L4 B1 BMBC Auro Park SRU09004PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECORD OF DECISION Avon DATE OF DECISION: November 21, 2017 FINDINGS APPROVED: December 5, 2017 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Special Review Use PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 4 Block 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision FILE NUMBER: #SRU09004 APPLICANT: Paul Bartsch CASE# SRU17002: This decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.110: DECISION: Approved with the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The Application was reviewed in accordance with AMC section 7.16.100 Special Review Use and determined to be eligible for consideration with the applicable review criteria; and 2. The proposed use has a negligible impact to adjacent uses and activities. CONDITIONS: 1. No "Junk" vehicles are permitted on the property, as defined by the Avon Municipal Code; 2. Vehicle repairs are limited to "light" vehicle repairs. "Heavy" automobile maintenance activities such as engine overhauls, tire recapping, and body repainting or repair are strictly prohibited; 3. No educational use is approved on the property; 4. Hours of operation shall be limited to repairs and oil changes from 8am - 6pm Monday - Friday and Saturdays from gam - 2pm; 5. This use is granted to Avon Truck and Auto, under control of Paul Bartsch and/ or Trish Schulteis. Any change in ownership shall reapply for the Special Review Use permit; and 6. Adequate drainage will be approved by the town engineer. THESE FIND G T AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: t2 4- airpe PZC Record of Decision: #SRU09004 Page 1 of 1