PZC Minutes 060298Record of Proceedings Town of Avon Planninq and Zoninq Commission June 2, 1998 This document constitutes the written record of proceedings of the June 2,1998Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, held in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Andrew Karow, , Chairperson Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Paul Klein Greg Macik Sue Railton Agenda Call to Order Staff Present Beth Salter, Recording Secretary George Harrison, Planner Karen Griffith, Town Planner Steve Hodges, Code Enforcement Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Commissioner Karow called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM, June 2, 1998. Roll Call All commissioners were present. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda A. Approval of the May 19, 1998, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes. B. Lots 2 & 3, Brookside Park - Brookside Lodge & Townhomes — Modification of roof color Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Fehlner declared a conflict of interest with Lots 2 & 3, Brookside Park — Brookside Lodge & Townhomes. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the April 7th Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Approval of the May 19th Planning & Zoning Commission meeting minutes. C. Lots 2 & 3, Brookside Park - Brookside Lodge & Townhomes — Modification of roof color Karen Griffith presented a color board to the commission. The approved color for the roof was Weather Wood. The proposed color is Bark Wood. The applicant has the roofing material at this time and they would like to go ahead with the project. She said this proposed color would be compatible with the color scheme that is on site. Motion Commission Dantas moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Evens seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Fehlner abstaining. Concept Review Lot 28, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision — Hadley Duplex Project Type: Redevelopment Duplex Owner/Applicant: Andy Hadley Consultant: Tom Counter, Counter Architects Address: 4491 Wildridge Road West George Harrison presented the staff report to the commission. Tom Counter, from Counter Architects explained the elevations, and grading plans to the commission. He then presented a color chart of the proposed project. Commissioner Railton said she would like to see more landscaping. Commissioner Dantas suggested the applicant put a belly band somewhere on the west elevation to help break it up the height, perhaps even fill in. He asked the applicant if his driveway had to be a ten- percent grade. Mr. Counter said he could probably do an eight- percent grade. Commissioner said the design of the house seems to fits the neighborhood. Commissioner Evans said he would like to see some additional landscaping on the east, south, and west elevations to help break up the massing. Mr. Counter said the snow storage area amounts to 750 square feet. He said the south side of the retaining wall is higher because he wanted the swell to take the water down this way and be disposed into the natural vegetation area. Commissioner Karow agreed with the rest of the commission about additional landscaping. He said he would like to see an eight- percent grade for the driveway. Motion No formal action was taken. Lots 38 — 41 and Tracts A & W, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision — The Cove Project Type: PUD 27 unit residential Property Owner: Tanavon, Inc. Applicant: Ray Nielsen, AIA Address: 0471, 0240, 0491, & 0511 Metcalf Road George Harrison presented a model and reviewed the staff report of the project to the commission. He said staff recommends this Preliminary PUD approval per conditions in the staff report. Ray Neilsen the architect described the plans to the commission. He said he designed the flat roofs because he did not want to have snow shedding in the driveways. Commissioner Railton said she has not problem with the basic PUD. She asked if the driveway entrance could have been moved further south. Mr. Neilsen said the primary reason was to create a loop system and to balance the whole project. Commissioner Railton said she would like to see the buildings set apart from one another and the parking in front of the units done away with. As of now when driving up the road a person will see a lot of cars. She suggested some parking put on the northwest, and southwest ends of the driveway. She suggested the stairways that service the buildings be enclosed and better architect design for the front of the buildings. She said building balconies over the garage doors would help protect them. She asked if it was possible to give the ground level units access to the outside area in the back furnished with barbecues and couple of play ground areas for children. Commissioner Dantas said the staircases should be enclosed. Commissioner Mack said his concern was the massing of the buildings. He suggested the buildings be separated so as to increase sun exposure. Commissioner Klein said he would like to see more pines, and spruce trees to help break up the massing and also the stairs enclosed Commissioner Evans said he would like to see the project step up the hillside. He said he is not comfortable with the PUD with the way the building stands. Commissioner Fehlner said the way the project is presented extenuates the building height. Commissioner Karow said at this point this project is not approvable when looking at the overall design and compatibility with the surrounding environment. He suggested the applicant look at year around landscaping. Mr. Neilsen said he did not want to bury the bottom floor because he wants these units to have as much sun as possible. He said is not possible to twist the buildings, but he could off set them from one another and do more with the architecture of the fronts of the buildings and adjust the gables so they are perpendicular to the slope. Motion Commissioner Fehlner motioned to grant a Preliminary PUD plan approval for Lots 38- 41 and Tracts A & W as presented on the plans dated May 12, 1998 with the following conditions: 1. Adequate snow storage is provided. 2. Provisions for treatment of storm water is provided. 3. Adequate parking is provided 4. The parallel parking spaces are revised to function properly with the southern entrance. 5. That the buildable area as defined by the zoning code be provided 6. That the Deer Migration Corridor Easement on Lots, 39, 40 and 41, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision be recorded prior to the issuance of any building permits. 7. That the dedication of Lot 38, Tracts A & W, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek be deeded to an appropriate agency prior to the issuance of any building permits. 8. Bike racks and general lockers be added to promote alternative transportation and alleviate the need for storage on unit balconies. 9. A playground area with equipment for young children be established. 10. The applicant work with staff to revise the 48 foot maximum height to 40 foot maximum building mass height with specific allowances for certain architectural elements to be higher. Commissioner Dantas seconded. Motion passed with Commissioner Evans opposing. Tract Y, Mountain Star Subdivision — Mountain Star Commercial Center Project Type: Office Warehouse Property Owner: Les Lerner, Beechwood Organization Applicant: Sig Bjornson, Lundell Architects & Assoc. P.C. Address: Unassigned Metcalf Road George Harrison presented the staffs report to the commission. Sig Bjornson, with Lundell Architects, said building A is the signature building for the project. We wanted to make a good presentation to the community when driving up and down Metcalf road. The applicant said they have tried to minimized cuts and keep the grades to a minimum of 4-6 %. He said the name of the project is up to the developer. Commissioner Dantas said the name "Mountain Star" is misleading as to its location. He asked if this project would be accessible to tractor -trailer. Mr. Harrison said this is one of the issues that the engineering department is looking at right now. Commissioner Klein said his concern was how the retaining walls would work with the site. Mr. Bjornson said the concept was to have the walls be an extension of the base of the building. He said the monument for the project of the approach is being constructed out of the same wall materials. Commissioner Evans said his concern was with the traffic circulation on site around building B. We are trying to get people to go counter clock wise around the Round — Abouts in Avon and this goes in the opposite direction. Mr. Bjornson said they would look at the possibility of changing the direction of the traffic circulation. Commissioner Fehlner asked if buildings B and C where going to have the same architectural detailing as building A. Mr. Bjornson assured the commisssion that buildings B and C will have architectual detailing, not as much as building A but they intend to keep the same architectural style throughout all the buildings. Motion No formal action was taken. Lot 51, Block 1, Wildridge, Arnot/Graver Duplex Project Type: Duplex Property Owner: Arnot/Garver Applicant: Katie and John Arnot Address: 2460 Saddleridge Loop Karen Griffith said the applicant wanted a little direction with a couple of issues. First one is regarding the existing road cut and the other issue is the architect of the structure. She handed out a letter from an owner of an adjacent lot who has concerns about the design of this structure and presented the staffs report to the commission. John Arnot part owner of Lot 52, Block 1, Wildridge, presented colors and samples of the roofing and siding to the commission. This proposal will leave 75% of the lot undisturbed or revegitated to the natural state. He also said the proposed North Slope that exceeds the maximum slope of 2:1 is being addressed. Commissioner Railton suggested the applicant consider solar power in their design. She asked what the purpose of setting one unit lower than the other. Mr. Arnot said they designed it this way to give it a little more diversity. Also the Garver side of the duplex wanted their corridor not to be reached by our unit. Commissioner Railton said she would like to see more detail added to the design. Commissioner Dantas said the design is too linear and suggested the applicant break it up with a couple of different colors of stucco. He asked the applicant if there was anyway he could share his neighbor's driveway and suggested that he work with staff. Commissioner Klein said his neighbor and the things that concern him are the exterior doors, the drip lines and the massing of the project. Commissioner Evans said the applicant needs to revise the grading properly on the plans. He also said the existing cut on the land needs to be re-vegeitated and filled in. Commissioner Fehlner asked for the limits of disturbance be addressed in the next proposal. Motion No formal action was taken. Public Hearing None scheduled Final Design Review Residence -(Tabled May 19, 1998) Lot 56, Block 2, Unit A, Wildridge Subdivision — Amadee Project Type: Minor Project - Building and Deck Addition Property Owner: Patrick Amadee Applicant: George Roberts, Double R Contracting Address: 2690 Beartrap Karen Griffith presented staffs report to the commission and informed them that this project comes to 32 -feet in height and the lower level addition and deck has been modified to include a roof over the proposed deck. Commissioner Railton suggested the applicant add a few more supports to the deck to make the design more interesting. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Final Design for Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, as described on the plan set dated May 29, 1998 with the following conditions: 1. The grade shall be restored to the existing grade after construction. 2. Metal railings, decking, roof material; window frames and trim shall match existing colors and materials of the structure. Commissioner Macik seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 9, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Kalabany Residence Project Type: Single-family Residence Property Owner/Applicant: Steve & Karen Kalabany Address: 2885 O'Neal Spur George Harrison said this is the same proposal that was seen at the concept review. Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve Final Design for Lot 9, Bock 2, Wildridge Subdivision, as submitted on the plan set dated May 5, 1998. Commissioner Fehlner seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business None Staff Approvals None Adjourn Commissioner Dantas moved to adjourn. Commissioner Fehlner seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM Respectfully Submitted Beth Salter Recording Secretary Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne F Andrem Paul KI Greg M Sue Railton 'z�