PZC Minutes 111996Record of Proceedings Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes November 19, 1996 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:39 P.M.., November 19, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, with Commissioner Railton absent. Members Present Staff Present Jack Hunn Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Andrew Karow George Harrison, Planner Sue Railton Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Michael Schneider Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Beth Stanley Henry Vest Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Additions and Amendments to the Aaenda George Harrison recommended that the Commission elect a Co- Chairperson. The Commission elected Commissioner Karow. George Harrison requested that item 6C, Lot 1/2, Nottingham Station Subdivision, and item 7A, Lot 22 and Tracts A&B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, be switch to accommodate the applicant. George Harrison requested that Lot 29, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, the hanging of a gondola from the exterior deck and the modification of the approved location of light fixtures be added as item C to the consent agenda. George Harrison requested that item 6B, Tract B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, be moved from Final Design to the Consent Agenda. j Ap&z\minutes\1996\111996.doc Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Karow stated a conflict of interest with item 6A, Lot 55, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, of final design, because he works for the applicant, Alpine Bank. Consent agenda A. Approval of the November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Meeting Minutes B. Lot 45, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Vedder Duplex Project Type: Minor Project, Conversion of Garage into Living Area Owners: Brian Vedder Applicant: J. Kelly Jones and Michael Krohn, Rusty Spike Enterprises Property Address: 4747 West Wildridge Road C. Tract B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Wal- Mart/Commercial Shopping Center Project Type: Seasonal Storage of 40 foot Semi -Trailers Property Owner: Leo Palmos Applicant: Gunnar Clark, Wal-Mart Corp. Property Address: 0220 Beaver Creek Place D. Lot 29, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Plavec Duplex Project Type: Modification of Exterior Light Fixtures and Placement of Gondula from Rear Deck Property Owner: George Plavec Applicant: George Plavec Property Address: 2625 Beartrap Road alt• •1 Commissioner Vest moved to approve of the Consent Agenda as submitted. Commissioner Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Final Design Review Lot 55, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Century 21 Building Project Type: Master Sign Program Modification Owners: Shapiro Development, Inc. Applicant: Larry Ast, High -Tech Signs 2 George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlining in the staff report. Steve Hodges presented a video to the Commission showing the, existing Century 21 sign. Larry Ast from Hightech Signs presented a revised modification, dated November 19, 1996, to the Commission showing the sign drawings for Alpine Bank. Chairperson Hunn asked what color the signs were. Mr. Ast from Hightech Signs, stated that the sign would be the Alpine Bank's corporate colors, reflex blue and forest green. Mr. Ast presented a sample of the sign to be installed at the Century 21 building. He then stated the Alpine Sign will be back lit, with the logo internally lit. Commissioner Stanley was concerned if the sign would be a neon sign. Staff responded it would not be neon sign. Mr. Ast stated he was aware of the staffs recommendations. Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve the Master Sign Program Modification for Lot 55, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as proposed by the submitted documents and drawings dated November 4, 1996 with the following conditions: 1. That a revised Master Sign Program document for this project reflecting these approved modifications and all past approved modifications and conditions be submitted for Town Staff review prior to the issuance of any new sign permits. 2. That written consent of these modifications by the Building's owner or representative be submitted to Town Staff prior to the issuance of any sign permits. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Karow abstaining. Public Hearing Lot 22 and Tracts A & B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Subdivision - Avon Market Project: Type: Rezone to and Review of PUD for Mixed -Use Commercial and Residential Development Owner/Applicant: Leo Palmos, Palmos Development Address: 0200 East Beaver Creek Blvd. Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlining in the staff report. Paul Trementozzi, architect for the Palmos Development, made a brief presentation and presented a model and color drawings of the building to the Commission. The following issues were discussed; access, easements, and parking. The buildings were described as follows; building A was a 2 (two) story retail and office use, building B was a 3 (three) story with retail use and 2 (two) levels of residential use, building C 3 was a 1 (one) level retail use and 2 (two) levels of office use, with the chapel as the focal point of the development. Affordable house was discussed; 76 units would be developed, with 8 (eight) units as affordable housing. Mr. Trementozzi mentioned the Fire Departments concerns; the turning radius for the fire truck and semi trailers, setting of a staging area between buildings B & C, and location for the fire hydrant. The parking calculations were discussed; 19 parking spaces short from the required 702 spaces. The Chapel will require 17 spaces in addition to the of the 702 parking spaces, bring the total deficit to 36.. Further discussion followed regarding the landscape and the loading bays. Mr. Trementozzi agreed with staffs recommendations regarding these issues. Jim Stoval, attorney, was concerned about the ingress and egress issues, and requested that a dedicated easement be issued for Lot 22, Tracts A and B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek.. Further discussion followed with an easement agreement for City Market and access easement to the Stolport property. Mr. Stoval was concerned of the impacts, should the easements be granted. Mr. Trementozzi presented a letter outlining the benefits and strong points for the Town of Avon, should the project be approved. Chairperson Hunn outline the process for the Public Hearing. Chairperson Hunn opened Public Hearing. Mark Matthews from Slifer Management, stated his concerns regarding the development and changes to Benchmark Road. Peter Jamar represented Eagle Mountain Development, LLC, owners of the Stolport property, said that this property would enhance the Town of Avon. He was concerned about the access easements and right of ways to the property. Chairperson Hunn closed Public Hearing and opened for Commission review. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the traffic access, and agreed with staff recommendations. Commissioner Schneider was concerned about the traffic flow, and agreed with staff recommendations. Commissioner Vest agreed with staffs recommendations, and was concerned about the percentages of the building site coverage, parking access, landscape plan, snow storage and traffic flow from Benchmark Road. Commissioner Stanley agreed with staffs recommendation and was concerned about the parking spaces, the landscape plan and tree location along the Benchmark Road, and snow storage. rd Chairperson Hunn commented on the structured parking, and specifically that the number of parking spaces in the structure were not available to the customers of the various shops. Chairperson Hunn also expressed concern that the Chapel did not have parking spaces allocated to its use in the parking proposal. Chairperson Hunn inquired about the snow storage area, snow shedding areas of the building, trash removal, and expressed concern for the over all traffic issues. Bernie Strom, consultant for Leo Palmos, discussed the transportation issues. He responded to the Benchmark Road and unresolved issues mentioned in the meeting. Motion Commissioner Karow moved to Table Lot 22, Tracts A and B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Continuation of Final Design Review Lot 1/2, Nottingham Station Subdivision - Nottingham Station Shoppette Project Type: Master Sign Program Modification Owner: Nottingham Station LLC. Applicant: Bill Oldershaw Property Address: 0025 Hurd Lane Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlining in the staff report. Steve Hodges presented a video, showing Nottingham Station, LLC., to the Commission. Bill Oldershaw, owner and applicant, made a brief presentation and described the Starbucks history to the Commission. Mr. Oldershaw clarified that this was a coffee house, not a restaurant. Commissioner Stanley agreed with the staff report. Commissioner Vest disagreed with the Starbuck sign above the Burger sign, because of the visual impact and other businesses following suit, and agreed with staff s recommendations. Commissioner Schneider agreed with staffs recommendations and comments made by Commissioner Vest. Commissioner Karow agreed with staff s recommendations and the comments made by Commissioner Vest. The Commission did agreed that this type of business would be beneficial to the Town of Avon. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve amendment to the Master Sign Program, dated October 25, 1996 with the following conditions: 1. The monument sign not be included in the amendment. 2. The approval is limited to the Starbucks sign only. Any future sign proposed to replace the Starbucks sign will need specific approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission. 3. Master Sign Program needs to be updated to reflect new proposed square footage. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business Applications for New Commissioners replacing Council member Reynolds. The need to state the nature of a conflict of interest. Check the color of Dr. Bryant's building. Check the Metcalf commercial building colors. Check the Finley residence, grade appears steeper than 2 to 1, potential parking issues. Status of a TCO for the Morgan residence. Question policy regarding weather antennas. Status of Bob Mach's roof height/Design correction. Status of construction clean up by the library. Adjourn Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Karow and the meeting adjourned at 10:32 p.m. Res ect submitted, Linda Donnellon Recording Secretary A. Reynolds n G M. Schneider B. Stanley H. Vest L,--, ► �-' 11