TC Minutes 05-23-2017,avo n TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1. A CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:13 p.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Scott Prince, Sarah Smith Hymes, Amy Phillips, and Megan Burch. Council members Matt Gennett and Jake Wolf were absent. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Police Chief Greg Daly, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Preston Neill and Deputy Town Clerk Brenda Torres. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mayor Fancher requested that item 6.1 be pushed until Markian with Walking Mountains Science Center arrives at the meeting. Council agreed to the change. 3. MEETING PROCEDURES FOR THE MEETING OF MAY 23, 2017 3.1. ACTION ITEMS • PRESENTATION OF ITEM • PUBLIC COMMENT - THREE (3) MINUTE LIMIT ALLOWED TO EACH PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK, UNLESS MAJORITY OF COUNCIL AGREES TO A LONGER TIME • COUNCIL DISCUSSION • MOTION • COUNCIL DISCUSSION • VOTE 3.2. WORK SESSION AND PRESENTATIONS • PRESENTATION OF ITEM • COUNCIL DISCUSSION • PUBLIC COMMENT - THREE (3) MINUTE LIMIT ALLOWED TO EACH PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK, UNLESS MAJORITY OF COUNCIL AGREES TO A LONGER TIME • COUNCIL DIRECTION 4. PUBLIC COMMENT- COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Start time: 11:31 Kathy Ryan made a request that the Town maintain Nottingham Lake better by not allowing buoys, other than for swimming. 5. EAGLE RIVER FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PRESENTATION KARL BAUER, ERFPD FIRE CHIEF) Start time: 15:09 Councilor Gennett arrived at 5:50 p.m. Representatives of ERFPD, including Fire Chief Karl Bauer, delivered a presentation that included all of the topics listed below. Also involved in the presentation was Barry Smith, Emergency management Director for Eagle County, and Greg Daly, Chief of Avon Police. Page 1 A^.kv n q :. ;z s > r�. t> +.> TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET • Current assessment of general preparedness for Wildfire in the Wildridge Subdivision • Media/ PIO processes/procedures for evacuation • Evacuation procedures for Wildridge • Declaration processes and procedures 6. ACTION ITEMS Start time: 78:00 6.2. PUBLIC HEARING SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 17-06, APPROVING THE TOWN OF AVON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, DATED APRIL, 2017, A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Councilor Gennett moved to approve second reading of Ordinance 17-06, thereby approving the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, dated May 2017, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Application. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion at it passed unanimously by Council present. Council member Wolf was absent. 6.3. ACTION ON APPROPRIATING FUNDING AND ESTABLISHING THE PROCESS FOR USING FUNDS FOR A ONE -DAY AND/OR TWO-DAY MUSIC CONCERT (TOWN MANAGER VIRGINIA EGGER) Start time: 81:05 Councilor Gennett made a motion to approve all of the elements of the proposed motion. The motion received a second by Councilor Burch. Councilor Phillips proposed two amendments to the motion: 1) eliminate Labor Day weekend from consideration, and 2) add a stipulation that any request over $35,000 would require the Town Manager to poll the Town Council to seek a majority. Councilor Burch offered revisions to the motion that included the following: 1) strike #4 entirely, 2) strike "to make a recommendation to the Town Council..." under #3, and 3) amend #3 to begin with "Authorize a minimum of any three (3) members..." Councilor Burch's proposed revisions were accepted by the maker of the motion. The motion passed on a vote of 5 to 1. Councilor Prince voted no. Councilor Wolf was absent. Here's the motion that was approved: I move to approve, in support of the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee's recommendation, made on May 3, 2017, that the Town Council: 1. Appropriate $70,000.00 from the General Fund Special Event Reserve Budget to underwrite a one day and/or two-day major music event at the Avon Pavilion, and appropriate use of the funds, as may be determined by the Town Manager, should any portion or all of the funds be required; 2. Grant use of the Avon Pavilion and Harry A. Nottingham Park premises, on any of the following dates: • August • August • September • September • September 11-13 26 (for MLT concert only) 1— 3 (Labor Day) 15-17 22-24 Page 2 t• Avon TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAYS MAY 23, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 3. Authorize a minimum of any three (3) members of the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee to meet with the Town Manager, her designees, and the independent contractor, who wishes to make an offer to any band or bands, prior to an offer being tendered. 6.4. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 17-09, AMENDING AVON MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 2.08 ALLOWING THE USE OF A COLLECTION AGENCY TO COLLECT UNPAID FINES OR FEES IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) Start time: 121:04 Council Phillips moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance 17-09, amending Avon Municipal Code section 2.08 allowing the use of a collection agency to collect unpaid fines or fees in the Municipal court. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council present. Councilor Wolf was absent. 6.5. CONSENT AGENDA Start time: 125:51 6.5.1. APPROVAL OF A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR A NONBINDING FUTURE RENEWABLE ENERGY PURCHASE FROM THE 2018 COMMUNITY SOLAR PROJECT (ASSISTANT TO THE TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 6.5.2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 9, 2017 MEETING (TOWN CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council present. Council Wolf was absent. 6.1. WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER'S REQUEST FOR A REBATE OF REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) Start time: 126:30 This item took place after the Consent Agenda. Councilor Prince made a motion to approve the request for the portion of the property that is subject to a conservation easement and preserved as undeveloped open space in perpetuity (60.3% of property is subject to conservation easement, which would equate to a proportional rebate of $22,914). Additionally, the remaining amount, $15,086, would go to the General Fund Contingency Line Item. The motion was seconded by Councilor Gennett but failed on a vote of 2 to 4. Mayor Fancher, Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes, Councilor Phillips and Councilor Burch voted no. Councilor Wolf was absent. Councilor Phillips made a motion to approve Resolution No. 17-10 Approving a Rebate of Real Estate Transfer Taxes, in full, to Walking Mountains Science Center. Her motion conditioned that the money would go to Walking Mountains' Capital Improvements Budget and that the Town of Avon would be given credit for the amount rebated. The motion was seconded and passed on a vote of 6 to o. Councilor Wolf was absent. 7. WORK SESSION Start time: 146.45 7.1. PRESENTATION OF THE STRATEGY TO PURSUE A CREATIVE DISTRICT CERTIFICATION, INCLUDING DIRECTION ON INTERIM USES FOR THE AVON FIRE STATION (COUNCILOR AMY PHILLIPS) Page 3 },, ice► V on TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET A work session was held to present a strategy to pursue a Creative District Designation, added as a Tier One Priority in the Town of Avon 2017-18 Strategic Plan. Specifically, Council discussed repurposing the Avon Fire Station as an Art space. A site tour by Town staff showed promise that the facility, in whole or in part, could be transitioned into an Art space for a community of artists with live/work options, affordable housing, artist in residence programs and creative entrepreneurialism. The Avon Fire Station building will be returned to the Town by ERFPD on or before January 1, 2o18. 7.2. DIRECTION ON APPROACH FOR INTERIM USES FOR THE WILDRIDGE FIRE STATION TOWN MANAGER VIRGINIA EGGER) Council discussed future uses of the Wildridge Fire Station, which will be returned to the Town of Avon by ERFPD on or before January 1, 2018. While it is an important property being evaluated for future uses through the Town Owned Properties Study, it appears an interim use should be considered. Town staff toured the property recently, and determined the building is in good shape and the second floor, complete with two housing units, could be used for employee housing. Council felt that the first floor should be a community space of some sort. 7.3. DIRECTION FOR SOLICITATION OF INTERESTED BUSINESSES FOR OCCUPATION OF 1,100 SQUARE FEET OF AVAILABLE FINISHED SPACE ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE NEW TOWN HALL TOWN MANAGER VIRGINIA EGGER) Direction was provided for staff to gather more information, to have a conversation with Vail Centre about how they have structured and manage the Basecamp facility, and to reach out to non-profit organizations to see if there is any interest in occupying the space. Staff will also find statistics on how many similar spaces are going for. 8. WRITTEN REPORT 8.1. SUMMARY OF UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY APRIL 27, 2017, REGULAR BOARD MEETING 8.2.MONTHLY FINANCIALS REPORT SENIOR ACCOUNTANT MARTHAANDERSON) 9. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Start time: 194:30 Mayor Fancher mentioned Coffee with a Cop will be Monday, May 29th, Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes updated Council on the Climate Communities Summit and the Compact of Colorado Communities. 10. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 avo n v TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Fancher moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 8:29 P.M. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk's office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.high fivemedio org. APPROVED: Jennie Fancher Sarah Smith Hymes Jake Wolf Megan Burch Matt Gennett Scott Prince Amy Phillips RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: arra Brenda Torres, Deputy Town Clerk I Page 5