L46 B2 BMBC Muli Family DesignTown of Avon
Final Design Staff Rortep
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Project type
Legal description
November 1, 1996
Multi -family residential
Lot 46 , Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek
RHD -Residential High Density
320 Benchmark Road
The applicants are proposing 28 new multi -family residential units, housed in two separate
buildings with fourteen units each. There is an existing duplex on the lot. The applicants intend
to subdivide the 30 units into condominiums after construction.
The proposed buildings are five stories, with the ground floor level as structured parking. The
architecture has been to designed to be similar to the existing stucco duplex.
This site is south of the Falcon Point project, south-west of the Beaver Creek Condominiums,
and north of the Avon Recreation Center.
The applicants presented a concept plan to the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 6,
1996. The Planning and Zoning Commission suggested that the roofline of the units be more
stepped, and that the number of the units be reduced. It was suggested that the architecture be
more related to the existing duplex on the site.
The plans have been revised to address the Commission's comments. The number of units has
been reduced from 29 to 28 and the building has a stepped design with shorter heights on the
wings. The bottom floor will be finished with stone; and banding has also been added. Trim
accents have been added on the upper floors.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
• Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed multi family residential use.
Density: The 30 dwelling of units proposed conform to Ordinance 90-10, which reserved
development rights for 31 units on this lot.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\46b2bmbc.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
Lot 46, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Review, page 2
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
• Lot Coverage: The proposed 40% of building coverage conforms with the 50%
• Setbacks: Drawings need to clarify that dripline/overhangs will not encroach into side and
front setbacks.
• Easements: There are no proposed encroachments in the easements.
• Building Height: The buildings conform to the 60 foot maximum height limitation. From
the lowest existing grade to the ridgeline roof height, Building 2 is 59 feet tall, and
Building 1 is 58 feet tall.
• Grading: All proposed grades conform with the maximum of 2:1 slope guideline and the
proposed driveway grades conform with Town standards.
• Parking: All units are two bedrooms and require two parking spaces per unit plus 8
additional guest spaces. The required 68 spaces have been provided.
• Snow Storage: Submitted plans show the snow storage area slightly larger than the
minimum standard of 20% of the proposed impermeable surface area.
• Landscaping: Submitted landscape plan appears suitable.
2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it
is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
The stucco building, with lower stone facade, and synthetic shake shingles, utilizes building
materials that are found within the neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods. These
materials are suitable for the site.
The proposed materials appear to all be high quality, durable and low maintenance as
encouraged by the Planning & Zoning Commission's Design Guidelines. All proposed colors
are either natural or earth tone (please refer to sheet "A3 and A5" of the plan set). Not all
materials and colors have been specified.
• Siding (ground level)
Precast concrete panels
Stone Veneer
Lower -Benjamin Moore
Stonecraft Tuscany
Country Rubble(Cultured)
• Siding (upper levels)
Synthetic Stucco
Upper -Benjamin Moore
• Fascia
Benjamin Moore # 880
• Trim
Benjamin Moore #880
• Windows
Aluminum clad
Benjamin Moore #1031
• Garage Doors
Benjamin Moore #1054
• Lighting
Colorbett #3441-2 60 watt bulbs
• Deck Railings
Benjamin Moore #727
• Roof
Tamko Asphalt Shingle -30 year
Weathered Wood
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\46b2bmbc.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
Lot 46, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Review, page 3
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
The site plan utilizes the full development potential of the site. The building wings are now
stepped in height to break up the bulk and mass of the building. The lower level will be
trimmed with stone. The building has bands and trim that add detail and interest. The
stepped roof line results in a compatible scale between the proposed buildings and adjacent
buildings. The buildings will partially block views of neighboring property. It is staff s
opinion that the buildings meet the code, and are architecturally compatible with the
neighborhood. It would be difficult to develop the property without impacting the views of
neighboring property.
4. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and
neighboring properties and public ways.
In staffs opinion, the buildings are compatible with adjacent properties and will be attractive
from neighboring properties and public ways. The stepped building design helps the
buildings relate to surrounding buildings in terms of scale. The buildings now incorporate
design features including the lower stone facade, banding, columns and railings that add
visual interest to the buildings. Building Two is located on the minimum setback from the
park. The stepped wings and added visual accents will reduce the scale of the building. Staff
does not believe the buildings will have a significant negative impact on the park.
5. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity
that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The buildings have their own unique design. They incorporate features of the existing
duplex" while maintaining their s own unique character. The buildings will likely improve
the aesthetics of the neighborhood.
6. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals,
Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon.
The site plan is not in conflict with any adopted Goal, Policies and Programs for the Town,
including the Comprehensive Plan.
Staff Recommendation
Approve with conditions outlined in recommended motion.
Recommended Motion
Approve Lot 46, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision final design of the two new
buildings and associated site improvements as described on plan sets stamped received on
October 30, 1996 with the following conditions:
1. An additional ILC will be provided at time of framing to document the buildings are in
conformance with the approved plan, including the building heights.
2. Lighting fixtures shall have seeded glass. Wattage of bulbs not to exceed 60 Watts.
3. A mutual access easement will be dedicated for the sidewalk on Lot 45 and 46.
4. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
5. All meters will be placed upon the building.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\46b2bmbc.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
Lot 46, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Review, page 4
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
6. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
7. Town Engineer's comments dated October 23, 1996 be addressed.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitte ,
Karen Griffith,
Town Planner
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\46b2bmbc.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749
Lot 46, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, Review, page 5
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Denied
Y Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
Jack Hunn,
Sue Railton, Secretary
Date tl f
1. An additional ILC will be provided at time of framing and foundation to document the
buildings are in conformance with the approved plan, including the building heights.
2. Lighting fixtures shall have seeded glass. Wattage of bulbs not to exceed 60 Watts.
3. A mutual access easement will be dedicated for the sidewalk on Lot 45 and 46.
4. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
5. All meters will be placed upon the building.
6. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
7. Town Engineer's comments dated October 23, 1996 be addressed.
8. 1 (one) compact parking space shall be restored to be a frill size 9' x 18" standard parking
9. Applicant to bring back samples of roofing material for P&Z approval.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\46b2bmbe.doc
(970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749