back up area and a minimum driveway of a 16 foot width. 2. The trail be changed to meet Town Standards and conform to the subdivision plans. 3. Final Grading and Engineering Design including the piping of the irrigation ditch and commitments for phasing of improvements be approved by staff. 4. The PUD approval be conditioned upon a revised final plat being submitted and approved by the Town. 5. The PUD Guide be revised to reflect the 63 foot building height requested for a portion of building B's ridgeline, as specified on plan sheet A2.6, gridline 12 and the PUD Guide and summary table be updated to reflect the revised PUD. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Fehlner and Commissioner Evans abstaining. Further Discussion for the Consent Agenda B. Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -Avon Storage Center Project Type: Freestanding Business Identification Sign Property Owner: Doyle Warehouse, Avon Storage Center Applicant: Kirk Van Hee Address: 0090 Metcalf Road Motion Commissioner Karow moved to table item B from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 5 Other Business 1. George Harrison reminded Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Railton, that the registration for the conference in San Diego were due soon. 2. Commissioner Karow asked what the availability was for the Rocky Mountain Land Use conference. Ms. Griffith stated that the conference was scheduled for March 13th. and 14th. She mentioned that this conference was very informative. 3. Steve Hodges stated that the builders would build a chase around the refrigeration lines at the Centennial building. 4. Chairperson Hunn asked Mr. Hodges to research Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, stating that the metal roof did not have a drip line, causing the dirt washing of the roof to discolor the stucco. �5. Commissioner Karow mentioned that the mud control from Lot 18/19, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek was becoming an issue. Mr. Hodges said he would lot into this. 6. Commissioner Schneider asked Mr. Hodges to talk with the builder regarding the trailer storage in Wildridge. Mr. Hodges stated that he has asked the builder to remove it and will check in to this further. 7. Commissioner Schneider asked what the guidelines were for recreational vehicle storage at \ the Finley residence. 8. Commissioner Evans asked about the status of Swift Gulch and mentioned that he was concerned about the size of the project vs. the lot size. 9. Commissioner Railton mentioned the Town of Avon should review all project within the town. Adjourn Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon Recording Secretary G J. H W. A.F A. k S. Railton M Schneider B. Stanley U