PZC Minutes 030497Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
March 4, 1997
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order
by Chairperson Jack Hurn at 5:45 p.m., March 4, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon
Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, Colorado.
Members Present
Jack Hunn
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Call to Order
Roll Call
All members present.
Staff Present
Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
George Harrison requested to add Item A, Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
Subdivision -Avon Storage Center freestanding business identification sign to the Consent
Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Fehlner stated a conflict of interest regarding Lot 1, Englewood Subdivision -
Brookside Park.
j : \p &z\minutes\ 1997\030497. d o c
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the February 4, 1997 and the February 18, 1997
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
B. Lot 1, Wildwood Resorts PUD - Colorado Alpine, Inc.
Project Type: Temporary Storage of Above Ground Fuel Tank
Property Owner: Oscar Tang, Tanavon Corp.
Applicant: Marty Jones, Colorado Alpine, Inc.
Address: 0100 Buckcreek Road
C. Lot A, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision - The Lodge at
Avon Center
Project Type: Master Sign Program Amendment
Property Owner: Rex Grambrell, Century 21 Vail Valley, Inc. (Property
Applicant: Larry Ast, Hightech Signs
Address: 0100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Commissioner Railton moved to approve items B and C of the Consent Agenda with items A,
February 4, 1997 and February 18, 1997, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
moved for further discussion. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek - Avon Storage
Center Freestanding Business Identification Sign
Project Type: Freestanding business identification sign
Property Owner\Applicant: Doyle Warehouse/Avon Storage Center
Consultant: Kirk Van Hee
Address: 0090 Metcalf Road
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. He reminded the
Commission that this item was tabled from the last meeting due to the Commissions concerns.
The applicant complied to the following items suggested by the Commission: redesign the shape
and the text of the sign and change the proposed colors to match the building.
Chairperson Hunn stated that the applicant was moving in the right direction and asked if the
sign would be lit. Mr. Harrision stated that it was the applicants intentions of lighting the sign,
but has not provided a cut sheet at this time. Staff added condition number 3 (three) to the
Commissioner Evans reminded staff about the single light bulb exposed at the pump station, and
suggested an enclosed box to help eliminate the glare for the on coming cars. Mr. Harrison said
that staff would recommend that the light focused only onto the sign.
Mr. Harrison stated that the applicant could not make tonight's meeting.
Chairperson Hunn asked if there were any questions for the staff on behalf of the applicant. No
response was made.
Chairperson Hunn stated the sign was appropriate because it dramatically changed the message
from the last presentation. The sign specified a phone number and not promotional sales.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek -Avon
Storage freestanding business identification sign as presented in the application dated February 5,
1997 with the following conditions:
1. The sign's height will be limited to the 8 feet.
2. The inclusion of landscaping a minimum of five lineal feet out from and around the perimeter
of the sign to enhance the signage and surrounding building landscaping to be approved by
3. Lighting sources be approved by staff to ensure they are not directly visible to passing
pedestrians or vehicles, and are not concealed in such a manner that direct light shines in a
disturbing manner.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 11, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Vista View Townhomes
Project Type: Site Modification
Property OwnerWpplicant: Fred Hiller, Monument Realty, Inc.
Consultant: Joseph P. Martino, Engineering Designworks, Inc.
Address: 3078 Wildridge Road
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. The applicant was
requesting to construct a play ground located in the backside of the lot.
Ms. Griffith used a site plan to describe the proposed play area (highlighted in pink) and the
grade modifications (highlighted in orange). The dimensions for the play area was 50 x 120,
including the grading, the proposed size would change the dimensions to 92 x 170 feet. The
orange dotted lines outlined the area of the site that would be disturbed under the current
approved plan with a 30% steep slope.
Staff was concerned about the following issues regarding the application:
1. Application does not meet the Design Guide Lines regulations, which requires that "no slope
exceed 2 to I". The upper area for the play ground would require a 1 to 1 slope, with a drop
of 12 feet with the proposed cut.
2. Impacts from the neighboring properties, given the size of the lot, would be visible form a
very large portion of the neighborhood.
3. Site topography, Section 6.22 600-1500. Ms Griffith read this section to the Commission.
4. Performance with the adopted goals, policies and programs, and the comprehensive plan
policy F 1.2. Staffs opinion specified that this proposed modification would be a visual
degradation of the site in the subdivision.
Staffs opinion stated that the site modification would significantly alter the natural topography.
Commissioner Schneider asked if a four plex was under construction at this site. Ms. Griffith
stated that on site grading work has been done at this time.
Fred Hiller, property owner and applicant, made a brief presentation regarding the size of the
play ground to the Commission. He stated that the size of the lot was 2.36 acres which contained
a large hole. He said at least 40 yards of back fill would be needed in order to fill in the hole so
that the children could play football or soccer. He proposed to remove all the sage brush and
revegetate it with a very thick grass. He stated that the lower slope was 2 to 1, which would be
replanted with sage brush and the upper slope was 1 to 1, which would be planted with natural
grass, very little, if any, irrigation would be needed.
Mr. Hiller stated that this proposal has been received with a positive response from the adjacent
owners and that Mr. DeClavor has proposed to pay for the excavation and supervised the project.
Mr. Hiller said he respectfully disagreed with staffs comments regarding the visual impacts and
felt the views from below the lot would not change, however, there would be an impact of the
views from lots 33, 34 and 35.
Mr. Hiller stated that in his own opinion, the requested site modification would not be a
determent to the neighborhood. He used a site plan to show the location of the 3 (three) lots to
the Commission.
Commissioner Railton asked how much of the top soil would be removed. Mr. Hiller replied
that at least 12 feet of soil would be needed to back fill the hole and that the lot was cleared to
make room for the foundation. She stated that she was not in favor of the project because of the
excavation into the side of the lot and the steep grades.
Commissioner Railton suggested that the applicant incorporate the play area into an area that has
been striped of its natural growth. She was concerned that 50% of the property would be
regraded. Mr. Hiller stated that the lot would be regraded for the play and recreational area, and
that the site would be revegetated if approved.
Commissioner Karow stated that he agreed with the staff report and understood the retaining
issues in compliance with the 2 to 1 grade. He specified his concerns with Design Review
criteria number 2 (two) and number 4 (four). He recommended that irrigation be added and steps
be installed to access the field because to the steep grades. Mr. Hiller said that a stoned path
would be installed.
Commissioner Karow asked about mowing operations for the grass. Mr. Hiller said the field
would be natural grass, which would not require to be mowed except once or twice a year.
Commissioner Schneider stated that he agreed with comments made by Commissioner Karow.
Commissioner Fehlner reiterated that this project would work against the Steep Slope
Guidelines. (Tape inaudible, speaking to softly).
Commissioner Evans was concern about the impact to the site and agreed with the staff report
and comments made by other Commissioners. Mr. Hiller stated that the neighbors and children
would be allowed to use the park.
Commissioner Stanley stated that this park would be a great amenity but was concerned with the
following issues: the site disturbance being to excessive and the steep slope guide lines. She said
that she agreed with staffs report and recommendations
Chairperson Hunn stated that he agreed with the staff report and recommendation.
Commissioner Railton stated that Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge would be an ideal place for a
pocket park. Mr. Harrison said that Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge had been approved for a building
permit. Commissioner Karow stated that the "Orchard" project was to be built there.
Chairperson Hunn stated that this type of amenity for the neighbor would be considered a "town
project", responsibility and maintenance of the town.
Joseph Martino, Engineering Designworks, Inc., was concerned about the children playing "in or
around" Wildridge Road and asked the Commission to approve this project.
Chairperson Hunn stated that there was a public park located by the Wildridge fire department
with a basketball court for the children to play at, within a reasonable walking distance. The
Town of Avon has a master plan for additional parks including a huge play area for the children.
Ms. Griffith stated that Tract D was accessible from this site and was proposed as a
neighborhood park. Construction date has not been set at this time.
Commissioner Stanley moved to deny the proposed grading change to Lot 11, Block 1,
Wildridge Subdivision, as depicted on plan sets dated January 23, 1997 and the staffs
recommendations. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
C. Lot 55, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Red & White, Inc.
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owner\Applicant: Dave Lach
Consultant: Stephen Richards, Rich Architectural Designs
Address: 2281 Old Trail Road
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report and present a color
board to the Commission. Staff finds that this project meets all the criteria, the design review
guidelines, rules and regulations for the Town of Avon. Staff received the cut sheet for the light
fixtures from the applicants depicting the can light fixtures that would help control the "off site
glare". Staff stated that they would like to withdrawal its recommended condition for the
exterior light fixtures, summarizing that this was a good solution.
Chairperson Hunn asked staff if the grading plans have been approved. Mr. Harrison stated that
the grading plan for the driveway has been approved by the town engineer and staff.
Dave Lach, property owner and applicant, made a brief presentation and presented a color board
to the Commission. Mr. Lach described the lot as being relatively flat with a hillside.
Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the drip lines on the north east elevations of the
Commissioner Evans stated that he did not have any comments at this time.
Commissioner Fehlner stated that she did not have any comments at this time.
Commissioner Schneider stated that the did not have any comments at this time.
Commissioner Karow asked about the belly band on the south east elevation. Mr. Lach used a
site plan to show the location of the belly bands and facia on the deck.
Commissioner Karow asked about the integration between the roof and the windows. Skip
Organ, Red & White, Inc., responded with..(tape inaudible, talking away from the microphone).
Mr. Organ used a site plan the explain the roof line and windows to Commissioner Karow.
Commissioner Schneider asked if the floor was recessed. Mr. Lach said "no", (tape inaudible,
voice was muffled).
Commissioner Schneider asked about the snow protection on the northeast elevation. Mr. Lach
stated that the roof above the deck was for snow protection and preferred dripping.
Commissioner Railton stated that she did not have any comments at this time.
Chairperson Hunn stated that the driveway grades were fine, and asked if the landscaping would
be irrigated with an automatic system. Mr. Lach said yes it would an underground system.
Chairperson Hunn discussed the landscape solution and suggested that addition landscaping be
added around the structure. Mr. Lach expressed his concerns regarding the price of the landscape
plan, and stated that this would not be affordable to the new owners. He suggested that the new
owners absorb the cost of a landscape plan which intern would keep the price of the duplex down
in the low 200k or 230k.
Mr. Lach mentioned the sales price for other duplex was 240k, upper 250k, to 375k.
Chairperson Hunn commended the applicants for this strategy, and recommended that the site be
landscaped, not only for the new owners but for consideration to the adjacent property owners
The landscape would help with the impact of the duplex.
Mr. Lach said he would work with staff regarding the request for additional landscaping.
Chairperson Hunn suggested the following solutions to the applicants: lower the dormer and
install a drip line along the north facing entry, extend the overhang to protect the door and entry
way on the west side, add some type of splash guard around the house to protect the wood siding.
Mr. Lach appreciated the comments and solutions made by the Commission. He said that he
would add stones around the duplex to protect the wood siding.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve final design for Lot 55, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
on the plans dated February 18, 1997 with the following condition:
1. A complete landscaping plan with additional landscaping added around south elevation of the
duplex to be approved by staff.
Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Tract A, Community Shopping Center Subdivision - Chapel
Project Type: Development Sign Variance
Property Owner: Leo Palmos, Palmos Development, Inc.
Consultant: Larry Ast, Hightech Signs
Address: 3078 Wildridge Road
George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. He said the Chapel
Square sign would be located near the Wal-Mart sign behind the trees. Staff recommended
approval of the development sign variance. Staff suggested that the sign be moved toward the
back side where construction will start instead of the front entrance. This suggestion would help
to clarify the information on the sign for the public. (Tape inaudible, Mr. Harrison was speaking
to softly).
Chairperson Hunn asked staff what the duration of the sign would be. Mr. Harrison stated that at
the present time, the sign would be located by the Wal-Mart sign for the duration of the
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the site location and duration of the sign because this
was a sign variance.
Commissioner Railton if the sign was located by the bus stop. Mr. Harrison stated that the sign
was located by the Wal-Mart sign.
Commissioner Stanley asked staff how tall the post would be for the sign. Mr. Harrision
answered 8 (eight) feet tall. Mr. Harrison further discussed the location of the sign. (Tape
inaudible, Mr. Harrison was speaking to softly).
Commissioner Stanley discussed the dimensions of the sign to be 8 (eight) feet tall, 4 (four) feet
wide, by 32 feet wide. She was concerned that the sign would be "wider than it is tall". Mr.
Harrison stated that the dimensions of the sign was stated correctly.
Larry Ast, Hightech Signs, stated that the size of the height of the sign starts from the grade and
that the location of the sign was its protection.
Commissioner Railton discussed the photographs regarding the sign. She was concerned that the
photographs did not show the location of the sign and asked Mr. Ast why.
Mr. Ast explained stated that the sign would be located directly in front of the trees, behind the
sidewalk, around the curve. He stated that he did not want the sign to close to the Wal -mart sign.
Mr. Ast stated that the actual sign dimensions was 8 (eight) feet tall and 4 (four) feet wide.
Commissioner Railton was impressed that the sign would have a graft rendering on it.
Mr. Harrision asked the Commission to review the drawings attached to the staff memo.
Commissioner Stanley stated that she like the "Elk" and the "Skier" on the sign.
Commissioner Evans asked what the average height of a street sign would be. Mr. Ast stated
that these sign were typically higher than the sign proposed for Chapel Square.
Commissioner Evans stated that the height of the sign would be approximately 9 (nine) to 10 feet
to the top of the post.
Commissioner Railton asked what the colors were for the sign. Mr. Ast stated that the accent
colors for the sign were burgundy, blue and green.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the promotional status of the sign. Mr. Harrison stated
that this was a business sign.
Chairperson Hunn commented of the sign location, permit numbers and contractors names
attached to the sign by the construction site.
Mr. Ast said that this information was not available at this time.
Chairperson Hunn asked Mr. Ast if the property owners were limited to one sign. Mr. Ast said
Chairperson Hunn was concerned that the property owners might request additional signs and
asked if this request would become an issue. Mr. Harrison stated that a request for addition signs
would require an Variance, because of the sign codes.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the "message" the sign was depicting regarding the
condominium sales, phone numbers and Realtor listings.
Mr. Ast stated that other projects in Avon, such as Avon Crossing, used this type of signage.
Chairperson Hunn asked staff what the policies were for the length of time the signs could stay
on site and what triggers the removal of the sign.
Steve Hodges discussed the stipulations of the codes regarding the development signs and real
estate signs. He stated that the time duration for the sign was 2 (two) years.
Commissioner Stanley asked how long construction for this development would take. Mr. Ast
said he did not know.
Commissioner Karow said that Mr. Palmos stated that upon approval, "next" December
construction would be completed.
Commissioner Evans stated that with the construction of this size (the project), it would take
about 18 to 20 month for completion. He mentioned that upon completion of the site, the sign
would have to stay in place upon a final CO (certificate of occupancy), as required by the
building department.
Commissioner Stanley asked when the sign would be installed. Mr. Ast said the property owners
would like to install the sign as soon as possible.
Chairperson Hunn stated that the sign was appropriate for the town.
Mr. Harrison reiterated that this application was a sign variance based upon the sign code
Commissioner Evans was concerned that the size of the construction, disruption of the site and
location of the sign would include the Wal -mart area as part of the construction phase. He
suggested moving the sign towards the north east corner of the lot. He expressed his concerns
regarding the proposed sign location and the potential use of a "sales approach".
Mr. Harrison said the Wal -mart sign was part of the project.
Commissioner Railton asked if Wal-Mart owned the lot or if the Town of Avon owned the lot.
(Tape inaudible, Mr. Harrision was speaking to softly).
Commissioner Railton agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Evans.
Commissioner Karow was concerned about Section B, number 1 of the staff report and asked
what the practical difficulty and unnecessary hardship of the proposed 16 square feet sign would
create. Mr. Harrison said that the size of the sign would be used for advertisement to express the
full intent of the project.
Commissioner Karow asked the applicant if the message on the sign would be conveyed more
effectively if less information was proposed. He suggested that the sign have 1 (one) general
phone number. Mr. Ast stated that the proposed sign depicts what the new building will contain.
Chairperson Hunn asked staff to read the 3 (three) choices from item B of the staff report. Mr.
Harrison complied.
Steve Hodges clarified to the Commission that the sign codes for "development and real estate
signs" were to remain on the site until the current project was occupied.
Chairperson Hunn asked if the goals for the sign variance met all the standard procedures. Mr.
Hodges said "yes".
Commissioner Railton moved to approve the Development Sign variance for Chapel Square as
presented on the application dated February 25, 1997 based upon the following findings:
1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege
inconsistent with the limitations on other properties in the vicinity;
2. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons:
c) The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation deprive the
applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district.
Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision - Brookside PUD
Project Type: Residential Condominium and Townhouse Development
Property Owner: Frank Navarro, Riverview Park Associates, Inc.
Applicant: William Armstead, Resort Concepts, LLC
Consultant: Tab Bonidy, Vail Architecture Group
Address: 37333 Hwy. 6/24
Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. She used a site plan to
explain the modifications to building B and C and the landscape plan. She further noted that
there were some parking spaces for building B were short of the 8 (eight) foot width requirement.
Staff was concerned about the snow storage area and recommended to remove the spruce trees
and haul the snow off site.
Staff suggested adding to the recommendations "building mounted light fixtures shall have
frosted glass".
Ms. Griffith mentioned that the ridgeline elevations for building B was 63.5 feet and the trail
width was currently at 8 (eight) feet which needs to be changed to 10 to 12 foot width.
Commissioner Stanley asked staff if they were satisfied with the 11 % grade. Ms Griffith stated
that she did not receive any comments for the town engineer at this time.
Commissioner Karow asked if building A was included in the snow storage plan. Ms. Griffith
stated that staff would have to look at the buildings B and C separately because of the Final
Design Review. Ms. Griffith stated that the snow storage area was compact at this time and that
staff would have to do an analysis on this.
Tab Bonidy, Vail Architecture Group, stated he was ready to answer questions from the
Commission and did not make a brief presentation.
Commissioner Stanley asked if additional parking lights would be added to the other buildings
and if building C would have its own dumpster. Mr. Bonidy said "yes" that additional pole
lighting fixtures would be installed.
Commissioner Railton asked if the light pole fixtures would be located by building C and
suggested eliminating the light poles in front of the townhomes. Mr. Bonidy said "yes", there
would be light pole fixtures the length of the parking lot to building C.
Commissioner Stanley asked staff if the parking light issue should be reviewed separate from the
Final Design Review. Ms. Griffith stated that the lighting plan could be located on sheet A1.2 in
the Commission packets and agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Railton
regarding the light poles in front of the townhomes. Ms. Griffith stated that there were 3 (three)
light poles along the parking lot located in front of building B and that staff did not review at this
as being too excessive.
Chairperson Hurn asked the applicant if the lights poles where removed, would the wattage for
each light fixtures be increased. Mr. Bonidy said "no", that the light fixtures would be located at
the base of the garage and that adequate light for the entrance for the townhomes would come
from the light poles along the parking lot.
Ms. Griffith discussed the parking light standards and used the site plan to describe where the
parking lights were located.
Chairperson Hunn stated that there was a conflict regarding snow storage. Ms. Griffith said that
technique there was a conflict for storing snow.
Commissioner Railton suggested that the light poles not be installed along the parking lot due to
the required snow storage, because the poles could be damaged from the snow. She used Hurd
Lane as an example.
Commissioner Stanley asked the applicant if they were comfortable removing snow from the
site. The applicant said "yes", that the property owner and Brookside Association have
committed for the removal of snow.
Commissioner Stanley asked if the dumpsters, located at building C, would be enclosed. Mr.
Bonidy said "yes" and used the site plan to described the location of the enclosed trash
Commissioner Railton asked the applicant if they has a design for the trash enclosures. The
applicant said "yes" that the design would look similar to a single car garage with a steep roof,
side access gate and wood siding.
Commissioner Stanley was concerned that the ridgelines was 62.5 feet. Mr. Bonidy stated that
this figure was calculated from the grade.
Ms. Griffith said looking from the existing grade, the ridgeline was close to the maximum height.
Commissioner Evans was concerned about snow removal, the gable roof for building C 1 and the
ridgeline height.
The applicant said that the required snow storage was 20% of the site. Ms. Griffith stated that
staff has redefined the language for the snow storage condition.
Eric Johnson presented a 11 x 17 drawings to the Commission and explained the modification of
the hipped roof to a gable roof on building C I.
Commissioner Evans confirmed the right side of building 1 would be gabled and building 3
would be hipped gabled. The applicants stated that was their preference for the modification
Commissioner Railton was concerned about the west elevation on building 4. Mr. Johnson
stated that the floor plans were rotated 90 degrees, the garages were similar to builds 1, 2, and 3,
and that there were "low and high" gables added to keep the building unique in design.
Commissioner Schneider was concerned about the height of building B and if an improvement
location certificate (ILC) would be required prior to the building permit. Ms. Griffith said the
ILC could be made part of the conditions upon issuance of the building permit.
Ms. Griffith clarified that building B was under the 65 foot building height limitations.
Commissioner Karow asked the applicant if they agreed with the 7 (seven) conditions
recommended by staff. The applicants said "yes".
Commissioner Railton disagreed with the hipped roof on building 3 and asked if stone would be
added with the stucco siding for building C. The applicant said there would be a stone treatment
located at the center garages and the base of the columns would be stucco.
Mr. Johnson replied that there would be 2 (two) colors for the windows located on building C,
alternating with buildings 1 and 3 as maroon and buildings 3 and 4 as beige. Building B's ground
roof will be metal and dark red in color to match building A. All of the accent metal will be the
same deep red.
Commissioner Railton was concerned about the window colors for building C.
Mr. Bonidy said the stain for the facia trim and siding will have a slight variation from the field
color. (See the color board sample display). The colors for the stucco were sand and putty. The
roof will be a black toned color.
Commissioner Railton was concerned about the beige windows. She stating that the colors were
too bland. She used Canyon Run as an example.
Chairperson Hunn asked what color the windows were for building B. Mr. Bonidy said a deep
red color.
Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the mobility with the trash trucks and the location of the
trash bins. Mr. Bonidy said the trash trucks would have to nose in first, then backup to the trash
bins. The dumpsters were located between buildings 2 and 3.
Ms. Griffith used a site plan to describe where the dumpsters would be located and the turning
radius in the parking lot.
Chairperson Hunn suggested that the trash trucks backup up to building C 1. He asked the
applicant if the trash truck could make the radius to exit or would they have to backup to
building B. The applicant could not stated what the radius to the curb was at building C 1. Ms.
Griffith felt that the trash trucks could made the turn.
The applicant stated that the trash bins were shown on the site plan at an angle in order to
maximize the landscaping around 3 (three) side of the bins.
Commissioner Railton was concerned that the trash truck would not put the dumpsters all the
back inside the enclosures, causing the trash to collect behind the dumpsters.
Chairperson Hunn stated that this would be a management solution.
Chairperson Hunn suggested that the meters on be painted to match the buildings and stated the
he was concerned about the curb and gutters to the south side of the road and recommended that
the curb and gutter system be added to site to protect the landscaping.
Chairperson Hunn stated that signage was not discussed during this meeting and asked the
applicants if they were going to do a presentation on this. Coordination for the sign will take
place between the applicants and Frank Navarro. There will one sign for the entire project, no
further discussion has taken place at this time.
Ms. Griffith recommended to the Commission that the lighting issues be added as a formal
Bill Armstead, Resort Concepts, LLC., announced to the Commission and staff, that due to the
contract and closure of the land, Frank Navarro requested to table the second reading for the
PUD. Ms. Griffith stated that she would need a letter from Mr. Navarro requesting to table the
Mr. Griffith stated that the new subdivision plat has not been submitted to staff at this time.
Mike Matzko asked how the PUD was reconciled with the subdivision plat. Ms. Griffith said the
PUD was drafted by staff requiring that a revised subdivision plat be submitted prior to
Mr. Armstead stated that the owner was conducting some minor modifications of the subdivision
to correspond with the existing PUD.
Chairperson Hunn commended the applicants for working with staff during the PUD process.
Commissioner Railton moved to approve final design for Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision -
Brookside PUD, Buildings B and C, subject to the following conditions:
1. Snow storage is allowed only in areas so designated on the PUD Development Plan and Final
Design Review Plan sheets ALL, A1.2 and A1.3. Excess snow shall be hauled off site in
accordance with Section 17.50.100 of the Avon Municipal Code.
2. The compact parking spaces shall be revised to meet minimum dimensions of eight feet in
3. Roof details be full gabled for Building C1, full hipped gabled for Building C2 and Dutch
hipped gabled for Building C3.
4. The trail be changed to meet Town Standards and conform to the subdivision plans. Final
alignment of the trail shall be approved by staff in conjunction with the final subdivision
review and building permit application.
5. Final grading and Engineering Design including the piping of the irrigation ditch and
commitments for phasing of improvements be approved by staff.
6. The Final Design Review is conditioned upon a revised final plat being submitted and
approved by the Town prior to issuance of building permit.
7. Ridgeline elevations be provided on plan set A1.2 to document that no building exceeds the
maximum height allowed by the PUD.
8. All building mounted light fixtures shall have a frosted or seeded glass.
9. Windows on buildings C1, C2, C3, and C4 be maroon color.
10. Ridgeline ILC be obtained at time of construction.
11. Eliminate the pole lights west of the trash enclosures.
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with
Commissioner Fehlner abstaining.
Public Hearing
None Scheduled
Other Business
Karen presented some literature regarding the Rocky Mountain Land Use Conference.
Beth Stanley will be going to the San Diego conference in place of Chairperson Hunn.
Mike Matzko mentioned the color changes for the Greenbrier project and presented a color board
to the Commission. He said the owners were requesting the change the proposed stucco color to
a neutral color.
Chairperson Hunn mentioned the discussion between the Town Council, requesting that the
Town of Avon receives project approval from the Commission. The following projects
mentioned were the round abouts, subdivision reviews and Swift Gulch. Mr. Matzko said he
would look into this.
Chairperson Hunn also asked about the remodel of the municipal building. Mr. Matzko stated he
will strongly suggest that this remodel and landscaping go before the Commission.
Discussion followed regarding living in a motor home. Mr. Hodges stated that the motor home
was not occupied at this time.
Discussion and concerns followed regarding Lot 7, Block 4, Wildridge, propane gas and tap fees
paid to the Town of Avon.
Discussion following regarding parking issues on the Old Trail Road, to many vehicles are
parked. Mr. Hodges said he would look into this.
Mr. Hodges was asked to call Nedbo Construction regarding trash on the site.
Application received today from Saddleridge Townhomes to paint the vinyl siding.
Discussion following regarding the odor and heath concerns in Avon.
Continuation of the Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the February 4, 1997 and the February 18, 1997
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
Discussion followed regarding the clarification of the February 4, 1997 and February 18, 1997
Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes. The following changes were requested by the
Commission and were as followed:
February 18, 1997
1. Other Business: page 6, number 5; change name from Commissioner Karow to
Commissioner Evans.
2. Other Business: page 6, number 8; change name from Commissioner Evans to Commissioner
February 4, 1997
1. Final Design Review: page 4, Lot 77, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - The Orchard, change
fire wall to egress windows.
2. Final Design Review: page 2, Lot 32, Blk 1, Wildridge Subdivision -Sunrise Sunset Duplex
add and/or revise the following comments:
a) Insert: the initial site of the duplex was placed in such a manner as to be in conflict with the
natural topography, i.e. the two wings of the building were placed perpendicular to the grades
resulting in extensive site modification.
b) Insert: the revised site plan.
c) Insert: the approaching 80% of the lot.
d) Discussion: regarding the proposed materials and specifically the roof material, siding and
stucco. Applicant stated field applied synthetic stucco, texture asphalt roof.
e) Discussion: regarding the landscaping plans and the applicants willingness to add trees to
mitigate impacts of grading perceived height as viewed from the downhill side of the project.
f) Insert: applicant expressed a willingness to revise the proposed colors.
g) Insert: the model was used to explain and describe staffs 3 (three) concerns. There were as
followed: (1) Caution that the revised site plan has not been approved by the town engineer.
(2) Efforts made to mitigate this design choice were indicative to the initial comments made
by staff, with extensive steps taken to make this project work with the site as opposed to the
structure responding to the site. (3) The vantage point below this project looking up was the
way this project was going to be viewed predominately, not straight on, but at an angle.
h) Insert to John Dunham's discussion; applicable zoning criteria.
i) Insert to Chairperson Hunn's discussion: that while the proposed project was in compliance
with staffs opinion.
j) Insert: Relative tot he Planning & Zoning Review criteria.
k) Insert: staff reiterated their recommendation for denial.
1) Correct the first motion to include staffs conditions. The motion was as followed:
Commissioner Karow moved to approve the Final Design for Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge
Subdivision as presented by the plans dated January 21, 1997, with the following conditions:
1. The grading plans be approved by the town engineer.
2. The grading be modified below the deck posts.
3. The landscape be added to the end of the 2 (two) units.
4. All flues, flashing, galvanized metals be painted to match the surrounding materials.
Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion failed with 5 (five) votes to 2 (two)
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve the Continuation of the Consent Agenda with the
modifications as stated above for the February 4, 1997 and the February 18, 1997 Planning &
Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Chairperson Hunn made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner
Karow and the meeting adjourned at 9:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Donnellon
Recording Secretary
J. Hunn
C. Evan:
A. Fehlr
i R_
M Schneic
B. Stanley --