PZC Minutes 110398Planning and Zoning Commission
Record of Proceedings November 3, 1998
The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission regularly meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first
and third Tuesday of each month, in the Avon Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of
the meeting in the following locations:
Avon Municipal Building lobby;
Avon City Market lobby;
Avon Recreation Center lobby;
Avon/Beaver Creek Transit Center
Commission Members
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans, Chair
Anne Fehlner Vice Chair
Paul Klein
Greg Macik
Sue Railton, Secretary
Brian Sipes
Staff Members
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Beth Salter, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
I. Call to Order
Chairperson Evans called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioner were present except Commissioner Fehlner
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
V. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the October 6, 1998 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
B. Approval of the October 20, 1998 Planning & Zoning
Commission Meeting Minutes
Motion: Commissioner Railton moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner
Macik seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
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VI. Final Design Review
A. Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Scharpf/Slick
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owners: George Bombas, Anthony Scharpf, David Slick
Applicant: Anthony Scharpf
Consultant: Ron Diehl
Address: 2111 Long Sun
George Harrison said the applicant has submitted revised elevations to address the Commission's
concerns expressed at the October 29, 1998 meeting. These revisions include the following:
• Addition of 1 x 8 board and 1 x 4 batten to a number of upper portions.
• Lowering the east unit's small gabled bay element above the garage.
• Raising the finished grade along the north elevation.
Ron Diehl, project design consultant, said they added some belly bands and vertical siding. They
also added some trees to the site plan and revised grading around the back. The change in
grading resulted in adding a four -foot boulder retaining wall, which reduced the height of the
logs (posts). He pointed out that a duplex on the lot next door has grading about two feet lower
than his; and that the proposed ridge height being is only about two feet higher (basically the
same height). Mr. Diehl said the first version of this project was a lot higher and closer to the
Commissioner Railton said it still seems tall. She asked the applicant how much were they able
to build up the rock wall.
Mr. Diehl said another two and a half feet. He said Dave was interested in cutting back the deck
and getting rid of one of the peeler logs in the back. He said this was one of the last minute
decisions and this would help with the perceived height.
Commissioner Dantas noted that the proposed height was also the maximum, and told the
applicant not to come back to the Commission asking for a variance if they exceed the height
Mr. Diehl said he has never had a problem the other homes that he has built.
Commissioner Macik said he feels that installing the retaining wall is manipulating the site.
Commissioner Sipes said his concern is that there is essentially one long ridgeline, and the
neighbors to the lot behind this project will have the view of a large wall.
Mr. Diehl said the ridgeline along the back is lower than what is depicted on the model. He said
there are varying ridge heights.
Commissioner Klein said the use of board -and -bat helps with the appearance of the massing.
Planning & Zoning Commissiu.. record of Proceedings November 3, 1996
Commissioner Evans said he is opposed to the project because of the size. He said the applicants
have a fairly flat site, and putting a retaining wall on it to try to diminish the height of the
building is a little bit backward. He said he sees this design as not being suited for this site.
Commissioner Klein said he did not have a problem with the architecture of the house. He said
the use of board and batten on the house adds another architectual, visual way of breaking up the
Commissioner Railton asked if there was an attempt to split the buildings.
Mr. Diehl said with the topography it would not work. He wanted to keep the living space on the
top floor for a view of the mountains.
Mr. Diehl asked how to create a house that is stepping when it is on basically flat ground.
Commissioner Railton said the Commission has made other applicants who were on flat lots step
their ridges by at least a couple of feet. She told the applicants that they have an eight -foot
difference from one corner of the property to the other. She said there is plenty of room there to
step the ridgeline.
Motion: Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as
depicted on the application and plan set dated October 23, 1998, with the following conditions:
1. Extreme care will be required during construction to ensure the project's northwest corner
does not encroach into the side yard setback.
2. That the following additional landscaping be added to soften the northern elevation and
better screen the project's parking areas and driveways:
• Two additional trees north of the west unit.
• Two additional trees north of the east unit.
• Eight assorted shrubs and three aspen north of the east unit's driveway.
• Six aspens and six assorted shrubs are added east of the southern three car parking area.
3. Extreme care will be required during construction to ensure the maximum allowable height is
not violated.
4. Exterior light fixtures require staff approval.
5. Chimney caps be added and require staff approval.
Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion failed with a 3 to 3 vote.
Motion: Commissioner Railton moved to deny the Final Design Review for Lot 42, Block 1,
Wildridge as depicted on the application and plan set dated October 23, 1998. Commissioner
Klein seconded. The motion failed withCommissioner Macik, Commissioner Dantas and
Commissioner Sipes opposing, a 3 to 3 split.
Anthony Sharpf said their main objective is views to the South. He said the people behind them
already do not have a view.
Commissioner Evans said the view corridor is not the issue, it is the massing. He said that this
site is not conducive to going up 35 feet to try to capture views to the SouthEast.
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Mr. Sharpf said there project is much smaller than a project that was approved a few weeks ago.
Commissioner Sipes said the main objection is not that they are going up to 35 feet it is that they
are going up 35 feet all the way across. He said there is no stepping.
Mr. Diehl said he pushed this building to the north end of the lot to help with the massing view
from the street.
Mr. Sharpf said the roofline is broken up quit a bit.
Motion: Commissioner Sipes moved to deny the Final Design Review for Lot 42, Block 1,
Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set date October 23, 1998, with
the following findings based the design review criteria.
1. Compatibility with site topography.
2. Addition of a retaining wall to this site is unnecessary and only serves to illuminate the fact
that the building does not conform to site topography;
3. The massiveness as viewed from the northern side and the northern neighbors detrimentally
affects neighboring properties. .
Commissioner Rialton seconded. Motion passed 4 — 2, with Commissioner Dantas and
Commissioner Klein opposing.
B. Lot 61, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Vulpe Residence
Project Type: Single family Residence
Property Owner/Applicant: Rudy Vulpe
Consultant: Eric Vogelman
Address: 4391 June Point
George Harrison said the applicant is seeking final design approval for a southwestern or
"territorial" style, 3,800 square foot single family residence. Materials include beige stucco
siding with gray wood accents, cultured stone and a small terra cotta tile roof over the southern
patio. The flat roofs are screened behind stucco parapets.
The site is located at the end of the June Point cul-de-sac. The building envelope is relatively
flat. The remaining portion of the site is extremely steep and is protected by a "non -developable
area" restriction as described by the Wildridge Final Subdivision Plat.
Eric Vogelman, project architect, said the driveway is less than 10% grade.
Motion: Commissioner Dantas moved to approve the proposed residence for Lot 61, Block 3,
Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the application and plan set dated October 21, 1998, with
the following conditions:
1. If driveway exceeds a 10% grade, it must be heated.
Commissioner Klein seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Planning & Zoning Commissiu- Record of Proceedings November 3, 199b
VII. Public Hearing
A. Lot 1, Wildwood Resort PUD
Project Type: PUD Amendment to Allow Season Christmas Tree Sales
Property Owner: Maxine Miller, Tanavon Corporation
Applicant: Mark S. Walker
Address: 0110 Mountain Star Road
Karen Griffith said Mark Walker has submitted an application to sell Christmas trees on Lot 1,
Wildwood Resorts, currently owned by Tanavon, I1ic. Colorado Alpine, Inc. previously sold
Christmas trees as well as operated a garden center on this site.
The establishment of any uses on this lot requires a PUD amendment by ordinance because the
previously approved PUD has expired.
Staff recommends that if this use is approved, that it be approved until development of the lot
occurs rather than requiring a PUD amendment each year.
Motion: Commissioner Dantas moved to approve Resolution 98-11 approving a PUD
amendment for Lot 1, Wildwood Resort Subdivision, subject to the following conditions:
1. Portable toilets to be provided on site.
2. Outdoor lighting shall be downcast and shielded to minimize off site glare.
3. Dust control measures shall be implemented by the operator as necessary.
4. Christmas trees and related items, plus litter shall be removed from the site by January 2.
5. A letter of credit covering clean up costs shall be posted.
Commissioner Railton seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision
Project Type: SRU Permit to Allow Temporary Public Parking Facility
Property Owner: IDG3, LLC
Applicant: Michael Hazard
Address: 0075 Benchmark Road
George Harrison said the applicant requests a Special Review Use (SRU) Permit for a temporary
public parking facility. This undeveloped lot is currently being used as a parking lot by the Vail
Valley Foundation. The available on-site parking at the Foundation's Weststar Bank building
location is insufficient to accommodate their increased staff during the upcoming World Cup
Alpine Championships. Approval of this SRU is necessary to allow the Foundation's continued
use of this site.
The SRU permit is requested for the period running from the present date to March 3, 1999. The
proposed parking facility would accommodate approximately twenty-five cars.
Mr. Hazard asked how long would he have use of the split rail fence and how long he is required
to maintain the fence.
Motion: Commissioner Klein moved to approve Resolution 98-10, granting a Special Review
Use Permit to operate a temporary public parking facility on Lot 61, Block 2, Benchmark at
Beaver Creek Subdivision, for the period of November 3, 1998 to March 3, 1999 as described in
the application and site plan dated October 16, 1998, subject to the following conditions:
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Record of Proceedings November 3, 1998
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1. The parking facility conforms to the 10 foot parking setback, minimum required aisle width,
and minimum individual stall size requirements.
2. A split rail fence be installed along the length of the parcel's frontage within two weeks of
this approval.
Commissioner Dantas seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
VIII. Other Business
Karen Griffith reminded the Commission of a workshop at the Hyatt in Beaver Creek "Design
for Mountain Communities" November 6, 1998.
A. Staff approvals
Commissioner Evans said the Town Council disregarded the Commission's recommendations
for building heights on the Confluence site and lot C.
Commissioner Railton said she contacted The Vail Trail and said she hoped none of the Council
members were re-elected.
Commission Railton said the split rail fence on Al Williams's property is falling apart.
Mike Matzko said he would let Steve Hodges know when he returns to work November 10.
Commissioner Dantas moved to adjourn at 7:05 P.M. Commissioner Klein seconded. The
motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Beth Salter
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Paul Klein
Planning & Zoning Commissi,— Record of Proceedings November 3, 1996 Pag
Greg Macik
Sue Railton
Brain Sipes