L1 EW Building ModsDate: January 17, 1997
To: Planning and Zoning Commission
From: Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Re: Minor Modifications to Brookside Commercial Building Final Design (Lot 1,
Eaglewood Subdivision)
Frank Navarro, Owner of Brookside Park has applied for four minor modifications to the final
design of Brookside Building A. These include:
1. Change in parking lot lighting standards (pole and light fixture)from a design similar to the
Town of Avon standard street lighting with a rounded light shield to a more of a box design.
2. Change in parking lot configuration to save an existing tree an reconfigure the parking spaces.
3. Change in pool location and configuration. Pool shape is modified to a standard rectangle and
is moved about 10 feet closer to the bike path. A path connection is made from the parking
lot, to the pool, to the bike path. The irrigation ditch has been re -aligned to accommodate the
pool. The ditch owners have approved of this change.
4. Change in exterior balcony to extend length of balcony on northwest elevation of building.
The application also requests approval of a metal guardrail on the southwest building
Staff will discuss each of the changes in order.
1. Change in parking lot lighting standards (pole and light fixture)from a design similar to the
Town of Avon standard street lighting with a rounded light shield to a more of a box design
• The modified light standard matches those used in neighboring properties including Sunridge,
Westgate and the Beaver Creek West Parking Lot. The approved light has a similar design to
light standards used for street lighting in the Town. Since the Town does has not installed this
lighting standard in this area including along Highway 6 and west Beaver Creek Boulevard,
staff believes the proposed lighting is compatible with adjacent development. Staff
recommends approval of this modification. The height of the light standards will remain at 15
• The lighting plan is modified to rearrange the decorative "landscape lighting" in the vicinity of
the pool and the exterior pathways. The plan needs to provide a key to all the lighting, and
include the wattage and height of all light fixtures as a condition of approval. The applicant
has stated that none of these lights exceed 5 feet in height.
2. Change in parking lot configuration to save an existing tree and reconfigure the parking
• The parking lot has been re -configured to save an existing tree on the south side of the
parking lot. One space has been removed from this row and two spaces have been added to
the eastern row of parking. The loading area has been re -configured to be less pronounced.
3. Change in pool location and configuration. Pool shape is modified to a standard rectangle and
is moved about 10 feet closer to the bike path. A path connection is made from the parking
lot, to the pool, to the bike path.
• The pool has been moved away from the building toward the bike path to afford more privacy.
This reconfiguration does not extend the area of site disturbance. Staff recommends approval
subject to approval of the final grading and engineering design by the Town.
4. Change in exterior balcony to extend length of balcony on northwest elevation of building.
The application also requests approval of a metal guardrail on the southwest building
The request for the extension of the balcony and the metal guardrail are compatible with the
building design. Staff recommends approval of these modifications.
Staff recommends approval of Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision, Brookside Building A minor
modifications dated January 10, 1997 with the following conditions:
1. Lighting plan be revised to show a symbol key and specify the wattage and height of all lights.
Cut sheets are required for all lights.
2. The pool reconfiguration and pathway are subject to approval of grading and engineering by
Town staff
3. The colors and materials of the balconies be specified and approved by staff.
4. Color of parking light standards be specified.
Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision, rinal Design Modification, page 3
January 21, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Denied
Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
1. Lighting plan be revised to show a symbol key and speciiy the wattage and )night of all lights.
Cut sheets are required for all lights.
2. The pool reconfiguration and pathway are subject to approval of grading and engineering by
Town staff.
3. The colors and materials of the balconies be specified and approved by staff.
4. Color of parking light standards be specified.
Signe :
Date ) /
Jack 14u n, Ch 117
Sue Railton, Secreta
Town of Avon Community Development document8
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749