PZC Packet 040103Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Site Tour April 1, 2003 12:00 PM Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Please meet at the Community Development Department Conference Room. Posted on March 28, 2003 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobby Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session April 1, 2003 5:30 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. AGENDA A. Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. Estimated Times for each agenda item are shown for informational purposes only, and subject to change without notice. Posted on March 28, 2003 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobbv ci c Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting April 1, 2003 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road AGENDA I. Call to Order (6:00pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda Approval of the March 18, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes [Tab 1 ] VI. Sketch/Final Design Plan (6:05pm - 6:20pm) A. Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 4686 North Point Single Family Residence Owner: James Tharp Applicant: Kate O'Connor [Tab 2] VIII. Other Business (6:20pm - 6:45pm) A. Minor Project Approvals 1. Landscaping L38B, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Posted on March 28, 2003 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby City Market, main lobbv C, C' Owner/Applicant: Dudley Ottley [Tab 3] 2. Garden Center at City Market Lot 67, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Applicant: Dave Betts [Tab 4] B. Revised Draft Landscaping Design Guidelines [Tab 5] C. Lot C, Phase 1 B, Timeshare Modification to Soffit Detail IX. Adjourn (6:40pm) Posted on March 28, 2003 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobbv C' c` Staff Report SKETCH PLAN HEART of the VALLEY C 0 L 0 R A D 0 April 1, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 27, 2003 Single Family Home Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision Duplex 4686 North Point This split level custom home is a single family residence utilizing primarily stucco and wood siding, with stone veneer base and log accents. The home comprises a total of 4,228 square feet of livable area, with a total building square footage of 5,419 square feet. This lot is one of several in Block 3 that feature a platted building envelope. The site design proposes significant grading and retaining walls to optimize the views while gaining adequate access to the site. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The single family home complies with the PUD zoning. • Density: The lot is zoned duplex according to the Wildridge PUD. • Lot Coverage: The project as proposed complies with the 50% maximum lot coverage. • Setbacks: The project appears to comply with all required setbacks, as well as the platted limit of disturbance line. • Easements: The project complies with all easements as proposed. • Building Height: The building height proposed is 34.5 feet at the highest ridge, which complies with the 35 foot height restriction. A framing ILC will be required to confirm height during the building permit process. • Grading: Grading appears to comply with the guidelines. • Parking: The zoning code requires 3 spaces, and the project supplies 6. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Sketch Plan April 1, 2003 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 3 • Snow Storage: The project exceeds the 20% minimum storage requirement (2,107 minimum), and appears to provide approximately 10,000 square feet of potential storage. 0 Landscaping: The landscaping plan appears to meet minimum standards. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project appears to comply with the goals of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. The project has adequate development rights for the proposed improvements. 4. The sketch plan is in general compliance with all design requirements. • Site Development: o Site Design: The site coverage of the actual building is minimal, however, the project proposes significant grading and retaining walls to gain access to the site and optimize views. o Site Access: Access appears to meet minimum standards with several clarifications. o Parking and Loading: Parking appears adequate as provided. o Easements: The design complies with all easements. o Site Grading: Site grading is extensive. Additionally, it appears as though the retaining wall on the east side of the proposed development cannot be constricted without encroaching into the platted Non -Developable Area. Further details are required prior to final design approval. o Drainage: Drainage requires clarification in several areas, and must be provided prior to final design approval. o Snow Removal and Storage: Snow storage appears to exceed the minimum requirement. • Building Design: o Design Character: The building design appears to conform to the requirements. o Building Height: Building height as proposed complies with the zoning code. o Building Materials and Colors: Materials and colors appear to comply with guidelines. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest: The exterior walls, and roofs appear to comply with the guidelines. • Landscaping: Landscaping will be reviewed in detail at final design. o Retaining Walls: Clarification on the facing material and details on the engineer designed walls will be required prior to final design approval. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 �, C Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Sketch Plan April 1, 2003 Planning & Zoning Cornrnission meeting Page 3 of 3 Staff Recommendation Staff recommends sketch plan approval of Lot 52, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision with the following conditions to be resolved prior to final design submittal: 1. Clarify retaining wall types on the plans, including architectural treatment of PE designed walls. Details must be provided for excavation and construction of the PE designed wall on the East side of the proposed home, since it appears wall footers (and drain) cannot be constructed without encroaching the Non -Developable area. Retaining wall drawings must be submitted (stamped) by a Registered Professional Engineer. 2. Scale of the plan view of the retaining wall plan (Sheet S6) needs to be indicated. 3. Drainage around the east side of 'the house must be indicated on the site plan and elevations, and as proposed flows towards the house and the patio on the north east side of the house. Proposed grades at the northeast corner of the building indicate that a retaining wall may be necessary. These items must be clarified prior to final design approval. 4. A barrier along the downhill side of the driveway should be provided to create safe access to the site. Additionally, provide a swale adjacent to the driveway to reduce sheet flow across the driveway. The curb cut as proposed exceeds the 18 foot maximum width. 5. The radius of the cul-de-sac shown on the survey and site plan appears incorrect and does not match the Wildridge subdivision plat. 6. The topographical survey must be resubmitted to provide elevation measurements in USGS, or a note referring to USGS base measurement. Additionally, the note regarding snow cover must be removed. 7. Provide a note on the amount of irrigated area on the landscape plans. 8. Clarify Sheet A2.0, indicating a door exiting the garage into a retaining wall. Also, provide a detail on the window well and indicate drainage details on the site plan. 9. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, ambi K ie , AICP Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 t c Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Tambi Katieb, AICP, Community Development Departm Date March 27, 2003 Re: Revised Draft Landscape Design Guidelines Summary: Staff has attached the first draft of revised landscaping guidelines for both the Residential and Commercial/Industrial portion of our design guidelines for your review. We are still researching revisions to the plant list, and will forward a draft when available. At their March 25, 2003 worksession, Council indicated that several points originally discussed as being included in a separate 'Water Conservation' resolution should be included in the guidelines. Highlights of the proposed revision include: • Incorporation of the seven principles of xeriscape landscaping on all new projects through the design review process. • The limitation on total irrigation area for all landscaping plans of 20%. This means of the required minimum landscape area per zone district or PUD, only 20% of the total area may be irrigated. • Clarification on all landscape plans of the following areas: total irrigated area, spray irrigated area, drip irrigated area, and sod area. A table indicating total square footage for each category is now required. • The required use of a rain s ensor o n a II automatic i rrigation systems, to b e inspected prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. • Required adherence to the ERWSD watering schedule as imposed and enforced by the District. • An allowance for overhead temporary irrigation to re-establish native seed areas that would otherwise remain non -irrigated. The allowance is for one year to ensure the area is established. Attachments: A. Exhibits— Proposed Residential/Commercial and Industrial Landscaping Guidelines 1 C. Commercial and Industrial Landscapinjj Design Character Landscaping in Commercial and Industrial areas of the Town must recognize the drought conditions that prevail in our western region, and be tolerant of these drought episodes Landscaping must meet minimum zoning requirements; however, only 20% of the total landscaped area may be irrigated. Irrigated areas must be delineated on all plans. Requirements: 1. Landscaping must be designed to incorporate water conserving materials and techniques through the application of seven fundamental xeriscape landscaping principles including: a. Planning and designing a landscaped area that groups plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together. b. Creating practical and appropriate turf areas (when necessary), utilizing a lower water -use turf such as buffalograss, blue grama, or turf type tall fescues and fine fescues. c. Use of low water demanding plants and dryland seed grass mixes. d. Use of automatic irrigation systems, designed and operated to conserve water by applying the right amount of water at the right time. e. Incorporation of soil amendments, where appropriate for the site and type of plants proposed. f. Use of Mulches, such as woodchips, to reduce evaporation potential and keep the soil cool. g. Planting appropriate materials suited to the soil and climate, and appropriately maintaining the vegetation once established. 2. Preserve and protect as much existing vegetation as possible. Incorporate existing trees when locating structures. 3. Consideration should be given to use of landscape material for snow fencing, visual screening and wind breaks when applicable. Hedges, in winter, become snow fences and must be placed accordingly. 4. Plant materials should be adaptable to the area and selection and placement should include consideration of function and color coordination. A list of recommended plant species that are compatible with various climate zones found in the Town is attached in Appendix 1. No noxious weeds, as listed in Appendix 2, shall be permitted for use in the Town. Irrigation/Watering Requirements: 1. The landscaping site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance, and intended uses. All landscape plans must note and delineate all irrigated and sod areas. 2. A rain sensor must be installed with each new irrigation system, in order to interrupt irrigation in the event of a significant rainfall. Inspection for the rain sensor will be conducted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancv. 3. The following table must be provided on all landscape plans: Landscape Area Provided % of Lot / Square Footage Total Irrigated Area % of Landscaped Area / Square Footage Spray Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage Drip Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage Sod Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage 4. All irrigation shall be subject to the watering schedule as imposed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD). 5. Temporary (overhead) sprinkler irrigation is allowed to re-establish native vegetation and seed mixes on otherwise non -irrigated portions of the landscaped areas, however, must be removed 1 year after installation. All disturbed areas will be adequately reseeded and restored on all projects. Turf Requirements: 1. Only the following types of ornamental grasses will be permitted: Buffalograss, Blue Grama, Little Bluestein, Smooth Brome, Crested Wheatgrass or Western Wheatgrass. Kentucky Bluegrass is not permitted. Dryland seed mixes are recommended. 2. In all disturbed areas, soil must be prepared with the addition of organic matter, and tilling the soil as deep as possible. The addition of decomposed organic matter (compost, composed horse manure, or composted chopped straw or hay) is required for turf installation. F:\Regulations & Procedures\Design Guidelines\Landscaping DROUGHT REVISED COMMERCIAL 2003.doc C. Residential Landscaping Design Character Landscaping in the Town of Avon must recognize the drought conditions that prevail in our western region, and be tolerant of these drought episodes. It should harmonize the building site with both the natural topography and existing vegetation, minimizing disturbed areas, while respecting the limitations and best uses of water resources in our municipality. Landscaping must meet minimum zoning requirements; however, only 20% of the total landscaped area may be irrigated. Irrigated areas must be delineated on all plans. Design Guidelines: 1. Landscaping must be designed to incorporate water conserving materials and techniques through the application of seven fundamental xeriscape landscaping principles including: a. Planning and designing a landscaped area that groups plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together. b. Creating practical and appropriate turf areas (when necessary), utilizing a lower water -use turf such as buffalograss, blue grama, or turf type tall fescues and fine fescues. c. Use of low water demanding plants and dryland seed grass mixes. d. Use of automatic irrigation systems, designed and operated to conserve water by applying the right amount of water at the right time. e. Incorporation of soil amendments, where appropriate for the site and type of plants proposed. f. Use of Mulches, such as woodchips, to reduce evaporation potential and keep the soil cool. g. Planting appropriate materials suited to the soil and climate, and appropriately maintaining the vegetation once established. 2. Preserve and protect as much existing vegetation as possible. Incorporate existing trees when locating structures. 3. Consideration should be given to use of landscape material for snow fencing, visual screening and wind breaks when applicable. 4. Plant materials should be adaptable to the area and selection and placement should include consideration of function and color coordination. A list of recommended plant species that are compatible with various climate zones found in the Town is attached in Appendix 1. No noxious weeds, as listed in Appendix 2, shall be permitted for use in the Town. Irrigation/Watering Requirements: 1. The landscaping site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance, and intended uses. All landscape plans must note and delineate all irrigated and sod areas. 2. A rain sensor must be installed with each new irrigation system, in order to interrupt irrigation in the event of a significant rainfall. Inspection for the rain sensor will be conducted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The following table must be provided on all landscape plans: Landscape Area Provided % of Lot / Square Footage Total Irrigated Area % of Landscaped Area / Square Footage Spray Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage Drip Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage Sod Area % of Irrigated Area / Square Footage 4. All irrigation shall be subject to the watering schedule as imposed by the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD). 5. Temporary (overhead) sprinkler irrigation is allowed to re-establish native vegetation and seed mixes on otherwise non -irrigated portions of the landscaped areas, however, must be removed 1 year after installation. All disturbed areas will be adequately reseeded and restored on all projects. Turf Requirements: 1. Only the following types of ornamental grasses will be permitted: Buffalograss, Blue Grama, Little Bluestem, Smooth Brome, Crested Wheatgrass or Western Wheatgrass. Dryland seed mixes are recommended. 2. In all disturbed areas, soil must be prepared with the addition of organic matter, and tilling the soil as deep as possible. The addition of decomposed organic matter (compost, composed horse manure, or composted chopped straw or hay) is required for turf installation. FARegulations & Procedures\Design Guidelines\Landscaping DROUGHT REVISED 2003.doc C O L O R A D O March 17, 2003 Dudley Ottley P.O. Box 4707 Avon, CO 81620 RE: MINOR PROJECT — STAFF APPROVAL FOR LANDSCAPING LOT 3$B, BLOCK 2, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Ottley: Post Office Box 975 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 87620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY Staff has reviewed your application for the following modifications at 4069 Wildridge Road, Wildridge Subdivision. Proposed Modification(s): Landscaping and Irrigation installation. Action: Approved with the following condition(s): 1. The turf area proposed must use a native grass/dry land seed mix. 2. Drip irrigation will be used. for the trees. Please be advised that the Town is in no way endorsing the grading and drainage on this property. This approval is limited to landscaping only. Thank you for your application. Please contact me at 970.748.4413 if you have any questions or require additional assistance. Kind Regards, Matt Pielsticker Planning Technician FADesign Review\Wildridge\WR Block 2\L38B B2 WR Landscaping design mod.doc MR, �oe ",-Ooo 0 ri E o CL LL, LLI E S� N7 a LA Xv- Ell ci� MR, �oe ",-Ooo 0 ri E o CL LL, LLI E S� N7 a -0 N. C O L O R A D O March 26, 2003 Dave Betts City Market P.O. Drawer 5140 Avon, CO 81620 VIA FACSIMILIE: 949.0174 (Hardcopy to follow) RE: MINOR PROJECT— STAFF APPROVAL FOR GARDEN CENTER AT LOT 67 BLOCK 2, BENCfIMARK AT BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Betts: Post Office Box 975 400 Beelchnzark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY Your application, as submitted on March 25, 2003, for the garden center at City Market, 0260 Beaver Creek Place, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, has been approved by staff. Design approval is valid for one year from the above-mentioned date. Any signage associated with the garden center must be approved and issued a sign permit. Thank you for your application. Please contact me at 970.748.4413 if you have any questions or require additional assistance. Kind Regards, Matt Pielsticker Planning Technician Enc: Approved Site Plan CC: File: M-DR2003-11 G F:\Design Review\Benchmark at Beaver Creek\BMBC Block 2\L67 B2 BMBC Garden center 2003.doc Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Tambi Katieb, AICP, Community Development Departm Date March 27, 2003 Re: Revised Draft Landscape Design Guidelines Summary: Staff has attached the first draft of revised landscaping guidelines for both the Residential and Commercial/Industrial portion of our design guidelines for your review. We are still researching revisions to the plant list, and will forward a draft when available. At their March 25, 2003 worksession, Council indicated that several points originally discussed as being included in a separate `Water Conservation' resolution shoo"d be included in the guidelines. Highlights of the proposed revision include: • Incorporation of the seven principles of xeriscape landscaping on all new projects through the design review process. • The limitation on total irrigation area for all landscaping plans of 20%. This means of the required minimum landscape area per zone district or PUD, only 20% of the total area may be irrigated. • Clarification on all landscape plans of the following areas: total irrigated area. spray irrigated area, drip irrigated area, and sod area. A table indicating total square footage for each category is now required. • The required use of a rain s ensor o n a II automatic i rrigation systems, to b e inspected prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. • Required adherence to the ERWSD watering schedule as imposed and enforced by the District. • An allowance for overhead temporary irrigation to re-establish native seed areas that would otherwise remain non -irrigated. The allowance is for one year to ensure the area is established. Attachments: A. Exhibits— Proposed Residential/Commercial and Industrial Landscaping Guidelines C,, C. Commercial and Industrial Landscaping Design Character Landscaping in Commercial and Industrial areas of the Town must recognize the drought conditions that prevail in our western region, and be tolerant of these drought episodes Landscaping must meet minimum zoning requirements; however, only 20% of the total landscaped area may be irrigated. Irrigated areas must be delineated on all plans. Requirements: 1. Landscaping must be designed to incorporate water conserving materials and techniques through the application of seven fundamental xeriscape landscaping principles including: a. Planning and designing a landscaped area that groups plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together. b. Creating practical and appropriate turf areas (when necessary), utilizing a .lower water -use turf such as buffalograss, blue grams, or turf type tall fescues and fine fescues. c. Use of low water demanding plants and dryland seed grass mixes. d. Use of automatic irrigation systems, designed and operated to conserve ;water by applying the right amount of water at the right time. e. Incorporation of soil amendments, where appropriate for the site and type of plants proposed. f. Use of Mulches, such as woodchips, to reduce evaporation potential and keep the soil cool. g. Planting appropriate materials suited to the soil and climate, and appropriately maintaining the vegetation once established. 2. Preserve and protect as much existing vegetation as possible. Incorporate existing trees when locating structures. 3. Consideration should be given to use of landscape material for snow fencing, visual screening and wind breaks when applicable. Hedges, in winter, become snow fences and must be placed accordingly. 4. Plant materials should be adaptable to the area and selection and placement should include consideration of function and color coordination. A list of recommended plant species that are compatible with various climate zones found in the Town is attached in Appendix 1. No noxious weeds, as listed in Appendix 2, shall be permitted for use in the Town. Irrigation/Watering Requirements: 1. The landscaping site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance, and intended uses. All landscape plans must note and delineate all irrigated and sod areas. 2. A rain sensor must be installed with each new irrigation system, in order to interrupt irrigation in the event of a significant rainfall. Inspection for the rain sensor will be conducted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. The following table must be provided on all landscape plans: G. C. Residential Landscaping Design Character Landscaping in the Town of Avon must recognize the drought conditions that prevail in our western region, and be tolerant of these drought episodes. It should harmonize the building site with both the natural topography and existing vegetation, minimizing disturbed areas, while respecting the limitations and best uses of water resources in our municipality. Landscaping must meet minimum zoning requirements; however, only 20% of the total landscaped area may be irrigated. Irrigated areas must be delineated on all plans. Design Guidelines: 1. Landscaping must be designed to incorporate water conserving materials and techniques through the application of seven fundamental xeriscape landscaping principles including: a. Planning and designing a landscaped area that groups plants with similar water and sunlight requirements together. b. Creating practical and appropriate turf areas (when necessary), utilizing a lower water -use turf such as buffalograss, blue grama, or turf type tall fescues and fine fescues. c. Use of low water demanding plants and dryland seed grass mixes. d. Use of automatic irrigation systems, designed and operated to conserve water by applying the right amount of water at the right time. e. Incorporation of soil amendments, where appropriate for the site and. type of plants proposed. f. Use of Mulches, such as woodchips, to reduce evaporation potential and keep the soil cool. g. Planting appropriate materials suited to the soil and climate, and appropriately maintaining the vegetation once established. 2. Preserve and protect as much existing vegetation as possible. Incorporate existinig trees when locating structures. 3. Consideration should be given to use of landscape material for snow fencing, visual screening and wind breaks when applicable. 4. Plant materials should be adaptable to the area and selection and placement should include consideration of function and color coordination. A list of recommended plant species that are compatible with various climate zones found in the Town is attached in Appendix 1. No noxious weeds, as listed in Appendix 2, shall be permitted for use in the Town. Irrigation/Watering Requirements: 1. The landscaping site plan must identify the area of approximate installation of an automatic irrigation system, its maintenance, and intended uses. All landscape plans must note and delineate all irrigated and sod areas. 2. A rain sensor must be installed with each new irrigation system, in order to interrupt irrigation in the event of a significant rainfall. Inspection for the rain sensor will be conducted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. a D m D Cl O -1 T p S N N h N N N N N ll 7o N 7o 0 0 n 0 1 z O rn 2 rn Op 0 a S O O rn rn O S O C) K U) = rn z zt730 G�zO Oy0O�oOz O rDD �70 7o C /� C Z h Z` 3 �p I -"8822002- z 8 �p -� D 0 0 O D N z z D Z Z N g G1 N Z rn Z Cj1 rn �p rn I U1 -7 7� C O rn r^ G rn O� �Nu �Dm- m�� C)zU r —I o ?Dr warm 77oo r�i 0 rn D 8 � _ a � O� r r� N O 1 1 (�ppp 77aa z Q '� _ i r rn O ��1 N O C 8 7Qo rn r<_ �1 N m S Pn CCrnI 7u Z y 0 7yo N A Ni �j O yrn 0 `Z ° > LD1 rn O N< < O -1 Z rn rn N P ° rs Z z Z O C - rn Lp rn D/ v CP rn T m O 4J II II rn II rn � G1NZa �rn�AN -vZO�ZNr"O° *N�rnO O V� � z W D W_ rn Z rn 1 rnj 3 S rn ru A r N �j C rn rn 61 U1 CL - rn B ➢ z z ••� Oi N -nT T-n�n T Orn a C Orn D O z rn O S V O T V -719 1> am �mry m�g�Norn AQmwZ3 N- G O 7o�OD0 rny�y rn�pb OOOy� -�70?< � O O ^_� XO 8 O D=' 11 ON Xrn? 707 n� CzzpA N=N� rnS C1 �47 DG-�A�-OI�rnZ�A�rnO -�rni �CO�I�l-Cl�70z�op�pp�r-n Jp�(O-zla^i �OZCDl �-{Cn-_Op�i Orn((VDO�NSOOA�(Oz�lSOZN_P��TNrnh-�O777Z-o"oo1 GZ-SrnI7O<rn�o CZn� z. rnZ .z rnZOvrn�Z��_Crn,� QCzz�a COOGDOrnpO�z70 NOrn G Ocoo xzA SNDC�zD��D�rn�CrnpNQ 7CNQ'vC rO<Oz-,zqy2NNq='T O O➢rnZn f" V D O -_i cnC D�CZG�rn-DimrnrnrnN O rn ZN S�rnZOr-Zj�==Clrn�n O'vN�- rnO�FO rn'v N�°Nrn-Iz Zrrn-N NO ON �A� -i �1 z0 a_ rn=z^ �N�c ZA �° A 0 D Cr DO z -z- 3 (� (►��J p NO .1>(�>> zOGlrn DO- rn g i� D $rn7�-CIrnN Gl rnr�NOZ CP V" 70 -n3 Sz �G1A�AW A <rn ° U, 0za-4 yrn°D° <rnZrnNZ ONZ T�D-irn D r Z=I^�-DiNC�SN-1N�nN zZ 0070S �7-oIAy�Z �OCAN NCIH ➢C yC z��S@N �3 zUSj'�_ OD ('j�0(lZ`�?Nn CD07o ZA(T1�N rn0 _ ��rnZCrn �O,D-OA Or 7o 7°r"rn n`-Dim4lz z�=0N0��o�sn-0�m QO..NTN��{rnONO pJO�+ZnN Z W Z Z < S n O O Z rn �° Cl rn rn m S O Z V 4)�P z -Ca zrnrnC rn ��Oz �pAONrD TSA -i ._.I�00-n GN Opp O =(�(�m�7CyploT�wo6 u �Amc�'rn° Zrn=PctAa��o� RNoc���� ya r C -I T7 NN y-1 rn0� Crn ZrnpN Zr�0 6F-�O �Oprn �m ° j p Z Z A- A 7{ 1 ,� rnrn OS N�S� �zg rn ^� O rn CO Gl �n O 0 Z G1 C rn0 aZ �-gk N 3r Tpr n �g n8Z N�`<i'S45rn �ZfJ vrn NrnN rn � P :1a 00pL`a�Z �j 0OZC'n:r O�N �O rn rn- zN< �QEn CCg„ 7o7ua� OZ C' = DTrpC� mN �rnrnZ N- r� NrnT r� ON rnT __i Drn v0 AZA N[)(J'p0� C �>��-iT = -I � 7 -y X6 fit �N NO, ��^�-`G ONp� DC0 (lOp DzcppT4N pTS� rp�iiOC NONrn �� O� Z �ST"�F'T AA� = f�ii Q'.1ibp -DI CrnZSpLP S `zpzrn2,p 0D^'rnrn� On °C � N =N NDz -1 �j$ rtl O C� %p pN N�,3 � 0� �� (71zR O V D -1 yy -C >> T rn Cl �°n rn O T C1 Gl TZD zzOA� rnZ rntlz O�(p Z 7o<�(JN SNrn� CCrn�zZ fo D v �W Nw -> Qc ��rn4o� i sm �oN ZDQ P � 0 g z z z z z c)rn N p T Z O 0 n N N jz " p O O p i ja ° O 70 N 0 O 70 1-- 0 A -u N D D D D D N N N N D rn Z W Ol IY (al N N N= Z S= Z rn 1 i S G O W N- D A W N- Q �' fir() -1N 0 X AOrn cccO�ZO0oOrn0< O T �oo� A,70 ���� �cc5 C �rnrn<<Dog D r 9 rn< z0 {« r rOrnn z GlZ �TgrNC oz - 0 a D 200 870 p PS Z O C7 N C r� 0 O gZ > rn N Q S O o Z n rn S F F F F � �= °��E i"��"E o�'•o��m � Fo v 0n oFiV ,F. 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O� LOT 52, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'GONNOR 5K 700 0 o p PO 7735 AVON, CO 8 1620 _ N - 4686 NO KTH POINT P-970 376 2730 F-9707469021 S o N rn EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO r� mr-Om (n c C Z 9:z0 ONiZ�= A0 n<� II -0mrri / / I �mo J z Z o va ��• _ ,�-, / Ko , / g - 7 / / enc m —z+ ct ,ZQ'�LZ ---- _ = Wil` —-- /� r� -- : / / / — ^ Z II II II II p II 11 m A ---- - / / // // // z c ro (31O o - ------- ---- / / / / // / / / to cz z 2 rn ro o 1 r----- LD C Zcn r 100// m 0 4 7 y �0 7mCo.m Na b by a o0°05 ����aq m 0 0 , 7 e 7 o '',0. n ro m 9L.0 m wC wa o � o 2 m 5 m N C m m C o(bC Iwo :5 omm�9 0579 c m m n 7 c. 0 0° `I d m Z m^`, /�� i /001 /� 00 0-- - ^���� /// // D/ z/ /' C7 ,/ / oI/D / m m `, `\ /' i' _ir\jce C„ Z -''� Qom. 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A 4 TTT mo 1 i c. / m 1 2�E oo'o •lo /LA �n i j( m sy A D -ooa-/ i OM i / Y mm i"lla/ / 1 -7-j/ / / Ng coa � o / / A - I ,I / -> r TTT mo 1 i c. zi a oo'o •lo mN �n i j( /. sy A D -ooa-/ i OM / Y mm i"lla/ / 1 -7-j/ / / Ng S 00'01'14" W / 205:12' s_ b 9Id c reus `= �z D n 9 40 20 _ O9 °- n6 qA' R!°'g'nR Sa oS '` __b'' 4Nm 'o ^ n Np ^c � in �oos�?`-s�?^ NR 33 a " a,Nn giFa� qhs o Q_ 3y x-30.^ #000Roo 3� fig" Gn=o S n N0. I DATE REVISIONS 6Y 00 (nm SITE PLAN —m ;a LOT 52, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE o� TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO w MARCIN ENGINEERING LLC P.O. BOX 1062 AVON, COLORADO 81620 970-748-0274 z O O X n O z In c n -4 0 z n ^q g � NORTH POINT ¢ (50' ROW) dm`- . U) cA m M io cii N a, m ao � mS =o m GST^ n n Am o 's vZ o io / � >g g< m; i / /� 39VN1Vtl0 1,111119 / 35V3 6-90 .. .... 60 ITl�7 a p i R y Z N nrn / '. : `� A i .'' � : to ':.. • m�, nr / / uto .•7 �m N •;. X.r • / W / r' N - 1 z0 ,i IO IvUI. Om N 10 , n \ � _ D /m.o' z Z O oA I , m , 00? 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BOX 1062 m o§ u TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON, COLORADO 81620 970-748-0274 b 0 �o in 71 RITe I 12-5` , I I o T I 0 AI C) - 2u Cl - A I 3 rn O I Ion N I - I 1 N n N n J J C I ISI � l I >< 71* a 1 o p m � 4 N 0 0 0 I 1 O= �t 51, b g 26V' D ]'-d O O rn O rn Z p � �D_� z rn O D n< rn Ill — rn Ty`>� O r rn -o N rn� II 0rrn N C) O II II rn It rn A- rn Wn T 8 :: rn N O101c� —N0, - ci rn / rn II NN'n UI T T NNN 0 C ZI T T T r � v O f T N O O 70 C� Z A RE5IDENCE FOR THE THARF5 A KATEO DESIGN, INC. N T LOT 52, BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'CONNOR OT g a 4G8G NORTH POINT PO 7735 AVON. CO 81620 P-970 376 2730 F-970 748 9021 EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO sv� c'-94• loo la -IP IgsJ�• F- — — o I I — — — I I n � I J I I I I I ------------- 17-11• o ' I o I � I z c Ij I � I 0 � 9'-I I' �• 19'F�• I § 9F qqS� h I of of < _ I < - c c n u o N z D U N 0 8 A � 15�I'�' 4 -� 6' -IP SV• 5' �Ur G'-2�" > 0 4 N ;4 m "n I T 71 A b o03 �W W D R�� Iv -11• Ir�Z 6'Jp• 2a• I A I _4 5vw� 0 onn 0 D �y Orn Z D <<rn r rn — ^1 < A m0 rn < r T TD@ D N rn� II II II �rrn O rn II rn N D A II D T _ rn -i CDO(�11 N �Ol A II I— � rn N N V t - T N N N N C Q rn r N T N O O 70 Z �rn ND A RESIDENCE FOR THE THARF5 2 Z KATEO DESIGN, INC. LOT 52, BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'CONNOP 4 G8G NORTH POINT PO 7735 AVON. GO 81620 P-970 376 2730 F-9707489021 8 u rn _ EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 0 o � � R O-0• 1 tl-I d' 1�- 14 I _I --— —— — -----I I= I I I I I>m_o_ I — I lo�l Is?�'ii I8A1 I I 111 I I O III § I I I III I§I � I I o b II �� I N of I - O _b� I �� I,I 0 I 1 1 111rn 4- 1 z A I I IZI� I yl. 14-1 1. I 4 7.6' I Dim 3v-,6 n >_ grn �AZ70 O D<Ir < RI C << A rn CPO N rn � rn < ,- 11 T< < O II rn � II II rn II rn D n C - ^rn N $ W " - rn 71) II �PNT T NNN N C T rn T 1 r— < < T O rn r -n O O 70 -u F> N rn A RESIDENCE t1E FOR TTMARP'S A KATEO DESIGN, INC. N LOT 52, BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'CONNOP w - U N > rn 4GBG NORTH POINT PO 7735 AVON, CO 81620 P-970 376 2730 F-9707489021 {V 8 w EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO A I o I ° � I --J I --- I 6�:12 LOPE I------ C 6:12 SLOPE 6: 12 SLOPE 0 rIIIIIIIiIIILII IIIIIIIiIIIIII F;0o I I rn I I 6:12 SLOPE I 6:1 2 SLOPE I I I �— I L— _L------------ ------ D Q n Q A -U Q z D � � N N rn A RESIDENCE FOR THE THARP5 LOT 5 2, BLOCK 3- WI LDRI DGE 5U6DIVI5ION jv Ao KATEO DESIGN, INC. KATE O'CONNOR w ° b 4 D 4686 NORTH POINT PO 7735 AVON, CO 81620 P-9703762730 P-970748-9021 N EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO O O F O F O F O F O N A RE51DENCE FOR THE THARP'5 rn rn o D O (� < 6 LOT 52 BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVI-91ON O O ° � R a e E N A RE51DENCE FOR THE THARP'5 rn rn o D O (� < 6 LOT 52 BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVI-91ON O O ° � R a I I I D 4G8G NO RT1 POINT rn PO 7735 AVON. CO 81 620 P-970 376 2730 F-970 748 9021 Q rn rn 1 I I F =y EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO I DO O D D z�OrnZ° (1 O T D O I S N Q3 �p-irn-ip-a N C7 N N N O D9SOO A ( Cl rnyrnOS OT A N OT A p OT O 1� f (� V� z A N1rn�Nr-I`CG)O� C QQO�� Z (l NAi �z 8 O = `��z<A<i Rrn-arn O p O `G ljj 7o 7o C) G� z CD G� .• O y ril O rn 1rn HO O �O6Oo ��< N =�rn�rn.. C p v0� 0 S rn Z N T 7-v1 D Z Nyy O Z D O rn p T rn O 41�zQAN A y -N7 myy aaZ ZO° i> L OZ C rn p N a p 0O ���rT2z o Z D N w o"cn P�O�NDi� 0 rn P Z A p rno o m o o O 0 0 N A RE51DENCE FOR THE THARP'5 rn rn KATEO DE51GN, INC. (� < 6 LOT 52 BLOCK 3- WILDRIDGE SUBDIVI-91ON KATEO'CONNOR O ° � w ° D 4G8G NO RT1 POINT rn PO 7735 AVON. CO 81 620 P-970 376 2730 F-970 748 9021 >y � EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO N Cl rn $i o F b �F; � R � 9 A N (1 a rn Z O 70 Z rn r rn O O a 03 OJp�0l(0�r z011 ^nDOl ZQ-�o rn341 O�=7�0 IQ rnO A� N RZa N m A �A7Cya?Cl AZ NN= A �`O 0O OKO p 0Z O Drn0T ArO ➢ o 00 0 7rn 00bZN A rn N O O rn Z N OZ O ➢ 0 =i A O Q7 N N O V pO�rnOrnoa G)Q2N_Q cPZx a�ORp z�ryry7°�pm Orn �OZ P Z� Q �j W p rn 1 Orn z z o a o a� o� m o m 0 N A RE5IDENCE FOR THE THARF5 m rn KATEO DESIGN, INC. LOT 52, BLOCK 3- WILDKIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'CONNOP _qq ��^^ PO 7735 AVON, GO 8 1 G20 O ® N 4G8G NORTH POINT P-970 376 2730 F-9707489021 9 1EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO l l l 1 I I l l 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O a 03 OJp�0l(0�r z011 ^nDOl ZQ-�o rn341 O�=7�0 IQ rnO A� N RZa N m A �A7Cya?Cl AZ NN= A �`O 0O OKO p 0Z O Drn0T ArO ➢ o 00 0 7rn 00bZN A rn N O O rn Z N OZ O ➢ 0 =i A O Q7 N N O V pO�rnOrnoa G)Q2N_Q cPZx a�ORp z�ryry7°�pm Orn �OZ P Z� Q �j W p rn 1 Orn z z o a o a� o� m o m 0 N A RE5IDENCE FOR THE THARF5 m rn KATEO DESIGN, INC. LOT 52, BLOCK 3- WILDKIDGE SUBDIVISION KATEO'CONNOP _qq ��^^ PO 7735 AVON, GO 8 1 G20 O ® N 4G8G NORTH POINT P-970 376 2730 F-9707489021 9 1EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO