05-08-2017 Grant Agreement - Nottingham Park: Destination Jump, Splash, and Learn! GRANT AGREEMENT PROJECT: Project Title: Nottingham Park: Destination Jump, Splash, and Learn! Contract Number: 17014 Completion Date: March 23, 2019 PARTIES TO AGREEMENT: Board: The State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund 303 East 17th Avenue, Suite 1060 Denver, CO 80203 Grantee: Town of Avon RECITALS A. The State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund (referred to herein as “GOCO” or the “Board”) is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, created by Article XXVII of the Colorado Constitution, adopted at the November 1992 General Election, which article appropriates a portion of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery to the Board and directs the Board to invest those proceeds in the State’s parks, wildlife, open space and recreational resources. B. In 1994, the Board created a statewide grant program, pursuant to which eligible entities could apply for grants for local government parks and outdoor recreation projects to which Grantee responded with a detailed application (the “Project Application”). C. Grantee submitted a Project Application to the Board which contemplates the execution of the project entitled and described above (the “Project”). The Project is briefly described in the Project Summary attached hereto as Exhibit A. The parties acknowledge that they have on file a complete copy of the Project Application, which is incorporated herein. D. The Board approved Grantee’s Project Application on March 23, 2017, subject to the execution of a detailed grant agreement, and subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. The parties intend this agreement to be the detailed final grant agreement required by the Board (the “Agreement”). DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 Town Manager 5/8/2017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO POLICIES & PROCEDURES MANUAL GOCO understands that there are unforeseen circumstances that may interfere with a grantee’s DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 Project Extension Request DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96 DocuSign Envelope ID: 59184DF4-2ADD-4F10-BA7A-A2BFF48B4D96