Public Comments 09-12-2017 Plastic BagsComments on Plastic Bag Reduction Initiative Dear Avon Town Council: Avon, Colorado July 23, 2017 You are considering a ban on certain disposable plastic bags and requiring a charge of ten cents for the use of disposable paper bags, with our grocery stores up first. We believe that although some people feel strongly that this Initiative is needed and is the right thing to do, we would like to point out some arguments why we believe this Initiative is the wrong thing to do. We have been involved with many town, highway and bike path cleanups for the past 20 years. We do pick up plastic (grocery) bags when we encounter them. However they are infrequently encountered; their existence does not cry out for a ban. Tissues, cigarettes, wrappers comprise much of the trash. Plastic grocery bags are reused, repurposed and recycled. The bags are the right size for most home trash cans and are reused for that purpose. The recycling containers at City Market and Walmart are always filled, thus proving people are recycling. Removing these bags would require the outright purchase of brand new bags off the shelf for home use. How does a bag for a bag make any sense? Those of us who live here visit City Market or Walmart probably 3 or 4 times per week. The existing system works for us. The markets have invested real dollars in the rotary bag holders which are efficient, scaled to the self -check weight requirements, and fill quickly by the manual packers. Why change a system that is efficient, mastered by we resident customers and replace it with a clumsy, inefficient and time wasting system. Plastic bags have built in handles; paper bags do not. Picture trying to walk out of City Market with a likely maximum of two paper bags, one in each arm and pressed to your chest. Think about your last shopping trip and how you momentarily switched the plastic bags from one hand to the other so you could get your car keys out of your pocket or purse. Now think further on how you did this in the winter. We also think a ban on plastic bags will disproportionately affect older people, people with balance problems and those who walk to the store. Seriously consider the plight of those shoppers walking one-half mile or more trying to balance paper bags in their arms. The impact of this Initiative will have a chilling effect on the multitude of tourist/out-of-town shoppers. It is a daunting task to shop for items in an unfamiliar store, especially one that is often very crowded, with narrow aisles. It is unfair to impose on them one more barrier when it comes time to check out. They would not have brought along reusable bags, they are struggling with the credit card machines, and now have to make more non-productive decisions on how to get their purchases to their car. Think of how you would feel and the resulting ill will and negative views of Avon will seem justified. All of us who live and work here, go out of our way to put our best foot forward and be welcoming and helpful to our guests. We know the Town Council feels the same way and that view has driven many a decision over the years. Do we seriously want to jeopardize that approach and its success by implementing this Initiative? Please think of the consequences of this action. Groceries sometimes leak: produce often sweats, meat packaging often drips, think leaky milk or juice cartons, eggs that break and other grocery packaging malfunctions. We have personally experienced this. Plastic bags contain and trap these common events. Paper gets wet and tears; and reusable bags must be cleaned and should be sanitized after every use. Do we use another produce -type bag to double wrap? We have all been warned of the dangers of contaminated food and possible bacteria in reusable bags seem like an invitation to disaster. Just what we need in headlines: Tourists choose not to visit Avon because of fear of food poisoning from shopping at its only two supermarkets. One well publicized event would trigger this perception... just ask Chipotle. Are you willing to take that risk? We think that very few people in Avon support this Initiative. Most that we have talked to are first of all unaware of its existence (it hasn't received front page attention, yet) do not support it but may not comment. There is a feeling among Avon people that we know, that Council "has their mind made up and it doesn't do any good to speak up". Also people who live in Edwards, Eagle -Vail and unincorporated Eagle County shop here in Avon and don't have a voice. But they will be similarly negatively affected. You should exercise some duty to out of Avon shoppers, who have no voice but are paying sales taxes, supporting Avon. It is entirely possible that a small minority of activists (Avon residents?) are indeed behind this Initiative. Similar bans have been instituted in Aspen, Vail and Breckenridge (probably more, we don't know). There is a common belief that plastic bags are washing up on the Pacific coast shores; that banning plastic bags here in Avon somehow counters this issue and "that every little bit helps". We submit that those activists and people who sympathize with their views already have a choice: they can refuse to accept the free plastic bags at the stores, and bring their own reusable bags and/or paper bags. Nothing is stopping them from doing their own "every little bit helps" contribution. It is usually unwise policy to submit to the wishes of a small, but vocal and outspoken minority and have them dominate the majority, especially when the minority can already take positive actions into their own hands to achieve their personal objectives. They are not being harmed. We would expect that you will receive many more supportive comments than negative because of the likely source of this Initiative's conception. In conclusion we ask that you think of the many unintended consequences of this Initiative, and do not inconvenience thousands of shopper/visits every week, all for little practical gain, other than saying we don't want to be outdone by Aspen and Vail. That's not what we elected you to do. Do things for us and our guests; not to us. Sincerely, Norma and Charles Carter While I understand the reason for attempting to decrease the number of shopping bags in the landfill, I use the bags as trash bags. If this occurs I will need to buy bags for trash which will in turn end up in the land fill. What is the difference? Deborah McBride Debbie Hoppe From: Karen E Anderson <karene@vail.net> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:29 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic bag & styrofoam ban Hi Debbie, I'm writing to let you know that I support the plastic bag ban in Avon, as well as a styrofoam ban. Thank you for considering doing something small to help stop destroying our environment. Karen Anderson Debbie Hoppe From: toni fish <tonifish2000@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:29 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Please put a ban on plastic bags in avon. My name is Marki Sindlinger I live in Wildridge, avon, colorado. Please let this be or act as a community member who wants to stop platic bags in Avon Colorado. Thank you Marki Sindlinger Debbie Hoppe From: zippyskippy@gmail.com on behalf of Chad Steele <chad@chadsteele.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:48 PM To: Debbie Hoppe; Preston Neill Subject: ban plastic bags in avon Hello Avon City Council, Let's lead Colorado in by joining this list of progressive cities to ban the use of plastic bags. Austin, Cambridge, Mass., Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle more... http://www.surfrider.org//pages/plastic-bag-bans-fees I believe it will ultimately help tourism because people will ultimately respect and remember "responsible" legislation. Being leaders in this movement will give us free worldwide marketing. We all know how terrible plastic bags are for the environment—they choke wildlife, they don't break down in landfills (or in oceans), they add to our demand for oil, and they aren't easy to recycle, which is the biggest reason why 90 percent of plastic bags in the U.S. are not recycled. Yet an estimated 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year -380 billion of those in the U.S. Let's make Avon, Colorado a responsible leader for future generations. thank you Chad Steele Eagle Vail Debbie Hoppe From: annie richards <yogaannie3@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:52 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: plastic bag ban To whom it may concern, I fully support the plastic bag ban... I was in UK when they implemented a country wide ban N they began charging 5p and 10p per bag and overnight people started using canvas etc bags... It was fabulous and drastically reduced the number of plastic bags in circulation. People were very receptive, and the monetary motivation was very effective. Sincerely, Annie Richards 1 Debbie Hoppe From: ROBERT NICOLA FARRER <nicolafarrer@msn.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 6:00 PM To: Preston Neill Cc: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Yes to plastic bag ban.... Hello, We need to continue to show our love for this amazing planet we call home. I fully support the plastic bag ban and hope that shortly after will follow the ban on the use of styrofoam...... I do shop in West Vail and LOVE their commitment to no plastic bags. I feel proud when I shop there...... I want to feel proud of Avon town and the positive changes they are making to keep us a progressive and compassionate community. Thank you for listening to my voice. NICOLA FARRIER Debbie Hoppe From: JENNIFER SCHRADER <Jennifer.schrader@eagleschools.net> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 6:10 PM To: Debbie Hoppe; Preston Neill Subject: Full Support Ms. Hoppe and Mr. Neill, I fully support a plastic bag ban for Avon. Furthermore, I support a styrofoam ban. Warmly, Jen Schrader Upper School English Teacher X Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy 1 Academy Loop P.O. Box 369 Minturn, CO 81645 970-328-2811 Debbie Hoppe From: Mary Ellen Blair <metingles@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 8:44 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic Bags and Styrofoam Ban The Blair family is in favor of this. Thankyou Mary and Joe Blair Eagle -Vail Mary Blair USPS -POB 3784 Vail CO 81658-U5P5 UPS or FED EX -210 East Larkspur Lane Avon CO 81620 970-331-8112 Debbie Hoppe From: Kelly Charbonneau <kacharbol@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 10:22 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Bag ban I am an Avon resident and I support both the plastic bag and styrofoam ban. Thank you Kelly Charbonneau Sent from my Whone Debbie Hoppe From: Courtney Gregory <cgcycle@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 10:56 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Ban the Bag! Do it! Sent from Outlook To the Town of Avon officials and councilors: Plastic bags are a great convenience and are sanitary to use as well. The town(s) already have hefty sales taxes, and who is most affected by this? The very same working class that some on the council claim to support. How hypocritical. Nonetheless, from CMC to city councils, too many local officials put a nonsensical global agenda above local concerns and people. Many people of this mindset simply won't know what they have until it's gone and are also nearly impossible to engage in meaningful dialogue. Power for the sake of power, as Orwell noted, is tyranny. Sadly, many people who favor nationwide bag bans are little more than fascists, working with companies to establish autocratic rule that produces more money only for the elitist ruling class. Many of these same people also support "by any means necessary" political protests policies. Yet these same people would rail against the same tactics if, for example, they were harassed at home or while in a restaurant trying to enjoy a meal with family or friends. So, to the open- and civic -minded members of the council, don't be a part of this Marxist -promoted insanity, this anti -social behavior and hateful disregard of citizenry. It is a Third World practice, and we are the beacon on the shining hill. Reject the plastic bag ban in total. Thank you. Mike Spaniola This proposed legislation has underlying (flawed) assumptions: 1. The public does not reuse plastic bags i. The public does not recycle plastic bags As the owner of a dog and a cat, I use these bags daily to dispose of their waste. Like everyone else I know, I use these bags to line the smaller waste baskets in my home. On an average week, I reuse 12- 15 of these bags. For these daily uses, a reusable shopping bag is not an option. If plastic bags are banned, I will be forced to purchase bags for these specific purposes. Let's think that through: Pet waste and trash bags are created for single use. The effort and resources to produce, transport and dispose of those bags all goes into utilizing the bag ONE time. As for recycling the plastic bags, I see overflowing containers at City Market each time I shop there. For sure, more of the bags could and should be recycled. Instead of legislation, regulation and enforcement of yet another new law, an incentive program to change habits should be considered. More carrot, less stick. Local businesses do not need more regulation and taxation. The costs to the businesses get passed right along to their customers and the cost of living in Eagle County already borders on prohibitive. Please consider offering incentives not penalties. We do not need another layer of costly government dictating our daily activities. A few incentive ideas: - Offer free admission to local events by bringing a certain number of plastic bags for recycling. - Offer a reduction to local taxes if a certain amount is recycled in a year. - Partner with local businesses. Businesses provide gift certificates or discounts for anyone who brings in a certain amount of bags to recycle. - Partner with Vail Resorts to offer free or discounted parking, food, lift tickets or services to those who bring in bags for recycling. - Give attractive and durable reusable bags to those who bring in a certain amount to be recycled. Notice that these suggestions all approach the situation in a positive way (more carrot) as opposed to the negative (stick) approach of taxation. Certainly the fine citizens of this community will have additional creative ideas. The costs of managing these incentive programs would certainly be less than creating new regulations and their enforcement. Thank you for considering these suggestions. Thoughtfully and respectfully submitted, Kimberly Edgar Edwards, CO Please ban plastic bags and polystyrene foam to go containers. We must take responsibility now for the health our planet before it is too late. Thank you, Kristi Steed 2140 Saddleridge Loop #2 Avon Town Clerk - Debbie Hoppe Dear Ms. Hoppe I noted the article in today's Vail Daily that your Avon Town Council will address the Polystyrene Foam Reduction Ordinance tomorrow evening. The article encourages comments emailed to you by this evening, so from a traveler and environmentalist, I'm sending you my comments. I traveled through Colorado last summer and noted the numerous pieces of Foam trash that escape the trash can, which is a source of food to wildlife and birds - particularly when it has residue of foods on it. http://www.vaildaily.com/news/town-of-avon-collecting-comment-on-plastic-bags- Polystyrene/ It's very encouraging that your Council is working on this issue, as EPS is such a blight on the environment, as well as a health issue. Asking that all food vendors not use it is only half the battle. If your ordinance doesn't include a ban to retail sale in all grocery and department stores and Mail Centers using packaging peanuts, then the complete problems haven't been addressed. People will still purchase Foam, take it to the parks for picnics and leave in their own trash bins where it will escape into the air, water and stomachs of birds. I lead a grass roots coalition to have EPS banned in San Luis Obispo County, CA and so far, we have successfully banned it in four of our cities; another coastal city is on the cusp of their ordinance Oct 2. Then we move for the County level. I am also working on efforts statewide. We are also highlighting the health issues of using Foam: that heat, oily and acidic foods activate and release the EPS chemicals into the food and drinks. We need to combat issues that contribute to health concerns as well. Please check out our ordinance from San Luis Obispo. Unfortunately, the City Council didn't go the extra level, and include "Foam meat trays, egg cartons and Polystyrene cutlery". So, I want to direct you towards the Polystyrene Ordinance of Malibu, CA: https://www.malibucity.org/nofoam, that includes: • Food ware (including cups, plates, clamshells, and other containers) • Meat and fish trays, and egg cartons • Packing materials* (including "peanuts" and shipping boxes, and when using within Malibu to pack items sold, unless packing materials were donated or are reused and not sent to consumer or end user) • Coolers, ice chests or similar containers* • Pool or beach toys* • Dock floats, mooring buoys, or anchor or navigational markers* * Unless they are wholly encased within a more durable material San Luis Obispo, CA EPS Ordinance http://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/com m unity- development/sustainability/expanded-polystyrene-regulations I'd like you to consider using the City of Malibu, CA's Polystyrene Ordinance! Be a leader in Colorado. Your birds and wildlife will thank you, as well as this become a huge change to litter, people's understanding of litter and landfill issues. Sincerely, Janine Rands Chair SLO Foam Free (our fb page) San Luis Obispo, CA Debbie Hoppe From: Susan Wilke <wilke@vail.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: plastics! Hi - Just wanted to commend you all on attempting to prohibit polystyrene foam as well as limit the number of plastic bags we use. It's about time someone in this valley did something about this! Let's hope our future will be polystyrene and plastic bag free! :) Susan Wilke Debbie Hoppe From: Leslie Snyder <leslie.a.snyder@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 10:06 AM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic Bag Ban in Avon Hi Debbie, I am writing this letter to you to support whole-heartedly the potential plastic bag ban in Avon. To be honest, I can't believe it hasn't already taken place and that we haven't followed the lead of the town of Vail and other areas in Colorado and the nation as a whole. I have heard that there are those that are not in support of the ban and quite frankly, I cannot understand their reasoning. All one needs to do is look around to notice many of those plastic bags flying around or hanging on a tree. Although plastic bags are recyclable, only 5% of them are recycled even when there are bins for this provided by the stores. Most plastic bags eventually end up littering the ground or in a landfill, where they can remain for as long as 1,000 years. I believe the best alternative to plastic is to carry and reuse your own (cloth) bags. Although I am guilty of forgetting my reusable bags at times, I know that I should and can do a better job of arriving at the market prepared. An inconvenience perhaps but it's my responsibility. I am a mother of two and encourage my children daily to recycle and protect the world in which they live. l hope that I am a good example to them and I hope that the place that we call home can and will follow suit. Regards, Leslie Snyder From: Stephen Connolly [mailto:sfcvail@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 11:36 AM To: Amy Phillips <amv@alpineaccessdmc.com> Subject: plastic bag ban Importance: Low Glad to see that Avon is moving forward on this front. I don't remember the details in the recent post or article that I read. strongly recommend that if it is not total (grocers, retailers and restaurants) that you roll the other two silos into the ordinance over time. Aspen and San Francisco agreed with this idea when I was doing the leg work in Vail. Based on the Vail experience, keep in mind that this will be a burden for City Market, which they will gladly accept as being a responsible member of the community. Consider sun setting the fee in a year or two. Your main target is going to be locals. They need to understand the importance of doing this. After they "all" have their reusable bags and are conditioned to keeping them in their car and using them for all things, not just groceries, it will be the guests who become slightly irritated with the fee. Many guests in Vail actually think this is pretty cool. (Mayor Bone told me this himself.) City Market will gladly give guests paper bags for free. Consider too some sort of program for people to return the little baskets that people will take with them because they forgot their bag or are simply just not interested in participating. CM up here lost a ton of these. I believe this has abated, as I see just about everyone (locals that is) walking in with reusable bags. Thanks for taking the flack and doing what is needed, regardless of the Chastain's and Cacioppo's of the world. sfc P.s. Make it a cool bag too. "It's in the bag in Avon." And make Avon big and bold and easy to read. I wanted to make bags that said "My grand dad went to Vail and all he brought me was this stupid bag." Stephen Connolly sfcvaiI6jfttmail.com 970-376-5798 (cell) 970-476-6826 (phone, fax and voicemail) Looking for a great little Bed and Breakfast in Vail? https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/4015461 From: Mary Griesedieck [mailto:msper4()gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2017 8:10 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic bag use in Avon I am definitely in favor of stopping the use of plastic bags in Avon as I care about the environment and they often end up in rivers,creeks and eventually, oceans. Other areas,including Vail and Aspen have passed the ordinance,and it is about time Avon did too! Mary Griesedieck Arrowhead home owner PLEASE NOTE MY NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: msper4 gmail.com From: Kristi Steed [ma iIto: kikisteed80)gmail.coml Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 2:52 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic Bag Ban Please ban plastic bags and polystyrene foam to go containers. We must take responsibility now for the health our planet before it is too late. Thank you, Kristi Steed 2140 Saddleridge Loop #2 Avon -----Original Message ----- From: campbell.nicole970@gmail.com[mailto:campbell.nicole970@gmail.comj Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 6:54 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Avon plastic bag ban As a home owner and resident of Avon, I fully support the plastic bag ban. We live in a community that shows how's much there is to loose from climate change and pollution. Our household fully supports any measure to help prevent waste and pollution. Nicole Campbell Sent from iPhone From: Dawn Richter [mailto:dawn@richterfineartphotography.com] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 12:46 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic Ban Hello Debbie, I am in support of banning plastic bags and polystyrene foam from food service. In this day and age it is so obvious and important that we need to do more to take on climate change. As individuals and as a community we can do better. There is absolutely no need to use these when there are so many healthier alternatives. The next step is to ban plastic water bottles. Our children are counting on us! Dawn Richter `vw`v.iichterfineaitnhotogranhv.com Richter Fine Art Photography 225 Wall Street Vail, CO 81657 970.476.4507 Gallery 970.708.1114 Cell From: CC [mailto:coloradocorrie@yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:25 PM To: Debbie Hoppe; Preston Neill Subject: I support plastic ban and styrofoam ban for Avon From: Isabela Rose [mailto:isabelasrose@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:26 PM To: Preston Neill Subject: Support plastic bag and styroform ban Having lived in the valley for over 8 years, I unconditionally support the ban for plastic bags and styroform. There are other great solutions and the people that live in this valley are amazing. Thanks, From: JENNIFER SCHRADER [mailto:jennifer.schrader@eagleschools.net] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 6:10 PM To: Debbie Hoppe; Preston Neill Subject: Full Support Ms. Hoppe and Mr. Neill, I fully support a plastic bag ban for Avon. Furthermore, I support a styrofoam ban. Warmly, Jen Schrader Upper School English Teacher Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy 1 Academy Loop P.O. Box 369 Minturn, CO 81645 970-328-2811 From: Karen E Anderson [mailto:kareneCd)vail.net l Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:29 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic bag & styrofoam ban Hi Debbie, I'm writing to let you know that I support the plastic bag ban in Avon, as well as a styrofoam ban. Thank you for considering doing something small to help stop destroying our environment. Karen Anderson From: annie richards [mailto:yogaannie30)yahoo.com] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 5:52 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: plastic bag ban To whom it may concern, I fully support the plastic bag ban... I was in UK when they implemented a country wide ban N they began charging 5p and 10p per bag and overnight people started using canvas etc bags... It was fabulous and drastically reduced the number of plastic bags in circulation. People were very receptive, and the monetary motivation was very effective. Sincerely, Annie Richards From: Susan Wilke [mailto:wilke(&vail.net] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:57 AM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: plastics! Hi - Just wanted to commend you all on attempting to prohibit polystyrene foam as well as limit the number of plastic bags we use. It's about time someone in this valley did something about this! Let's hope our future will be polystyrene and plastic bag free! :) Susan Wilke From: Amanda. Mire(�Owellsfargo.com[mailto:Amanda.Mire(cOwellsfargo.coml Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 12:04 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Avon Plastic/Styrofoam Ban I have lived in the Valley since 2001, specifically in Wildridge until 2013. 1 now reside in Minturn, but continue to shop at Avon stores when I have to. I have talked Avon Liquor into providing Even though Avon City Market offers more product, I have decided to support the Vail City Market due to the progressive bag ban in the TOV. For years, I traveled to the grocery store with my bags, and remained shocked of the lack of plastic bag ban in the Town of Avon. I also support the Styrofoam ban — this would move the Town of Avon one step closer to being accountable to our planet Earth. Kindly, Amanda Amanda Mire, CISA, CISSP (Upcoming PTO — NONE) Operational Risk Consultant, Vice President Enterprise Data & Analytics I Risk Management & Compliance Wells Fargo Technology & Operations Group MAC C3014-010 Tel 970-827-4042 1 Cell 303-818-5908 amanda.mire@wellsfargo.com This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on this message or any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e- mail and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation. From: Stephen Connolly [mailto:sfcvail@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 11:36 AM To: Amy Phillips <amv@alpineaccessdmc.com> Subject: plastic bag ban Importance: Low Glad to see that Avon is moving forward on this front. I don't remember the details in the recent post or article that I read. I strongly recommend that if it is not total (grocers, retailers and restaurants) that you roll the other two silos into the ordinance over time. Aspen and San Francisco agreed with this idea when I was doing the leg work in Vail. Based on the Vail experience, keep in mind that this will be a burden for City Market, which they will gladly accept as being a responsible member of the community. Consider sun setting the fee in a year or two. Your main target is going to be locals. They need to understand the importance of doing this. After they "all" have their reusable bags and are conditioned to keeping them in their car and using them for all things, not just groceries, it will be the guests who become slightly irritated with the fee. Many guests in Vail actually think this is pretty cool. (Mayor Bone told me this himself.) City Market will gladly give guests paper bags for free. Consider too some sort of program for people to return the little baskets that people will take with them because they forgot their bag or are simply just not interested in participating. CM up here lost a ton of these. I believe this has abated, as I see just about everyone (locals that is) walking in with reusable bags. Thanks for taking the flack and doing what is needed, regardless of the Chastain's and Cacioppo's of the world. sfc P.s. Make it a cool bag too. "It's in the bag in Avon." And make Avon big and bold and easy to read. I wanted to make bags that said "My grand dad went to Vail and all he brought me was this stupid bag." Stephen Connolly sfcvail(@hotmail.com 970-376-5798 (cell) 970-476-6826 (phone, fax and voicemail) Looking for a great little Bed and Breakfast in Vail? https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/4015461 -----Original Message ----- From: Mark P. Midas [mailto:midasp@myway.com] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 2:37 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Keep plastic bags legal, duh! Instead of banning plastic bags and charging hard working residents for paper ones, deduct 10 cents per hour from all Town of Avon payroll checks. Be sure to include all those plush bonuses and perks that your top officials get and all employee benefits, too. Stop the madness, you morons! From: Nancy [mailto:klumbt@)comcast.net] Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 2:50 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Strongly OPPOSED to proposed ban on plastic bags and polystyrene foam To Whom It may Concern: Regarding public comment, we are strongly opposed to implementing this ban. It is an irritant to say the least, a huge inconvenience to our vacationers and bad for business.We are a resort community and the inconvenience (and nickel and diming our visitors) is simply poor form. When I am on vacation I do not travel with re -usable bags. We should be doing everything we can to encourage travel to our community - not discourage it. Our entire business structure depends on tourism. Secondly, as a full time resident, I bring my own bags because it is convenient to do so. I live in Edwards and have a choice of where to grocery shop. The Eagle City Market is newly remodeled and only about 5 minutes farther from my home. Should this ban go into place, traveling to Eagle will be even more appealing in case I buy more groceries than my bags can contain. PLEASE VOTE NO on the Ban Tom and Nancy Klumb Debbie Hoppe From: Cherie <cherieandrob@comcast.net> Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:47 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Support for Plastic Bag Ban Hi Debbie, I strongly support the plastic bag ban in Avon. As a consumer who shops Village Market in Edwards often, I would be more inclined to shop at Walmart and City Market if the Town of Avon adopts a plastic bag ban. I would also be happy to be required to bring my own reusable shopping bags and/or pay a nominal fee for using plastic bags if I forgot my own bags. Furthermore, I would be happy to forego using any bags and bag my own groceries at home in the case I forgot my own bags. There are many solutions to reducing and/or eliminating the negative effects plastic bags have on our ecosystems, including humans, and the increased demand for the non-renewable, planet - damaging oil production that plastic bags requires. Since plastic does not break down, it is being ingested by animals and the food chain means humans are eating plastic - NOT SAFE! I also support a Styrofoam ban. It is also NOT SAFE! Cherie L. Rollins (970) 376-2015 Please do not hesitate to call or email me if you need any further commentary or would like me to appear in person to advocate for a plastic -free Town of Avon. Debbie Hoppe From: Jen Austin <jenleeaustin@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 11:44 AM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Support Avon's plastic bag ban Dear Ms. Hoppe, I'm writing to express my support for the plastic bag ban; that is truly fantastic that Avon is considering one. However, unlike Vail I think the plastic bag ban should apply to all stores in Avon, including Walmart, not just City Market. I'm aware of the deleterious effects of plastic bags in the environment, particularly litter that presents choking hazards to wildlife, the use up finite natural resoures (up to loo million barrels of oil are used to make the world's plastic bags each year), and there is no disposal method that really eliminates them, they take years to decompose. Please consider me a strong supporter for Avon's proposed plastic bag ban, and if you need help gathering support let me know. I work full-time but am happy to help on weekends. Thanks for the opportunity to comment, Jen Austin of Wildridge From: Jon Sheppard <ionsheppard62(a)_comcast.net> Subject: sept 14 Date: September 14, 2017 at 10:20:14 AM MDT To: Jennie Fancher <ifancher avon.org> Hello Lady J and greetings from not to far away. I am very very much opposed to the bag ban here. I don't think the ban helps much of anything. Anyway if it passes now I have go out and buy some `real' bags to carry my stuff. cheers, jon Debbie Hoppe From: Brad Zoller <bradzoller@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 2:17 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Plastic bag ordinance Please don't ban plastic bags. I hate them, but paper bags are just as bad. Our retailers depend on tourists and how many of tourists will pack their grocery bags when they come here on vacation? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. That's a familiar motto in order of priority. Let's start reducing by charging for BOTH plastic and paper. This will encourage people to bring their own bags. (NOT banning) Sincerely, Brad Zoller Debbie Hoppe From: Nancy Klumb <nmkl044@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 2:37 PM To: Debbie Hoppe Subject: Paper, Plastic or Reusable? — Stanford Magazine — Medium As a Stanford alumni I found this current research article from the Stanford magazine quite informative regarding comparing the carbon footprint and ecological impact of plastic, paper and reusable bags. I urge the Avon council to read this article so that whatever decision they arrive at is an informed one, not one based on trendy ideals. https:/Imedium.com/stanford-magazine/paper-plastic-or-reusable-cloth-which-kind-of-bag-should-i-use-c4o3957Sf3f1 Nancy Klumb Sent from my iPad