Public Comments 08-22-2017 Hahnewald BarnAvon Town Council,
Please. please, do everything possible to save the Hahnewald Barn!!! It represents
important early Avon History, plus it is an attractive building that could have multi uses.
We are suggesting that is be placed in the Park area, for use for meetings, weddings
and activity groups. It may be worthwhile to see about adding a kitchen. Bathroom
probably are necessary.
Please count us as 2 YES votes, if you are taking a "straw vote"!!
Thank you, Nancy and Mauri Nottingham
Dear Avon Town Council,
I would like to voice my support on keeping the Hahnewald Barn and moving it to Nottingham Park.
It would be a crying shame to destroy this unique historical building.
Part of being a sustainable community is to repurpose what we have. Let's honor the families who
have and are still a part of this town.
Thank you -Jill Kelsall
To whom it may concern,
I have recently heard that there is a possibility that this barn may be destroyed. It saddens me to
think that some new shiny building or structure might be constructed in its place.
Let's keep the local history, and this beautiful barn in Avon.
Thanks for listening,
Pat Nolan
Dear Avon Council
I'm writing in regards to the Hahnewald Barn!
This barn is such a part of our heritage in the Avon area.
I'm asking you to please do whatever it takes to save this beautiful barn and reuse it for the people
of this Valley's advantage!
I am a resident of Wildridge and have lived in the Valley for 38 years! We can not lose such a gem!!!!
Please persevere and protect our history in this Valley!!!
Thank you for your consideration
Mr and Mrs Michael Warmenhoven
Sent from my Phone Have a great day Tonya (:
Dear Avon City Council,
I have recently been told that you are looking to destroy one of my favorite structures in Avon- I
am so sadden to hear this! This barn is unique to Avon and is so so beautiful! There aren't too
many "old" buildings left in Avon and I really feel it would be in our best interest to see if there
is anyway to preserve the barn and use it for fun things in the community, for example- yoga,
classes, events etc. I feel like so much good can come from saving the barn, so I ask all of
council to please consider keeping this rare Avon history alive! I am a homeowner hear in Avon,
I live at Liftview and have been here for 7 years! I love Avon and love the history that is left! If
there is a petition I need to sign, I would be more than happy. Thank you for taking the time to
read this email and consider my request.
Ashley Strauss