TC Resolution 17-21 Supporting Eagle County's Ballot Question 1AAvon RESOLUTION 17-21 IN SUPPORT OF EAGLE COUNTY'S BALLOT QUESTION IA WHEREAS, the elected Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County, Colorado, has referred a ballot question to the voters in Eagle County authorizing the levy of both a sales and excise tax of up to 5% on the sale and cultivation of retail marijuana for the purpose of funding mental health, substance abuse services and other community needs; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council recognizes the essential need for mental health, substance abuse services and other community needs, and the need to fund these needs; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council believes it to be in the best interest of the citizens of the Town of Avon to support this ballot proposal, numbered 1A, and urge voters to cast an affirmative YES vote on Ballot Question IA; and WHEREAS, the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act expressly authorizes local governments to pass a resolution taking a position of advocacy and reporting the passage and of and distributing the resolution through established and customary means by C.R.S. §1-45- 117(1)(b)(I11). NOW THEREFORE, the Avon Town Council hereby RESOLVES TO SUPPORT EAGLE COUNTY'S BALLOT QUESTION 1A. The Avon Town Council further resolves to direct the Town Clerk to post and publish this Resolution in the established, customary manner as the posting and publishing of other resolutions. ADOPTED October 10, 2017, by the AVON TOWN COUNCIL By: Attest: QztbQ iL-,ooo Jen ie Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe, Town Clerk