PZC Packet 0606171 Agenda posted on Friday, June 2, 2017 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 6, 2017 One Lake Street If you require special accommodation please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970-748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org with any special requests I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda VI. Sign Program Amendment – 150 East Beaver Creek Boulevard File: SGN17004 Legal Description: Lot 24, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Applicant: Chad Wilkison Summary: Proposal for an updated Sign Program to allow more flexibility in design at the Avon Plaza. VII. Sign Design– 228 West Beaver Creek Boulevard File: SGN17005 Legal Description: Lot 37 A&B and Lot 36 A&B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Applicant: Todd Roehr Summary: Proposal for a new sign to make the Mein Haus Bed and Breakfast business more visible to visitors. VIII. Sign Design – 71 Beaver Creek Place File: SGN17006 Legal Description: Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Applicant: Amanda Fitzjarrald Summary: Proposal for an updated Sign Program to allow more tenant signage at the ANB Bank. IX. PUBLIC HEARING - Minor Development Plan – Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements File: MNR17016 Legal Description: Beaver Creek Boulevard Right of Way Applicant: Town of Avon Summary: Application to improve the lighting, signage, and striping of East and West Beaver Creek Boulevard in Town Center. 2 Agenda posted on Friday, June 2, 2017 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. X. Work Session – Landscaping Code Text Amendment Summary: Staff seeks direction for potential changes to the Landscaping Code, chapter 7.28.050 of the Municipal Code and other associated changes. XI. Approval of Meeting Minutes  May 16, 2017 Meeting Minutes XII. Staff Updates  Town owned properties update – Public Meeting June 8 and Survey. XIII. Adjourn June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Avon Plaza, Lot 24 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 1 Staff Report – Sign Program Amendment and Minor Development Application Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC:  SGN17004: Sign Program Amendment for Avon Plaza. This application seeks approval for a new Sign Program that allows greater flexibility in color choice, design, and materials. Summary Chad Wilkison (the Applicant) is presenting an updated Sign Program proposal for the Avon Plaza. The new sign application is included as Exhibit A and B. The original Sign Program, included as Exhibit C, is contained after this report. The impetus for this update is the Chronic Taco location’s corporate logo standards, which were not compatible with the current program. The current program is also considered outdated with respect to the Town’s visual esthetic and treatment of sign programs. Amended Sign Program The amended Sign Program generally maintains the same size and location of signs from the original Sign Program. This includes one tenant sign for every location, and larger allotments for spaces with more floor area. The original program required tenants to have green pan channel letters, and sign lettering entirely contained within the designated background area. The new program provides cabinets for tenant signs at the same square footage of the designated background area. It allows more “breaking” of the allotted background, but stipulates that the square footage for each sign will be the same (see Exhibit B, page 9 for an example). Also, the new program allows the fonts and colors to be at the discretion of the tenant, subject to HOA approval. These changes are common practice in modern sign programs to allow more creativity and artistic license for the tenant businesses. The new Program proposes an additional sign to unit B-106A on the rear of the building, roughly facing City Market, seen in Exhibit B, page 1. The sign is proposed to be a maximum of 25 s.f. PZC should carefully weigh if this inclusion is merited, given the position on the rear of the building and the potential for the sign to be blocked by currently installed landscaping on the adjacent lot. Meeting Date: Project Name: June 6, 2017 SGN17004 Zoning: Shopping Center Address: 150 East Beaver Creek Boulevard Location: Prepared By: Lot 24 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek David McWilliams, Town Planner June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Avon Plaza, Lot 24 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 2 Location of new proposed sign for B-106A. Avon Plaza is the L shaped building with red metal roof. Review Criteria According to the AMC, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: a. Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate individuality. b. Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual business. c. Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association. d. All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and number of signs for the site and buildings. e. Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant. Staff Response: The Sign Program is compatible with the site and building, and provides for more alternative design types than the original Program. While this process was initiated by one business, another business also added elements to the application, the HOA is heavily involved in the changes, and the structure of the HOA and property makes it unlikely that any new proposal would have come from th e HOA itself. The Program provides more flexibility and does not result in a greater burden for any tenants. The cost of the proposed sign types is not prohibitive for new tenants or signs, and the transition from the old program to the new one will be v isually harmonious. Even with instances of visual incongruity, the new Program is a considered a net benefit to the Town and the property. Page 10 of Exhibit B shows a good demonstration of what the two programs might look like during the transition. The written and plan form of the Program meet the Sign Code standards. June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Avon Plaza, Lot 24 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 3 Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN17004, a Sign Program Amendment application with the findings as recommended by staff.” Finding: The Application was reviewed in conformance with Section 15.28, Sign Code, and found to be in conformance with the design review criteria outlined in Section 15.28.070, Avon Municipal Code. Exhibits A. Sign Program (Proposed) B. Sign Program Exhibits (Proposed) C. Sign Program (Existing) 2 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM AVON PLAZA BUILDING EAST BEAVER CREEK BLVD. AVON, COLORADO SEPTEMBER 1996 THE AVON PLAZA BUILDING WILL CONSIST OF A BUILDING HAYING A MIXED USE OF RETAIL AND COMMERCIAL TENANTS. THE INTENT IS TO PROVIDE A POSITIVE DEVELOPMENT TO THE COMMERCIAL CORE OF AVON. IN KEEPING WITH ,THIS GOAL, ALL DESIGNS, MATERIALS, WORKMANSHIP, AND MAINTENANCE WILL BE OF A FIRST CLASS NATURE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS INTENT THE COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM SHALL: I. IDENTIFY THE DEVELOPMENT FROM ADJACENT STREETS TO VEHICLAR TRAFFIC. 2.IDENTIFY FIRST FLOOR TENANTS AND SERVICES. 3.IDENTIFY MAJOR SECOND FLOOR TENANTS. 4.IDENTIFY TO PEDESTRIANS AND VEHICLUAR TRAFFIC THE BUILDING ENTRANCES AND PARKING LOCATIONS. ·. ')A. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: I. ALL TENANTS AND OWNERS WILL SUBMIT TO THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL PROPOSED SIGNAGE. WRITTEN APPROVAL IS NEEDED PRIOR TO SUBMISSION TO THE TOWN OF AVON. 2.ALL IMPROVEMENTS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CONDOMINIUM OWNER, AND UPON VACATING BY A TENANT, THE EXISTING SIGNAGE WILL BE REMOVED AND ALL HOLES AND DISCOLORATION WILL BE PROMPTLY AND PROFESSIONALLYREPAIRED, (BY THE CONDOMINIUM OWNER). THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION WILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO PERFORM SUCH WORK, IF NOT DONE BY THE CONDOMINIUM OWNER IN A TIMELY OR PROFESSIONAL MANNER, AND LIEN THI;: PROPERTY FOR ALL COSTS INCURRED. Exhibit A 3 B.SIGNAGE SPECIFICATION I.BUILDING IDENTIFCATION THE BUILDING IDENTIFICATION LOCATIONS ARE SIGN LOCATIONS A &B ON THE TWO SIDES OF THE EAST TOWER ON BUILDING A. THESE SIGNS SHALL CONSIST OF INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS, STUD MOUNTED, AS SHOWN IN EXHIBITS 4 &5. ALL FACES ARE TO BE TERRA-COATA IN COLOR, SIMILAR TO THE ROOF COLOR, PMS # 167. SIGN SIZE AREAS ARE INDICATED IN EXHIBIT 2. THE BUILDING NAME MAY INCORPORATE THAT OF AN ANCHOR TENANT. 2.FIRST FLOOR TENANT SIGNAGE Italic copy = Delete below see amend to: TENANT IDENTIFICATION WILL BE IN THE AREAS INDICATED ON EXHIBITS 4, 5, 6 &7. THESE SIGNS WILL BE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS, FACES PAINTED GREEN, SIMILAR TO PMS 3435C,TRIM &RETURNS WILL BE PAINTED ANODIZED BRONZE,AND THE SIGNS MAY CONSIST OF TEXT AND LOGOS, WITH THE LOGOS COMPRISING A MAXIMUM OF 35% OF THE ACTUAL SIGNAGE. MAXIMUM OVERALL HEIGHT SHALL BE 26", AND MAXIMUM LENGTH SHALL BE 60% OF THE SPACE FRONTAGE. (SEE EXHIBIT 1). MAXIMUM LETTER HEIGHT FOR A SINGLE LINE OF TYPE SHALL BE 20". A MAXIMUM OF TWO LINES OF COPY SHALL BE ALLOWED, IN WHICH CASE A MINIMUM HEIGHT SHALL BE 8", AND A MAXIMUM SHALL BE 16" PER LINE, NOT TO EXCEED 26" IN TOTAL HEIGHT. THE LOGO HEIGHT MAY BE 26". THE TEXT PORTION MAY CONSIST OF A BUSINESS NAME AND THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS. THE BUSINESS NAME SHALL BE 50 % OF THE SIGN SQUARE FOOTAGE, OR GREATER. THE NATURE OF THE BUSINESS PORTION MAY BE ILLUMINATED, OR NOT, AT THE OPTION OF THE BUSINESS. IF NOT ILLUMINATED, THE TEXT SHALL BE PAINTED METAL LETTERS,WITH GREEN PMS 3435C, 3.AMEND TO Tenant Identification locations will (remain) in areas indicated on exhisting exhibits 4, 5, 6, 7. An additional location for Building B Unit 106A has been added per NEW exhibit 7B. Not to exceed 25 s/ft for Unit 106A. Tenant Sq. Ft. allowance shall be equal to sign having overall height of 26” and length of 60% of the tenants linear Custom shapes and broken borders on sign faces will be allowed and if height of sign increases the length of size should be shortened to keep tenant in allocated sq. ft. allowance. Logo styles, letter heights etc. will be at the tenants discretion while staying with-in the maximum sq footage allowance. Colors and font choices for sign faces are at the tenants discretion but will need approved by the building association. Cabinet box edges or reveals should all be MAP paint color dark bronze for consistency in all sign cabinets. (see materials examples) 4.ALL WORKMANSHIP AND SPECIFICATIONS WILL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS. 5.THE COST OF OBTAINING PERMITS AND APPROVALS WILL BE THAT OF THE CONDOMINIUM OWNER. store front per sign location. 4 TYPESTYLES AND LOGOS SHALL BE UP TO TENANT SELECTION, BUT WRITTEN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPATIBILITY OF SUCH SIGNAGE WITH THE FIRST CLASS IMAGE THAT THE AVON PLAZA COMPLEX IS MAINTAINING. THE LOGO COLOR, AT THE DESCRETION OF THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, MAY DIFFER FROM THE PMS 3435C GREEN. IF A FIRST FLOOR BUSINESS OCCUPIES MORE THEN ONE SPACE, THAT TENANT CAN USE THE SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOWANCE FOR THE FIRST SPACE, AND 50% OF THE SQUARE FOOTAGE ALLOWANCE FOR THE SECOND SPACE, FOR A MAXIMUM OF 45 SQUARE FEET PER SIGN. ALL WINDOW SIGNAGE SHALL CONFORM TO THE THEN CURRENT TOWN OF AVON PERMITTED SIGNAGE. COLORS, SIZE AND PLACEMENT SHALL FIRST REQUIRE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION TO INSURE COMPATIBILITY OF SUCH SIGNAGE WITH THE FIRST CLASS IMAGE THAT THE AVON PLAZA COMPLEX IS MAINTAINING. EACH FIRST FLOOR TENANT MAY HANG A I ' X 4' DOUBLE FACED SIGN IN THE WALKWAY IN FRONT OF THE MAIN STORE ENTRANCE. THE SIGN CAN BE OF COLOR AND STYLE OF THE TENANTS SELECTION (SUCH AS ROUTED, SANDBLASTED, OR SURFACE GRAPHICS). SEE EXHIBIT 10. \ 3. SECOND LEVEL TENANTS TENANTS OF SPACE 207 MAY HAVE AN EXTERIOR SIGN AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT 7. THIS SIGN MAY NOT EXCEED 30 SQUARE FEET. MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF PAN CHANNEL LETTERS (OR \4'' THICK MINIMUM FOR METAL LETTERS). COLOR SHALL BE GREEN, PMS 3435C FOR THE FACE AND, IF PAN CHANNEL, HAVE AN ANODIZED BRONZE COLOR FOR THE TRIM AND RETURN. THE ENTRY AREAS TO THE SECOND FLOOR OFFICE BUILDING MAY HAVE A MATCHING QUALITY SIGN OUTSIDE THE ENTRY TO EACH STAIRWAY. THE SIGN SHALL HAVE TEXT SIMILAR TO "OFFICE ENTRANCE", AND LOCATED AS SHOWN IN EXHIBITS 5 & 7. A DIRECTORY OF 24 X 36 INCHES MAY BE PLACED BY THE ENTRY DOOR TO THE UPSTAIRS, AND LIST THE TENANT LOCATED IN THE COMPLEX. AMMENDED ADDITION: SECOND LEVEL TENANTS WILL BE ALLOWED WINDOW SIGNAGE NOT TO EXCEED 25% OF THE GLASS AREAS OF SECOND FLOOR TENANTS WITH A BUILDING RESTRICTION OF NO MORE THAN 25 SQ FT IN WINDOW SIGNS FOR ANY 1 GIVEN WINDOW SPACE. 3. TEMPORARY SIGNAGE AFTER APPROVAL OF A PERMANENT SIGN BY THE TOWN OF AVON, THE TENANT CAN UTILIZE A TEMPORARY BANNER. THE COLOR SHALL BE A TAN COLOR SIMILAR TO THE BUILDING COLOR, THE COPY WILL GREEN, SIMILAR TO PMS 3435 COLOR, AND THE COPY SIZE, LAYOUT AND TYPESTYLE SHALL BE SIMILAR TO THAT APPROVED IN THE PERMANENT SIGNAGE. THE TEMPORARY BANNER MAY BE USED FOR A MAXIMUM OF 60 DAYS DURING THE MANUFACTURING OF THE PERMANENT SIGNAGE. EXHIBIT #! AVON PLAZA BUILDING TENANT SIGNAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE & SPECIFICATIONS SIGN LINEAR 60% MAX MAX SQ FT SIZE W/ LOC # FRONTAGE WIDTH 26" HIGH COPY UNIT 101 94' 1 SIDE 22.5' 13.5' 30 2 FRONT 28'16.8'30 3 UNIT 102A 31'18.6'30 4 UNIT 102B 31'18.6' 30 5 UNIT 103A 22.5'13.5' 30 6 UNIT 103B 22.5' 13.5' 30 7 UNIT 104 24'14.4' 30 8 UNIT 105 66'39.6 45 9 UNIT 106A 22.5 13.5 30 10 UNIT 106B 22.5 13.5 30 UNIT 107 73 11 FRONT 45'27.0 45 12 SIDE UNIT 207 28'16.8 30 13 FRONT 31'18.6 30 ::) ADDITIONAL SIGN SPECIFICATIONS I. ALL PERMITS FOR SIGNS AND THEIR INSTALLATION SHALL BE OBTAINED BY THE TENANT AND COMPLY WITH ALL GOVERNMENTAL ORDINANCES. 2. A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN WILL NEED TO MAKE THE FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AFTER SIGN INSTALLATION. Delete see amended below 3. ALL PAN CHANNEL LETTERS WILL BE 5" DEEP, FABRICATED FROM PAINTLOK SHEET METAL (24 GAUGE), OR ALUMINUM AND BE MOUNTED DIRECTLY TO THE BUILDING VIA A THIN RACEWAY AS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT 9. THE MINIMUM STROKE SHALL BE I 3/4" TO PERMIT UL APPROVED HOUSINGS FOR ALL PENETRATIONS. ALL ELECTRICAL SHALL BE UL LABELED. TYPESTYLES AT TENANT OPTION. 4. ALL NON-ILLUMINATED COPY AND LOGO WILL BE STUD MOUNTED WITH A 1/2" TO I" REVEAL AND BE FABRICATED FROM CAST OR CUT OUT METAL LETTERS PAINTED, MINIMUM THICKNESS TO BE 1/4". AMEND 3 & 4 ABOVE TO: Tenant signs shall be an illuminated metal cabinet box using interior white LED lighting components. Business name, logo’s and/or lettering should be relief cut (routed) out of a metal or aluminum sign face utilizing routed relief area allowing light through acrylic for logo’s, business name, branding and coloriaztion accents. Lettering or routed areas will have option of translucent flush acrylic or push through dimensional letters which create halo around letters or a combination of the two. (see material examples) 5. ALL SIGNS ARE TO BE CENTERED HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY IN THE TENANT SIGN AREA, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. 6. (Delete see above) THE COLORS OF THE LETTERS SHALL BE GREEN, SIMILAR TO PMS 3435C FOR THE FACES AND METAL LETTERS, AND ANODIZED BRONZED, SIMILAR TO THE WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES FOR THE RETURNS. 7. (Delete see above) ALL SIGNS WILL BE ILLUMINATED WITH 60 MA EXHIBIT 2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE & SPECIFICATIONS BUILDING A SIGN FACE A -EAST ELEVATION BUIDING A SIGN FACE B - NORTH ELEVATON SIGN AREA 4' HIGH X 18' WIDE SIGN AREA 4' HIGH X 18' WIDE ABOVE SIGNAGE TO BE REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS, MOUNTED WITH OR WITHOUT RACEWAY (FABRICATION OPTION). FACE AND RETURN OF LETTERS TO BE TERRA-COATA, SIMILAR TO THE ROOF, PMS 167. ADDITIONAL SIGN SPECIFICATIONS 1. A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN WILL NEED TO MAKE THE FINAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AFTER SIGN INSTALLATION. 2. ALL REVERSE PAN CHANNEL LETTERS WILL BE A MINIMUM OF 5" DEEP, FABRICATED FROM PAINTLOK SHEET METAL (24 GAUGE), OR ALUMINUM. THE MINIMUM STROKE SHALL BE I 3/4" TO PERMIT UL APPROVED HOUSINGS FOR ALL WALL PENETRATIONS. ALL ELECTRICAL SHALL BE UL LABELED. ILLUMINATION WILL COME FROM WHITE 15 MM #6500 NEON. 3. ALL SIGNS ARE TO BE CENTERED HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY IN THE BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGN AREA. 4. ALL SIGNS WILL BE ILLUMINATED WITH 60 MA TRANSFORMERS TO PROVIDE EVEN ILLUMINATION IN COLD WEATHER. PARKING SIGNAGE- SEE EXHIBIT XXX. l. P-1 DUMPSTER PARKING (12 X 18) 2. P-2 HANDICAPPED PARKING (4)(12 X 18) 3. P-3 LOADING AREA PARKING LIMITS (12 X 18) 4. P-4 PARKING FOR AVON PLAZA ONLY TO BE PLACED AS APPROPRIATE (18 X 24) pg 1 AMENDED SIGN LOCATION EAST WALL FACING CITY MARKET UNIT B-106A ALLOWED ADDITIONAL SIGN LOCATION EXHIBIT 7B Exhibit B BUILDING A EAST ELEVATION EXHIBIT 4 pg 2 EXHIBIT 5A BUILDING A EAST ELEVATION pg 3 EXHIBIT 5B BUILDING A NORTH ELEVATION pg 4 EXHIBIT 6 pg 5 BUILDING B NORTH ELEVATION EXHIBIT 7 pg 6BUILDING B EAST ELEVATION (2) Example of Routed copy no push thru (1) Example of Push thru Letters (3) Example of Combo Push thru Letters Routed Tag Line pg 4 Materials Options Exhibit A photo sample T he UPS Stor eThe UPS Stor e pg 8Materials Options Exhibit A Continued (4) Example Custom Shape Face and Push Thru Letters (5) Example Custom Shape Digitally printed Texture Background Thru Letters, Broken Border Icon (7) Example Cabinet Box Push Thru Letters Broken Border Icon (6) Example of Cabinet Box Routed Face with separate logo Icon pg 9 SAMPLE SIGN DISPLAY pg 10 EXHIBIT 5A SIGN LOCATIONS EXAMPLE SIGN LOCATIONS / AMENDED MATERIALS Exhibit C June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Mein Haus 228 West Beaver Creek Boulevard, Lot 37 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 1 Staff Report – Sign Design June 6, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project type: Sign Design Zoning: Residential Duplex (Short Term Rental Overlay) Address: 228 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Location: Prepared By: Lot 37 A&B and Benchmark at Beaver Creek David McWilliams, Town Planer Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: 1. SGN17005: Sign Design for a new “Mein Haus” sign. This application seeks approval for one building identification sign. Summary of Request Todd Roehr (the Applicant) is proposing to replace an existing building identification sign for the Mein Haus B&B. The current sign is located under the main entrance portico. It is reportedly hard to locate. Applicant has demonstrated that the new sign’s 12 square feet conforms to the allowable size given the property’s lineal street frontage of 68’8”. Mein Haus property location. The new sign (Exhibit A) is of non-reflective, three dimensional individual wooden black letters, with red and black outlined Mein Haus chimney logo projecting 1” from the wall. It will be illuminated from above with two black fixtures facing the signage. It will be located above the garage, near the reception door. Review Criteria The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Mein Haus 228 West Beaver Creek Boulevard, Lot 37 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 2 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; 6. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response The sign meets the sign code requirements for high quality construction, and meets the size requirements for 68 feet of frontage. The materials and sign design meet the sign code and the design is appropriate when viewed in the neighborhood context - a mix of apartments and rental condos. Staff Recommendation for Case #SGN17005 Staff recommends approving Case #SGN17005 on consent agenda as it meets the requirements of the Sign Code and no public hearing is required for sign design review. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN17005, a Sign Design application with the following finding: 1. The Application was reviewed in conformance with Section 15.28, Sign Code, and found to be in conformance with the design review criteria outlined in Section 15.28.070, Avon Municipal Code.” Attachments  Sign Design (Proposed) June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ANB Bank Lot 70 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 1 Staff Report – Sign Program Amendment Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC:  SGN17006: Sign Program Amendment for ANB Bank. This application seeks approval for a new Sign Program that allows a larger monument sign. Summary Amanda Fitzjarrald (the Applicant) is presenting an updated Sign Program proposal for the ANB Bank. The new Program is included as Exhibit A, and the only substantive changes are to the monument sign design - to a two sided 4’5” display. The monument from the original Program, included as Exhibit B, shows the monument sign to be 8’ tall and one sided. This proposal calls for one monument with one “tenant” sign and a directional sign on the monument. The total square footage of the proposed monument sign face is 22.2 s.f (ANB Bank Signage: 5 s.f. per side, 10 s.f total; Parking / Drive Up Signage: 6.1 s.f. per side, 12.2 s.f. total). Because this property has a Master Sign Program, t here is not codified limit to the square footage of signs. N earby monuments are generally taller with smaller tenant identification signs than the monument proposed at ANB. For example, the Sun and Ski tenant is provided 2 s.f. per side from a 8’ high mo nument; and the Benchmark Shopping Center is provided 1.45 s.f. per tenant per side . The Boat Building is provided a maximum of 4.88 s.f per tenant per side on a 7’ monument. Given the location, the lower height is important to not overwhelm pedestrians. The application proposes placing the monument next to the curb cut north on Beaver Creek Place, instead of the sign at the corner of Beaver Creek Place and Benchmark Boulevard. This location is preferred due to its increased visibility from the street. It also clearly marks the entrance to the parking area. There is an existing directional sign on the opposite side of the curb cut from the proposed sign. PZC must determine whether the dual freestanding signs at one vehicle entrance is excessive in th e proposed location. The monument sign faces and returns are aluminum and there are no concerns with materiality. The sign would be lit with interior LEDs, consistent with other signage on the property. Meeting Date: Project Name: June 6, 2017 SGN17006 Zoning: Shopping Center Address: 71 Beaver Creek Place Location: Prepared By: Lot 70 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek David McWilliams, Town Planner June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ANB Bank Lot 70 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 2 Current picture with proposed location. Google Earth picture showing existing directional . Review Criteria According to the AMC, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: a. Sign programs shall be compatible with the site and building, and should provide for a similarity of types, sizes, styles and materials for signs within a project. Several alternatives for signage should be included in the program so as not to be so restrictive as to eliminate individuality. b. Sign programs may be proposed or changed only by the owners of the building or the owners' association. Sign program changes or proposals may not be made by an individual business. c. Proposed signs, not in accordance with an approved sign program, will only be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission upon receipt of written evidence that the proposed sign is acceptable to the owners of the building or the owners' association. d. All sign programs shall be in written and plan form. Plans shall indicate size, location, type and number of signs for the site and buildings. e. Programs may include limitations on wording, colors, design, lighting, materials and other restrictions, and deemed appropriate by the applicant. Staff Response: The Sign Program is compatible with the site and the building. The alternative designs for tenants are generally included, and not part of this application. The second, smaller monument might be superfluous given the location and messaging of the proposed monument. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN17006, a Sign Program Amendment application with the findings as recommended by staff.” June 6, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting ANB Bank Lot 70 Block 2 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Page | 3 Finding:  The Application was reviewed in conformance with Section 15.28, Sign Code, and found to be in conformance with the design review criteria outlined in Section 15.28.070, Avon Municipal Code. Exhibits A. Sign Program (Proposed) B. Existing Monument C. Site Plan showing Monument Location Exhibit B Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 1 STAFF REPORT To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planning Director Meeting Date: June 6, 2017 Project Files: PUBLIC HEARING MNR17016– Beaver Creek Blvd. Streetscape Improvements SGN17007– Sign Design SUMMARY For review is a Minor Design and Development Plan application for landscaping and lighting for areas of the Beaver Creek Boulevard right-of-way. Attached to this Staff Report (“Exhibit A”) are the Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvement drawings which detail a complete reconstruction of the street from Lake Street to Beaver Creek Place. Exhibit B shows the Electrical/Lighting plan for light fixture locations. The design drawings are derived from the 90% Design Development plans, which will eventually be completed and used to bid the project. Construction is scheduled for spring 2018, with the potential to commence this fall with some utility work. The primary goals for the redesign of Beaver Creek Boulevard include:  increased safety, improved multi-modal infrastructure  enhanced image and character Streetscape improvements along the corridor include:  wider and more welcoming sidewalks with planting displays and street trees  increased and enhanced pedestrian crosswalks  on-street parking to offer an alternative to the nearby surface parking lots  narrowed drive lanes  dedicated bicycle lanes that will connect to a larger cyclist network in the years to come The Planning and Zoning Commission’s scope of review includes vertical improvements such as lighting and landscaping. Additionally, there is one variable message sign for review and separate action. The review will not include overarching design principles such as turn lanes, parking orientation, bike lane locations, travel lane widths, etc. Those general design elements were reviewed by the Town Council earlier this year before proceeding to this level of detailed review. BACKGROUND In July 2015, Blue Zones, LLC, led by Dan Burden, held a Walkability Workshop to learn how Avon could capitalize on our assets and become are more walkable place for residents and guests. The recommendations from the workshop were memorialized in a report titled “Creating a Vision Toward a More Prosperous Future Through Healthier Built Environments” http://www.avon.org/DocumentCenter/View/14163. One of the key Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 2 recommendations that resulted from the community outreach and report includes implementation of complete streets, walkability, bikability, and placemaking into the redesign of Beaver Creek Boulevard. Led by the Town Council, the redesign and reconstruction of Beaver Creek Boulevard were budgeted in the Capital Improvement Program. Design Workshop was retained to rethink the future of the road with the vision: “Transform Beaver Creek Boulevard into a welcoming and pedestrian friendly street for Avon residents and visitors, all day, every day!” A “road diet” experiment was tested first in 2015, with restriping only, and in 2016 with additional crossings and bulb-out areas for refuge and narrowed crossings. Other design principles were tested including narrowed travel lanes and back-in angled parking. Several site walks, open houses, business outreach sessions, and public meetings took place in summer and fall of 2016 to gather input and further refine the design. In February 2017, the Town Council authorized the completion of the redesign drawings. The attached design plans were modified based upon feedback received, and are the culmination of several months of planning and design work. DESIGN DETAILS The proposed plans include the following elements:  Wider sidewalk/pedestrian areas.  Lighting uniformity with added fixtures where gaps were identified.  A completely redefined Landscape Plan throughout the entire length of the project.  Pedestrian crossings with pavers to match Town specifications.  Concrete details for sidewalk areas.  Variable Message Sign located near the Comfort Inn Bus stop before Lake Street.  Narrowed driving lanes with dedicated bike lanes throughout. REVIEW CRITERIA The PZC shall use the Development Plan and Design Review criteria as the basis for a decision on the landscaping and lighting. Staff has provided a response to each mandatory review criteria, and cited applicable code language below for reference: §7.16.080(f), Development Plan (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the Purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Development Code is intended to “promote design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary to Avon’s sub-alpine environment.” One of the over- riding goals for this project is to improve the appearance of one the Town’s main east-west traffic corridors with improvements that reflect and respect the local environment. The plant species were carefully selected based upon our sub-alpine environment, and locations of plantings were sensitive to the orientation with respect to buildings, underground utilities, and site lines for safety. Additionally, the plant and tree palette was selected to gain compatibility with Avon Road plantings that were installed three years ago. Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 3 (2) Evidence of substantial compliance with the §7.16.090, Design Review. Staff Response: The Application is in compliance with the review criteria for Design Review; specifically, the design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community (§7.16.080(f) (1). The streetscape elements are high quality, aesthetically pleasing, and help to define the Town and the resort experience for visitors. The design takes queues from other streetscape projects (i.e. Lake Street); however, the design makes a statement, while remaining individual in its statement (3) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The Design and Development Plan elements reinforce many components of the Avon Comprehensive Plan (2017). The Opportunities and Constraints diagram and Community Framework Plan highlight the need to enhance community gateways. The Avon Comprehensive Plan includes several Goals and Policies that appear to be addressed with this Application, including the following: Goal C.2: Create community gateways and streetscapes that reflect and strengthen Avon’s unique community character and image. The Avon Comprehensive Plan breaks the Town into multiple planning districts for more detailed direction. District 1: Town Center District encompasses the entire area of this project. The Town Center District contains planning principles worth noting that relate to this application and other capital improvement investments in Town, such as:    Lastly, District 1: Town Center District supports pedestrian crossings over Beaver Creek Boulevard as depicted in the District Planning Map below: Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 4 (4) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: There are no precedent plans or subdivision plats pertinent to the Beaver Creek Boulevard Right-of-Way. The roadway right-of-way was platted with the exceptionally wide 80’ width to accommodate a true boulevard design. However, it was never implemented in favor of turn lanes. (5) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The Design Plan is in compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in the Development Code. Landscaping Section 7.28.050 of the Municipal Code governs landscaping standards. While the majority of the landscape code does not apply to this application (i.e. minimum landscaping and maximum irrigation standards) do to the location within public right-of-way, the overarching principles and goals of the landscape code should be followed. The purpose of the landscape code is as follows: (1) Integrates building sites with natural topography and existing vegetation; (2) Minimizes disturbed areas; (3) Respects the limited best uses of water resources. (4) Reduces the amount of reflected glare and heat absorbed in and around developments; (5) Breaks up large expanses of parking lots; and Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 5 (6) Preserves residential neighborhoods by lessening the impacts of potentially incompatible uses. A large portion of the project is hardscape, with landscape islands and planting areas in select locations. The irrigation plan for this project limits landscape areas to the extent possible with ground cover areas served by inline drip and trees irrigated using bubblers. The limited turf grass areas would be irrigated with pop up spray heads. The proposed plan helps to reduce the amount of reflected glare and heat absorbed around adjacent development by introducing planting areas and trees. Lighting The Electrical/Lighting Plan provides for 14’ pedestrian lights throughout the project with the existing lighting fixtures along the road to remain, and additional fixtures to fill in gaps that exist. The proposed lighting is all “full cutoff” by definition and in compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. Signage In addition to standard traffic regulatory signage, there is one (1) Variable Message Sign to be located in a landscaped island just west of the Comfort Inn bus stop. The Sign Code requires consideration of the following design guidelines: (a) Harmonious with Town scale. Sign location, configuration, design, materials and colors should be harmonious with the existing signs on the structure, with the neighborhood and with the Townscape. (b) Harmonious with building scale. The sign should be harmonious with the building scale, and should not visually dominate the structure to which it belongs or call undue attention to itself. (c) Materials. Quality sign materials, including anodized metal; routed or sandblasted wood, such as rough cedar or redwood; interior-lit, individual Plexiglas-faced letters; or three-dimensional individual letters with or without indirect lighting, are encouraged. Sign materials, such as printed plywood, interior-lit box-type plastic and paper or vinyl stick-on window signs are discouraged, but may be approved, however, if determined appropriate to the location, at the sole discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission. (d) Architectural harmony. The sign and its supporting structure should be in harmony architecturally, and in harmony in color with the surrounding structures. (e) Landscaping. Landscaping is required for all freestanding signs, and should be designed to enhance the signage and surrounding building landscaping. Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 6 (1) A minimum of five (5) lineal feet out from, and around the perimeter of, the sign shall be landscaped. (f) Reflective surfaces. Reflective surfaces are not allowed. (g) Lighting. Lighting should be of no greater wattage than is necessary to make the sign visible at night, and should not reflect unnecessarily onto adjacent properties. Lighting sources, except neon tubing, should not be directly visible to passing pedestrians or vehicles, and should be concealed in such a manner that direct light does not shine in a disturbing manner. Cabinet style for VMS Proposed Stone Base for VMS The proposed VMS sign is constructed of materials consistent with other signs, and appears to be appropriate for the setting it is located in. The materials are high quality, and the stone would match the new Town standard as used on the Performance Pavilion and recent restroom remodel project. Landscaping surrounds the freestanding sign. (6) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: These improvements can be served by city services. §7.16.090(f), Design Review (1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application reinforces the character that is emerging in the Town Center with compatible paving designs, colors, light fixtures, and landscape selections. The Variable Message Sign is consistent in design with others in Town Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 7 (2) The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design plan demonstrates compliance with the development and design standards established in the Development Code. (3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: The design elements in this Application bring forward several of the long range goals and design criteria form the Avon Comprehensive Plan. These improvements are intended to tie seamlessly with neighboring improvements to better define and connect the Town Center district across Avon Road. The improvements continue to define Avon as a destination resort with higher quality design elements, and the design directly implements goals, policies, and principles highlighted above from the Avon Comprehensive Plan. PZC OPTIONS 1. Continue the files to next meeting. 2. Approve as submitted. 3. Approve with Conditions. RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the Minor Design and Development Plan, and Sign Design applications. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS Minor Design and Development Plan “I move to approve File #MNR17016, a Minor Design & Development Plan for landscaping and lighting modifications included as part of the Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements, citing the following findings: 1. The application is in conformance with the review criteria contained in §7.16.080(f) and §7.16.090(f), AMC. 2. The Avon Comprehensive Plan’s goals and policies support streetscape design that enhances the pedestrian environment. 3. Signage, streetscape design, landscaping, points of interest, and other wayfinding elements are directly supported by the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 4. The Landscape Plan complies with the intent of Chapter 7.28.050, Landscaping, Avon Municipal Code. 5. The VMS sign is in compliance with the Sign Code design guidelines. 6. All lighting is in compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance.” Sign Design “I move to approve Case #SGN17007, a Sign Design application for a new Variable Message Sign on West Beaver Creek Boulevard, with the following finding: 1. The Application was reviewed in conformance with Section 15.28, Sign Code, and found to be in conformance with the design review criteria outlined in Section 15.28.070, Avon Municipal Code.” Beaver Creek Blvd Streetscape Improvements – June 6, 2017 PZC Meeting 8 ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A – Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements, dated June 6, 2017 Exhibit B - Electrical/Lighting Plan BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PLANNING & ZONING COMISSION SET –JUNE 6TH, 2017 BEAVER CREEKBLVD. STREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTS90% DESIGN DEVELOPMENTMAY 26, 2017TOWN OF AVON, COLORADOThe Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Improvements project includes realignment and landscape design between lake Street and Beaver CreekPlace and introduces a Complete Street element to an otherwise auto-dominated corridor. This design package includes plans to support a multi-modalstreet and addresses automobile, pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation, drainage and stormwater management, pedestrian crosswalks, sidewalkbulb outs, on-street parking, furnishings, irrigation and planting design. Proposed work also includes tree removal and protection.This Drawing Set includes work prepared by site work consultants including civil engineering, lighting and electrical design, transportation planning andtransit engineering and irrigation design.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT:DESIGNWORKSHOP120 East Main StreetAspen, Colorado 81611Tel: (970) 925-8354Fax: (970) 920-1387Contact: Marianne StuckSheetNo.Sheet TitleSheet IndexLandscape Drawings:OWNERTown of AvonOne Lake StreetAvon, CO 81620Tel: (970) 748-4045Contact: Justin HildrethCIVIL ENGINEER:JVA Consulting Engineers214 8th Street, Suite 210Glenwood Springs, CO 81601Tel: (970) 404-3100Contact: Gregory SchroederNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONTRAFFIC ENGINEER:McDowell EngineeringPO Box 4259Eagle, CO 81631Tel: (970) 623-0788Contact: Kari McDowellProject Description or Supplemental Information04/24/17 - 50% DD Set SheetNo.Sheet TitleConsultant Drawings:Date Date Date CIVIL ENGINEERING SERIES:C 0.1 General Notes, Legend & Abbreviations●C 0.2 - 0.10 Demolition Plan ●○CE 1.0 Erosion Control Plan●C 1.0 - 1.8 Grading and Drainage Plan●CD 1.0 Grading and Drainage Details●C 2.0- 2.8 Utility Plan●○C 3.0 - 3.8 Horizontal Control Plan●CD3.0 Site Details●○C 4.0 - 4.3 Road Plan & Profile● LIGHTING SERIES: E-01 Electrical Lighting Plan ● ○ E-02 Electrical Lighting Plan ● ○ E-03 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○ E-04 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○ E-05 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○ E-06 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○ E-07 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○ E-08 Electrical Lighting Plan ● ○ E-09 Electrical Lighting Plan ●○IRRIGATION SYSTEM SERIES: IR-01 Irrigation Legend and Notes● IR-02 Irrigation Plan● IR-03 Irrigation Plan● IR-04 Irrigation Plan● IR-05 Irrigation Plan● IR-06 Irrigation Plan● IR-07 Irrigation Plan● IR-08Irrigation Plan● IR-09 Irrigation Plan ● IR-10 Irrigation Plan● IR-11 Irrigation Details● IR-12 Irrigation Details● IR-13Irrigation Details ● Date Date DateGENERAL INFORMATION:L0-00 Cover ● ○L0-01 Hardscape Site Reference Plan ● ●L0-02 Softscape Site Reference Plan ● ●L0-03Key Plan●●L0-04General Information and Legend ●○PLANT PROTECTION AND REMOVAL SERIES:L1-01 Plant Protection and Removal Plan● ○L1-02Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-03Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-04Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-05Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-06Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-07Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-08Plant Protection and Removal Plan ●○L1-09Plant Protection and Removal Plan ● ○SITE MATERIALS SERIES:L3-01 Site Materials Plan ● ○L3-02 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-03 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-04 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-05 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-06 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-07 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-08 Site Materials Plan ●○L3-09 Site Materials Plan ● ○SITE LAYOUT SERIES:L4-01 Site Layout Plan L4-02 Site Layout Plan L4-03 Site Layout Plan L4-04 Site Layout Plan L4-05 Site Layout Plan L4-06 Site Layout Plan L4-07 Site Layout Plan L4-08 Site Layout Plan L4-09 Site Layout Plan SITE DETAILS SERIES:L7-01 Site Details ● ○L7-02 Site Details ● ○L7-03 Site Details ●○PLANTING SERIES:L8-01 Planting Plan ● ○L8-02 Planting Plan ● ○L8-03 Planting Plan ●○L8-04 Planting Plan ●○L8-05 Planting Plan ●○L8-06 Planting Plan ●○L8-07 Planting Plan ●○L8-08 Planting Plan ●○L8-09 Planting Plan ●○SHEET LEGEND KEY:● Indicates included sheet○ Indicates included but revised sheetVicinty MapNORTHNORTHNote: As part of this project, the Contractor shall maintain a complete, up-to-date set of all Drawings and Specifications available for review at the construction siteby the Owner's Representative and Landscape Architect. In addition, the Contractor shall ensure all installations and coordination by all trades occurs inaccordance with the above revisions.DW Project Number: 5486I-70I-70Avon Road HWY 6HWY 6Nottingham LakeLake StreetBeaver CreekBlvdPLANTING DETAILS SERIES:L11-01 Planting Detail ●●L11-02 Planting Detail ● ●PLANT PROTECTION DETAIL SERIES:L12-01 Plant Protection Details●● LIGHTING DESIGN:BG BuildingworksPO Box 9650Avon, CO 81620Tel: (970) 949-6108Contact: Tim McCabeIRRIGATION DESIGN:Hines Irrigation323 West Drake Road #204Fort Collins, CO 80526Tel: (970) 282-1800Contact: Nate Hines04/24/17 - 50% DD SetSCALE: NTSSCALE: NTSAvon RoadAvon RoadLake S t r e e t BEAVER CREEKPLACEAVON CENTERPOSTOFFICE05/26/17 - 90% DD Set 05/26/17 - 90% DD Set CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 9:49amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L0-GEN.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverL0-03KEYPLANLX-01LX-02LX-03LX-04LX-05LX-06LX-07LX-08LX-09NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:30601201"=60'-00"WEST BEAVER CREEK BLVDAVON ROAD AVON ROAD LAKE STREETSUN ROAD BEAVER CREEKPLACEEAST BEAVER CREEK BLVDPOST OFFICESHERATON HOTELCOMFORT INNCHRISTIE LODGEFIRST BANKUS BANKAVON CENTER CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 9:49amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L0-GEN.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverL0-04GENERALINFORMATIONLANDSCAPE PLANTING NOTES1.Source of base sheets is (Edit as required)2.Refer to Civil Engineer's utility and precise grading plans for utility location and final grading. If actualsite conditions vary from what is shown on the plans, contact the Landscape Architect for direction as tohow to proceed.3.Verify locations of pertinent site improvements installed under other sections. If any part of this plancannot be followed due to site conditions, contact Landscape Architect for instructions prior tocommencing work.4.Exact locations of plant materials to be approved by the Landscape Architect in the field prior toinstallation. Landscape Architect reserves the right to adjust plants to exact location in field.5.Verify plant counts and square footages: Quantities are provided as Owner information only. If quantitieson plant list differ from graphic indications, then graphics shall prevail.6.Contact the local underground utility services for utility location and identification.7.Perform excavation in the vicinity of underground utilities with care and if necessary, by hand. TheContractor bears full responsibility for this work and disruption or damage to utilities shall be repairedimmediately at no expense to the Owner.8.Trees shall bear same relation to finished grade as it bore to existing.9.Provide matching forms and sizes for plant materials within each specie and size designated on thedrawings.10.Prune newly planted trees only as directed by Landscape Architect.11.Align and equally space in all directions shrubs so designated per these notes and drawings.12.Finish grades of shrub areas shall be 1 1/2 inches below adjacent paving or header.13.Provide specified edging as divider between planting beds.14.Provide burlap wrapping to second branch with 50% overlap.15.Cut and remove burlap from top 1/3 of ball.16.Landscape Architect to review plant materials at source or by photographs prior to digging or shipping ofplant materials.LAYOUT NOTES1.Layout and verify dimensions prior to construction. Bring discrepancies to the attention of theLandscape Architect.2.Written dimensions take precedence over scale. Do not scale drawings.3.Where dimensions are called as "equal," space referenced items equally, measured to (their centerlines) (a consistent edge).4.Measurements are to face of curb, wall or the fixed site improvement. Dimensions to center lines isindicated.5.Install intersecting elements at 90 degree angles to each other unless otherwise noted.6.Provide expansion joints where concrete flatwork meets vertical structures such as walls, curbs, stepsand building elements.7.Parking areas are dimensioned from face of curb.8.All lighting standards shall be set back 2'-0" clear from face of curb, and XX' from each other where andas shown.9.Expansion joints in walkways shall be located twenty feet (20'-0") O.C. maximum.10.All radii of walkway intersections shall be X'-X".1.Peak Land Consultants, Inc. has prepared the survey for this project. It has been reformatted foruse in and for preparation of these documents. Contractor shall obtain officially signed copy fromPeak Land Consultants Inc. (1000 Lion's Ridge Loop, Suite 1D, Vail, CO 81657, phone970-476-8644) and become familiar with it, the existing conditions and site context prior toconstruction. All discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the landscape architect forresolution immediately. The landscape architect is not responsible for errors or omissionsassociated with preparation or documentation of survey.2.Contractor is responsible for determining means and methods for construction. These drawingsindicate a limit of work for delineation of expected extents of disturbance. However, final impactshall be determined in the field. Should limits of disturbance exceed boundaries defined indrawings, contractor shall contact landscape architect for resolution.3.Contractor is responsible for repairing all work disturbed by construction outside of limit linesdefined on drawings or through his/her means and methods to a condition better than or equal tothe existing conditions prior to commencement of construction at no additional cost to the owner.4.Contractor is responsible for maintaining a complete up-to-date set of drawings and specificationsat the construction site and ensuring the documents are readily available for review by thelandscape architect and governing agency.5.The drawings and specifications are complementary to one another and implied to correspond withone another. Any discrepancies should be brought to the attention of the landscape architect forresolution immediately.GENERAL NOTESTABLE OF ABBREVIATIONSAPPROX ARCH AVG B&B BC BF BLDG BM BOC BR BRG BS BW CAL CAP CF CHAM CIP CJ CL CLR CM CO COMP CONC CONST CONT CONTR CU CY DBL DF DEG DEMO DIA DIM DTL DWG E EA EJ EL ELEC ENG EQ EQUIP EST E.W. EXIST EXP FF FG FIN FL FOC FT FTG GA GAL GC GEN HORIZ HP HT ID INV IN INCL INL IRR JT LIN LF LP LT MATL MAX MEMB MH MIN MISC MTD MTL N NIC NO NOM NTS OC OD OPP PAR PC PE PERF PED PI PL PT PVC PVMT PVR QTY R RECEP REF REINF REM REQ'D REV ROW RT S SAN SCH SD SEC SF SHT SI SIM SNT SPECS SQ ST SY STA STD STL STRL SYM T&B TBC TC TF THK TOC TOPO TSL TRAS TR TS TW TYP VAR VERT VEH VOL W/ W/O WT WL WWF YD @ APPROXIMATE ARCHITECT AVERAGE BALLED AND BURLAPPED BOTTOM OF CURB BOTTOM OF FOOTING BUILDING BENCHMARK BACK OF CURB BOTTOM OF RAMP BEARING BOTTOM OF STEP BOTTOM OF WALL CALIPER CAPACITY CUBIC FEET CHAMFER CAST IN PLACE CONTROL JOINT CENTER LINE CLEARANCE CENTIMETER CLEAN OUT COMPACTED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUOUS CONTRACTOR CUBIC CUBIC YARD DOUBLE DIRECTION OF FLOW DEGREE DEMOLISH, DEMOLITION DIAMETER DIMENSION DETAIL DRAWING EAST EACH EXPANSION JOINT ELEVATION ELECTRICAL ENGINEER EQUAL EQUIPMENT ESTIMATE EACH WAY EXISTING EXPANSION, EXPOSED FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FINISHED GRADE FINISH FLOW LINE FACE OF CURB FOOT (FEET) FOOTING GAUGE GALVANIZED GENERAL CONTRACT(OR) GENERAL HORIZONTAL HIGH POINT HEIGHT INSIDE DIAMETER INVERT ELEVATION INCH(ES) INCLUDE(D) INLET IRRIGATION JOINT LINEAR LINEAR FEET LOW POINT LIGHT MATERIAL MAXIMUM MEMBRANE MANHOLE MINIMUM MISCELLANEOUS MOUNTED METAL NORTH NOT IN CONTRACT NUMBER NOMINAL NOT TO SCALE ON CENTER OUTSIDE DIAMETER OPPOSITE PARALLEL POINT OF CURVATURE POLYURETHANE PERFORATED PEDESTRIAN POINT OF INTERSECTION PROPERTY LINE POINT, POINT OF TANGENCY POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PAVEMENT PAVER QUANTITY RADIUS RECEPTACLE REFERENCE REINFORCE(D) REMOVE REQUIRED REVISION, REVISED RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT SOUTH SANITARY SCHEDULE STORM DRAIN SECTION SQUARE FOOT (FEET) SHEET STORM INLET SIMILAR SEALANT SPECIFICATIONS SQUARE STORM SEWER SQUARE YARD STATION STANDARD STEEL STRUCTURAL SYMMETRICAL TOP AND BOTTOM TOP OF BACK CURB TOP OF CURB TOP OF FOOTING THICK TOP OF CONCRETE TOPOGRAPHY TOP OF SLAB TRANSFORMER TOP OF RAMP TOP OF STEP TOP OF WALL TYPICAL VARIES VERTICAL VEHICLE VOLUME WITH WITHOUT WEIGHT WEIR LEVEL WELDED WIRE FABRIC YARD AT LINETYPE LEGENDPROPOSEDRIGHT OF WAYEXISTINGADJACENT PROPERTY LINEEASEMENTSROAD CENTERLINEEDGE OF BUILDINGBURIED ELECTRIC LINEBURIED GAS LINEBURIED TELE/COMM LINEBURIED CABLE TV LINEBURIED FIBER OPTIC LINEBURIED WATER LINEBURIED SANITARY SEWER LINESTORM SEWERSYMBOLS LEGENDSAMPLE MATCHLINEMATCHLINE - SEE SHEET LX-03LIMIT OF WORKSTREET CENTERLINEEASEMENTPLANT PROTECTION LEGENDTREE PROTECTION FENCINGCONIFEROUS TREE TO REMAINDECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAINCONIFEROUS TREE TO BE REMOVEDDECIDUOUS TREE TO BE REMOVEDPEDESTRIAN CONCRETEMATERIALS LEGENDENHANCED PEDESTRIAN CONCRETECONCRETE UNIT PAVERBRICK PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGSEATING STONETRUNCATED DOMEPLANTING LEGENDPROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREEPROPOSED METAL EDGERBIOSWALE PLANTINGPROPOSED DECIDUOUS TREEComment1 gal.00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'Comment2" cal.00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESCOMMENTSSIZEQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGENDComment2" cal.00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'Comment1 gal.00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuumComment1 gal.00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteusComment1 gal.00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigeloviiComment00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'Comment00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosa1 gal.1 gal.ORNAMENTAL TREESComment00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens1 gal.12"see plansSPACINGsee plans12"18"24"18"18"18"Comment00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'1 gal.24"Comment1 gal.00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'18"PLANT IDENTIFICATION KEY(3) CSI-5PLANT SIZE (i.e. CALIPER,HEIGHT OR CONTAINER SIZE)PLANT ABBREVIATION(2-3 LETTERS, TYPICALLY FIRSTLETTER FROM PLANT'SBOTANICAL FIRST AND LASTNAME)QUANTITYNOTE: PLANT ABBREVIATION ON PLANT IDENTIFICATION KEYSHOULD CORRESPOND WITH ABBREVIATION ON PLANT LIST(i.e. CSI-5 SHOULD REFER TO A CORNUS SERICEA 'ISANTI', 5GALLON CONTAINER)"x" REFERENCE NOTES1Final Location of Path to be Determined in Field Under Direction of Landscape ArchitectNOTE CALL-OUTSERIES SPECIFIC REFERENCE NOTE(SUPPLEMENTAL TO KEYNOTES. TYPICALLYDESCRIBES ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED DURINGCONSTRUCTION. MAY REFERENCE A DETAIL ORSPECIFICATION OR BOTH.)SAMPLE REFERENCE NOTE DRAWING CALLOUT:5TYP.NOTE: "x" Refers to Drawing Series (i.e. SITE DEMOLITION REFERENCENOTES). THERE SHOULD BE SPECIFIC REFERENCE NOTES FOR EACHDRAWING SERIES. HOWEVER, SOME NOTES MAY APPEAR ONMULTIPLE SERIES.SITE DETAIL KEYNOTES:1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1x/ Lx-01STONE PAVING TYPE 1 - Sand Set w/Planting JointsSPEC.SECTION(S)321400RELATEDDETAIL(S)KEYNOTE HEADING(PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSYSTEM)KEYNOTE CALL-OUTKEYNOTE (SYSTEM)ITEM AND BRIEFDESCRIPTIONPRIMARY KEYNOTE DETAILREFERENCE (NUMBER ANDSHEET)SPECIFICATION REFERENCE (CSI SECTIONNUMBER MASTER FORMAT 2004 OR OTHERJURISDICTIONAL REQUIREMENT)NOTE: MULTIPLE SPECIFICATIONS MAY BEREFERENCEDTHE FOLLOWING LIST OF KEYNOTE HEADINGS (PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS) HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED WITHINTHIS DRAWING SET:1.0PAVEMENT, RAMPS, AND CURBS2.0JOINTING5.0SITE FURNITURE7.0SITE LIGHTING8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS11.0SIGNAGE (?)NOTE: IF A KEYNOTE HEADING IS NOT INCORPORATED INPROJECT, A "NOT USED AT THIS TIME" REFERENCE HAS BEENPROVIDED.3.2TYP.SAMPLE KEYNOTE DRAWING CALLOUT:DETAIL/SHEETx/ Lx-0x, x/ Lx-0x, x/ Lx-0xADDITIONAL DETAIL REFERENCES(COMPOSITE SECTIONS/ELEVATIONS,OTHER SECTIONS, ELEVATIONS OR 3DDRAWINGS, AND/OR TRANSITION ORCONNECTION DETAILS)NOTE: MULTIPLE DETAILS MAY BEREFERENCEDKEYNOTE LEGENDIRRIGATION NOTES1.Project will require a maximum of 25GPM depending on the equipment preferences of the Town.2.Two non-potable water lines available to use are located within the Limit of Work, one at Lake Street andone at the intersection of Beaver Creek Boulevard and Avon Road.3.The connection at Avon Road serves the roundabout and medians.4.Construction will likely be impacting approximately 12 adjacent properties and there will likely beirrigation that needs to be restored after thses improvements are made.5.No irrigation drawings are provided with this set, but will be included with the 100% DD set. MATCHLINE L3-02MATCHLINE L8-02 MATCHLINE L8-01 W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:03amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-01WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSHERATON HOTELLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT Map7TYP.10.410.3TYP.TYP.81TYP.2TYP. MATCHLINE L3-03 MATCHLINE L3-01MATCHLINE L8-02 MATCHLINE L8-03 MATCHLINE L8-01 MATCHLINE L8-02 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:04amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-02WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSHERATON HOTELLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1.610. Map5TYP.7TYP.4TYP.1TYP.2TYP. MATCHLINE L3-02 MATCHLIN E L 3 - 0 4 MATCHLINE L8-03MATCHLINE L8-02 MATCHLIN E L 8 - 0 3 MATCHLIN E L 8 - 0 4WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W WWWW W WWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:04amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-03WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSUN ROADLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARY UTILITY, SNOW STORAGE, RO A D W A Y M A I N T E N A N C E E A S E M E N T PROPERTY BOUNDARY UTILITY, SNOW STORAGE, RO A D W A Y M A I N T E N A N C E E A S E M E N T10.2TYP.'5.11.6Key MapPA1TYP.2TYP.7TYP.10.410.4 MATCHLINE L3-03 MATCHLI N E L 3 - 0 5 MATCHLINE L8-03MATCHLINE L8-04 MATCHLI N E L 8 - 0 5 MATCHLI N E L 8 - 0 4 WW WWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:06amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-04WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDAVON CENTERLIMIT OF WORKP R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y Map7TYP.10.4TYP. MATCHLINE L3-04 MATCHLINE L3-06 MATCHLINE L8-05MATCHLINE L8-04 MATCHLINE L8-06 MATCHLINE L8-05 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSA N SA N SA N SA N SA N SAN SA N SA N SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SA N SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:06amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-05WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDAVONCENTERLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PR O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y UTI L I T Y E A S E M E N T UTI L I T Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T Map3TYP.4TYP.1TYP.2TYP.PA1.27TYP. MAT C H L I N E L 3 - 0 2 MAT C H L IN E L 3 - 0 3 MAT C H L IN E L 3 - 0 1 MAT C H L I N E L 3 - 0 2 MATC H L I N E L 3 - 0 3 MATC H L I N E L 3 - 0 4 MATCHLIN E L 3 - 0 5 MATCHLINE L 3 - 0 4 MATCHLINE L3-06 MATCHLINE L3-05 MATCHLINE L3-07MATCHLINE L3-08 MATCHLINE L3-08MATCHLINE L3-09 MAT C H L I N E L 8 - 0 2 MAT C H L IN E L 8 - 0 3 MAT C H L IN E L 8 - 0 1 MAT C H L I N E L 8 - 0 2 MATC H L I N E L 8 - 0 3 MATC H L I N E L 8 - 0 4 MATCHLIN E L 8 - 0 5 MATCHLINE L 8 - 0 4 MATCHLINE L8-06 MATCHLINE L8-05 MATCHLINE L8-07MATCHLINE L8-08 MATCHLINE L8-08MATCHLINE L8-09 MATCHLINE L3-06MATCHLINE L3-05MATCHLINE L8-06MATCHLINE L8-05 UGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVU G T V U G T V UGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGTVUGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGE UGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEUGEU G E UGE UGE UGE UGEUGEU G E UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGE UGEGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GAS GASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASGASUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTUGTWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W WSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANS A N SA N S A N S A N SA N S A N SA N S A N SA N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N S A N CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:07amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-06Key MapWEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDUS BANKLIMIT OF WORKSANITARY SEWER EASEMENT1.2PAPAPAPATYP.1.5TYP.1TYP.2TYP.3TYP.761.11.8TYP. OF WORK MATCHLINE L3-08 MATCHLINE L8-07 MATCHLINE L8-08 W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:07amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-07EAST BEAVERCREEK BOULEVARDLIMIT OF WORKBENCHMARKPLAZA OFFICEAND RETAILTOWN OF AVON EASEMENT1.21.1PAPAPAPAPALIMIT OF WORK6TYP.1.41.8TYP. Map1TYP.2TYP.4TYP.TYP.7 MATCHLINE L3-07 MATCHLINE L3-09 MATCHLINE L8-07MATCHLINE L8-08 MATCHLINE L8-08 MATCHLINE L8-09 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:07amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-08EAST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDCHRISTIE LODGELIMIT OF WORKTOWN OF AVON EASEMENTPROP E R T Y B O U N D A R Y UTILIT Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T INGRE S S A N D E G R E S S E A S E M E N T UTILIT Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T INGRE S S A N D E G R E S S E A S E M E N T TOWN O F A V O N E A S E M E N T 1.510.3TYP.PAPAPAPAPAPALIMIT OF WORK1.55.11.36TYP.4TYP.1.51.8TYP. Map1TYP.2TYP.7TYP.PAPA MATCHLINE L3-08MATCHLINE L8-08MATCHLINE L8-09 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANS A N S A N S AN S AN S A N S A N S A N SAN S A N S A N S A N S AN S ANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:07amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L3-MAT.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverSITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS1.0PAVEMENTS, RAMPS, CURBS1.1Concrete Paving Type 1 - Grey Pedestrian1.2Concrete Paving Type 2 - Enhanced Pedestrian2.0JOINTING2.1Expanion Joint Type 1 - Non Doweled2.2Expansion Joint Type 2- Doweled3.0STEPS4.0SITE WALLS/ EMBANKMENTS5.0SITE FURNITURE5.1Trash Receptacle6.0RAILINGS, BARRIERS, FENCINGNot used at this time7.0SITE LIGHTINGPer BG Buildingworks Drawings8.0DRAINAGE9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPESee Planting and Landscape Series10.0MISCELLANEOUS ELEMENTS10.1Variable Message SignL0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION321316321316321373321373323300323300000000DETAIL /SHEET1 / L7-012 / L7-014 / L7-015 / L7-012 / L7-021 / L7-03Not used at this timeNot used at this timePer JVA Drawings1.3Brick Paving Type 1 - Curb BandL0-013214003 / L7-011.4Ramp Type 1 - Flared Side Slopes1.5Ramp Type 2 - Curb Sides5.2Bike RacksL0-013 / L7-021.6Ramp Type 3 - Curb and Flare2.3Control Joint Type 1 - Saw CutL0-013213736 / L7-012.4Brick Paving Joint Type 1 - Sand JointL0-013214001 / L7-0210.2Tree Grate Type 1 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.3Tree Grate Type 2 - TBDL0-013293002 / L7-0310.4Stone SeatL0-013233003 / L7-031.7Truncated Dome Paving Type 11.8Truncated Dome Paving Type 2 (curb)11.0PLANT PROTECTIONSee Plant Protection SeriesBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy CivilBy Civil1Crosswalk - see Civil DrawingsMATERIAL REFERENCE NOTES2Paving band - see Civil DrawingsCrosswalk striping - see Civil DrawingsPermeable parking - see Civil DrawingsBike lane - see Civil Drawings (coord. w/Traffic Engineer)345Lane markings - see Civil Drawings67Proposed Curb and Gutter - see Civil DrawingsPlanting Area - see Planting SeriesPA89Possible location for artProposed Bus Shelter by Town specs.MATERIALSPLANSNORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"L3-09EAST BEAVER CREEKBOULEVARDCHRISTIE LODGELIMIT OF WORKDRAINAGE AND UTILTIY EASEMENT1.61.21.1PALIMIT OF WORK6TYP.1.61.7TYP. CREEKPLACE1.85.15.110Key MapPA1TYP.2TYP.7TYP. MATCHLINE L8-02 W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:09amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-01WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSHERATON HOTELLIMIT OF WORKLAKE STREET COMFORTINNPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT 9.3(2)TREE TYPE 1TYP.2TYP.1TYP.(4)TREE TYPE 249.5TYP.(14) DC-1(8) OA-1(17) MB-1(4) AC-1(10) BGB-1(22) AM-1(5) AC-1(18) HS-133Key Map MATCHLINE L8-03 MATCHLINE L8-01 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:09amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-02WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSHERATON HOTELLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT(2)TREE TYPE 29.3TYP.(1)TREE TYPE 11TYP.2TYP.4444LIMIT OF WORK9.5TYP.(21) HS-1(#) BGB(#) DC-1(24) DC-1(19) HS-1(11) DC-1(29) HS-1(35) BGB(15) DC-1(11) DC-1(12) BGB4Key Map MATCHLINE L8-02 MATCHLIN E L 8 - 0 4WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W W W W W W W W W WWWW W WWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:09amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-03WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDSUN ROADLIMIT OF WORKUTILITY, SNOW STORAGE, ROA D W A Y M A I N T E N A N C E E A S E M E N T UTILITY, SNOW STORAGE, ROA D W A Y M A I N T E N A N C E E A S E M E N T(2)TREE TYPE 1(1)TREE TYPE 21TYP.2TYP.5555LIMIT OF WORK9.39.6TYP.TYP.9.6TYP.RIGHT OF WAY RIGHT OF WAY (36) BGB(5) PVHKey Map MATCHLINE L8-03 MATCHLI N E L 8 - 0 5 WW WWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:10amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-04WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDAVON CENTERLIMIT OF WORKP R O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y (3) TREE TYPE 19.3TYP.(4) TREE TYPE 129.65LIMIT OF WORK5TYP.9.2TYP.(61) PVH(64) BGB(16) BGB(54) BGB4Key Map MATCHLINE L8-04 MATCHLINE L8-06 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSA N SA N SA N SA N SA N SAN SA N SA N SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SAN SA N SA N SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:10amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-05WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDAVONCENTERLIMIT OF WORKPROPERTY BOUNDARYUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT PR O P E R T Y B O U N D A R Y UTI L I T Y E A S E M E N T UTI L I T Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T (1)TREE TYPE 121TYP.TYP.LIMIT OF WORK439.544TYP.9.33(21) BGB(9) BBB(23) HS-1(30) BGB(29) HS-1(16) OA-1(25) AM-1(5) AC-1(19) MB-1(17) DC-1(10) AC-1(41) BGB-1(20) MB-1(21) LA-1(5) AC-1(27) AM-1(6) AC-1(23) OA-1(12) LA-1(7) AC-1(20) AM-1(18) DC-1(17) LA-1(7) AC-1(11) LA-1(24) HS-1(24) AM-1(17) OA-1(11) BGB-1(36) BGB-1(22) HS-1Key Map MATCHLINE L8-05 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W W WSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANS A N SA N S A N S A N SA N S A N SA N S A N SA N S A N S A N S A N SANS A N SANSANSANSANS A N SANS A N SANSANS A N CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:10amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-06WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDUS BANKLIMIT OF WORKFIRST BANKLIMIT OF WORK39.533TYP.Key Map MATCHLINE L8-08 W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN SANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:11amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-07EAST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDLIMIT OF WORKBENCHMARKPLAZA OFFICEAND RETAILTOWN OF AVON EASEMENT(1)TREE TYPE 19.24LIMIT OF WORK349.5TYP.(50) PVH-1(21) AC-1(12) DC-1(23) LA-1(13) MB-1(23) OA-1(36) BGB-1(14) HS-1(23) AM-1(26) MB-1(15) AC-1(19) AM-1(19) HS-1(39) BGB-1(12) OA-1(18) LA-1(18) DC-1(15) AC-1(35) LA-1(9) HS-1(17) AM-1(12) DC-1(23) AM-1(5) HS-1(12) MB-1(12) BGB-1(12) HS-1(16) OA-1(34) PVH-1(31) LA-1(12) AC-1(12) OA-1Key Map MATCHLINE L8-07 MATCHLINE L8-09 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANCDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:11amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-08EAST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARDCHRISTIE LODGELIMIT OF WORKTOWN OF AVON EASEMENTPROP E R T Y B O U N D A R Y UTILIT Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T INGRE S S A N D E G R E S S E A S E M E N T UTILIT Y A N D D R A I N A G E E A S E M E N T INGRE S S A N D E G R E S S E A S E M E N T TOWN O F A V O N E A S E M E N T RIGHT OF WAY(3)TREE TYPE 1TYP.(1)TREE TYPE 1(2)TREE TYPE 19.544LIMIT OF WORK9.2TYP.444Key Map MATCHLINE L8-08 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANS A N S A N S AN S AN S A N S A N S A N SAN S A N S A N S A N S AN S ANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN CDESIGN 05/26/17190% DD SetISSUE DATE:SHEET NUMBERREVIEWED:PROJECT NUMBER:DRAWN:1WORKSHOPREVISIONS5486234567ABCDEBEAVER CREEK AVON, COLORADOC O P Y R I G H T D E S I G N W O R K S H O P, I N C.F89123456789W W W . D E S I G N W O R K S H O P . C O MLandscape Architecture · Land PlanningUrban Design · Tourism Planning Jun 01, 2017 - 10:11amF:\PROJECTS_A-L\0000-Beaver Creek Boulevard\D-CAD\02. Sheets\DW-5486-L8-PLANTING.dwg Asheville · Aspen · Austin · Chicago · Denver · DubaiHouston · Lake Tahoe · Los Angeles · Shanghai120 East Main Street(970) 925-8354(970) 920-1387Aspen, Colorado 81611BOULEVARDSTREETSCAPEIMPROVEMENTSNOT FORCONSTRUCTION90% DESIGNDEVELOPMENT04/24/17MS, NRMA, PSJVA, Inc.JVA, Inc.817 Colorado Ave., Suite 301www.jvajva.com970.404.3100Glenwood Springs, COZip 81601Boulder ● Fort Collins ● Winter ParkGlenwood Springs ● DenverPLANTINGPLANS00000Moonshine YarrowAM-1Achillea 'Moonshine'00000Prospector ElmUWPUlmus wilsoniana 'Prospecor'GRASSESGROUNDCOVERS/ PERENNIALSDECIDUOUS TREESQTY.COMMON NAMEBOTANICAL NAMEABBR.PLANT KEY LEGEND00000Purpleleaf ChokecherryPVS-2Prunus virginiana 'Shubert'00000Nodding OnionAC-1Allium cemuum00000Silver LupineLA-1Lupinus argenteus00000Santa Fe AsterMB-1Machaeranthera bigelovii00000Blonde Amb. Blue Grama GrassBGB-1Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition'00000Tufted Hair GrassDC-1Deschampsia cespitosaORNAMENTAL TREES00000Blue Avena GrassHS-1Helictotrichon sempervirens00000Heavy Metal Switch GrassPVH-1Panicum virgatum 'Heavy Metal'00000Avalanche White Sun DaisyOA-1Osteospermum 'Avalanche'1Existing Deciduous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.PLANTING REFERENCE NOTES2Existing Coniferous Tree to Remain. Do Not Disturb. Protect in Place.Planting Type 1 - mix of perennials and ornamental grassesPlanting Type 2 - mix of ornamental grassesPlanting Type 3 - bioswale planting345NORTH0ORIGINAL SCALE:510201"=10'-00"SITE KEYNOTES:RELATEDDETAILS9.0PLANTING AND LANDSCAPE9.2Deciduous TreeL0-01L0-01SPEC.SECTION3293003293009.4Shrub Planting L0-01329300DETAIL /SHEET2 / L11-013 / L11-012 / L11-029.3Deciduous Tree in Grate9.5Perennial/ Groundcover Planting L0-013293001 / L11-039.6Bioswale Planting L0-013293002 / L11-039.1Metal Landscape EdgingL0-013293001 / L11-019.7Ornamental Grass Planting L0-013293003 / L11-03L8-09EAST BEAVERCREEKBOULEVARDBEAVERCREEK PLACECHRISTIE LODGELIMIT OF WORKTOWN O F A V O N EASEM E N TDRAINAGE AND UTILTIY EASEMENT(1)TREE TYPE 121TYP.TYP.9.2LIMIT OF WORK49.4TYP.4Key Map Work Session – Landscape Code June 1, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Summary The Avon Town Council 2017-18 Strategic Plan highlights the Landscape code, chapter 7.28.050 of the AMC, for an update. Specifically, the Strategic Plan, Tier 1 Priority, states:  Amend the Town’s landscape code to more effectively replace vegetation which has been removed  With the expertise of the UERWA, develop outdoor landscape guidelines/regulations to reduce water use and off-site impacts, such as fertilizer run-off, which can affect the Eagle River  Assess the Town's public tree stock in the park and in right-of-ways for timely replacement  Proactively ensure trees on public and private property do not host and spread viruses; remove dead trees with a well-developed landscape program The purpose of this work session is to review a draft “strikethrough” of chapter 7.28.050 Landscaping Code, chapter 8.36Noxious weed Removal, and some supporting documents structured to guide applicants. These documents represent a best effort of staff to represent the various issues and talking points brought up during the last PZC meeting. The meeting’s task will be to determine which regulations it recommends to Town Council. Staff has continually received new information, particularly relevant to “fire-wise” landscaping, that is not included in this not included in this work session. Any other pieces that are missing should be brought to staff’s attention to ensure a complete update that represents best practices. Attachments A. Strikethrough of chapter 7.28.050 B. Irrigation Plan Checklist C. Landscape Plan Checklist D. Strikethrough of chapter 8.36 E. Tree Removal guidelines Project type: Code Text Amendment Location: Prepared By: Throughout Town David McWilliams, Town Planner Page 1 7.28.050 - Landscaping. (a) Purpose. The purpose of the landscaping standards is to ensure that landscaping in the Town: (1) Integrates building sites with natural topography and existing vegetation; (2) Minimizes disturbed areas; (3) Conserves Respects the limitedations and best uses of water resources; (4) Reduces the amount of reflected glare and heat absorbed in and around developments; (5) Breaks up large expanses of parking lots; and (6) Preserves residential neighborhoods by lessening the impacts of potentially incompatible uses; and. (7) Reduces water use and off-site impacts, which can affect the Eagle River. (b) Applicability. This landscaping Section shall apply to all new development and redevelopment as provided in Subsection 7.28.010(b), Applicability. Applicability of the provisions of this Section shall be as indicated in Table 7.28-6 below. (x) A Landscape Plan shall be required, the content of which is at the discretion of the Community Development Director, and further outlined in Subsection 7.28.050(XXXXX). (c) Required Landscaped Area. Minimum landscaped area and maximum irrigated area for each zoning district shall be as indicated in Table 7.28-6, below. Note: Specific PUDs may have different regulations. _______________________________________ Table 7.28-6 Minimum Landscaped Area and Maximum Irrigated Area by Zoning District Zoning Districts Minimum Landscaped Area (% of Gross Lot Size) Maximum Irrigated Area (% of Landscaped Area) Maximum Irrigated Area (Total Square Footage) NC, MC, TC, IC 20 20 5,000 RSF, RL, RM, RH 25 20 5,000 P, PF, OLD 0 n/a n/a _______________________________________ (d) Landscape Buffer. The following regulations apply to properties where a nonresidential district or use abuts a residential district or use: (1) A minimum fifteen-foot-wide buffer space shall be provided. Attachment A Page 2 (2) The buffer shall be designed with adequate landscaping or screening to properly separate the differing uses. (3) New trees and shrubs shall be evenly spaced at planting. (4) A solid masonry wall, minimum six (6) feet in height, may be substituted for required shrubs. (5) Where a natural buffer exists, as determined by the Director, it shall remain undisturbed. (6) If used in addition to a landscape screen, fences shall have additional evergreen shrubs planted on the residential side of the fence. (7) Mechanical equipment, permanent detention and temporary erosion and sedimentation control basis are prohibited in the buffer area. (8) Utility easements should avoid being placed in the long dimension of a buffer yard. (9) Wherever practical, pedestrian access shall be placed through the buffer yard. (e) Landscaping Units. Required landscaping is calculated in landscaping units. Landscaping shall be provided at a minimum of one (1) landscape unit per fifty (50) square feet of landscaped area, whether irrigated or not. At least twenty-five percent (25%) of all required landscape units shall be provided as trees. Significant landscaping features (trees, etc.) within utility easements will not earn landscaping units. The following table indicates the landscape units awarded for various preserved or planted landscape materials: Table 7.28-7 Landscape Units Awarded Landscape Material Landscape Units Awarded Newly Installed Existing Retained Evergreen tree, > 10’ ft. high 8 14 Evergreen tree, > 8.01—10’ ft. high 8 11 Evergreen tree, 6—8’ ft. high 6 9 Evergreen tree, <6 ft. high 1 2 Deciduous tree, > 8" caliper n/a 14 Deciduous tree, > 4.01—8" caliper n/aq 11 Deciduous tree, > 2.51—4" caliper 7 9 Deciduous tree, 1.5—2.5" caliper or multi-stem 4 4 Deciduous tree < 1.5” caliper 1 2 Page 3 Shrubs, 5-gallon 1 1.2 Shrubs, 3-gallon 0.8 0.9 Shrubs, 1-gallon 0.5 0.6 Perennials/ground cover 1 per 400 sq. ft. Annual flower bed 1 per 400 sq. ft. Xeriscapeing ground cover 1 per 800 400 sq. ft. Flower basket support 0.2 per basket Earthen berm, minimum 18" high 0.05 per linear foot Hardscape Material Units Awarded Split rail fence 0.20 per linear foot (0 in Wildridge) Screening (opaque) fence 0.40 per linear foot Shredded bark or 3"+ rock mulch such as river rock 1 per 500 sq. ft. Ornamental pavers 1 per 250 sq. ft. Landscape boulders, 3' or greater in height 1 per boulder Seating 0.40 per linear foot Landscape lighting, sculpture, art, water feature and/or sheltering structure/landmark As determined by Director Retained Existing Vegetation Mass Irrigation Bonuses Bonus Landscaping Units Awarded 300 + sq. ft. of native vegetation 10% Page 4 300 + sq. ft. with a minimum of 3 deciduous trees (4" caliper or greater), 3 evergreen trees (minimum 6 feet high) or any combination thereof 15% 500 + sq. ft. with a minimum of 5 deciduous trees (4" caliper or greater), 5 evergreen trees (minimum 6 feet high) or any combination thereof 20% 800 + sq. ft. with a minimum of 8 deciduous trees (4" caliper or greater), 8 evergreen trees (minimum 6 feet high) or any combination thereof 25% 20% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 10% 50% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 30% 80% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 50% (f) Parking Lot Landscaping. The following landscaping requirements shall be met for all off -street surface parking lots, except those in the TC district, as provi ded below. (1) Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping: (i) Perimeter parking lot landscaping a minimum width of six (6) feet shall be required for all parking lots having more than three ten (103) spaces where the parking lot is adjacent to a public street or a nonretail or industrial use such as a residential area, institutional use (e.g., hospital) or office. (ii) The parking lot perimeter landscaping shall screen 80% of the length of the perimeter bufferachieve a minimum of one and two-tenths (1.2) landscape units per lineal foot. (iii) Where lots are being developed in a mixed -use district, the parking lot perimeter landscaping requirement may be reduced along an interior lot line, at the discretion of the Director, provided that interior parking lot lands caping applies to both parking lots. (2) Internal Landscaping: (i) Landscape strips shall be installed between the parking rows of every other double row of parking when parking rows exceed fifty (50) parking spaces. (ii) Landscape islands shall be installed for every ten (10) parking spaces contained in a parking row, either within the parking row or at the end of the parking row. (3) Curbs. Landscaped areas within parking lots or the along perimeter of the property must be protected from vehicular traffic through the use of continuous concrete curbs. At least one (1) break per thirty (30) lineal feet of curb is required to allow for ru noff inflows into the landscaped areas. (4) Internal Landscaping Island Design. The intent of internal landscape islands are to separate pedestrians from vehicles. Internal landscape islands shall: (i) Be a minimum of six (6) feet in width. (ii) Be at least two hundred (200) square feet. Page 5 (iii) Be sunken below the level of the parking lot surface to allow for runoff capture. (iv) Have a minimum of four (4) five-gallon deciduous shrubs and one (1) deciduous tree a minimum of two and one-half (2.5) inch caliper per two hundred (200) square feet. (v) Incorporate perennials and grasses for seasonal color. (vi) Contain a minimum of fifty percent (50%) living landscaping material, with a maximum of fifty percent (50%) nonliving landscaping material. Approved sid ewalks are not counted toward the nonliving landscape material percentage. (5) Internal Landscaping Strip Design. The intent of internal landscape strips are to separate pedestrians from vehicles. Internal landscape strips shall: (i) Be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and shall extend the length of the parking row. (ii) Include a four-foot-wide sidewalk and a six-foot-wide planting strip. (iii) Meet planting requirements for interior landscape islands, as outlined above. (6) Parking Lot Landscaping in the TC District. Any boundary of a surface parking lot in the TC district that abuts a public street or alley or lot used for detached residential dwellings shall be landscaped according to this Subsection. (i) For corner-lot buildings with side-yard parking, the boundary between the parking lot and the street-facing side property line shall be landscaped or screened adjacent to the right -of-way according to one (1) of the following options: (A) A minimum four-foot-wide planting strip containing a low, continuous hedge a minimum of thirty (30) inches tall at maturation consisting of a double row of evergreen shrubs planted a minimum of three (3) feet on-center in a triangular pattern; or (B) A minimum two-foot-wide planting strip containing an ornamental metal fence or masonry wall, with a minimum height of three and one-half (3.5) feet and a maximum height of four (4) feet, combined with a single row of shrubs planted a minimum of three (3) feet on -center. (ii) For all other parking lot boundaries, the boundary shall be landscaped or screened according to one (1) of the following options: (A) A minimum two-foot-wide planting strip containing a single row of shrubs planted a minimum of three (3) feet on-center combined with a minimum three-foot-high ornamental metal fence or masonry wall of materials compatible with the primary structure. In the place of shrubs, deciduous shade trees may be planted a minimum of ten (10) feet on -center along the common boundary line; or (B) A minimum four (4) foot wide planting strip containing a low, continuous hedge a minimum of thirty (30) inches tall at installation consisting of a double row of evergreen shrubs planted a minimum of three (3) feet on-center in a triangular pattern. (iii) As applicable, landscaping materials shall be planted on the side of the fence/wall closest to the street, alley or residential property. (iv) The interior landscaping requirements of Subsection 7.28.050(f), Parking Lot Landscaping, shall apply to all parking areas that meet the applicability standards of that Section. (g) Sight Distance Triangle. A sight distance triangle within the off -street parking area must be established at street intersections by maintaining a maximum height for shrubs and ground cover of thirty (30) inches as measured from the driveway surface. No obstructions are permitted in the sight distance triangle, including tree branches that must be trimmed within eight (8) feet of the ground. All applicable sight distance requirements must be met for parking lot internal circulation and access points to the public right-of-way. (h) Landscaping Standards. All landscaping elements, including but not limited to planters, retaining walls and berms, must be specifically approved and shall conform to the following standards: Page 6 (1) Preservation of Existing Vegetation. Landscaping plans should be designed to preserve and protect existing native vegetation and mature trees. Bonus landscape credit shall be awarded for preserved vegetation as indicated in Table 7.28-7, Landscape Units Awarded, above, where the Director accepts the existing vegetation as being in good health and meets the intent of the landscaping requirements of this Chapter. (i) No trees or vegetation shall be removed except as specifica lly allowed in this Section. (ii) On any lot in the RL, RD and RM zoning districts that has an area greater than one -half (½) acre, no trees or vegetation except for noxious, non -native vegetation shall be removed outside the designated site disturbance en velope. (iii) All native landscaping shall be kept in its native state. (iv) Significant trees and vegetation that are removed from a development site shall be replaced as set forth in this Section. (A) Significant Trees. Significant trees, as defined by this Section, shall be preserved to the maximum extent feasible. (1) A significant tree means a tree of at least eighteen (18) inches in diameter for a deciduous tree and twelve (12) inches for evergreen s, measured at a height of fifty-four (54) inches above the ground. (2) When a significant tree is removed from either inside or outside the designated building envelope, the developer property owner shall replace such tree on the lot, either inside or outside the building envelope, with a minimum of two (2) trees a minimum height of eight (8) feet or a minimum caliper of two and one -half (2.5) inches. (3) Replacement trees shall be maintained through an establishment period of at least three (3) years, except that single-family and duplex dwellings shall have an applicable establishment period of one (1) year. The developer shall post a bond guaranteeing the survival and health of all replacement trees during the establishment period. (4) It is the responsibility of the property owner to preserve and maintain any established significant tree. (5) Alternative tree removal guidelines are at the discretion of the PlanningCommunity Development Director. (B) Non-significant Trees. Preservation of non-significant trees of a protected species with dimensions equal to or greater than the minimum dimensions required for new landscaping trees is encouraged. (C) Protective Fencing During Construction. All vegetation, significant trees and trees intended for use as credit towards the landscaping and tree protection standards of this Development Code shall be fenced in accordance with this Subsection before grading or other land-disturbing activity begins. The Director shall consider existing site conditions in determining the exact location of any tree protection fencing. (1) Type of Fencing. The developer shall erect a plastic mesh fence, straw bale or equivalent method of fencing at the perimeter of the designated building envelope and a minimum of four (4) feet in height at the drip line around each tree or group of trees within the building envelope to prevent the placement of debris or fill on vegetation to be preserved or within the drip line of any tree. (2) Inspection. All tree and vegetation protection measures shall be inspected and approved by the Director prior to start of any land disturbing activities. Failure to have protection measures inspected prior to the commencement of construction is a violation of this Development Code. Page 7 (2) Allowed Plant Materials. Proposed materials must be specified on development plans. A list of permissible plant species that are compatible with various climate zones found in the Town and that promote water conservation shall be adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission and may be amended from time to time. Materials not on the list may be approved if the Director determines that they are equally or more suitable for local soil conditions, climate and water conservation goals and would provide the same or bett er level of visual benefits and have desire growth habits. No noxious weeds, as defined by Chapter 8.36, are permitted for use in the Town. (3) Noxious Vegetation and diseased trees. The identification and removal of noxious, non -native, or diseased vegetation is required and shall be in compliance with Chapter 8.36. (4) Irrigation and Landscape Plan Required and Watering Requirements: (i) All required landscaping shall be irrigated pursuant to Table 7.28 -6, Minimum Landscaped Area and Maximum Irrigated Area by Zoning District. The landscaping irrigation site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance and intended uses. All landscape planting plans must note and delineate all irrigated planting and sod areas. Irrigation system requirements shall include the following items: (a) Backflow prevention devices to protect the potable water supply from contamination by the irrigation system and comply with local plumbing codes; (b) Manual shut-off valves (such as a gate valve, ball valve, or butterfly valve), as close as possible to the point of connection of the water supply and to isolate sections of mainline on larger systems, to minimize water loss in case of an emergency (such as a main line break) or routine repair; (c) Master shut-off valves integrated with the automatic irrigation controller on all projects with a point of connection flow rate exceeding _XX_ gpm except irrigation systems that make use of technologies that allow for the control of sprinklers that are individually pressurized; (d) Dedicated landscape water meters, defined as either a dedicated water service meter or private sub meter, for all non-residential irrigated landscapes of sq. ft. and residential irrigated landscapes of 4,000 sq. ft. or greater. A landscape water meter may be either: (1) a customer service meter dedicated to landscape use provided by the local water provider; (2) a privately owned meter or sub meter to measure irrigation water usage; (e) Flow meters that detect and report high flow conditions created by s ystem damage or malfunction for non-residential development; (f) Smart irrigation controllers labeled by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense Program or with published reports posted on the Smart Water Application Technologies website. Suggestions? Suggestions? Page 8 If a flow meter is used, then the controller shall be able to use inputs from the flow meter/sensor to control irrigation if flows are abnormal; (g) Sensors (rain, freeze, wind, soil moisture etc.), either integral or auxiliary, that suspend or alter irrigation operation during unfavorable weather conditions or when sufficient soil moisture is present, as appropriate for local climatic conditions; (h) designed to prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non-targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures; (i) The design of the irrigation system shall conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan; (j) All irrigation shall be subject to the watering schedule as imposed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD). (k) designed with valve pressure regulators, sprinkler head pressure regulators, inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices to meet the required operating pressure of the emission devices to ensure that the operating pressure at each emission device is within the manufacturer's recommended pressure range for optimal performance. (l) The pressure and flow measurements identified at the design stage and verified prior to the installation of the system; (m) All irrigation emission devices shall meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard authored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Code Council and verified by an independent third-party; (n) Sprinklers within a zone shall have matched precipitation rates, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations; (o) Sprinkler spacing shall be designed to achieve the highest possible distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations. All sprinkler head installed in the turfgrass areas shall have a distribution uniformity of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014 standard; (ii) The following table shall be provided on all landscape plans: Landscape Area Provided % of Lot/ Square Footage Should we mention zones etc. here? Page 9 Total irrigated area % of landscaped area/ square footage Spray area % of irrigated area/ square footage Drip area % of irrigated area/ square footage (iii) All irrigation shall be subject to the watering schedule as imposed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD). (iv) A rain sensor shall be installed with each new irrigation system. (v) Above ground Ttemporary sprinkler irrigation may be used to re-establish vegetation on otherwise non-irrigated portions of the landscaped areas; however, such temporary systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment as determined by the Director, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees. (5) Revegetation Required: (i) All disturbed areas must be adequately reseeded and restored on all projects. A revegetation bond, satisfactory to the Director, must be furnished as a condition of certificate of occupancy and shall remain in full force and effect until the landscaping pl an is completed, vegetation is sufficiently established and structural best management practices (BMPs), such as silt fence and straw bales, are removed from the site. (ii) In all disturbed areas, soil must be prepared with tilling and the addition of dec omposed organic matter such as, but not limited to, compost, composted horse manure or composted chopped straw or hay. Straw tackifier or matting on steep slopes is required to prevent soil erosion. The addition of decomposed organic matter is also requ ired prior to turf installation. (6) Guarantee of Installation. Required landscape improvements shall be installed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for all structures. If weather conditions prevent installation, the property owner shall post a financial guarantee for the improvements. The guarantee shall be released upon completion and acceptance of the installation of the landscape improvements. (7) Maintenance. All landscape improvements shall be maintained and replaced by the property owner as necessary. All property owners shall be responsible for maintenance of landscape improvements within the public ROW between the back of curb or street pavements and the adjacent property. (Ord. 10-14 §3) Now included in Irrigation Plan Include more language on soil mods? Avon Community Development Department One Lake Street PO Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 www.avon.org 1 IRRIGATION PLAN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST  A Scaled Plan showing property lines, easements, existing or proposed structures, impervious surfaces, existing natural features, and the approved planting plan.  Location and size of the point of connection to the water supply and meter locations along with static water pressure at the point of connection to the water supply and dynamic water pressure for proper system operation.  Location, type, and size of all components of the irrigation system, including: backflow preventer, smart irrigation controllers, main and lat eral lines, manual valves, remote control valves, sprinkler heads, moisture sensing devices, rain switches, quick couplers, pressure regulators.  Installation details for each of the irrigation components.  An irrigation legend showing the identification of irrigation components.  Compliance with reclaimed/recycled water plumbing regulations (if applicable).  Irrigation Zone flow rate (gallons per minute), application rate (inches per hour), and design operating pressure (pressure per square inch) for each zon e.  The following table: Landscape Area Provided % of Lot/ Square Footage Total irrigated area % of landscaped area/ square footage Spray area % of irrigated area/ square footage Drip area % of irrigated area/ square footage Attachment B Avon Community Development Department One Lake Street PO Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 www.avon.org 1 PLANTING PLAN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST  A Scaled Plan showing property lines, easements, existing or proposed structures, impervious surfaces, existing natural features, and the proposed planting plan.  The following table shall be provided : Total Area Square Footage Landscape Units Required Total Number Landscape Units Provided Total Number Sod Area Provided Square Footage 8.36.100 - Abatement of noxious weeds and diseased trees. (a) Entry and inspection. The Town shall have the right to enter upon any property for the purpose of inspection if verbal permission is granted by the property owner to enter such property. If verbal permission is not granted to the Town by the property owner, the Town shall have the right to enter upon any property after providing notice to the property owner by sending such notice via certified mail to the address of record according to the County Assessor's Office. In addition to sending notice of inspection by certified mail, the Town may send such notice by other practical means. If, after ten (10) days, the property owner does not respond or denies access, the Town may seek an inspection warrant in accordance with Section 35-5.5-108.5(4)(b), C.R.S. Upon obtaining a valid inspection warrant, the Town may enter the property between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. (b) Notice of eradication of noxious weeds. If the Town finds the presence of noxious weeds upon inspection of the property, the Town shall provide a notice of eradication to the property owner. The notice of eradication shall be sent by certified mail to the address of record according to the County Assessor's Office. In addition to sending notice of eradication by certified mail, the Town may send such notice by other practical means. The notice of eradication shall name the noxious weeds, shall identify eradication as the required management objective, shall advise the property owner to commence eradication efforts with a specified period or condition, shall state the integrated noxious weed management techniques prescribed in the Town of Avon Noxious Weed Management Plan and shall advise the property owner that the property has five (5) days from the date of mailing notice of eradication to submit a plan and schedule acceptable to the Town for the completion of the management objective. (c) Eradication of noxious weeds by property owner. Within five (5) days after the Town sends the notice of eradication, the property owner shall comply with the terms of the notification of eradication or shall submit a plan and schedule which is acceptable to the Town for the completion of the management objective. An essential component of any plan and schedule for completion of the management objective shall be to eradicate noxious weeds prior to the seasonal time in which such noxious weeds create and disburse seeds or otherwise spread or propagate. Notice of correction of diseased trees. If the Town finds the presence of diseased trees which risk infecting other trees upon inspection of the property, the Town shall provide a notice stating the existing conditions and the necessary corrections to the property owner. The notice of correction shall be sent by certified mail to the address of record according to the County Assessor's Office. In addition to sending notice of eradication by certified mail, the Town may send such notice by other practical means. The notice of correction shall identify the impacted trees, shall advise the property owner of the management objective within a specified period or condition, and shall advise the property owner that the property has fifteenthirty (3015) days from the date of mailingreceiving notice of eradication to submit a plan and schedule acceptable to the Town for the completion of the management objective. Eradication of diseased trees by property owner. Within fifteenthirty (3015) days after the Town sends theproperty owner receives notice of correction, the property owner shall comply with the terms of the notification of correction or shall submit a plan and schedule which is acceptable to the Town for the completion of the management objective. An essential component of any plan a nd schedule for completion of the management objective shall be to limit the spread of infections to other trees and to preserve the esthetic of the Town. (d) Abatement. In the event the property owner fails to comply with the notice to eradicate correct the identified issue noxious weeds and implement an appropriate noxious weed eradication program or correction program for diseased trees, the Town may enter upon the property, take such actions as deemed necessary to eradicate the noxious weeds, or treat, or otherwise remove the diseased tree(s) and abate the public nuisance. The Town may assess the whole cost of eradication and abatement, including up to one hundred percent (100%) of inspection, eradication , treatment, and other incidental costs, including but not limited to administrative and legal costs. In addition, the Town may assess an additional five percent (5%) of the whole costs of eradication and abatement in Attachment D accordance with Section 31-15-401(1)(d), C.R.S. The assessment shall be a lien on the property and may be certified to the Clerk of the County Treasurer, who shall collect the assessment in the same manner as other taxes, in accordance with Sections 31-15-401 and 31-20-105, C.R.S. (Ord. 10-06 §3) Town of Avon Guidelines for Tree Removal This document is intended to serve as a template for approval of tree removal in the event that the 2:1 replacement protocol, as outlined in the Avon Municipal Code Chapter 7.28.050(h)(iv) is not feasible. Acceptable reasons for infeasibility include limited area for the number of trees required, risk of disease due to overcrowding, high fire danger, proximity to structures, or potential encroachments into easements. If a property is found to qualify under these circumstances or others determined by the Community Development Director, the applicant is expected to replace any given tree on the property with the equivalent or higher Landscape Unit rate for the tree’s retention, as defined in Table 7.28-7. For example, a deciduous tree with a 4-8 inch caliper is worth 14 Landscaping Units, and could be replaced by twelve (12) 5 gallon shrubs, worth 1.2 Landscaping Units each. Attachment E 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 16, 2017 I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Swearing in of four Commissioners Commissioners Barnes, Glaner, Nusbaum, and Hardy were sworn in. III. Roll Call Commissioners Golembiewski and Howell were absent, all other commissioners were present. IV. Selection of an Interim PZC chair Commissioner Hardy was selected as the PZC Interim chair. V. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. VI. Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were disclosed. VII. Work Session – Landscaping Code Text Amendment Summary: Staff sought direction for potential changes to the Landscaping Code, chapter 7.28.050 of the Municipal Code. Action: The PZC directed staff to produce a strikethrough of chapter 7.28.050 and to provide accompanying information. VIII. Work Session – Wayfinding Signs Summary: Staff sought direction for the second set of wayfinding signs in the Town. Action: PZC directed staff on locations and preferred displays for the signs. IX. Staff Updates  Town owned properties update – Public Meeting June 8 and Survey.  Recent Council Actions X. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:26 pm. Approved this 6th Day of June, 2017 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson