02-02-2015 ERWSD Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Service AgreementExhibit A VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE SERVICE AGREEMENT This agreement is made and entered into thiZktd day of l— +1&ev 2015 by and between Eagle River Water & Sanitation District whose address is 846 Forest Road, Vail Colorado, 81657 (hereafter know as "ERW&SD") and the Town of Avon whose address is P.O. Box 975, 500 Swift Gulch Road, Avon, Colorado, 81620 (hereafter designated as "Contractor"). In consideration of the obligation of ERW&SD to pay the Contractor as herein provided and in consideration of the other terms and conditions hereof, the parties agree as follows: 1. Contractor Services: Contractor will, during the term of this Agreement, provide the following services (collectively the "Services"): (a) Routine maintenance and preventive maintenance ("Routine Maintenance") of the ERW&SD vehicles and equipment as requested by ERW&SD. Service will be performed on approximately 98 vehicles and equipment that are not assigned to the Swift Gulch Facility listed in Exhibit A. The number of vehicles serviced may be increased or decreased in ERW&SD's sole discretion. Routine Maintenance will be performed at a minimum frequency and scope of work consistent with the manufacturer's recommendations or when initiated at the request of ERW&SD. (b) Repair and replacement work as requested by ERW&SD ("Repair and Replacement"). No payment for any Repair and Replacement shall be due unless ERW&SD has approved of such charges. Services may be commenced with verbal approval by ERW&SD of a written or verbal estimate provided by Contractor. Repair and Replacement includes, without limitation, transmissions repairs, engine repairs, rear end repairs and any other work or repairs exceeding $2,000.00. ERW&SD acknowledges that subcontractors will perform certain repair work. Contractor shall be responsible for assuring that all such subcontracted work will be performed promptly and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. Facilities: Contractor represents that its facilities are in good repair and adequately equipped and that it has a sufficient staff to perform all work in a timely manner. 3. Compensation: In consideration of Contractor's services during the term of this Agreement, ERW&SD will pay Contractor a unit hourly shop rate for Routine Maintenance and Repair and Replacement. This unit rate shall be $102.00 per hour for light duty vehicles and equipment and $110.00 per hour for heavy duty vehicles and equipment. Materials and sublet work shall be charged at cost plus fifteen percent (15%). Invoice shall be issued by the 10th of each month for services performed the previous month. Payment shall be remitted within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. Contractor's Fueling Facilities may be used by ERW&SD. The cost of Unleaded Gasoline and Diesel Fuel will be at the Contractor's cost plus ten cents per gallon. Contractor's vehicle washing facility may be used by ERW&SD. 2015 Town of Avon Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Contract 01/28/2015 Pagel of 4 Exhibit A Contact TOA for current wash rates. Late payment and past due amounts shall be subject to interest as set forth in Chapter 3.32 of the Avon Municipal Code. 4. Terms and Termination: This Agreement will be effective as of January 22, 2015 and will terminate on December 31, 2015 unless either party fails to substantially perform the duties and obligations in accordance herewith. In such an event, the non -defaulting party may terminate this Agreement by providing seven (7) days written notice to that the defaulting party, unless the defaulting party cures the breach within the seven (7) day remedy period. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by providing thirty (30) days written notice. 5. Relationships and Taxes: The relationship between the parties is that of independent contracting parties, and nothing herein shall be deemed or construed by the parties hereto or by any third party as creating a relationship of principal and agent or partnership, or of a joint venture between the parties. Contractor shall be solely responsible for any tax, withholding or contribution levied by the Federal Social Security Act. Contractor is not entitled to unemployment compensation or other employment related benefits, which are otherwise made available by ERW&SD to its employees. Contractor shall provide ERW&SD an original of its Form W-9 (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number of Certification). 6. Warranty: Contractor shall perform all Services in a prompt, efficient and workmanlike manner. Contractor shall promptly correct any defective work. This warranty shall be in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied. Contractor's sole liability hereunder, whether in tort or in contract, is expressly limited to the warranty provided for herein. 7. Assignment: Contractor's duties hereunder requires particular expertise and skills, and may not be assigned to any third party without the expressed written consent of ERW&SD, and any attempt to do so shall render this Agreement null and void and no effect as respects the assignee (s) and shall constitute an event of default by Contractor. 8. Waiver: Failure to insist upon strict compliance with any terms, covenants, and/ or conditions hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant, or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power hereunder at any time or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such right or power at any other time or times. 9. Benefit: The terms, provisions, and covenants contained in this Agreement shall apply to, inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors in interest, and legal representatives except as otherwise herein expressly provided. 10. Situs and Severability: The laws of the State of Colorado shall govern the interpretation, validity, performance and enforcement of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. 2015 Town of Avon Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Contract 01/28/2015 Page 2 of 4 Exhibit A 11. Modification: This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no agreement shall be effective to change, modify, or terminate in whole or in part unless such agreement is in writing and duly signed by the party against whom enforcement of such change, modification, or termination is sought. 12. Non -Liability of Town for Indirect or Consequential Damages or Lost Profits: Parties agree that the Contractor shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential damages which may arise from any breach of this Service Agreement by Contractor or which may arise by the Contractor's breach of warranty. 13. No Waiver of Governmental Immunity: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to waive, limit, or otherwise modify any governmental immunity that may be available by law to the Contractor, its officials, employees, contractors, or agents, or any other person acting on behalf of the Contractor and, in particular, governmental immunity afforded or available pursuant to the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Title 24, Article 10, Part 1 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. 14. No Third Party Beneficiaries: Nothing contained in this Agreement is intended to or shall create a contractual relationship with, cause of action in favor of, or claim for relief for, any third party, including any agent, sub -consultant or sub -contractor of ERW&SD. Absolutely no third parry beneficiaries are intended by this Agreement. Any third -party receiving a benefit from this Agreement is an incidental and unintended beneficiary only. 15. Article X, Section 20/TABOR: The Parties understand and acknowledge that the Town and ERWSD are subject to Article X, § 20 of the Colorado Constitution ("TABOR"). The Parties do not intend to violate the terms and requirements of TABOR by the execution of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement does not create a multi - fiscal year direct or indirect debt or obligation within the meaning of TABOR and, therefore, notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, all payment obligations of the Town are expressly dependent and conditioned upon the continuing availability of funds beyond the term of the Town's current fiscal period ending upon the next succeeding December 31. Financial obligations of the Town payable after the current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for that purpose being appropriated, budgeted, and otherwise made available in accordance with the rules, regulations, and resolutions of Town of Avon, and other applicable law. Upon the failure to appropriate such funds, this Agreement shall be terminated. EXECUTED this ' day of 2015. Eagle River Water & Sanitation District kid EXECUTED this day of er, 2015. TOWN OF AVON By. �- -- rl ✓� /h�Gc 2015 Town of Avon Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Contract 01/28/2015 Page 3 of 4 Exhibit A FLEET Department LOCATION NEWPLATE PLATE NN MAKE Body Type YR 5 General Manager VWWTF 939YOM 939YDM 4T1BD1FKCLU68B85 Toyota Camry Flybdd 12 007 FO SuperWv AWWTF 69OMQF 690MIF 3GCUKPEC3EG489368 Chevrolet Silverado Craw Cab Pickup 14 10 Pod VWWTF 016ROY 060Kb 4T1BF30K95UD97873 Toyota Camry 05 13 Operations AWWTF 032ROY JTDDOELI5EJ011552 Toyota PAz VSD 14 15 Pod AWWTF 024RQY 531b7ND JTNBK3MQB3DM765 Toyota Camry 11 20 FO AWWTF 033RQY 311VEK 1GC2MCG7B2257776 Chevrolet C25 Frail it 30 Pod AWWTF 048RQY 729 FOR 4TiBK4BK18U580388 Toyota Camry ' 08 45 MFJC ADWF 064ROY OBS RWM 1GNDT13S482209132 Chevrolet Blaze ' 08 50 CIP VWWTF 0551,110Y 050 RWM 1000T19EIS8103547 Chevrolet Cdorado Pickup 2 65 CIP VWWTF OUROY 767PIl 1GCDT19F278242314 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup 07 70 Wastewater EWWTF 059ROY 087RWM 1GCOT19E28815W5 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup 08 80 FO AWWTF 06CROY 922JOA 1GBFK29K98E778559 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Ed Cab Pickup 08 05 FO AWWTF 061ROY 954RVVM 1GBFK29K26E176541 Chevrolet Silverado 4X4 Ed Cab Pickup ' OB 90 FO AWWTF 062RQY 953RVVM 1GBFK29KSBE177202 Chevrolet Siverado 4X4 Ext Cab Pickup(w/Plow)' 08 95 Water EDWF 063ROY 45ORWO STEPXA2NUMA5718 Toyota Tacoma OB ' 100 Lab AWWTF 016ROY 613SZR 5TEPXA2K%5Z558938 Toyota Pickup ' 00 ' 105 FO AWWTF 017ROY 743GFV IGBJK34182EI59491 Chevrolet 1 To UhlityMuramax 02 115 Water ADWF 479MOG 479MQG 5TFDW5F190050B18 Toyota Tundra 14 120 Wastewater AWWTF 019ROY 433TNY 4T1BK40K491.1097014 Toyota Camry ' 09 125 Wastewater EWWTF 020RQY 0706YNV 2F2TEWDB7YAF21009 Sterling Dump Truck 00 130 Metering SeMce AWWTF 021RQY 449MO 5TEUXA2N48Z5818W Toyota Tacoma ' 08 135 Wastewater AWWTF 022ROY 7738FF 2FZN4W084XAFDB821 Sterling Dump Truck Tandem 99 140 FO AWWTF 023ROY 094MG 1GDFK39GB8E287313 GNC Pickup 06 170 rT v/WWTF 02BROY 052N3Y 1FMYLSOFD011(D37017 Ford Escape 05 175 FO AWWTF 029ROY 453S25 1GCFK29K4BF210483 Chevrolet C25 Full ' 08 160 FO AWWTF 030ROY 685450G 1GCFK29K05E210292 Chevrolet C25 Fall ' 08 185 CIP WVWTF 031RQY 431TNY 4T1BK48KBBLI59B588 Toyota Camry 09 190 MEC ADWF 347ZEC 347ZEC 1GNSK4Eo1DR30088D Chevrolet Tahoe ' 13 200 Water ADWF 034RQY 9MTNY 1GCW44K79F138774 Chevrolet 25M Reg Cab (w4p1ow SliO gate) D9 210 FO AWWTF 035ROY 945TNY 1GCFK49KX9E135592 Chevrolet 25M Ext Cab 09 ' 215 FO AWWTF 036ROY T78FM 11-MMA417=11BD52 International 7800 I-sW Jetting Truck 09 220 Water EDWF 413WB 413WE 1G90KbCGBCF211193 Chevrolet C25 FWI(w4ilow 89B gate) ' 12 230 CIP VWWTF 031l 4MHON 5TEWM72IN15 2242148 Toyota Pickup 03 235 FO AWWTF 039RQY 452SZS 1GCHC29K-WE212407 Chevrolet C25 Ful(w/plow) 08 240 Safety AWWTF D40ROY 437TNY 1GCDTIQE498144503 Che"W Colorado Pickup ' D9 245 FO AWWTF 041ROY 471HON 5fEWW72N)=43416 Toyota Pickup 03 250 FO AWWTF 6450QZ 645DOZ 1GB5KZFG2OZi50309 Chevrolet Siverado Ext. Cab(w/Plav) 13 255 Metering Service AWWTF 042ROY 879TNY 1GCDT1gE09B144241 Che—del Colorado w/Topper 09 260 FO AWVVTF 043ROY 510FRS 1GTFIG39G811182064 GMC TVVan 01 270 Community RelaUcVIWWTF 479MOG 47BM]G JTDKN3DU9E1749547 Toyota Polus 14 275 FO VWWTF 04SRQY BBOTNY 1GCDT19E598144591 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup 09 280 Wastewater EWWTF 046ROY 431FON 1GCFK24L43EZ84158 Chevrolet Pickup (Plow) 03 290 CIP VWWTF 047ROY 438TNY 1GCDT/9E1gal44250 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup 09 300 FO AWWTF 04BROY 091WG 1GDHC29G88E249341 GNC Pickup 08 305 NWedng Service AWWTF 050ROY 435" 1GCDT79E898143970 Chevrolet Colorado Pickup 09 310 FO AWWTF 1151ROY 147BOYM 1GBGK24RffMS4252 Chevrolet Pickup 97 320 FO AWWTF 052RQY 946TH' 1GCFIK49K19E13S755 Chevrolet 2500 Ext Cab 09 325 FO AWWTF 419VNB 419WB 1FDUFSHI'3CECO3012 Fad Small Jetting Truck F-550 Chassis 12 330 FO AWWTF 053RQY 032LANE 1 FDAF57F7XEA46122 Ford with Small Dump Bed 99 335 FO AWWTF "WQZ 548DQZ 1GB2KVEGOD23501BB Chevrolet Sllvenda Hct. Cub 13 340 Service Truck AWWTF 414VAB 414WB 1GCJTHF9XC8151028 Che"Tdet Colorado Pickup 12 355 Wastewater VWWTF 692MOF 89=F 5TFPXAEN9EXWWI0 Toyota Tacoma with Plow 14 360 Wastewater AWWTF 693MOF 693MOF STFPYAEMEX023561 Toyota Tacoma 14 370 FO AWWTF 02GROY IGBWYEGBFZ138129 Chevrolet Slle clo Double Cab 15 400 FO 917BHG 917BHG 1 FLS1MYSMA.1240880 International 76M LonboyTrac or 10 405 FO Ill 6701-100 A35OW Konatzu WA 320 Loader 11 410 FO 418MB 415WIS 1HTGSSJT1DJ235589 lnlenatknal 76M Dump Truck 13 415 FO D97URB 097UFB 1HTGSSJTXDJ235508 Intematknet 76M Dump Truck 13 450 FO No Plate No Plate KW2MV61613 Jain Deere Skid Steer Loader 00 460 FO AWWTF No Plata ATOZ14554 Bobcat Skid Steer Loader 14 824 FO 962BHG YMD%7 DWO24ED530950 John Dees Loader 90 710 FO 963BHG 996CNF T071=147089 Jahn Deere Backhoe 07 829 Wastewater 8591XZ 318GNR DM293C FMD 2W, Gorman Pump 6' Be 830 FO 9600(2 YM(42 1551201.188957 ING CP Nr Compressor 86 831 Toyota Fork UB for WW B31 Waetawater AWWTF Toyola Fork Litt 833 Wastewater 861D(Z YM01437 4AGBLR034XCO2013 NUtlqulp Generator #1 -Portable 99 834 FO 862DEZ 825Nv4_ 1RIESS50271.008W7 Ranco End Dump Trailer 07 835 FO AWWTF 483WQG 1HTGSSNTBFHS1B85B International 70M Dump Truck 14 837 Wastewater SC38B-013 Bnowraear Paddle Aerator 05 839 FO 8651XZ Hill 1WGAII024NSOBI075 WTC Lowboy Trailer 91 840 FO Ill YNU1438 4AGB1p03MCO29314 Mlti-Quip Generator #2 -Portable 98 044 FO 567D2 YM71426 1B9CP0811WB278150 6 -in Pwr Prime Pomp Pomp 98 547 FO 86802 859HOO 5F12S721081005072 Message Board Message Board 08 1148 FO 869D(Z 860Fw 5F12S12I08100W73 Message Board Message Bred 08 849 FO 870D(Z 858FU0 5F12S12I08IDC5374 Message Board Movaage Board 08 850 Water 871 D(Z 144LANH ID442303CO Homemade Trailer for welder Trailer 94 855 FO Stearns Sleamer 90 8W FO Mkava Jumping Jack Jackhammer 90 865 FO Jackhammer Jackhammer 90 099 FO 9578FiG 1E98T1013DC2978M Trav,L-Vac 300 Vane Box Cleaner 13 9DO FO 8721XZ 304AVE 30000136 TM -Vac Valve Bon Claimer 00 901 FO lil 6351-10P TLV3009111 Trvi-Vac Vatm Boo Cleaner 99 902 FO 874D(Z LOM11 1SW1127XC241267 ONAN Generator -Portable 99 903 FO 8750(Z LD9012 1SOFF142ZM241268 ONAN Generator -Portable 99 904 FO 4AG8112038XCO28314 OWN Generator 905 Water 90121 SCY002322 Yamaha, Venture Snowmobile 97 908 FO AWWTF Cmanmins Generator-75OKw 99 907 Water 87602 598NPS 4TCSSIID68FKM3567 Snowbird Trailer Sncwmc io Trager 08 908 FO B77D(Z 554WS 1MRFAl BA51104741 Macey tracer for Dip Trailer 05 909 Wastewater 978D(Z 931FOP IMASA11144R173085 Trailer for Ozinata Trailer 04 910 FO 8780(2 972W4 3CVrS202892122874 KIT Trailer (for Skid Steer) Trailer OB 911 FO PortableGonerstor(IVVan) Generator -Portable 912 Wats JYEBGP005BA012935 Yamaha Phazer PZWWAW Snowmobile 11 913 Wats JYEBGPOMWI2942 Yamaha Phezer P7501VTAW Snownnobile 11 922 FO B901XZ 855HOD 2682 Ir Rorvmer Prime Pump Portable 03 824H Wastewater EWWTF 549H00 DW624FDG65M John Deere Loader 98 2015 Town of Avon Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Contract 01/28/2015 Page 4 of 4