PZC Minutes 111798 (2)Planning and Zoning Commission Record of Proceedings November 17, 1998 The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission regularly meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of each month, in the Avon Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Meeting agendas are posted at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in the following locations: Avon Municipal Building lobby; Avon City Market lobby; Avon Recreation Center lobby; Avon/Beaver Creek Transit Center Commission Members Mike Dantas Chris Evans, Chair Anne Fehlner Vice Chair Paul Klein Greg Macik Sue Railton, Secretary Brian Sipes Agenda Staff Members Karen Griffith, Town Planner Beth Salter, Recording Secretary George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director I. Call to Order Chairperson Evans called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M. II. Roll Call All Commissioners were present except Commissioner Dantas. III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda None IV. Conflicts of Interest None Posted on November 13, 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • Avon Transit Center Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998 V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the November 3,1998, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Motion: Commissioner Macik moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Klein seconded. Motion passed unanimously. VI. Public Hearing A. Lot B, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: Rezoning from Town Center to Planned Unit Development Property Owner/Applicant: Shapiro Development Company Consultant: Patrick W. Nook & Company Address: 0130 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Mike Matzko said this application is identical to the project that the Commission had reviewed four weeks ago and was approved with the condition that the parking requirements are worked out. He said Council had expressed interest in compromising on the number of parking spaces. Council asked the Commission to review any additional information and be ready to present to the Council the first reading of the ordinance next week. Ken Shapiro, representing Shapiro Development, said the Commission had recently granted preliminary PUD approval with three conditions: 1. A shading study while they are finishing up with the architectural work. 2. Preliminary Plan is filed to clean up the platting errors left over from the RTC reclaiming the Avon Center property and dividing with lot B. 3. Committing to participate financially in the Downtown study. A 4th condition was added that they accommodate some employee housing on site. Mr. Shapiro said they reduced the 10,000 square foot restaurant space to 8,000 square feet. In doing so they reduced the parking deficit by a few spaces. He said they now have 14,000 square feet of retail and 8,000 square feet of restaurant. Six employee - housing units have been added to the north east side of the tower building on the second floor. He said the number of floors in the building increased to eight (from seven) so that they could recapture the economics that they were giving up by dedicating that space to employee housing. They were able to stay within the height limits that they had committed to by reducing the floor -to -floor height from 9'8" to 9'4". Mr. Shapiro said they have committed to building a total of 270 on site parking spaces including a partial second level of underground parking. Posted on November 13, 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • City Market, main lobby Avon Transit Center Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998 Commissioner Railton asked how they plan on designing the openings in the diagonal connection between the Avon Center and Lot B, so that it does not become a wind tunnel. Commissioner Sipes suggested doors on both ends of the openings. Motion: Commissioner Fehlner moved to recommend a zone change from TC to PUD for Lot B, and directed staff to prepare a resolution for the Chairman's signature. Commissioner Fehlner also directed staff to forward an ordinance to Town Council for first reading next week. Commissioner Railton seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VII. Final Design Review A. Lot 22 and 22A, Chapel Square Subdivision, Sign Permit Project Type: Sign permit for two banner signs Property Owner: Chapel Square, LLC. Applicant: Chapel Square, LLC. Address: 220 Beaver Creek Place Karen Griffith said Chapel Square LLC applied for two temporary "now leasing" signs to be posted on the C and B buildings. Each sign would be 120 square feet, with a total of 240 square feet. The Sign Code allows a development sign up to 16 square feet. The applicants already have one development sign located on their frontage on Beaver Creek Place. Temporary signs are allowed up to thirty-five square feet and can be displayed for one week for any single event. The proposed signs are a "hybrid" between the development sign and temporary signs, and are significantly larger than the signs allowed. Staff recommended that the application be denied, based on the finding that the signs do not conform with sign design review criteria 1-7.Their size significantly exceeds sign code standards, and the materials and colors are not compatible with surrounding development. The signs are so dissimilar they will have a negative aesthetic impact and the signs are oriented to interstate highway traffic. The signs do not conform to the criteria required for approving a variance. Don Shaper, representing Palmos Development, said their objective is to lease the Chapel Square development. People do not seem to be aware that they are in the development stage. He said they are doing this project in stages and as time proceeds a person will be able to drive around the project and see the project. He said they have requested this large size in order for the signs to be effective because there is currently no access around the project. Posted on [Date], 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby Avon Municipal Building, main lobby City Market, main lobby Eaglebend Apartments, laundry room Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998 Terry Palmos representing Palmos Development said they are backed into a corner on the edge of town, therefore they do not have visibility. The duration of the sign being up would depend on the leasing of the project. Commissioner Evans said he has a hard time believing that people cannot see this project from the freeway. He said if people could see the sign from Wal Mart they did have visibility of the project without the benefit of these large banner signs. Commissioner Railton suggested the applicant move the sign in front of Wal-Mart and put it in a different location and put more information on it. Commissioner Sipes asked if the intent was to put up a sign to draw attention to the construction site or the sales office. He said he was concerned that this would set a dangerous precedent by attracting people. to the construction site that is off limits to the public. Commissioner Evans recommended that they change their existing signs. Motion: Commissioner Fehlner moved to deny the sign application for temporary leasing as described in the application dated October 26, 1998, based on the finding that the signs do not conform with sign design review criteria 1-7, as enumerated in Section 15.28.070 of the Avon Municipal Code, including that the size of the signs significantly exceeds sign code standards, the materials and colors are not compatible with surrounding development, the signs are so dissimilar they will have a negative aesthetic impact, and the signs are oriented to interstate highway traffic. The signs also do not conform to the criteria required for approving a variance. Commissioner Klein seconded. Motion passed unanimously. B. Lot 21, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: Storage Shed Property Owner: Turtle Frog LLC. Applicant: Bryan Johnson, Mauri Construction Address: 0182 Avon Road George Harrison said the applicants propose placing a storage shed in this building's service area adjacent to the railroad ROW. The shed would match the color of the building and an existing shed already located in this area. The proposal for this shed raises the issue of what is appropriate in areas adjacent to the railroad corridor. Currently, Wal-Mart and business within the applicant's building store materials, dumpsters, sheds and other items outside that would not be allowed Posted on November 13, 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • City Market, main lobby Avon Transit Center Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998 elsewhere in the Town Core. Mr. Harrison pointed out that the proposed shed is appropriate here, at least on a temporary basis, since it is located with similar structures and is screened from much of the public view. Since redevelopment of the rail corridor will likely include a commuter rail service and/or a regional trail, the corridor will become a key thoroughfare from which train passengers or trail users will view Avon. Also, new and infill development such as Avon Crossing, Chapel Square, the Confluence and in the Village at Avon will bring more and more people in contact with the corridor. Motion: Commissioner Sipes moved to approve the temporary shed application dated November 4, 1998, with the condition that if the applicant terminates his lease or the rail corridor changes, the shed shall be removed. Commissioner Fehlner seconded. The motion passed unanimously. C. Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sign Permit Project Type: Master Sign program Property Owner: Bruce Allen, et al Applicant: Jim Benson Address: 51 Beaver Creek Place George Harrison said the applicant is seeking to create a new Master Sign Program for a small commercial center (51 Beaver Creek Place). The current sign program directs signage to the tower elements above each tenant space. Individual signs are lighted, with wood letters placed upon a lattice. The new program would require the following: • All signage would be individual back -lit pan channel lettering. • Tenant signage would be located above the individual storefronts. • Signage area would be limited to 20 square feet per storefront. • Signage lettering can be no smaller than 6 inches and no larger than 18 inches. • Signage colors and styling may vary to suit the individual business. • Tenant space 5 (Domino's) would be allowed an additional sign up to 20 square feet on the building's north elevation, or use the existing tower for signage. • Existing signage installed and maintained in conformance with the previous master sign program may remain in place until replaced or substantially repaired. Mr. Harrison said staff recommends approval of the 51 Beaver Creek Place Master Sign Program with two conditions: Tower signage for tenant space #5, not presented with this application, would require specific Planning & Zoning Commission approval. Signage color should be uniform and respond to the building's overall color scheme. Posted on [Date], 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • Eaglebend Apartments, laundry room Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda October 6, 1998 Motion: Commissioner Railton moved to approve the Master Sign Program for Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Place as described in the application dated November 13, 1998, with the following conditions: 1. That if tenant space #5 chooses to use the tower for its signage, that this signage be brought back for specific staff approval. 2. That the Master Sign Program designates specific sign colors that respond to the building's color scheme and that this color scheme requires approval by Town staff. 3.The applicant supply a restoration plan for the lattice areas to be approved by staff. VIII. Other Business Karen Griffith told the commissioner that Council would like to schedule regular work sessions with the P&Z commission. A. Staff approvals George Harrison said staff approved a color change for a single-family residence on Lot 66, Block 4, Wildridge. Adjourn Commissioner Fehlner moved to adjourn at 8:10 P.M. Commissioner Sipes seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Respectfully Submitted, Beth Salter Recording Secretary Posted on November 13, 1998, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • Avon Transit Center