TQ N2 BMBC SignTown of Avon
Final Design Staff Rortep
November 5, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Sign type
Legal description
November 1, 1996
Hanging Business Sign
Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Subdivision -
Benchmark Shopping Center
Town Center (TC)
0082 East Beaver Creek Blvd.
The applicants are proposing a new business for the Pizzeria to be located in the Benchmark
Shopping Center formerly occupied by Ricardino's. The sign conforms with the building's
existing Master Sign Program with the exception background material's color. All other signs for
the building are mounted upon a tan background, while the applicants propose to mount their
sign upon a black background.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Town of Avon's Sign Code, Section 15.28.070 Design Review Criteria, the
Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed
1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be
constructed and the site upon it is to be located.
The materials, construction and location for the proposed sign all seem appropriate and
comply with the building's Master Sign Program. The black background, however, will
contrast with the tan background present on the rest of the other businesses' signs. The sign,
therefore, does not appear suitable relative to the overall building signage.
2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements.
All other signs for the building's businesses are placed upon a tan background, providing a
uniformed, cohesive look to the building's signage.
3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement.
4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or
neighboring property.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\gb2bspiz.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-5749
Lot, Block, Subdivision, Review, page 2
DATE Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
The visual impact of the proposed sign with its black background will contrast against the
other existing signage. It will diminish the overall effect achieved by the existing Master Sign
5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the
vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired.
The proposed black background will contrast against the building `s other signs. This contrast
will diminish the continuity created through the building's Master Sign Program.
6. Whether the type, height, size, and/or quality of signs generally complies with the sign
code, and are appropriate for the project.
The proposed sign does not comply with the rest of the building's Master Sign Program and
the existing signage in terms of its visual appearance.
7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether
the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation
The proposed sign is oriented to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic alike, and appears
appropriate for both determinations.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends denial of the proposed sign as presented as part of the application dated
October 1, 1996, based upon its failure to comply with the Master Sign Program and the standard
for all signage to be placed upon a tan background.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
949-4280 (extension 139), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Resp ctfully b fitted,
eo e H.Iriton
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1996\110596\gb2bspiz.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-5749
Lot, Block, Subdivision, Review, page 3
DATE Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
Date ►)
Date //— s—
Sue Railton, Secretary
Town of Avon Community Development
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-5749
j: \p&z\1996\110596\q b2bspiz. d oc