09-26-2017 Amended and Restated IGA Joint Fire-Police Station Facility835 ()&$%'(6$//<3257+2/',1*$+2/',1*%%22.,1*$5($%$&.83*($5(9,'(1&(6725$*( :25.6+23:$506725$*(33(33('5<,1*6&%$6&%$6725$*(),(/'(48,30(176725$*('(&217$05(6752200(',&$/(060(&+$1,&$/9(67:$7(5(175<67$,567            (/(9$725(/(/(&7$5025<5($'<(9,'(1&(,17$.(-$1,725+26(%,%&255,'259(679(673'&255,'2575$,1,1*(*5(6672:(567  (9,'(1&(%$* 7$*(5)3'*6)72:1*6)6+$5('*6)EXHIBIT A: JOINT PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PLAT 5 ()'18383&$%'(5(3257-89/281*(-89553$752/2)),&(63$752/%5,(),1*75$,1,1*0((7,1*(2&/2%%<6*7,19(67,*$7,2169(67,17(59,(:$'0,15(&25'67(&+6:25.&+,()2)32/,&(&21)'(387<&+,()           67$,567 (/(9$725(/%5($.522067$))550(1:20(1$96(&85(),/(66(59(55220)5217&2817(5&23<0$,/5(32577$.,1*-$1,725/2&.(5$5($),567$,'/$&7$7,21&255,'25&255,'25&+$1*,1*&+$1*,1*&+$1*,1*&/2 3(175$,1,1*(*5(6672:(567(5)3'*6)72:1*6)6+$5('*6)EXHIBIT A: JOINT PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PLAT '15 ()5 ()5() 5 ()5 ()5():' :':'&$%'(%81.%81.%81.%81.5(6752203$7,2:25.522067$,567),71(66             &255,'2523 (1 '$<5220',1,1*%81.%81.%81.6/,'(-$1,72575$,1,1*(*5(6672:(567(/(9$725(/5(6752206725$*(5(675220/$81'5<%$7+9(67/72)),&(/72)),&(6(59(53$175<5(675220%81.),5(*6)EXHIBIT A: JOINT PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PLAT UP16CA347B2DE5SWIFT GULCH ROADBUCK CREEKBUCK CREEK LANENOTT2901 Blake Street, Suite 100Denver, CO 80205303.861.8555Denver1ABCDE23456ABCDE123456DPA Project:Sheet Number:Sheet Title:Revisions Date No.Sheet InformationProject InformationOriginal Issuance DateConsultantCOPYRIGHT 2016 - DAVIS PARTNERSHIP, P.C.15914.00.000EAGLE RIVER FIRE / TOWN OF AVON PUBLICSAFETY FACILITY1 BUCK CREEK ROADAVON, COLORADO 8162005/20/16CONSTRUCTION0101 FAWCETT ROAD, SUITE 260, AVON, COLORADO 81620970.926.6007 MARTINMARTIN.COMSEE GENERAL NOTE 3007/26/16ASI-4108/22/16RFI - FC-016212/06/16RFI - FC-072304/05/17ADD SERVICE #64811C200HORIZONTAL CONTROLPLANGUTTER FL SHIFT DETAILEXHIBIT A: JOINT PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY PLATAAAAADDDDDDDD13 PUBLIC 27 POLICE9 FIRE EXHIBIT B: MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY MATRIX Utilities Account Holder Invoice Formula Notes Water: Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority Avon Each Party to pay based on proportion of usuage based on submeter Sewer: Eagle River Water and Sanitation Avon Each party to pay based on proportion of usuage based on water submeter Electric: Holy Cross ERFPD Separate meters, Shared area on separate 3rd meter. Cost split 50/50 Gas: Xcel ERFPD Submeterd(?) or based on proportionate square footage? Phone: CenturyLink ERFPD Elevator and Fire Alarm: Cost split 50/50 Internet and Cable: Comcast Avon/ERFPD Each Party to receive separate service and billing for respective Unit. Fiber Optic Line: Town of Avon Avon Avon to pay 100% of existing fiber optic line costs. Trash Avon Cost split 50/50. Assumption is that cans or 3 yard dumpster will have fixed cost and capacity for both Parties. Building Responsible Party Invoice Formula Notes Access Avon Cost of shared doors to be split 50/50. Avon responsible to program shared doors. Avon to program due to police security Antenna ERFPD [Split based on proportionate share of Unit square footage - Insert actual number] Electrical Mutual Cost and maintenance by respective Party for wiring or fixtures related to specific Unit. Cost of shared wiring or fixtures to be split 50/50. Elevators Avon Split cost 50/50. NWCOG service, monitoring contract, annual inspection Avon already contracts for elevator inspection and maintenance services. Exterior Mutual Roofing cost to be shared 50/50. Siding Cost to be shared based on proportionate square footage of exterior siding on each Unit. Doors and Windows specific to a Unit shall be responsibility of respective entity. Shared doors and windows to be split 50/50. Fire Alarm ERFPD Monitoring contract, annual inspection. [Split based on proportionate share of Unit square footage - Insert actual number] Fire Sprinklers ERFPD [Split based on proportionate share of Unit square footage - Insert actual number] HVAC Mutual Proportionate chare of submeters for snowmelt/radiant zones; Cooling towner prorated based on HP usuage; Heating prorated on HP usuage; App Bay (?) Mechanical Systems Mutual [Split based on proportionate share of Unit square footage - Insert actual number] Plumbing Mutual Cost and maintenance by respective Party for plumbing or fixtures associated with specific Unit. Cost of shared plumbing or fixtures to be split 50/50. Site Responsible Party Invoice Formula Notes Parking Avon Prorated based on dedicated parking spaces. Snow removal, seal coating, striping, asphalt replacement Landscape Maintenance Avon [Split based on proportionate share of Unit square footage - Insert actual number] Avon code landscaping requirement is based on size of building, so I used proportionate share of Unit square footage for formula. Retaining Walls Avon Prorated based on dedicated parking spaces. Storm Systems Avon Prorated based on dedicated parking spaces and share of aprons and other impervious areas serving each Party. Inspection and cleaning LOCATIONITEMVALUELIFECYCLE (yrs)LEFT (yrs)BUILDING EXTERIOR12345678910112017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 OTHERCooling Tower 25 25Balcony / Decks 5 5Windows 195,000$2525195,000$Man Doors 10 10Bi-fold Doors 98,000$151598,000$TOA Sally Port Doors 7,000$10107,000$App Bay Garage Doors 35,000$151535,000$Fitness room garage doors 11,000$202011,000$Site Lighting7,000$10107,000$Storm Drainage System 50 50Retaining Walls 50 50Fencing/Gate 4,200$10104,200$Gutters/Downspouts 60,000$151560,000$Metal Railings2020-$Paint/stain 23,000$55 23,000$Trash Enclosure 5,000$15155,000$Sealcoat/Crack Fill 5 5Parking Lot 85,000$151585,000$Sally Port Drive 8,500$15158,500$Fire Aprons 45,000$151545,000$Sidewalks 35,000$1515Snowmelted aprons 15 15Striping1,000$55 1,000$Landscaping45,000$101045,000$Roofing - Shingles 120,000$2020120,000$Roofing - EPDM 85,000$202085,000$Skylights 7,000$10107,000$Cementitious Siding103,000$2020103,000$Metal Siding165,000$2020165,000$Trim 20 20Irrigation System 10,000$101010,000$-$-$-$-$24,000$-$-$-$-$-$ 80,200$ 1,015,500$LOCATIONITEMVALUELIFECYCLE (yrs)LEFT (yrs)BUILDING INTERIOR12345678910112017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 OTHERAccess System 10 10Boilers 25 25Water Heaters 20 20Elevators 113,000$2525113000Fire Alarms 162,000$2525162000Sprinkler System 78,000$252578000Stairs 25 25Corridors 10 10HVAC 10 10Light Fixtures 15 15Paint / Stain 5 5Other 0 0-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ 1,368,500$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ 1,721,500$$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0Funding (annually increased by 12%)Interest Income @ 3.6%ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceEXHIBIT C: ANNUAL RESERVE CONTRIBUTION MATRIXExterior SubtotalInterior SubtotalBuilding Reserve TotalAnnual Cash Balance (20yrs)Beginning Cash Balance