TC Minutes 08-22-2017Avo n TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1. A CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:13 p.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Megan Burch, Amy Phillips, Jake Wolf and Scott Prince. Matt Gennett arrived at 5:17 p.m. Sarah Smith Hymes was absent. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Assistant Town Manager Scott Wright, Deputy Police Chief Coby Cosper, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Deputy Town Manager Preston Neill and Town Clerk Debbie Hoppe. 2. APPROVAL OFAGENDA Councilor Phillips asked to pull off item 5.5.4 "Approval of the Minutes from August 8, 2017 Council Meeting" from the Consent Agenda to discuss substantive edits. Council agreed to the change. 3. MEETING PROCEDURES FOR THE MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 2017 4. PUBLIC COMMENT — COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Start time: 09:50 Part One Michael Cacioppo commented on the Storytellers event and booking events at the Avon Performance Pavilion. Mr. Cacioppo also made some comments about the West Beaver Creek Boulevard Redesign Project. Zach Blom, Director of the Vail Mountaineer Hockey Club, talked about the Club and conveyed his support of an ice rink as part of the Town -Owned Properties Project. Paul Backes, Treasurer of the Vail Mountaineer Hockey Club, commented about the program. Mick Kelly, Mike Suhadolink, Blake Putman, Dan Trush, Sam Trush, Alison Wadey, Matt Wadey, Joanne Bott and Keeleigh Bott conveyed their support of expanding ice rink opportunities and said that Avon and the Vail Valley would benefit from an ice rink in Nottingham Park. Michael Cacioppo commented on the ice rink campaign. 5. ACTION ITEMS Start time: 46:47 Part One 5.1. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 17-11, ANNEXING THE EASTAVON PRESERVE TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) Councilor Burch moved to approve first reading of Ordinance 17-11, annexing the East Avon Preserve. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. 5.2. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 17-12, AMENDING THE TOWN'S LANDSCAPE CODE PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start time: 49:10 Part One Councilor Phillips moved to approve first reading of Ordinance 17-12, thereby approving Title 7: Development Code Amendments; and Title 8: Health and Safety Amendments. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. 5.3.FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 17-13, APPROVING PUBLIC FACILITIES AND PARKS ZONING FOR THE EASTAVON Page 1 Avon U0 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET PRESERVE (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start time: 55:10 Part One Councilor Phillips moved to approve Ordinance 17-13 (Attachment A), thereby approving PF and P zoning for the East Avon Preserve property. Councilor Prince seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. Council moved to the item 5.5 "Consent Agenda." 5.5. CONSENTAGENDA Start time: 58:35 Part One 5.5.1. APPROVAL OF WRITTEN FINDINGS AND RECORD OF DECISION DENYING THE REZONING REQUESTED FOR 510 NOTTINGHAM ROAD (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) 5.5.2. RESOLUTION 17-19 APPROVING THE FORM OF TRAILS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) 5.5.3• RESOLUTION 17-18, JOINING THE COMPACT OF COLORADO COMMUNITIES (DEPUTYTOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) Councilor Burch moved to approve the consent agenda, without item 5.5.4 "Approval of Minutes from August 8, 2017 Council Meeting." Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. 5.5.4• APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM AUGUST 8, 2017 COUNCIL MEETING Councilor Phillips provided an edit to the minutes. Councilor Gennett moved to approve the minutes as amended. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 5. Councilor Wolf abstained from the vote. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. Council moved to item 8 "Mayor and Council Comments and Meeting Updates." 8. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Start time: 61:15 Part One Councilor Phillips commented on an ECO Transit meeting. Mayor Fancher talked about the DOLA Small Communities Workshop she attended. She said the subject discussed the most was affordable housing. She also said that she enjoyed the loth Mountain Storytellers event. Councilor Wolf asked about the status of the Pianos on Parade piano. He also asked about the status of ticket sales for the Ben Harper concert on September 15th. Council took a 15 minute recess and then moved on to item 5.4• 5.4.ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST TO AUTHORIZE UP TO $10,000 IN CONSULTANT SERVICES RELATED TO RELOCATING THE HAHNEWALD BARN TO TRACT G, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start time: 68:51 Part One Page 2 AVo►n C PLCO _4A 1)0 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Kathy Heicher, member of the Historic Preservation Advisory Board, commented about Avon's history. Brian Sipes delivered a presentation about the Hahnewald Bark and requested that the Town Council approve funding to begin an assessment of the cost to relocate the Hahnewald Barn to Tract G. Lindsay Hardy, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC), talked about the PZC's recommendation for the Hahnewald Barn to be relocated to a southern parcel of Town Park, in Tract G. Kristi Ferraro, April Nottingham, Janet Hicks, Phil Brodsky, and Tamara Nottingham Underwood voiced their support for relocation of the Barn to Tract G. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes joined the meeting via phone at 7:25 P.M. Councilor Gennett moved to appropriate a minimum of $1o,000 for the Town Manager to retain qualified architectural and engineering services to complete the Scope of Work, described in this Council Report. Funding shall be from the Urban Renewal Authority Fund appropriated at the next budget amendment meeting. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes was absent. Council moved to item 6.1. 6. WORK SESSION 6.1. REVIEW AND DIRECTION ON REVENUE PROJECTIONS FOR THE 2o18-19 BUDGET AND ALLOCATION TARGET OF UP TO $161,000 FOR THE COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM AND $500,000 FOR THE SPECIAL EVENTS RESERVE (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER SCOTT WRIGHT) Start time: oo:10 Part Two Council provided direction to revise the sales tax projection for 2017 to 1.5% average for the remainder of the year and to make the FY2o18 and FY2019 sales tax projections flat (or YOY o% increase). Council provided direction to revise the accommodations tax projection for 2017 to 2016 actuals for the remaining months. Direction was also provided to make the FY2018 accommodations tax projection to - 1% and to make the FY 2019 accommodations tax projection flat to FY 2018. Council provided direction to set $50o,000 as the maximum amount of money for Special Events funding that the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee's funding recommendations shall not exceed. Bobby Bank and Lisa Mattis spoke on behalf of the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee's recommendation. Council provided direction to set $161,000 as the maximum amount of money for Community Grant Program funding that the Ad Hoc Review Committee's funding recommendations shall not exceed. Direction was also provided for the Ad Hoc Review Committee to make a funding recommendation for a small contingency out of the approved maximum amount. The contingency would be used for unforeseen contributions. Council asked staff to evaluate the net revenues some non -profits have seen from holding special event liquor permits. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes arrived at 9:15 p.m. Page 3 /l�\*4 AY V 1 i "0 LC)7i A 1)0 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Council provided direction to not change FY2017, FY2018 and FY2019 RETT projections ($2,300,000). Council agreed with staff's recommendation to assign revenues collected from Wyndham Vacation ownership to the Town -Owned Properties Development Strategies Plan. Council agreed with staff's recommendation to keep Recreation Center admission fees the same for FY2018 and FY2019. Council agreed with staff's recommendation to keep Fleet Maintenance shop rates the same for FY2o18 and FY2019. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1. MONTHLY FINANCIALS REPORT (SENIOR ACCOUNTANT MARTHA ANDERSON) 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Fancher moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 9:51 p.m. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk's office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.high fivemedia.org. APPROVED: Jennie Fancher Sarah Smith Hymes Jake Wolf Megan Burch Matt Gennett Scott Prince Amy Phillips RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Qeffib I up -..- Honne Page 4