PZC Minutes 080498Record of Proceedings
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes August 4, 1998
The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission regularly meets at 6:00 P.M. on the first
and third Tuesday of each month, in the Avon Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of
the meeting in the following locations:
Avon Municipal Building lobby;
Avon City Market lobby;
Avon Recreation Center lobby;
Eaglebend Apartments laundry room.
Commission Members Staff
Andrew Karow, Chair Beth Salter, Recording Secretary
Chris Evans, Vice Chair George Harrison, Planner
Sue Railton, Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Mike Dantas Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
Paul Klein
Greg Macik
Anne Fehlner
Call to Order
Commissioner Karow called the meeting to order at 6:10 P.M.
Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Conflicts of Interest
Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the July 17, 1998 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Klein moved to approve the consent agenda and Commissioner Macik seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
Final Design Review
A. Lot 11, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision - Wildwood
Townhomes South
Project Type: Design Modification to add Metal Deck Roofs
Property Owner: Wildwood Townhomes South Homeowners
Applicant: Nancy Pruckno
Address: 1011 West Wildwood Road
George Harrison said the applicant wants to place blue, standing seam, metal roofs over the
existing second story decks, to prevent further structural damage from melting snow and ice.
Staff believes that due to the small area of these roofs, potential glare is minimal.
Commissioner Evan moved to table the Design Modification application dated July 22, 1998,
until the August 18, 1998, meeting, with the condition that the applicant present a color sample.
Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Small Residence
Project Type: Exterior Light Modification
Property Owner Applicant: Ed Small
Address: 4214 Wildridge Road West
George Harrison said this single-family residence received final design approval on September 3,
1996. During recent TCO inspections, staff discovered a number of design modifications made
without staff or Planning & Zoning Commission approval. At the July 17 meeting, the
Commission approved site, landscape and architectural modifications.
The applicant is now asking for approval of two new exterior light fixtures. The approved light
fixtures were placed on the majority of the building; however, fixtures with clear glass were
placed at the secondary front door and at the lower south patio.
Staff is concerned with potential light spillover, or trespass.
Commissioner Dantas asked if it was a seeded glass.
Mr. Harrison said there are bubbles in the glass.
Mr. Small the applicant said the glass in the light fixtures was blown with pits and bubbles in it
and will take a maximum of 40 watts.
Commissioner Evans asked if the light fixture would take a 100 watt bulb.
Mr. Small said it would not take a standard 100 watt bulb.
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Exterior Light Modification application dated July
29, 1998, for Lot 19, Block 3 Wildridge. Commissioner Dantas seconded. The motion passed
C. Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Reynolds Duplex
Project Type: Color Modification
Property Owner/Applicant: Buz Reynolds, Jr.
Address: 2550 Old Trail Road
Karen Griffith said Buzz Reynolds Jr. has expanded his color modification request to include the
Forest Green window trim along with the requested siding color change from Pratt and Lambert
"Aqua Green" to a Super Deck "Valley" transparent. He is also requesting a change of trim
color from white, to a reddish -brown custom color solid latex stain. He has agreed to provide an
updated and complete color board at the meeting. He has stated that these requested changes are
the extent of the color modifications. Ms. Griffith presented a color board. She said staff has
approved a modification of the roofline from gabled to hip ends to match the hip end that was
required on the south side of the southeast unit. Staff also approved a minor modification to the
Although the main siding color appears to be very bright as it has been applied on the building,
staff anticipates that it will fade. Staff recommends approval based on this assumption. In
staff s opinion the trim colors are compatible with the main color. The Forest Green windows
are very used with transparent stains with a natural wood and are compatible with other color
schemes found throughout the neighborhood.
Commissioner Railton said she heard that it takes about 2 years for the sheen to leave the stain.
Commissioner Evans said in the last couple of weeks the sheen has seem to have diminished a
little bit.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve the Color Modification application for Lot 48, Block 2,
Wildridge. The motion passed 6-7 with commissioner Karow opposing.
D. Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Rockin' Horse
Ridge Townhomes
Project Type: Color Modification
Property Owner: DJ Organ Builders, Inc.
Applicant: Mark Donaldson, VMD Architects.
Address: 2000 Wildridge Road
Karen Griffith said its staff s opinions the proposed color changes are in conformance with the
review criteria, including that they are compatible colors and materials found throughout the
Commissioner Dantas said he liked the color before the red was added.
Commissioner Evans stated that the applicant said needs to know that color changes are to be
approved by the commission and that just changing from the approved color is wrong.
Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Color Modification application for Lot 1, Block 1,
Wildridge, as described on the application dated July 24, 1998. Commissioner Klein seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Input Session
A. The Village at Avon
Project Type: Annexation and PUD
Property Owner: EMD, LLP.
The Applicant: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc.
Mike Matzko provided a brief overview of the Village at Avon annexation and PUD application,
describing the project as a mixed-use Planned Unit Development (PUD) proposed for the 1790
acre Nottingham Ranch property (including the 170 acre Stolport site) located east and north of
the current Town limits. The entire parcel is currently within unincorporated Eagle County; the
applicant is requesting annexation and PUD zoning.
The proposal includes 750,000 square feet of commercial uses, 200,000 square feet of public and
semi-public uses (such as ice rinks and entertainment facilities), and 2,400 dwelling units, 500 of
which are proposed as employee housing.
Mr. Matzko said that staff is continuing to meet with the applicant to clarify and/or resolve as
many substantive and procedural issues as possible, to facilitate the Commission's review of the
Issues that have discussed with the applicant thus far include:
• Clarifying the Town's role in the proposed development review process, including approval
of the design guidelines by P&Z and Council, and enforcement of same.
• Clarifying the PUD guide with respect to:
• Building setbacks, requirements for underground parking, landscaping and building
coverage standards, and similar standards.
• The type, character and proportions of commercial and residential uses permitted within
each planning area.
• Reclassifying some uses proposed as "use by right" to "special review use" (SRU),
thereby ensuring review by Planning & Zoning Commission.
• Clarifying parking regulations and roadway standards.
• The timing of specific improvements including access to Route 6, construction of the new I-
70 interchange, parks and trails.
• Extension of Swift Gulch Road eastward to connect with the ranch road and the new
• Specific treatment of the I-70 corridor and the railroad corridor, with respect to architectural
character, screening and orientation of buildings, and zoning standards such as building
setbacks, site coverage, and height.
• Effectiveness of proposed wildlife, geologic and other environmental mitigation.
Mr. Matzko also said that the staff report for the August 18 public hearing before the
Commission will include analysis and comments on various key project elements, reflecting
comments from staff as well as a variety of local, state and federal agencies that received
referrals of the application.:
B. Process Summary
Mr. Matzko summarized the review and approval process: annexation, subdivision sketch plan,
special district service plans, PUD zoning (including the development plan), Annexation
Agreement, and preliminary and final subdivision plats.
Commissioner Evans asked about the updated PUD guide and the revised traffic study that the
Commission was supposed to have received.
Bill Post said he was not aware that the revised traffic study had not been issued.
Public Comments:
Andrew Karow invited members of the audience to address comments to the Commission.
Lyn Morgan, General Manager for Eagle County Ambulance District, said the District provides
paramedic and transport services for the eastern half of Eagle County. He said by looking at this
annexation in its early stages, it gives them (the District) an opportunity to improve service as it
exists today. This annexation could provide them the area needed to put a third station in a
central location that could help to improve their response times to about 5 different parts of the
community including Eagle Vail Business and residential, Minturn, I-70 between Dowd Junction
and Avon, and the Beaver Creek Community. Mr. Morgan pointed out that when you look an
the number of units and multiply that by the number of people anticipated, the numbers are not
significant; but if you look at the net increase of people that this would bring to the valley it is
fairly easy to determine what the impact would be. The annexed area could give Eagle County
an opportunity for improving the overall system as well as addressing the impacts that this
project would present to public safety service providers.
Jon Dwight read to the Commission a letter written by Mr. Jimmy Heuga, which stated "I want
to express my enthusiasm for The Village at Avon project. I have been familiar with the Eagle
Valley since 1968, and I feel a strong appreciation for this area. I am also aware that
development is inevitable and my concern is that growth be done well. Environmental issues
such as wet lands, wildlife, migration, wilderness access, general ecology, and the area's natural
beauty must be taken into consideration. In reviewing the plans for The Village at Avon project
I am delighted with the concern they have shown for the environmental issues. I am enthused
over the amenities for the project as I find it adds to the communities and addresses the concerns
I have for preserving the beauty of the area. The features appear to be broad enough to include
the interests and needs of the community while preserving our desire to retain the beauty of the
land. I enthusiastically recommend this project."
Michael Ruggie, Vail valley resident for 5 years, said he would like to speak in support of The
Village at Avon. As a resident and a consumer he thinks the increased retail and housing options
made available by this project will increase the quality of life in the entire Vail Valley. He said
he would encourage the Town of Avon to see this project through to its completion.
Chris Neaswamyer who has been in the Vail Valley for about 20 years said the whole process is
going far too quickly. He said there is virtually no information been given out to the public, and
not enough time for the public to digest it. This makes for a very serious credibility issue for the
Town of Avon. There should something very similar to the Eagle County review process where
the developer is there on site and people can ask questions. Mr. Neuswanger said that
segregation of employee housing is in direct conflict to every community in the valley including
Avon. He said there should be a public discussion and some information given out as to the
projected price ranges. The price ranges according to Bill Post were going to be affordable: 80%
of the median income in the County, and they were not. He said he called the County to find out
if this formula worked with the wages, and they flat out do not work. He said the developer
neglected to include things in the calculations such as mortgage insurance, condominium fees, or
the fact that people might have credit card or automobile payments. Mr. Neuswanger also
questioned whether 80 foot tall buildings are proper for this area, and said that zero set backs
between the buildings and the core area is not appropriate, and that nobody else in the Town of
Avon would be allowed to do that. He said that there needs to be discussion with the Fire
Department as to the fire protection particularly on the hillsides north of I-70. He said he has
serious doubts about the traffic projections. He said he does not think that the Town should
allow them to have their own design review committee as this totally cuts out everybody in this
community (Avon) from any say as to what is approved for the Village at Avon.
John Haley, Manager of City Market in Avon, said his concerns are about the traffic. As of now
the traffic is very heavy on a day to day basis. With construction traffic going through there, this
is going to create a problem especially if the I-70 interchange won't be put in for another 4 years.
He said the square footage for the retail is too large of an area and it will bottle neck that whole
area around City Market.
Ben Rose, Vail Valley resident for 20 years, said he thinks this is a great project for the entire
Rick Cuny, resident and a business owner in Avon longer than it has been a town, said his
concern is the size of the project. He said he could not visualize construction traffic going by his
store for the next 10 to 20 years. He said he does not think the amount of businesses being
proposed will be supported by the number of people in the community. From a business
person's point of view he respects the developer, but would encourage the project to be
developed in a different way such as tax incentives or tax relief but the same time not impact the
Town of Avon in such a great way.
Robin Pieters, a business owner and 20 year resident, said she would love to see the interchange
be put in before the project begins. She said she would like to have a traffic consultant hired to
do a traffic study. Traffic should only be allowed to come into the town only through the I-70
corridor not by way of Hwy 6. She said she has concerns about the employee housing which is
to be located on the North side of I-70. She asked how these employees are to get to the core of
Avon without getting in their cars and driving. She expressed concern that P&Z does not have
enough information. She asked the Commission to make the right decision.
Larry Kilstrup, business owner in Avon and a resident in Eagle Vail, said he is greatly in favor
of annexation, but what we have here is not an annexation. There are a number of issues in
terms of employee housing, traffic, density, etc. He said the finance plan is basically the same
scheme that the developer put forth for stand-alone projects within the County. He said that if
you (the Commission and members of the audience) have not read the annexation agreement,
you should because it is a commitment of the majority of real-estate transfer tax and sales taxes
for 25 years to finance this project for this developer. Mr. Kilstrup said that this is absurd in
letting a private community set up beside us and not pay taxes. He said that the agreement reads
as intergovernmental agreement, not an Annexation.
Lynn Weas, Managing Director of Christie Lodge for 10 years and agent for some 14,000 -
property owners, said this project is reminding him of the Israeli's wandering the desert for 40
years: It seems to be going from one area to another to another area. Mr. Weas said he didn't
think the proper bodies have given the proper thought to the true impact of this project: 2400
housing units and a commercial space the size of Cherry Creek Mall, and with the natural growth
of the Town of Avon, it will act as a catalyst for surrounding developments. When you review
this (proposal) with common sense, the resulting difficulty of getting around and the depletion
of quality of life means this is just not a good idea. He said that if the Town wants to annex this
piece of property, it should be annexed like a piece of property, and shouldn't be annexed with
markers attached to it. He said he will not tolerate construction traffic going by the Christie
Lodge. Not matter what it takes he said he will not allow it. The people at Christie Lodge
deserve not to have their space ruined. As for the financing of this project, it is extremely wrong.
He said that we don't want to pay for the fire department, ambulance service, etc and since when
do we have to pick up the tax bill for 1400 homeowners.
Chris Neuswanger said people that who build duplexes have to go through more of a review
process than this annexation has.
Mr. Matzko reminded the audience that the Town has a Comprehensive Plan, which contains the
Town's goals and policies regarding development, and that copies are available for review at the
Community Development department.
Karen Griffith notified the Commission of a written comment from Ron Mitchell which read, "1.
The project is more fuel on the fire of over development that we are already seeing in Eagle
County. 2. Leave area as open space, parks, etc., wildlife habitat. Important to preserve an
attractive ambiance for locals and visitors alike so they're not fighting the same things they were
trying to get away from. 3. Far too much strain on local infrastructure, traffic problems, and
landfill capacity and quality of life in general. 4. Put pro -development ideas on a slow boat to
Bill Post said he would love to sit down with anyone and go through the annexation agreements
and would encourage the public to attend the work sessions.
Mr. Post encouraged everyone to contact him or Peter Jamar with any questions about the
Robin Pieters said that not everyone is confused about the project.
Commissioner Railton said the questions that were raised tonight should be formally answered.
Commissioner Evans asked if, given the fact that they do not do not know the parking
requirements or the design guidelines, is it possible for the P&Z meeting two weeks from
tonight to be a public forum for the public to have their questions answered?
Mr. Matzko said that is the proposed schedule, but if the Commission feels they need to, they
can request additional time.
Commissioner Evans said he does not see when the Commission's as well as the public's
questions will be answered.
Mr. Matzko said at the next Council meeting there is time for citizen input about any concerns
of the public. He said the PUD Guide and Development Agreement at the Library will be
updated when the Town receives the revised documents.
Mr. Post said that staff has requested changes in these documents, and these are the updates that
Commissioner Evans is referring to..
Staff Approvals
Other Business
Commissioner Evans said the applicant for The Village at Avon needs to schedule time so that
the public can ask questions and receive answers.
Mr. Matzko said he believes that the applicant realizes there may need to be a work session.
Commissioner Railton said we need to very quickly answer the public questions before
inaccurate information gets around.
Commissioner Fehlner said if there is going to be a work session she would like to have Stan
Bernstein answer questions from a financial view point.
Commissioner Evans said he does not want the public to come back to the Town or the Board
and said that we did not give this enough time.
Commissioner Dantas said pushing this annexation through by mid October is doing the public
an injustice.
Commissioner Klein said the neighbors of Block 1 lot 56 is concern about the weeds growing
and construction debris piling up there. Also he asked if Block 1, Lot 81 Buffalo Head Town
Homes was approved for their paint colors.
George Harrison said Buffalo Head Town Homes must have the colors approved before they do
any work.
Commissioner Dantas said thanks to Steve Hodges for getting the rocks off the road by Fred
Hillers project.
Mike Matzko said the Jarvis Brown Duplex is being resurveyed to verify the building height.
Commissioner Dantas moved to adjourn at 8:05 P.M. Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted
Beth Salter
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas
8. -
Paul F
Sue R