PZC Minutes 102098October 20, 1998, Record of Proceedings
Town of Avon Plannina and Zonina Commission
The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission regularly meets at 6:00 P.M. on the first
and third Tuesday of each month, in the Avon Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400
Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of
the meeting in the following locations:
Avon Municipal Building lobby
Avon City Market lobby
Avon Recreation Center lobby
Avon Transit Center
Commission Members
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans, Chair
Anne Fehlner, Vice Chair
Paul Klein
Greg Macik
Sue Railton, Secretary
Brian Sipes
I. Call to Order
The meeting was call to order at 6:OOP.M.
Staff Members
Karen Griffith, Town Planner
Beth Salter, Recording Secretary
George Harrison, Planner
Mike Matzko, Community Development Director
II. Swearing In of New Commissioner
Town of Avon Attorney, John Dunn, swore in Brian Sipes as the new Planning & Zoning
III. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present except for Commissioner Dantas.
IV. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
Staff requested moving items A and B of the Public Hearing to follow the Consent Agenda and
precede Concept Design Review.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve amending the agenda as requested. Commissioner
Railton seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
V. Conflicts of Interest
VI. Consent Agenda
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VII. Public Hearing
A. The Confluence
Project Type: Establishment of Planned Unit Development Zoning
Property Owner: Vail Associates Investments, Inc.
Applicant: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects
Address: 0160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Mike Matzko said Vail Resorts, Inc. (VRI) is requesting PUD zoning on the Confluence site, which was
annexed to the Town of Avon on August 25, 1998. State statute requires zoning within 90 days of
The applicants lowered the building heights based on comments from the Planning and Zoning
Commission public hearing on October 6"' and recent discussions with neighboring property owners.
The applicants also drafted a development agreement, to be approved by Town Council in conjunction
with the PUD zoning. The Development agreement commits the applicant to providing the pedestrian
overpass, conference center, and employee housing units. The agreement includes vested property rights
The applicant has revised the development standards since the last meeting. The building heights will step
down from the Seasons and Lodge at Avon Center Building, based on measured topographical elevation.
Mr. Mark Donaldson said the main concern his firm has had about the structures and the heights on the
Confluence is the view corridors from the buildings that lie behind lot C. The Seasons is the primary
concern. Alpine Engineering shot elevations from the second and the fourth floors of each end of the
Season building.
Mr. Donaldson presented photos depicting views to Beaver Creek Village and up to Spruce Saddle, and
said they would help to define the view corridors and therefore the building massing.
Michael Sheldon said they would not build any structure on Tract C or the Confluence site higher than the
Avon Center no matter how it is measured. Some buildings on the Confluence site might be taller than
Avon Center because the Confluence site elevations are lower than the natural grade in Tract C. He said
they are planning to have 50% of the building lower buildings on portions of the Confluence site in order
to increase view corridors.
Public Comments
Jim Minor, president of the homeowners association for Green Brier, said the homeowners primary
concern was Lot C. He said they oppose building higher than eighty feet because it would block their
Michael Hazard a local architect and representative of Lot 61 said they are concerned about their views
with the building on Lot C.
Bob West a property owner in the Town of Avon, expressed concern about the view corridors and would
like to see specific comments regarding the height restrictions. He said he would like to see the town
keep all buildings within eighty feet in height.
Commissioner Macik said he thinks it is important to keep the 80 -foot height limit.
Michael Sheldon said the town is asking for 75 -foot setbacks off the river, as well as a conference center
and a pedestrian walkway. To fund this project the applicants have to achieve certain densities and
revenues from the site. They want a few taller towers with view corridors in between them.
Commissioner Fehlner said there should be something in the PUD that states the applicant can't go
beyond a certain building height.
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Michael Sheldon stated for the record that they would never go to the maximum height allowed all the
way across the site. He said this is why earlier they had stated that fifty percent of the buildings would be
Commissioner Sipes said as an approval for a PUD that it would be inappropriate for the Commission to
go against all of the recommendations as far as determining height by using elevation above sea level. He
said they should make the determination if the building height will be measured from the existing grade.
Commissioner Evans said he would like to see a four or five- percent appreciation cap rather than a three -
percent cap on the affordable housing.
Ed O'Brien asked if they could reword the resolution to say the appreciation cap would be what it
currently is with the town at this time.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to adopt Resolution 98-8, to include the following conditions:
1. Second Stage PUD development will incorporate recommendations of the downtown plan, to the
extent they are "physically and economically" feasible.
2. Buildings shall be stepped down to the riverfront or otherwise protect the integrity of the river
corridor in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Design Guidelines and
recommendations of the proposed Downtown plan.
3. The site be served by a gondola and/or funicular to the extent that studies indicate these are physically
and economically feasible.
4. Building height shall not exceed 80 feet, using the Town's current method of measuring the building
height. Any modifications can be reviewed in conjunction with the Downtown Plan and the step two
PUD Development Plan review process.
5. The current Town parking requirements shall be the parking requirements for the PUD.
Modifications can be reviewed in conjunction with the proposed Downtown plan.
6. A play area (tot lot) shall be provided for hotel guests and children living in the employee units.
7. Land dedication for schools shall conform to the Town's requirements in Title 16 of the Avon
Municipal Code.
8. Building site coverage shall not exceed 50 percent.
9. Building height shall not exceed 80 feet, using the Town's current method of measuring building
height. Any modifications can be reviewed in conjunction with the Downtown Plan and the PUD
Development Plan approval process, including visual analysis.
10. The current Town parking requirements shall be the parking requirements for the PUD. Modifications
can be reviewed in conjunction with the PUD Development Plan approval process.
11. Building setbacks shall be 25 feet from the eastern property (Avon Road), 10 feet from the northern
property line, and 75 feet from the river corridor. Any modifications can be reviewed in conjunction
with the Downtown Plan and the PUD Development Plan approval process.
12. Consistent with the 1996 Transportation Plan Update, public right-of-way will be dedicated through
the project to connect Hurd Lane with the western boundary of the property, to accommodate a future
connection with Millie's Lane.
13. The Hurd Lane entrance at Avon Road will be limited to a one-way, right -in movement. Vehicles will
not be permitted to exit the site via this route.
14. The bridge connecting the site with Route 6 will be completed prior to issuance of any Certificates of
Occupancy on the site.
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Commissioner Railton seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
B. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Subdivision
Project Type: Rezoning from Town Center to Planned Unit
Property Owner: Vail Associates Investments, Inc.
Applicant: Victor Mark Donaldson Architects
Address: 0160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Mike Matzko said Vail Resorts, Inc. (VRI) is requesting a zone change on Lot C, from Town Center (TC)
to Planned Unit Development (PUD), because of the limitations of the existing TC zone district, including
height, density, allowed uses, building setbacks and parking requirements.
Mr. Mark Donaldson asked if Section two of the Development Standards were being incorporated into the
Mr. Matzko said yes except where they are noted in the staff's conditions 1-6 and are referred to as
attachment A.
Michael Sheldon said staff is suggesting that at phase two they seek a modification for the lock -off and
they are opposed to that. He said that they had agreed to participate and fund the Downtown plan but this
support means that they could go forward with the first phase before it is completed and they don't want
to. It said that they would be precluded from making a phase two submission because it is not yet
Michael Sheldon said the reason they are in a two-phase PUD approval is to try to understand what it is
they are to build subject to going through the planning procedure in the architecture process. This whole
annexation is based on their agreement on a PUD guild. He said they had an agreement that allowed 1.2
parking spaces per unit or .6 per key with a two-bedroom lock -offs are critical to the economics of a time-
share. We need to know if this will work.
Mr. Matzko said staff's understanding is that there would be a two step process. First, general
parameters, with no guarantees about the height that they would allow. They would have to go through a
site-specific development plan. It later became clear to staff that they were being asked to set up and
grant vested rights. He said staff feels compelled to protect the community's interest and so is requesting
more information.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to adopt Resolution 98-9, to include the following conditions:
1. Development may occur on this site only in conformance with a site-specific Development Plan
(referred to herein as a PUD Development Plan), reviewed and approved by the Town through a
separate application and review process pursuant to Section 17.20. 110 of the Avon Municipal Code
2. Deed restricted employee housing units shall be provided with the amount of units equal to ten
percent of the dwelling units proposed (21). The units shall be subject to the standard master deed
restriction provisions including the Town's applicable appreciation cap.
3. Applicant agrees to participate financially in a downtown plan.
4. Second Stage PUD development will incorporate recommendations of the downtown plan, to the
extent they are physically and economically feasible.
Commissioner Railton seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
Planning & Zoning Commissioii Meeting Minutes
October 20, 1998
VIII. Concept Design Review
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A. Lot 24, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision - Bishop Duplex
Project Type: Residential Unit Addition to Existing Single family
Property Owners/Applicants: Sandra and John Bishop
Consultant: Michael Sanner, Architect
Address: 4274 Wildridge Road
George Harrison summarized the staff report, saying that the applicants propose to build a second
dwelling unit attached to their existing single-family residence. The second dwelling unit would measure
approximately 2,100 square feet.
The lot is steep and has two street frontages created by the switchback of Wildridge Road. The proposed
second residential unit would be located above the existing residence and accessed via an independent
second driveway.
Mr. Harrison said that although staff has some technical concerns, they could probably be addressed with
the Final Design submittal. Overall, the site grading, access, and maneuverability appear to provide
acceptable solutions given the parcel's steepness. Staff does not object to the second road cut.
The preliminary architecture appears compatible with the existing structure. The proposed second
dwelling unit and the connection between the two units appear compatible with the surrounding
John Bishop, owner and applicant said he plans to do the addition (to the existing house) in the coming
summer and then the other unit the following summer.
Commissioner Sipes suggested breaking up the ridgeline as on the lower house and look at how the snow
will be coming off the garage.
Commissioner Fehlner said the retaining walls appear to go off the lot.
Mr. Bishop said they have had permission to do this from the neighbor.
Commissioner Fehlner said the design appears to have very large over hangs. She suggested the applicant
engage the log columns to them so that it does not have a top-heavy appearance.
Commissioner Klein said he has no problem with the driveway but the additional unit looks like there are
some drainage problems so he suggested the applicant look at the grading in the final design.
Commissioner Macik said the applicant must have a complete landscape plan with the final design.
No action was taken, as this was a Concept Review.
IX. Final Design Review
A. Lot 42, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Scharpf/Slick
Project Type: Residential Duplex
Property Owners: George Bombas, Anthony Scharpf, David Slick
Applicant: Anthony Scharpf
Consultant: Ron Diehl
Address: 2111 Long Sun
Mr. George Harrison said the proposed project is a 6,657 square foot duplex, with the east unit measuring
2,230 square feet and the west unit measuring 2,466 square feet. The exterior materials consist of pebble
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color stucco for the main body with almond smoke stucco window bump outs, antique slate asphalt
roofing shingles, redwood trim, cedar and peeled log decks.
The lot is essentially flat and located on the corner of Saddleridge Loop and Long Spur with a double
frontage. The project proposes a dual driveway design.
Ron Diehl, project designer and applicant, said he pushed the building back to allow more room. He said
lighting was not an issue. He said he feels comfortable with the eaves.
Commissioner Macik agrees with staff recommendations.
Commissioner Klein agrees with staff recommendations and reminded the applicants to minimize the site
Commissioner Railton told the applicant that they should have taken the neighbors in the lot at the back
of this site into consideration.
Commissioner Evans said the massing of the house it is not in keeping with the homes in this
development, it is too much. He said landscaping is needed to break up the massing and around the
parking area.
Commissioner Sipes said he would not approve this design if they were going stucco from the ground to
roof level.
Tony Scharpf said 50% of the buildings in Wildridge are stucco. He said the buildings that are wood
sided look much worse.
Commissioner Macik moved to approve as depicted on the application Commissioner Klein seconded.
Motion was denied 4 — 2, with Commissioner Evans, Fehlner, Railton, and Sipes opposing. The
recommendation to approve failed due to the lack of conformance with guidelines 5, 6 and 7.
X. Other Business
The Vail Daily is spreading newspaper boxes around town. Mr. Matzko said he would talk to the Town
Attorney about this.
Commissioner Railton said the Town should mark the crosswalks around the town
Commissioner Klein asked about lock offs and nanny quarters, pointing out the number of newspaper ads
for such units. George Harrison responded that staff is preparing a letter to the Board of Realtors,
informing them that such units are illegal in most areas of Avon.
A. Staff approvals
George Harrison said staff approved an awning sign on the Christy Lodge.
Commissioner Fehlner moved to adjourn, Commissioner Klein's seconded. The meeting adjourned at
8:50 P.M.
Planning & Zoning Commiss -ii Meeting Minutes
October 20, 1998
Respectfully Submitted
Beth Salter
Recording Secretary
Mike Dantas
Chris Evans
Anne Fehlner
Paul Klein
Greg Macik
Sue Railton
Brain Sipes
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