Pulbic Comments 08-22-2017 Ice RinkDear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you my support
of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial because
hockey is a huge part of our community and is growing every year. It's a wonderful sport that promotes team
work, dedication, a positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle. With Vail and Eagle being the only options in the
valley, it would be nice to see another place to skate, especially outdoors, somewhere in between.
Kind Regards,
Kim Scavone
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you
my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is
needed/beneficial because an additional ice facility (in the center of the Eagle Valley community)
would add great opportunities for all of the adult and youth ice programs. Currently there is such a
demand for ice time at the existing facilities, adding such a facility as this would be a great benefit,
and addition to Avon recreation, and the Vail Valley as a whole.
Teresa Ganje
Edwards, CO 81632
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I will be unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting Tuesday evening but would like to share
with you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. A maintained
outdoor ice rink in Avon would benefit the increasing number of youth skaters, adult league players,
and recreational skaters of all ages in Eagle County by providing another surface for practice.
Additional ice time is a premium need for skaters/teams of all ages in our valley. A rink at
Nottingham Park would be an ideal mid -valley location between the Vail and Eagle indoor rinks, and
an outdoor facility would enhance the winter sports options available to locals and visitors.
Thank you for your consideration of this proposal.
Greta Campanale
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting, we will be chaperoning an Bch grade Moab trip
with Vail Christian Academy; but would like to share with you my support of the multi -use covered ice
rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is beneficial because it would be a central location and offer
much opportunity for our growing community. Not only with hockey and figure skating clubs, but to the
public in general. The parking is better and it's closer to home for many of us involved with local hockey
clubs. It would be a great addition to our community!!
Please consider this need when moving forward with your planning and review.
Kellie C. Ricca
A -Phase Electric, LLC
PO Box 1564
Avon, CO 81620
Dear Honorable Mayor and Town Council, I am unable to attend the meeting but would like to
express my support for the proposed ice rink in Avon. As the Heart of the Vail Valley I feel that
an ice rink would add greatly to the community of Avon and to our visitors from around the
world. We really enjoyed the ice surface in Avon last winter and appreciate your efforts to have
it there for out enjoyment. Skating is a great way to experience the outdoors in the winter
months. It is so much a part of cold weather fun. We spent a good deal of time on Nottingham
Lake in days when it was open for skating. Please consider have a sheet of ice in Avon. I
believe it will be a great asset to our community in the winter for ice and summer for street
hockey and roller skating.
Sincerely, Mike Campanale
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you my
support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial
because it gets kids outdoors. My son is now 13 and learned to skate at Nottingham lake when it was
allowed when he was 2. It was an amazing experience. It is a really fun time at a neutral spot to meet
people and have fun skating.
Please consider a multi -use covered rink at Nottingham Park.
Kerrie Kuhl, RN, BSN,MS
Dear Mayor and Avon Town Council,
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you my support for a
multi -use 8 Lane aquatic center at Nottingham park. The Valley needs this facility to help grow a competitive/recreational
age group and masters swim team in the area while also providing extra space for community programming year
around. The rivers in the area provide free recreation for all demographics in the area and learning to swim is an
importatnt life skill that every person should master. The avon rec center is in constant use by the community for rec
swim, comp team, masters swimmers, area teams for cross training, PT services, lessons ect, but is not able
to accommodate swim meets for the the competitive team which can provide funds to make a swim team
sustainable. Plus, avon rec would be able to expand their learn to swim programs (the correct way) for local schools if
they have more space. This year around facility would be able to provide programming year around for a life-long
sport. The facility could also be rented out to colleges or swim programs that would like to provide high altitude training
camps for their programs, which would also benefit local businesses in town. It would be a huge gain for the Eagle
County to finally have a year around aquatic center!
Thank you for your consideration,
Jody Diemar
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you my support
of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park.
As the Director of the Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club and as a resident of Wildridge, I feel it is my duty to
inform you of our needs as a local youth hockey program, and of the opportunity you have before you to both
shape lives of the people who play this great game and to bring more of those people (and their pocketbooks)
into Avon.
• We Need Ice! Hockey in the Valley has never been in such demand, both at the youth and adult,
recreational and competitive levels. Our Mountaineers boys and girls teams have grown by over 30%
in recent years, but due to the explosion of adult hockey using more hours at both Dobson and EPIR,
our ice slots have remained static. Our players and coaches would use outdoor ice at Nottingham Park
every week, if not every day.
Hockey Changes Lives. Outdoor Hockey Can Change a Whole Community. Playing and skating
on outdoor ice can only be understood by those who have experienced it — the communion with
nature and solitude of skiing combined with the social and competitive fun of a team sports
environment. In fact, the majority of our kids' first skating experiences was on outdoor ice. Much of that
outdoor ice has gone away for various reasons, and there is a huge demand for its return. Outdoor ice
doesn't just attract people who are already active and outdoorsy, of which there are large numbers in
Avon. Outdoor ice has the power to make people fall in love with the active and outdoorsy lifestyle.
Particularly in an ideal setting like Nottingham Park!
• Hockey Brings Economic Impact. An ice arena in any community will bring in people and dollars,
whether it's weeknight restaurant, pub, and coffee pitstops or weekend warriors and tournament
travelers. An outdoor ice arena in a resort winter destination like Avon would be a major pull, regionally
and nationally speaking. VMHC would be happy to help organize and advertise for tournaments and
programming, or lend our expertise in doing so over the years. Our events at Dobson and EPIR have
brought MILLIONS into the Valley.
On behalf of our 160 -plus players and families (plus the scores of adult hockey players in our community),
thank you for your thoughtful consideration concerning the upcoming project at Nottingham Park. Some of my
membership and I will be in attendance tomorrow at your Town Council at 5pm, ready to voice our support for
the ice plan, as well as answer any questions you may have regarding our experience as it may benefit the
Town of Avon.
Zach Blom
Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club
(303) 356-9935 or (970) 387-VMHC
directorna vailmountaineers.org
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
My name is Keeleigh Bott, and I am 9 years old. I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last
week, but would like to share with you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham
I live in the town of Eagle, and as a hockey player with only one covered rink during the winter, it is difficult to
have the ice time to use because of so many other programs needing ice.
I need to skate more than scheduled ice time, but during the school year free ice time(public skate or stick n
puck) is before school is out, during the day.
My mom can't take me out of school and she can't get out of work, to take me to the free ice and if she could
take me, it is also taking away part of my education.
Please consider kids like me, who love to skate and would be willing to drive to Avon, because its not as far as
Vail, and it would give kids more opportunities to skate with two covered ice rinks, including Vail's rink.
Thank you for your time.
Keeleigh Bott
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you my
support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial
because of the growth in the local hockey community. My 2 boys, 11 and 13 play hockey. They started
with WECMRD and have moved on to The Vail Mountaineers Hockey Club. I have become a hockey
coach and player as well.
There is not enough ice in the Valley. We could use another sheet of ice to practice on. A community
outdoor rink would be amazing as well. We live in Eagle and have tons of fun playing pick up hockey and
skating at the Eagle Town Park outdoor rink. Weather permitting, the ice is always packed with people -
families, adults and kids. It is an awesome, awesome way to spend a winter evening or weekend just
skating as you wish with friends and or like minded people.
I am in support of another ice rink in Avon!
Jimmy DeLong
Rocky Mountain Creations
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I am unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting this week, but would like to share with
you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is
needed/beneficial because of the growing number of participants in this sport. As a 20 year
resident, I have seen this valley embrace and support multiple sports/recreation facilities and
programs, nurturing our children to experience and enjoy all sports (not just ski and/or
snowboarding). One in particular, the reconstruction of Nottingham Lake. That changed Avon,
for the better, in so many ways. You now have that opportunity to add to the Avon flavor once
As a parent to a "Hockey" child in this valley, our options are limited in terms of ice sheets and
ice time. "We" all need to drive at least 40 minutes (east and west) just to get an hour of rec
skating/practice or game time. As a sales rep in sports equipment, I saw the Hockey trend
growing in Denver, years ago. They quickly responded by adding multiple Ice sheets in
surrounding areas, making it available to thousands of families across the front range. We too
need to respond to this growth here.
I can be available for any further discussion on this proposal if need be. My contact information
is below.
Thank you for your time.
Jeff Burkley
VP Sales and Marketing // uvex sports Inc. //
T +1 (970) 926 6819 // M +1 (303) 883 3591 // www.uvex-sports.com
Debbie I am writing to you to voice my support for the consideration of an outdoor ice rink that is
under discussion in the Town of Avon
I have lived in the valley since 2002 and have 3 children who all play hockey. I grew up playing hockey
as a young boy and was lucky enough to play in college also. I have so many great memories of
playing on the pond and in the rink. These memories have had such a lasting impact on me and in my
life. The opportunity to add a public amenity such as this in Avon is an incredible opportunity to
create experiences for children and adults playing organized or just a pickup game. We have an
outdoor pond if you will in the Old Downtown Eagle park that has created such an experience that
most of our community volunteers to set it up, maintain it through the winter and break it all down
in the spring. It is really the one place that many community members come to have a skate, play in a
pick up game or just sit by the out door fire pit to talk and enjoy the afternoon or evening with
friends. I am sorry that I will miss the meeting but hope your discussion is productive and give you
and the board an opportunity to listen and learn about the wonderful opportunity you have
Thanks Bryan Desmond
Sent from my Phone
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council.
I was unable to attend the planning and zoning meeting last week, but would like to share my
support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposal in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial
because my son has been playing with the mountaineers for the last 3 years and I think having an ice
rink close to where we live would be great that he could spend some time there after school or
weekends. Thanks Maria
Sent from my Phone
"Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
> I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you
my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is much needed
and beneficial because an additional ice facility (in the center of the Eagle Valley community) would
add great opportunities for all of the adult and youth ice programs. Currently there is such a demand
for ice time at the existing facilities, (esp. during the winter months) adding such a facility as this,
would be a great benefit, and addition to Avon's recreation, and the Vail Valley as a whole.
> Sincerely
Pat Ganje
Edwards, CO 81632
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I am unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting tonight, but would like to share with you
my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I personally started
playing hockey after moving to this valley 15 years ago. In this time I have met and played
hockey with numerous women whom have all played a huge part in making our valley great. My
husband has played hockey in the valley for more than 20 years and now we have two children
whom have been playing for over 10 years as well. Needless to say we all love the sport! We
would love to be able to have another rink to facilitate this great sport. I see so many great
opportunities that a new outdoor rink can bring to the valley! We would be able to facilitate more
kids (and adults) in keeping up with yet another healthy way of living in this beautiful area we
live in. Seeing Avon is in the center of our Valley it seems a perfect place to have an extra rink.
Beyond hockey there are a lot of activities that you can use the rink for if you found that the ice
wasn't getting full use out of it.
I ask you to respectfully consider the new ice rink in Avon to be passed and make it happen so
our valley can have another healthy alternative to outdoor winter fun!!
Alicia Kelly
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I am unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting today but would
like to share with you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink
proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial because of the
growth of the sport and for the future of our children.
This could be a great asset to the local community in so many
ways. Adding revenues for the whole community.
Let's do this ... it's a great plan. We need the attention to our children to
grow this community into an even better place to `live and play'.
Thanks for your time!
Ariana Burkley
Edwards CO 81632
Dear honorable Mayor and Town Council,
We are not able to attend the upcoming meeting regarding the proposed developments in Avon, but
would like to express our thoughts regarding an ice rink in the town.
Our children have been involved with the Vail Mountaineers youth hockey program for the past 8
years. We have seen it grow in number of participants and the associated positive effects of the
program. We travel with our children, spend a lot of time in other towns / rinks and are very aware
of the economics hockey can have on a community. In our opinion, bringing another ice rink to our
valley will benefit the town by more exposure to recreation, boost the local economy through
lodging / dining, use of the rink (and associated fees). All the things that a traveling hockey family
encounters to promote healthy, fun sports for our children.
Also, as our hockey community continues to grow, the "over flow" that we experience during our
season could greatly benefit from another rink.
Thank you for your consideration,
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Dent
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but would like to share with you
my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is
needed/beneficial because there is not enough ice time between Eagle and Vail to accommodate all
of the ice related events and sports in our valley. Hockey practice for lo -year-olds is at 8:oo pm at
night, which is very late — these kids are not getting home on a school night until 9:30 or lo:oo pm
at night. Additionally, the recreation our tourists enjoy on the ice would be extended to Avon — it
would be a phenomenal resource to support all of the winter ice activities we now participate in on a
tight schedule.
Thank you for your consideration.
Wendy Rimel
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week but would like to share with you, my support
of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park.
As a parent who lives in Eagle, with a child who plays hockey, we love having an ice rink available to skate at
even when we are not attending hockey practice. In Eagle, we have the Eagle Pool & Ice Rink through
WECMRD, and in the winter time, the town also makes an additional ice rink in the town park.
Our ice rink is very popular and not having many places for all of the programs that need ice time causes late
night practices and almost impossible public skate times. Because of this, we will drive to Vail to skate if there
is a public skate, or stick n puck time available, that works for our schedule.
Having an ice rink in Avon would be beneficial to many of our youth in the area not only living in Avon, and I
know we would travel to use the rink. We thank you for your consideration and time in this matter.
Joanne Bott
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting yesterday, but would like to share with
you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink proposed in Nottingham Park. Hockey is
growing more than ever in this valley, and this would provide a great activity for both adults and
children. It would also be a tremendous draw for tourism -everyone who comes to town wants to
schedule an afternoon at the Beaver Creek or Vail outdoor rinks.
Thank you for your time!
Kyle Marie Deighan
Dear Honorable Mayor and Avon Town Council:
I was unable to attend the Planning and Zoning meeting last week, but
would like to share with you my support of the multi -use covered ice rink
proposed in Nottingham Park. I feel it is needed/beneficial because while
skiing is the established winter sport in our valley, it is not the only winter
sport. Team sports are proven beneficial to our youth, and this allows
additional opportunities for children to learn and practice ice skating, as well
as serving adults in the sport.
Please consider this point of view as a long-term perspective, even as it may
be arriving after any deadline.
Celena Olden (resident of Eagle valley for 26 years)