L6 B2 WR Home DesignTown of Avon
Final Design Staff Rortep
(April 16, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Project type
Legal description
April 12, 1996
Single family residence
Lot 6 Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
PUD -Duplex
2864 O'Neil Spur
The proposed single family home is located on O' Neil Spur. The home has stucco exterio,
board and batten siding, and stone and wood trim. The residence has 2,131 square feet of
finished floor area and an unfinished basement.
The lot is .7 acres and faces west and south. The site is very steep with natural slopes of 2:1.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town.
The site plan is in conformance with the Zoning Code and other regulations, including:
• The building meets all setbacks. Staff suggest that a note be provided to the plan indicating
the height of the steps to clarify that the steps are not subject to the 25 foot setback
• All easements are maintained free of any inappropriate encroachments. This includes the 30
foot sewer line easement that cuts through the site.
• The 33.5 foot building height falls within the 35 foot maximum, as measured per the steep
slope guidelines.
• The driveway meets the maximum grades of four percent from edge of pavement to property
line, and 10 percent grade for the rest of the driveway.
• Staff is concerned that the bollard lights may cause glare to drives or pedestrians below the
homesite on the road.
• Adequate snow storage has been provided.
2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be
constructed and the site upon which it is to be located.
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\041696pz\6b2wr.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280
Lot, Block, Subdivision, Review, page 2
DATE Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
The stucco and board and batten home design is suitable for the site and compatilbe with the
surrounding neighborhood. These building materials are utilized on other residences in the
3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties.
The home is set back a significant distance from most of the property lines. The only impact
staff is concerned with is the off site glare that may be generated from the bollard lights. The
light bulbs will be visible from other properties below the site.
4. The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography.
The site is very steep and therefore requires a fair amount of grading in the area of the
homesite. The site disturbance is contained within 43 fwwt of the home. This is a small
protion of thelot and the area of site disturbance is well within the lot lines. Staff believes the
proposed site plan is compatible with the topographt given the steep slopes on this lot.
5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways.
The home utilizes stucco, board and batten siding, peeled log columns and stone to create
visual interest. The home will be compatible with adjacent properties. The proposed Spruce
trees and Aspens on the south side of the site should be relocated adjacent to O'Neil Spur to
screen the large turnaround area in front of the garage.
6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that
values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired.
The home uses a variety of siding and trim materials to create visual interest. The home will
be a positve addition to the subdivision.
7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and
Programs for the Town of Avon.
The application is in conformance the Design Guidelines as well as steep slope guidelines.
The home "steps"up the site from the garage to minimize excavation. Althought there is
signifcant site disturbance in the immediate vicinity of the home, the grading is restricted
around the home site and a large protion of the stie is not disturbed.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval with the following conditions for staff approval:
The Spruce tree and Aspens located on the south side of the driveway be relocated to the west of
the driveway.
The bollard light fixtures be replaced with fixtures that will not generate off site glare and that
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 949-
4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Griffith, AICP
Town Planner
Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\041696pz\6b2wr.doc
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280
Lot, Block, Subdivision, Review, page 3
DATE Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Planning & Zoning Commission Action
❑ Approved as submitted
❑ Denied
Ld Approved with conditions (noted below)
❑ Tabled
❑ Withdrawn by applicant
Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer
to code or guidelines by number):
Staff recommendation #1
Sue Railton, Secretary
Town of Avon Community Development
(970) 949-4280Fax modem (970) 949-4280
Date /i �(P
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