PZC Minutes 091796Record of Proceedings
Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes
September 17, 1996
Regular Meeting
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order
by Co -Chairperson Buz Reynolds, Jr. at 7:38 p.m., September 17, 1996, in the Council
Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO, 81620. Chairperson
Jack Hunn was absent.
Members Present
Andrew Karow
Sue Railton
Buz Reynolds, Jr.
Michael Schneider
Beth Stanley
Henry Vest
Staff Present
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer
Jacquie Halburnt, Recording Secretary
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Karen Griffith requested to add Tract N, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, modification
of site plan for grading and parking lot change to the consent agenda.
Conflicts of Interest
Consent a eg nda
Approval of the September 3, 1996, Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes
Lot 10, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision - McDonald Residence
Project Type: Satisfaction of Conditions; Landscape Plan
Owner: John McDonald
Applicant: Ray Story
Address: 5730 East Wildridge Road
Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision - Avon
Project Type: Master Sign Program
Owner: Kim Peterson & Tim Garton
Applicant: Larry Ast, Hightech Signs
Address: 0150 East Beaver Creek Road
Tract N, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Project Type: Modification of site plan for grading and parking lot change
Owner/Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District
Address: 0950 West Beaver Creek Blvd.
Karen Griffith explained the Consent Agenda and handed out plans for the Tract N,
Benchmark at Beaver Creek subdivision modification of site plan for grading and parking lot
change. Commissioner Stanley verified that the McDonald residence, Lot 10, Block 4,
Wildridge subdivision, included an automatic drip system. Ms. Griffith pointed out that the
system would only be in place for 6 months to establish root growth.
Mike Matzko stated that the Tract N change was the type of modification that Staff would
like to eventually approve itself.
Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Karow
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
Project Type: Color Modification
Owner/Applicant: Daniel Bruno
Address: 2680 Beartrap Road
George Harrison explained the project. He stated it was the exact same application that the
Commission had tabled at the September 3, 1997 meeting. He affirmed that the applicant still
proposed green stucco and the Staff still proposed denial of the color modification.
Commissioner Stanley questioned if the Commission had asked the applicant to come back with
an alternate color and Mr. Harrison replied no. Steve Hodges showed a video recording of the
The applicant, Mr. Daniel Bruno, presented the project. He commented that he liked the green
stucco and thought it was a big improvement over the previous color. He read the following
quote from an art book regarding interior and exterior color: `Be aware that no two people see
color in the same way. Color is perhaps the most subjective area of design. Choosing colors that
you enjoy seeing together is one of the best ways to make your house truly your own." Mr.
Bruno passed the book around to the Commission. The book also had a pinwheel of colors that
explained how the two colors he had chosen were complimentary of each other.
Mr. Bruno took some pictures of other homes in the area and discussed the Town of Avon's code
that requires no house shall be so similar or dissimilar. He said he thought many of the homes
were very similar with color as the distinguishing factor. He shared the pictures with the
Finally, Mr. Bruno submitted a petition with 41 signatures from surrounding neighbors
indicating that they like the colors of his house. He said there was one neighbor that did not like
the color of his home, but refused to sign the petition because she did not think the Commission
should be able to tell him what color to paint his house.
Commissioner Karow asked Mr. Bruno why he did not get prior approval. Mr. Bruno stated that
he had no idea that prior approval was necessary for a color change.
Co -Chairperson Reynolds stated he did not have a problem with the colors. Commissioner Vest
stated he did not have a problem with the color if Mr. Bruno's neighbors did not have a problem.
Commissioner Stanley said she thought the color was a little dark, but if the neighbors who were
going to be looking at it did not have a problem, neither did she.
Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve the color modification for Lot 56, Block 2,
Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion and it passed with nay
votes from Commissioners Karow and Schneider.
Lot 54, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Mont/Gray Duplex
Project Type: Duplex
Owners: Chris Mont and Harry Gray
Applicant: Eric Hill, Paradigm Design, PC
Property Address: 2490 Saddleridge Loop
Steve Hodges showed a video recording of the property. Karen Griffith explained the project as
outlined in the Staff Report. Ms. Griffith stated that Staff recommended approval of the project
with conditions. She also stated the Chairperson Hunn had left some comments on her voice
mail that she would share during Commission review.
Mr. Eric Hill, architect, presented the project. He said the duplex was for two local people and
the sides were small (approximately 1500 sq. ft. and 2500 sq. ft.). He said they were on a very
tight budget and he tried to be cost effective with fenestration. Mr. Hill said he pointed the
garage doors away from the street and used decks and windows with trim elements to jazz up the
north side. He continued that it was not a great site and that was why they were not putting $200/
sq. ft. into the project.
Commissioner Railton asked why there was a gable over the entrance on the plans, but not on the
model. Mr. Hill stated the gable would be included. Mr. Hill said that he tried to have the
drainage go around sides into the two swells on the site plan. Regarding cut and fill, he said they
would cut it on the west and fill it on the east. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked what color green
the windows would be and Mr. Hill responded forest green.
Karen Griffith said the exterior light fixtures could accommodate up to 100 watts.
Commissioner Schneider noted that 40 watts was the limit. Commissioner Karow asked Staff if
there was adequate snow storage and Ms. Griffith stated yes.
Commissioner Railton stated she thought the windows lacked any real design. Mr. Hill said the
paint -on trim was used because of budgetary reason. He said the windows were adequate and
there was cross ventilation. Commissioner Railton said it was mirror imaged. She suggested
extending the deck on one side over to the bedroom window for more appeal. Commissioner
Schneider asked if the rip rap retainer would be done with concrete and Mr. Hill said they would
use boulders.
Commissioner Vest said he thought the project was okay and the 16 foot break between the two
units helped. Commissioner Stanley said she would like to see more landscaping on the east
elevation where there was a lot of stucco wall. She also pointed out that the plans did not
indicate number of landscaping items. Mr. Hill reviewed the landscaping list. Commissioner
Stanley said she would still like to see something in front of the wall.
Co -Chairperson Reynolds said he agreed with Commissioner Railton and thought there was a
mirror image. He suggested belly bands to break up the stucco. Mr. Hill stated he did not think
it would do much for the building and he was trying to stay within a budget. Co -Chairperson
Reynolds said that stucco was a high-end product. Mr. Harry Gray stated that wood siding and
stucco cost the same, but stucco was easier to maintain. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked if they
were using a textured finish and Mr. Gray said they would. Commissioner Schneider agreed that
a textured finish would enhance the building.
Karen Griffith voiced (the absent) Chairperson Hunn's concerns as mirror imaging and level of
detail in the drawings needed to be more refined for the final design stage.
Commissioner Railton again suggested extending the deck to reduce the mirror imaging.
Commissioner Karow made a motion to approve Lot 54, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision
final design review plans dated 9-9-96, with the revised north elevation dated 9-13-96
with the following conditions:
1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials.
2. All meters will be placed upon the building.
3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed.
4. The grading plan be revised to meet the design guideline maximum disturbed slopes of 2:1.
The final grading plan shall be approved by staff in conjunction with the building permit
5. The drainage plan be revised for staff approval.
6. All exterior lighting will have 40 watt bulbs.
7. All deciduous trees must be a minimum of 2" caliper.
8. One spruce tree will be added on the east elevation in front of the massing of the garage.
9. The stucco finish will be a coarse hand -textured finish.
Commissioner Vest seconded the motion and it passed unanimously with a nay vote from
Commissioner Railton.
Chateau St. Claire PUD
Project Type: Final Design Review and Master Sign Program
Owners: H&R Contracting
Applicants: Danny Bros6 and George Roberts
Consultant: Steve Isom
Property Address: 37333 State Highway 6/24
Karen Griffith reviewed the project as outlined in the staff report. She said Staff recommended
approval of the final design, but recommended that the lighting plan should come back before the
Commission so the applicants can address Staff concerns.
Commissioner Stanley asked if Staff looked at eliminating the far west parking spot that was in
the 10' buffer. Ms. Griffith said it was outside of the 30', but Commission could consider it as a
condition. Commissioner Schneider asked if they needed an ILC for height at framing and Ms.
Griffith stated it was Staff's recommendation because the height was very close to the limit. Co -
Chairperson Reynolds asked why the applicant had to put in a bike/pedestrian lane and pay for it
if CDOT put in the one in Eagle -Vail. Mr. George Harrison said there was uncertainty if CDOT
funded the project or not. He said he contacted CDOT and they did not know. Co -Chairperson
Reynolds stated that the lighting plan was in great excess of what the Commission had approved
in the past. He asked the applicant to note coverage for each fixture when they brought the
lighting plan back for approval. Ms. Griffith suggested hiring a lighting expert to help evaluate
the plan.
The applicant, Mr. Steve Isom, presented the project. He said they wanted the sidewalk and bike
lane construction plans to be ready at building permit, not final plat. He explained that final plat
was to vacate the lot line and create a new legal boundary and was not a construction phase. He
continued that they did not want the north side and eastern access side flood lights to be deleted.
He also asked that verbiage be added to the bike lane condition that it may reduce landscaping in
the front setback. He stated he was uncertain where they wanted a bus stop, but would be willing
to work with Staff on it. He asked for a condition that they be directed to work with the
transportation department to locate the appropriate place for a bus stop.
Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked what the possibility was of the roundabouts encroaching on
property. Karen Griffith stated the roundabouts might be a couple of years down the road, but
we needed sidewalks now. Mr. Isom requested that a statement be included in the motion that
said the building setback at the west end would be 7.5 feet.
Karen Griffith stated that Town of Avon Subdivision Regulations stated the sidewalk
construction plan had to be submitted at final plat and Staff felt strongly that it should part of the
subdivision process. Mr. Isom stated he did not think it was a subdivision, but a lot line
Ms. Griffith asked Commission to allow Staff to give final approval of the bike lane. She said
the bus stop was still desirable, but it needed to be checked out further. Mr. Isom stated there
was a bus stop in front of River Oaks and couldn't imagine they'd want another one that close.
Commissioner Railton made a motion to approve Chateau St. Claire, Final Design
Review Plans dated August 20, 1996 with the following conditions:
I . A sidewalk system be constructed on site and extended west to the Avon Road Intersection.
Construction plans for the sidewalk will be required with the submittal of the final plat.
2. The landscape plan be revised to provide a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees in the
northern front planting strip.
3. All landscaping above 36 inches in a 30 foot site distance triangle be removed from the site
4. Four parking spaces be removed from across the underground parking entrance to provide an
increased turning radius and minimize conflicts between cars entering the site. The eastern
most space should be converted to the landscaping, and the remaining three spaces converted
to snow storage.
5. Four parking spaces be removed from the south end of the parking ramp.
6. The lighting plan be revised to reduce the number of floodlights and return to Planning and
Zoning Commission for final approval.
7. The parking lot lights be reduced to a maximum of 25 feet tall.
8. Final Engineering be approved by Town staff and all of the Town Engineer's comments
(dated September 9, 1996) be addressed prior to building permit submittal.
9. The garage floor plan be revised to indicate that all compact parking spaces will meet
minimum dimensions.
10. Two more handicap parking spaces be provided to meet the accessibility requirements of the
11. An emergency access easement across the parking lot with steps or other means of accessing
Lot 2 needs to be provided to the town.
12. The ridgeline building height be limited to 74 feet from existing grade and the tower be
limited to a maximum height of 84 feet. The ridgeline elevation on the tower needs to be
provided on the plan to confirm it conforms to the 84 foot maximum height.
13. A bike lane adjacent to the property be provided. Plans for the Bike Path need to be included
in the construction plans for the building permit and approved by the Colorado Department
of Transportation. The bike lane may encroach into landscaping and applicant will work
with Staff the resolve.
14. The site plan be revised to include a bus stop. Construction plans for the bus stop shall be
submitted with the building permit and approved by the Colorado Department of
Transportation. Applicant to work with Transportation Department to relocate bus stop.
15. The final design review site plan is conditioned upon approval of an access permit by CDOT
A copy of the access permit shall be provided before building permit submittal.
16. The final design review is conditioned upon approval of the annexation, zoning, preliminary
and final plat and PUD. Any changes required by Council approval will be reflected in the
final development plan prior to building permit submittal.
17. All flues, vents, on the copper roof will be copper.
18. All flues, vents, or galvanized metal on the tile roof will be painted or otherwise match the
tile roof.
19. All meters will be placed upon the building.
20. Automatic irrigation system will be installed
21. The Master Sign Program is approved.
22. The building setback at the west end be 7.5 feet.
Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Public Hearing
None Scheduled
Other Business
Mr. Bill Oldershaw, owner of Burger King, must appear before the Planning and Zoning
Commission in order to change his landscaping plan.
Mike Matzko discussed training with the Commission. He said that Town Council had approved
for two commissioners to attend the National Planning Association Conference. He also invited
all commissioners to attend a planning seminar in Frisco on October 11th.
Commissioner Schneider asked the status of Lot 11, Block 1, Wildridge subdivision. Steve
Hodges said the building permit is still current. He further explained that a permit stays current
as long as there is an inspection every 6 months.
Mr. Matzko stated that Mr. Simon, Lot 8, Block 4, Wildridge subdivision received his T.C.O.
Mr. Matzko said the Building Official, Gary Murrain, would let Warner Developments know that
Greenbrier was not a storage yard.
Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner
Schneider and the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jacqueline Halburnt
J. H nn
S. Ra'
M. S
B. StanleyI I J�"
H. Vest