PZC Packet 032100Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Site Tour March 21, 2000 12:00 PM Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Site Tour A. Site visit of projects considered for review at the March 21, 2000 Regular Meeting Meet in front of the Municipal Building. Lunch is available to those who RSVP by 10:30 AM, Monday. Posted on March 17, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby On the internet at http: / /www,avon.ora Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session March 21, 2000 5:30 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Agenda II. Work Session A. Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. Dinner will be served. Posted on March 17, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 21, 2000 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the March 7, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes [Tab 1 ] VI. Final Design Review A. Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision [Tab 2] Project Type: Single Family Residence Property Owner: Michael and Denise Durkee Applicant: Beveled Edge Woodworks Inc. Address: 2341 Fox Lane Posted on March 17, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org VII. Public Hearing Special Review Use A. Lot 69, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision [Tab 3] Project Type: Special Review Use - Home Occupation Owner: Charlee Puckett Applicant: Charlee Puckett Address: 4221 Wildridge Road West Rezoning and PUD Application B. Lot 38B, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision [Tab 4] Project Type: PUD and Rezoning - Resort Club Applicant: Robert Borg Owner: Robert Borg Address: 220 W. Beaver Creek Blvd. VIII. Other Business A. Staff Approvals: Lot 74, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 5491 Wildridge Road East, Brill Residence Modification to Approved Design Adjourn Posted on March 17, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org Town of Avon Final Report Design Staff Re p March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 17, 2000 Single Family Residence Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Planned Unit Development (PUD) — 2 units 2341 Fox Lane The applicant is proposing a single - family residence located at 2341 Fox Lane. The access for the building site is challenging and has a 9% grade on the driveway. The residence consists of approximately 3,450 square feet with three bedrooms, an unfinished basement and four parking spaces. Architecturally, the project is consistent with the surrounding properties and is proposed with materials designed to enhance the neighborhood. Design Review Considerations The Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6.10, provide the framework for evaluation of this project. Additional guidelines and regulations are contained within (but not limited to) the Comprehensive Plan, the Design Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Regulations. 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. 2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. The color for the siding is a vivid orange stain and is not consistent between the color board and plans. The colored renderings have a more earth -tone application for the siding color. With the exception of the siding color, the color scheme and materials work well for the project and the community. 4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights -of- way and easements. Positive drainage in the 10'0" snow storage and drainage easement must be maintained commencing with construction. The applicant may improve this by installing the culvert as indicated as an alternative on the site plan. Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z\staff reports\2000 \32100 \160b1 wr.doc.62b4longsun (970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749 Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Final Design Review March 21, 2000 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The project works well with the site. The retaining walls exceed 4'0" in a couple of areas and will require engineered plans submitted with the building permit plans. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, and orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. Generally, the proposed improvements work well with respect to architectural styling, massing height, materials and colors. The bay window in the kitchen on the West elevation appears to have no structural support. Staff suggests adding some sort of structural support for the bay window. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The project consists of strong architectural expression with adequate landscaping to be consistent with other projects within its vicinity. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Comments Staff recommends final design approval for Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. Revise color board and drawings with consistent colors, including a siding color diminishing the orange tone; 2. Provide a culvert adjacent to the public roadway consistent with the alternative detailed on the site plan; 3. Maintain the ditch and culvert with positive drainage commencing with construction; 4. Revise bay window in the kitchen to have some structural support. Recommended Motion I move to approve Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision for Final Design approval with the following conditions: 1. Revise color board and drawings with consistent colors, including a siding color diminishing the orange tone; 2. Provide a culvert adjacent to the public roadway consistent with the alternative detailed on the site plan; 3. Maintain the ditch and culvert with positive drainage commencing with construction; 4. Revise bay window in the kitchen (west elevation) to have some structural support. Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z \staff reports\2000 \32100 \160blwr.doc 970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749 Lot 60, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Final Design Review March 21, 2000 If you have any questions regarding this project or any other planning matter, please call me at 748 -4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, t a Ruth O. orne Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z\staff reports\2000 \32100 \160biwr.doc 970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749 Town of Avon Special Review Use Staff Report March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Special Review Use type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 17, 2000 Home occupation Lot 69, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision PUD- Duplex 4221 West Wildridge Road CharLee Puckett has applied for a special review use for a home occupation at 4221 West Wildridge Road. He is seeking approval to establish a business to do special events floral design. The business requires periodic delivery of materials to the home and will also require occasional loading of materials into a 15 -foot truck. Criteria for Review According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a special review use permit: 1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the Zoning Code. The home occupation will otherwise conform to the Wildridge PUD and the definition of Home Occupation per Section 17.08.360, which is attached to this report. Mr. Puckett will be required to keep all materials inside the home. 2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan. Policy A1.8 of the Comprehensive Plan encourages the establishment of home occupations that are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z \staff reports\2000\ 32100 \69b3wrsrufloralhomeocc.doc (970) 949- 4280Fax modem (970) 949 -5749 TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 00-04 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL REVIEW USE PERMIT TO ESTABLISH A HOME OCCUPATION FOR A SPECIAL EVENTS AND FLORAL DESIGN BUSINESS AT FOR LOT 69, BLOCK 3, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, CharLee Puckett, with the permission of Ronald A. Brethauer, owner of Lot 69, Block 3, Wildridge, has applied for a special review use permit to establish a home occupation for a special events and floral design business, as described in the application and plans dated February 28, 2000, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, pursuant to notices required by law, at which time the applicant and the public were given an opportunity to express their opinions and present certain information and reports regarding the proposed Special Review Use permit application; and WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon has considered the following: A. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code; and B. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan; and C. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, Colorado, hereby approves a Special Review Use for a floral and special event design home occupation, as described in the application and plans dated February 28, 2000, as stipulated in Title 17, of the Avon Municipal Code for Lot 69, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado, based upon the following findings: 1. That the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the zoning code. 2. That the proposed use is in conformance with the Town Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses." F:\P &Z\Resolutions\2000- Resolutions \00 -4.doc ADOPTED THIS 21st DAY OF MARCH, 2000 Signed: Date: Chris Evans, Chair Attest: Date: Greg Macik, Secretary F:\P &Z\Resolutious \2000 - Resolutions \00 -4. doc 17.08.340 -- 17.08.365 repair, or maintenance of motor -given vehicles, or where such, vehicles are parked or stored for renumeration, hire or sale within the structure. (Ord. 91 -10 §1(part)). 17 08 340 Grade, existing. "Grade, existing" means the existing or natural. topography of a site prior to con- struction. (Ord. 91 -10 §1(part)). 17 08.350 Grade, finished. "Grade, finished" means the grade upon completion of a project. (Ord. 91 -10 §1(part)). 17 08.360 Home occupation. "Home occupation" means an occupation, profession, activity or use that is conduct- ed within a dwelling unit and is meant to produce income or revenue, or any activity associated with a nonprofit orga- nization which: A. Does not produce noise audible outside the dwell- ing unit where such activity is taking place; B. Limits the amount of customers, visitors or per- sons, other than the occupants, to no more than five per day. In the case of day care, no more children than al- lowed by the state of Colorado license for a child care home (a state of Colorado license is also required to oper- ate a child care home); C. Does not cause the visible storage or parking of vehicles or equipment not normally associated with resi- dential use, which shall include but is not limited to the following: trucks with a rating greater than three - fourths ton, earth moving equipment and cement mixers; D. Does not alter the exterior of the property or affect the residential character of the neighborhood; E. Does not interfere with parking, access or other normal activities on adjacent properties, or with other units in a multifamily residential development; F. Does not require or allow employees to work on the property; G. Does not require alteration to the residence to satisfy applicable town fire or building codes, or county health regulations; H. Does not require or allow any signs to be visible from the outside of the property. (Ord. 98 -3 §VI: Ord. 91 -10 §1(part)). 17.08.365 Home office. "Home office" means any occu- pation, profession or other activity, that takes place in a dwelling unit and is meant to produce income or revenue, or any activity associated with a nonprofit group or corpora- tion which: A. Does not produce noise audible outside the dwell- ing unit where such activity is taking place; 188 (Avon 4/98) Town of Avon Re- Zoning and PUD Staff Report March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 14, 2000 Legal description Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Current zoning RD- Residential Duplex Address 220 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction Robert Borg has submitted an application to re -zone Lot 38 B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision from RD- Residential duplex to PUD. Mr. Borg would like to establish a private residence club, which would allow him to sell 24 memberships to his duplex unit located at 220 - A West Beaver Creek Boulevard. "Members would purchase a fee simple, undivided, deeded interest in the club with year -round access. Their interest in the unit could be sold, willed, or placed in trust like any other piece of real estate." The members' use of the unit would be through a reservation system. Mr. Borg's proposal is attached to this report. The PUD zoning has been requested to allow this use in the RD zone district, which would otherwise not be permitted. According to Section 17. 20.060 of the Zoning Code, single - family homes, duplex homes and accessory caretaker's apartments are the only allowed uses in the RD zone. The Special Review Uses specified under this zone district include home occupations, residential bed and breakfasts, above ground public utility installations, and churches. Re- Zoning Criteria 1. Is the proposed re- zoning justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be rezoned? In staff's opinion the character of the residential neighborhood has not changed and does not justify the re- zoning. Mr. Borg makes the argument that that the resort club will have no more impact than the short-term rentals, which already exist, in the neighborhood. While rentals are not prohibited by the Zoning Code, the RD zone district is not intended as an area to promote commercial short-term rentals. Staff is concerned that the introduction of the resort club would encourage commercial uses in the neighborhood that would be detrimental. 2. Is the proposed re- zoning consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan? Please see discussion under PUD criteria below. 3. Are the proposed uses compatible with the surrounding area or uses? Staff does not believe a resort club, which we consider to be commercial in nature, is a compatible use in a low - density residential neighborhood. Staff recognizes that the property is Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z \staff repo rts\2000\321 00\38bbm @ bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748- 4030Fax modem (970) 949 -5749 Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 3 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting quality and character as existing development. The new development could reduce the quality of this residential area. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientation. Staff considers the proposed resort club to be a higher intensity use than is appropriate for this low - density residential neighborhood. As discussed above, the approval of this use could change the character of the entire Nottingham Park neighborhood by introducing commercial uses with adverse impacts. 4. Uses, activity, and density provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed resort club will introduce a higher level of activity than is appropriate in a low - density residential neighborhood. 5. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed. No change. 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Since the property is already developed there will be no changes with respect to this criterion. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off site traffic circulation that is compatible with the town transportation plan. The parking and back up areas are minimal. The parking as proposed does not comply with the development standards outlined below. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. No change. 9. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads, parks, and police and fire protection. No change. 10. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. No change. Development Standards Development Standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverage, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendation of the Planning & Zoning Commission. • The parking requirement for the use most similar to a resort club is timeshare. This requires 1 parking space per 600 square feet of area. Based on the size of the proposed resort club, 6 parking spaces would be required. Mr. Borg proposes 4 parking spaces, resulting in a reduction in 2 spaces from the standard requirement. Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z \staff reports\2000\ 32100 \38bbm ®bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748- 4030Fax modem (970) 949 -5749 Rezoning and PUD for Resort Club, Lot 38B, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, page 5 March 21, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Respectfully submitted, r---- rC'��'� Karen S. Griffith, Town Planner AIC Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z \staff reports\2000\ 32100 \38bbm @bczonechangepudfinal.doc (970) 748- 4030Fax modem (970) 949 -5749 3. The proposed use is not compatible with the neighborhood. 4. The proposed re- zoning for a resort club will have a negative impact on Town Transportation systems and recreational facilities. 5. The Planned Unit Development Plan and Development Standards for Lot 38B, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek do not comply with each of the Town of Avon's PUD design criteria because the commercial nature of the use is in conflict with the residential character of the neighborhood and that this proposed commercial use would be detrimental to the public interest. 6. The resort club is not compatible with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to residential character of the neighborhood; 7. The PUD Zoning and Development Standards propose a mix of uses, activity, and density which are not compatible with the surrounding low density residential uses and activity; 8. The project does not have sufficient on -site circulation design to accommodate the proposed resort club use and fails to meet the Town standards for parking. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning & Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the Town Council of the Town of Avon, Colorado, to deny the Re- Zoning from of Lot 38B from Town Center to PUD. ADOPTED THIS 21st DAY OF MARCH 21, 2000 Signed: Date: Chris Evans, Chair Attest: Date: Greg Macik, Secretary \\ FINANCE\ CD- PUBLIC\P &Z\Resotutions \00 -3.doc 3. It is also compatible with adjacent properties in terms of architectural design, scale, massing, building height, buffer zones, character and orientation. 4. Its existing and proposed uses, activities and density will remain the same and provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. 5. There are no natural or geologic hazards that affect the property. 6. The site plan, building design and open space provision enhance the visual and functional value of the location in the community. 7. The single driveway access to both units has functioned very well and off -street parking has been more than adequate. 8. Clustered landscaping planted three years ago and seasonal plantings are contributing positively to the street scape and is very complimentary to the goals set by the Town to make Avon aesthetically pleasing to residents and visitors. 9. No phasing is involved, as this project has been completed and is functioning in virtually the same way as a Private Residence Club and Bed & Breakfast for almost three years. 10. All utilities and services, etc needed are already in place and are more than adequate. 11. The existing road is adequate and the proposed PUD will generate no extra traffic impacts. 12. The two residences that comprise the PUD are spaciously planned and exceed contemporary standards. Each residence includes a primary and secondary dwelling. All bedrooms are provided with bathrooms. Construction and finish standards are superior to those to be found in Avon and are more compatible with those in Beaver Creek. 2/11/00 ARCHTECTURAL NOTES I KL lHil 111.1 NM 11 Ill 111 .'1 '.IUD M 11 ,1/: IM M](ID Sl Al1.0 M1111SVLN W '. LN KN1(N Ix.`JILS SIL LII VA INnS l ALL CON,N NO1LS I N w AI IIN 1 NIJNI I NNL NAl MIN Cl-1 DO ABBREVS. RAN LLL VAl1DN - PLAN CICV.tldr (Clus UNFINISHED wAVIN. ttllr I %CMC �!' rNir.N11M LlrvAI IIM IAG FINISHED LIVING ¢ wA »N ._ _ _ \nil / tA: 1Jwlrw FINISHED LIVING CQ INt11 C[Ni1N LILAC. TOTAL FINISHED Ri1N1.NL:t. CM7 rr/1N. n+N n• -® MrfM1ON NANiI11M1.R NuS1HCIN1 Iur i.m inmr�v V �rw cMN Rb w1 r.p1NG PnAOP Md 1) ralwlAa iq/WaAAtN. Na.Nrrm[ ADVKp) aNrz�, K. t �.ro-u{.11Nq Mr K Kn OVN) PrC 1�. ill C 61L4 NDDr M.ru N.RN.NN..� .,I K.NUL SYMBOLS E.. .-NIA s'SNL '��- 1RIOD (Iw91rD) nws11N/oNRMxn �J utt I W,N MoD Ianu6arl -u. SYMBOLS 2O u1N.DV NwINN ® RAN LLL VAl1DN - PLAN CICV.tldr (Clus UNFINISHED wAVIN. ttllr I %CMC �!' rNir.N11M LlrvAI IIM IAG FINISHED LIVING ¢ wA »N ._ _ _ \nil / p[init •[r FINISHED LIVING CQ INt11 C[Ni1N LILAC. TOTAL FINISHED Ri1N1.NL:t. CM7 NRa0111 INiI qu -® MrfM1ON NANiI11M1.R 2O u1N.DV NwINN ® 1[112151 tAnNN FINISHED LIVING CICV.tldr (Clus UNFINISHED 554 SQ.FT. � -- , Iil�- N It wwlwuu'ar.N» wwvlrc NNILN NCN Ir sNrri d vr11CN ¢r.a FINISHED LIVING ¢ wA »N [putl.pN FINISHED LIVING Otav NNIfvT I. w INLLiNI ARC A Z-11 INC O K TOTAL FINISHED . .CQ! .K NINS NOnRN 1110 N.C. 111 .mlr TOTAL UNFINISHED Svl»LS (K• 121. Mr ItOwl GENERAL NOTES 1, -Ift lO ON INIDXLI IND. "1w4 NAN.ALT rfN DCt MlS, bptpNC T DINT MiCNiI -C-1 AND jP[LXIC.alIDNS. 1. All CrNS1NLN-IEN AHD NA 1CUIM5 SNALL INC AS 5K..CNILD. AND N ACCcA0A r .,I, All AI•RN:ANLI IONS, pNWAICL'.. 1•I UUI AND CUNINACI DOCIAN.11 3. 0. CtM NAf.1(W HNAI1 IN 1NV4N N, rIN IHC .11-All -1 ACI41 1111 ALL NN C- SDI.CDON ON 111E VIE a 114' C(NiNAr.11W -.1 Vr.N1 All INNI N`xN5 AND VII' LON -NN'i nlltltl. )IAN IInI: VKM4. 9 ID A (NSCNrn ANC1 N`rf AR N IK CONINACI UOCUUiNlS. UN HLIVALN INL. CWIN.0. - (NN.NIS ANU fAI.:INN. fINJp1NNS, ON I.0 11All ..I.I IN AN11NII1 :I AI ON. IIN NatNUU11DNS NUN IU 1•N ILU. S SNDUID A CDNIICI DCLLN N lW K-tN INIAMNUS -NO >I'ICNICAINNS, I'll vH LN N:A I NNA] v r':S • N DMNWI NI I nNW.111 » OLLN :HII ANII� MN - ON':.NIiI11 S A I.I ANII N A111. 11 M DINNAINN .E'NOD On uA1LN1A15. 1. IIN 1'.IN INw1.11W Y JrNINC `115 /rNN tlTNw N1N1: Ill INI 'aril ANII ID I.I. IlNUItD b1 11N -1. IND t»r fnD 1 11r.HN '! INON A Ill ANA IANINI 1' N N INI: AND 111 TOR. w A N'DI IN UMN14:lNAb_r I NLIWIN W O iW IN IA uA ILNIAIS (1It 11 WNNII.1 JI M11 I'll l'." ""IN IuNl OIA111111 1 ALN IN +'./111 11NI Ill .111 All i 11 ALAI) IN IINI•, I, A 1 :11 1 11 Ill N 111ti/MN rtrN xAllln N t IDANMJ DAN. 'ri II N1IwA 1IN. r nn uNl. 11 NIIN ,.I 41.11 NIAI r Nn. IN I all .1 rlw NI JI [TIN fN -1' N iIH NNLID 114111111#4 1'.UNYi.'JV/N"A' HIIN- I,NC6'1III INV 1111, ANf...,ir Cl JIN .r1nl. 1w 1C 11C NI'J•INY1111 ONIH III nND 11n1 ♦Nt. AN IIN 111W Dlll.•IIrl. (.N rv1 Nt. Jr, 11 n,.I !I r1 IW1.. I1v_. fI 1n1 DRAWING DIRECTORY INDEX n NN1 •. A 111�N•. pNq M MN1 ^ .1. •.1 4K .CH;�1rIN1 RwN � Fll)�^r, r11.. lUKil lL VfI,N AI10fiCR N. 1rnNl» ) 1_.i!�IILNI SINIMRAL IN uJ uML. CD. NC. CMrml O. NON ]9a9 vwN, C. .1151 (. iD) oe -11n y1MNa ALINNL CNCNCCNNC P 9' LDNAN wRDS, CD. .1637 (.7D) 916 -33J3 6/14L DODIITT X 'nN u,Nl lI 1 D 1IN11 WILDQDVT. ZVI 11111+1 11 D IHO +. 1119.1 (LAIN 1N`D) 32H -N]a!1 Nr.rn•• SQUARE FOOT CALCULATION LOWER LEVEL FINISHED LIVING 330 SQ.FT. UNFINISHED 554 SQ.FT. MAIN LEVEL FINISHED LIVING 1958 SQ.FT UPPER LEVEL FINISHED LIVING 608 SQ.FT TOTAL FINISHED 2896 SQ.FT. TOTAL UNFINISHED 554 SQ.FT. TOTAL BUILDING 3450 SOFT O � N m � w o + ; U fT U 2 Q 0 uj t- � � 0 o Z_JDU W a� W 5� x LL Lu U O `W U mo Q 0 0 J I 1 IfY6l�R iMN[ �f1111t b10 AO. • wj /` L_ __ . TOPOGRAPHIC MAP LOT 60, BLOCK 1, WILDRIDGE TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO GENERAL NOTES 1. Date of Survey January 17, 1994. Site field inspected and comers recowed (Feb. 8, 2000) 2 Basis of Bearing: The north line of Lot 60 the chord bearing S7471 57 E between monuments found. 3. Basis of Elevalion: Sewer manhole rim elemllon - 8167.00 (as shown per KK8NA osbullts) 4. Contour Interval - 1'. 5. This property is sub/bcl to applicable prolective covenanls. 6, Ref to the Final Plot of W7dridge Subdivision for applicable notes affecting this property. 7 NOTICE According to Colorado law you must commence any legal action based upon any defect in this surey within three years offer you First discow such defect. In no -f may any action based upon any defect in this survey be commenced more than ten years from the date of the certification shown hereon. 8. Refer to an updated title commitment for If title information. 9 Due to snowcow, on the dotes of survey some features may not hove been visible. o �,oe �thrr o! `oLJ�pFSr - L 6 0 Zr4I(a0 GRAPHIC SCALE m ( IN FUT ) U. S. F. S. f 1-h �` It WHITE RIVER NATIONAL FOREST y � r Vicinity Map I I White River National Fores i J Lighting Legend S= Ihwueiplinn Uly • V---d C.. L%I.hn% IN 1 8 T—Fp rain'.ion C-1-1: ,x.., ry I..yi..w h.11 .w� IwN..M « Iw ur.+. h •x•.'rryr. r C1 j � 2 C—P.n H.c/lill I., — M«.. tir.rWxd 14u1a - - 1'•T Min. Hrwldn Viso.... , 14hr,u1 Kwl.l... -- - A.•1 14Nr.xn It,•W.I. r. i•. In al,rr. • 'a N�.�.x l•Plr.aL�r,l rp NL - x • w. •� d x hn.all l- •M...I ih.x. .' ... ••nh J Ilwnw..n VvY 1'riw11.n ... a,•I V..Iw� IH.x a. l I � - I n.q• I^ I nx «I Typical Boulder Retaining Wall 1;2 --: 1' tl - Bale Ltxation p -n la v T - L CHD -fr. rrvc IYl.' y m — 3 e/r4.' 9leti wsu.rd d G r. wl D- iD-p WM Mn1 Pd. Ft — ln V,,c . 0 d' wlde Camel, D.I. P.n: :0' Slope Mafnt —a M i. p nd Snow Ss...se ra.e.nent - - -25' Fmnt huildint; Set . Ilse ' C«n.hurlion Srr�r-eiliraion. Site Plan Summary / Z / Co-ml 7aw1111g: D.Plea J b Numle•r a( Dwelling UniH.: Onc SkWk r.n.Ily North 1-.10' -0" Fluor ar,a for lath Uw 11ing Unit: 3!!11'.1. / TIrW i9nar Ama for all lJrdb: 343U'.1 i Building Hight Alknvad and CNf -Straet larking Spacer "uked and Pr .( card:' l a J: l:ar.gr and Surin- Parking Sp.ca> A9 L.W: a / Tmal Sit, A— "A"A J. (.91 Aran arW %al Sitr >.mm dnp,: Aran and %,,( lividding IM C1w,rage: 7U3a' �. roolprint � !9bl9b.5.1K A—and% -MI, land.wprd: sw ..L /22x Amt and X ad Pawed Surface: 2w 3.1% / Srlraw 5h.ragr A— 9M J. Existing Serviceberry & j Aspen to Remain 1 8 T—Fp rain'.ion C-1-1: ,x.., ry I..yi..w h.11 .w� IwN..M « Iw ur.+. h •x•.'rryr. r C1 j � 2 C—P.n H.c/lill I., — M«.. tir.rWxd 14u1a - - 1'•T Min. Hrwldn Viso.... , 14hr,u1 Kwl.l... -- - A.•1 14Nr.xn It,•W.I. r. i•. In al,rr. • 'a N�.�.x l•Plr.aL�r,l rp NL - x • w. •� d x hn.all l- •M...I ih.x. .' ... ••nh J Ilwnw..n VvY 1'riw11.n ... a,•I V..Iw� IH.x a. l I � - I n.q• I^ I nx «I Typical Boulder Retaining Wall 1;2 --: 1' tl - Bale Ltxation p -n la v T - L CHD -fr. rrvc IYl.' y m — 3 e/r4.' 9leti wsu.rd d G r. wl D- iD-p WM Mn1 Pd. Ft — ln V,,c . 0 d' wlde Camel, D.I. P.n: :0' Slope Mafnt —a M i. p nd Snow Ss...se ra.e.nent - - -25' Fmnt huildint; Set . Ilse IN IPJJL -} i— .1•wwM M.ewn I n C.wr.rrw.l.r... e•n•wr Alternative Culvert Section 1i eF c. O '17 v C C U V m V � r C 91 0 a% �m O C 7 v Q � c 61 � T..., ' C«n.hurlion Srr�r-eiliraion. Isometric Straw fiat, Dik, Detail N15 North 1-.10' -0" IN IPJJL -} i— .1•wwM M.ewn I n C.wr.rrw.l.r... e•n•wr Alternative Culvert Section 1i eF c. O '17 v C C U V m V � r C 91 0 a% �m O C 7 v Q � c 61 � T..., Sym fammon N,,nc ific N 9 1 Plant Schedule SIX i I I ; I I i , it _. -J" 0 �;,J, Ndd.W Seb. ,i U, 0 _,m. n.. 'f­ Mlw � f • ' 1' All d.tuAwl I I � ' /I � � � � F - I . I . � // �' 1 ' ! � � I i - J 11 I I� i I IJ '� �� '. ��� 1 � A r" � I ��( Offlca / '� I I � �. Lw.., l ,. O ' � i I' '� Vegetable �ardO__J__ ining 7' le lAwation 001 F. F.E. H Gar ge / /Proposed F.FE 71.5 / / , Residence %` / 6.6ting Sc—iccb­y & i J Asp,,cn to R�tnain White River u I "' National ForeW eciti ationi and Note 1 1-110" V.—I, 5, Fo P_ F.F.E890 C-0 (kh­ 1*4 L _---OPWId S•— Add— M.rk- P71"r IW Stp. M.Inb—nm DM—g, _ _ '.. � � � / �// / , � // ' , ��.�'— •. \ W S_ 56-w E•-.m `1­7 C >c -35' F—i Nilding Smtd Lb. ..e, ernrY. � ar^+x�� .rl.,.w.,r e•m� ' / �� 'J try �'�t�e / I/ � 8 F. 1-5 1310 l / l / •. / �� ' ! � it I� ( / f P / / I L I Nomh 1-- 10'- tr 0 0 M O 0 O VW two I •.T-- — ` I i i i i I i �m 1 2 3 4 5� LQo�� I 0 LO o I + X' r -a 1/r r—te < o I O• U uwaa i v l O O m t ? j co O G ♦ C� ., n 7 �Ll� � j lei R'- ore•cworrt I E r-. 1/a' AT YM .�.. h uj nt I ® ~ W O Wa� i 0 Z w.w v.a i , ■ ■ Q — co I I CC 9 o'er 1pVVER LEVEL PLAN ! NORTH i 884 SQUARE- FEET A2.1 0 M4 LEVEL L PLAN 1958 SQUARE FEET III Wm -uo f, rn 4 R.2 ,;a P app 'R lc-rl CZ) WWkO ZjOU UZI CL: C^ j�ca NORTlij A2.2 UPPER LEVEL PLAN 608 SQUARE FEET > in -2 :9 >m 14 TF RP, m0 0 Lu or_ C4 UAL" na 6 Ci UZI Q: L" (JI U, C;l .# "'q- d U.1 4 8 O ci NORTH A2.3 -! MIA I,, S111.10 1 lilt NEW ELEVATION SOUTH An 1-0 lit.iII in, ---------- - (g) _� 1 _N EAST 7;�VAI O I - . I ........ . I. III nAn,II EXTERIOR MATERIALS PICAIM,)Liji, H1,A)U1 pl.'A 1A, SIAINI 1) I'IR WINDOWS -(A AD-1 OPI .ST (-,r[CFJ 8001' SIIINCLCS PINICIF I)7SF.P1 SNAKI. EXTERIOR LIGIIIING RI_CP,;SLI*) CAN (18) SOII'11--IX6 SIAINLD FIR in 4 irm ) pa IIpo. Iv= 1'­_ IAti 'I' fq (g), ELEVATION NORTH I"III., (Iscl. w .0 1/. WEST I- 1 ­X.. - 511-W 3 1.— v Lu DATUM= 100I-0" Ln n Lu i A3.1 0 ­2 + < Etj > —nal cm— , .14R C11,tpwln --I—L- llUS4 ','­ED I R cI 12— - cc ZjOU v Lu DATUM= 100I-0" U- U, 100'_0'=8178'_6I' i A3.1 LLj 1N2 C11,tpwln DATUM= 100I-0" 100'_0'=8178'_6I' i A3.1 ELF; =- of ROOF PL ---------- WO e, NOR-1-111 II 1 LOT -7D QI N� TIL O � J P - \\ go \\ \ cj -o>Js ¢ET'GIFII4Y,( uca 1\ i Rc _ P G � � -- ��J�f -4TING M�.TF�lai_S �i -I LA'➢D� / 1j" 0 Kr.VlU&ZTA -MALL �;II-j7U146E_D Ar".., WI'. SOIL AUCI Ski �,r= CL f MGLUS 'bOLGO - A TIL O � J P - \\ go \\ \ cj -o>Js ¢ET'GIFII4Y,( uca 1\ i Rc _ P G � � 1) / b' \ / S \ Gi =TGT ry c r � � I_ �1anL y _I - wILOfLOwEaS -� / /i'4 4ds .zc ,\ -\ \ '= _ — — — G31. SAJOW S'sDRaCeE — — ".� P NiTYO cue / / / / \ " / � -•--� - / 4 . / / \ _ / � � ,. yam. . � i 66 p M P / / / �I.1fr 1 / / a -rte° / ATE. -- gt-1j F 1 10 SITE AKE-A LIDO lie. LOT CC--E ..:6C .23114 ¢.(9 1MPEKVIOUS M4T•ERI4.L.S - 13!.10 10 (5 %) Zo---G DUPLE4 *-oro.ED Joe 411JItiLE. PAMILY - I UM IT 7F: S' .. -__ „u�rlGilJ,rj Lnr.CEs Uq VIP � I 7` P i C �a r _Ir 5 �yy � � 6 9,j I / 18/R3 s l � 1 iJI? r, Q -- ��J�f -4TING M�.TF�lai_S �i -I ►�° Kr.VlU&ZTA -MALL �;II-j7U146E_D Ar".., WI'. SOIL AUCI NiTIVE SKAerlF_5, f MGLUS 'bOLGO - I[a14j 3 2. ATOMIC, ol'K- N U AT k.Lkuz vwp Sy4y -fb JW IUWAl Tit.Ius COrWFX9Vt CorOUEA.ArGR .ACV'f ->•01.IA - 5 I �4• d +3 1U ALL p TIUS ARE,A4. �• OV=, AL TREE a SHKUB HOLES 2 TIMES 512E OP . 8 4.RE6s -+ASH TftXIUUS FDAMLMd CA LWLTDIATA �3 "Ulj 5- Dell- A,%Sp PlAC.'F WITH TDP%0IL /PKAT MiK. M IMUK� MpPL.E QIUUALL Cali' 2 •I, COUSTRurT104 MATLaiA;L9 -0 bE 9rDRvk7 'Iu 7w Vg E 14CJ<12 AREA, VIUKIWr. ;�uryrc[JGTIp N. t-- ��nr�Vr•i ouUa I ELAEA6uDe &UC.Lm9ril -aL.-A jIVLCALl. S r aouoiROSA PIuE I Pluos POu6J�OSA I V -S" I a k WI Lb 6L01•.1 is IUGL Utlr -' C-pLDH PSI U6�A0U�..E��s: 1-_ P. _._._- _ -_ .O-reQrILLA j ... .... _ PCrEFITi"A. FRUT,LMM& 5fi&i.� 5 LUVIu£ LDPIA4 , S ,=IHASTA- DrLI �.Y (CF)KY9ALITHEMUM __ _ HAKIMUM,1 °i- �>jY'S <.LT -Fj �61FSU PIIIJi ?A411G U'. J.-J�';, 71H71'L6 R ;mIFiLG S4KUpRK,•EI �RDdSI¢OLIO SGAU I (D+�j SI RCN.t �KESb�4UbK�.T �E�Cti - -'VI� VA IZDL.1(Ja_4 _ Sb .. SERVILELFgRY .LMSLAI GAAIM ALUi ►O-A ,: i SG,, Ll.), ET L. 1) / b' \ / S \ Gi =TGT ry c r � � I_ �1anL y _I - wILOfLOwEaS -� / /i'4 4ds .zc ,\ -\ \ '= _ — — — G31. SAJOW S'sDRaCeE — — ".� P NiTYO cue / / / / \ " / � -•--� - / 4 . / / \ _ / � � ,. yam. . � i 66 p M P / / / �I.1fr 1 / / a -rte° / ATE. -- gt-1j F 1 10 SITE AKE-A LIDO lie. LOT CC--E ..:6C .23114 ¢.(9 1MPEKVIOUS M4T•ERI4.L.S - 13!.10 10 (5 %) Zo---G DUPLE4 *-oro.ED Joe 411JItiLE. PAMILY - I UM IT 7F: S' .. -__ „u�rlGilJ,rj Lnr.CEs Uq VIP � I 7` P i C �a r _Ir 5 �yy � � 6 9,j I / 18/R3 s l � 1 iJI? r, Q LOCATION PLAb IN !I WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD EXE OF ErII PAVEWEVT ------------------ r irz .., 0. -, W 7461 716 0 S —.29 7 1 85.00 .0 -Ilk %p TELEPHONE 7460 VT - - -- - -- - 'E"'TAL 7.5/ FEW L PUD 71W 7.$' 7059 no 1 23.0' r 10.5, LOT� li 36 I co LOT 37 0 LOT 38 rj' LOT 39 z I I LOT 290 w (D pw as I i wa 0 A CF.: PLANT LIST co L 7.. KEY DESCRIPTION SIZE 0 Ro "I i CL, cj 5' I 7 1 I A 2 COLO BLUE SPRUCE 6 B. a OUAKFNG ASPEN 2+ CAL 7137 c. TV C. 20 CHINESE JUNIPER 5 GAL PEDIMT& 456 J' 0. 12 POTEPMLLA 5 CAL 0 (D % G. AI WILDFLOWER MIX IN MULCH - - -- - -- S 27D 0 9 E CDC) S s GRASS TURF -TYPE TALL FESCUE ALL LANDSCAPE VEGETATION ON SPRINI SYSTEM ct EXISTING DEVELOPMENT GUIDE THE PROPOSED PUD IS COMPRISED OF TWO EXISTING DI UNITS UNDER COMMON OWNERSHIP . IUNTF 8' IS THE OWNERS RESIDENCE AND B&B INN (ALLOWABLE USE APPROVED 1997) 'UNIT A' IS PRESENTLY PI SIHOPT TERN YEAR-ROUND. THE INTENT OF THE PUD IS To PRoI FOR o*wERs RESIDENCE AND BED & BREAKFAST IN UNIT 8 AND A PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB IN UNIT A FOR 24 MEMBERS. THE MEMBERS' USE OF THE LINITT WILL BE THROUGH LOT 41 ROUGH Q: LOT 42 A RESERVATION SYSTEM. MANAGEMENT OF THE ppWATE RESIDENCE CLUB co AND ITS OPERATION WILL BE BY THE OWNERS ON gEII OF THE MEMBERSHIP BO UNITS INCLUDE A PRIMARY AND ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT AS B CREEK WES-, CONDO-HOTEL BOTH ALLOWED IN THE RD ZONE DISTRICT. ME PPI"4py DWELLING W EACH UNIT IS APPROX 1,800 SQUARE FEET (EXCLUDING LOFT) THE ACCESSORY DWELLING IS APPROX 1.450 SQUARE FEET LEG,4L DESCRIPTION BLOCK 2• LOT 38, BENCHMARK AT BEAVER CREEK ZONING EXISTING RD - PROPOSED PUD OF UNITS 2 FLOOR AREA EACH UNIT 3.250 (+LOFT) ru TOTAL AREA 6.500 SQUARE FEET 41 BENCHMARK 0 BEAVER CREEK ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT 35'-0' o -1 I PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT 35'-0' co M AREA OF SITE 10.690.62 S.F. date: 40% SLOPE 0 2110100 1 OFF STREET PARKING REQUIRED 3 EACH DWELLING SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN I I GARAGE PARKING AVAILABLE 2 EACH DWELLING sc ale 1 = 20'-0" SURFACE PARKING AVAILABLE 2 EACH DWELLING A BUILDING LOT COVERAGE 35.24X B. LANDSCAPE AREA 47.77X drawn by: C. IMPERMEABLE AREA (DRIVEWAY) 15.15% D. EXTERIOR WALKS & STAIR 1.84K SNOW STACKING REOUtI 324 SQUARE FEET T9 SNOW STACKING PRONGED 378 SQUARE Fm SfTEIBUILDING LIGHTING IS CONFINED To SITE sheet: (0MLL. WASH DOWN LIGHTS) A- 1 JIB 13-6' T A9 1 l3' -6' I O 9' -0" X 6' -9- PATIO DOOR 314" T &G PUNK FLOOR OVER 314" T &G OSB OVER 9 -112 TJI'S O 2' -0" O.C. TYPICAL 1st FLOOR ONLY (SEE FRAMING PLANS) 11 3" DIA STEEL POST FLOOR AREA 1754 S.F. 1' 71 9 I IC J O e e 2' -9• I - �En - - -I I -- O _ Rnt 2" I REC ROOM � I I � I I SUPPLY AND W /&7TTERY BACKUP I Wt-T BAR Hw o! _ r >t MECHWCAL OVER 4 • -DUCTS 16 RISERS 1 O 7-112-( 9' -0" X 6' S � 'ri3 - 9'-11" I / TREAD - � I BEDROOM �7 o / REC ROOM I I I I1.- -- - - - --41 I� - -- - - --II II II - i I �Y 70" X 14" FURRED DOWN SOFFIT FOR H.V. SOFFIT FOR HA, O -,T V + 1" AIRSPACE I �1 I 1st FLOOR -II PLAN 14 -1/2" 12' -10 3176 USE GATT INSUL O 10' -0" O.C. HORIZ 3" DIA STEEL ST I I BEDROOM I N AND VERT FOR I SMOKE DETECTOR 4 F.S. & D.S. 1 I ( TYPICAL) a A10 dote: I 30" X 42" SHOWER 2110100 STALL (TYPICAL) J2 O stole: - -� -- - - - - -+ 114" = 1' -0" FLOOR AREA N. 1266 S.F. I ff42 BEDROOM 131 O -NGLE SLIDE 2z _ -- D. x 4 -0. I 1 o EGRESS WINDOWS - ! 42• S :LL HEIGHT I (TYP ALL BEDROOMS) CEILING OVER BATHROOM I 17 AND CLOSET AREAS -�— FOR HEATING AND VENTING I BEDROOM r `e3 I h I 2' -4" 7' -0 _ I 16 I 17•_6• SUPPLY AND I l3' -6' I O 9' -0" X 6' -9- PATIO DOOR 314" T &G PUNK FLOOR OVER 314" T &G OSB OVER 9 -112 TJI'S O 2' -0" O.C. TYPICAL 1st FLOOR ONLY (SEE FRAMING PLANS) 11 3" DIA STEEL POST FLOOR AREA 1754 S.F. 1' 71 9 I IC J O e e 2' -9• I - �En - - -I I -- O _ Rnt 2" I 6' -4 112" I �IARD -WIRED SMOKE DETECTOR I SLAB ON GRADE a � I I SUPPLY AND W /&7TTERY BACKUP z Hw RETURN AIR r >t MECHWCAL OVER 4 • -DUCTS 16 RISERS 1 O 7-112-( 9' -0" X 6' S � 'ri3 - 9'-11" N / TREAD - 00 m 10-1/2" METER N 6" STUD WALL - I a HANDRAIL 36' ABOVE NOSING I c h _ ! 1 -HOUR PRE WALL — (r A' CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE r ------- - n\---- - - - --1 1 // / GARAGE t6' -0" OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOOR �. I O I O I 2'_9- Rnt I I I I �IARD -WIRED SMOKE DETECTOR I SLAB ON GRADE a � I I O W /&7TTERY BACKUP N 6" STUD WALL - I a HANDRAIL 36' ABOVE NOSING I c h _ ! 1 -HOUR PRE WALL — (r A' CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE r ------- - n\---- - - - --1 1 // / GARAGE t6' -0" OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOOR �. \ HANDRAIL 36" I I ABOVE NOSING N 13 N I I I I x I 4" CONCRETE � �IARD -WIRED SMOKE DETECTOR I SLAB ON GRADE a ==f -- - - - - -- O W /&7TTERY BACKUP _ I OG` J O \ r >t MECHWCAL G ,1_,_ I ICJ EXHAUST VENT 1 I 9' -0" X 6' S � 'ri3 - uum %j / PATIO DOOR 00 m I� - - - - -- 11 / REC ROOM I II I1.- -- - - - --41 I� - -- - - --II II II LI--- - - - --u 10" X 14" FU ED DOWN I �Y (2) 1 HOUR WALLS SOFFIT FOR HA, O + 1" AIRSPACE I �1 I 1st FLOOR 1 --- - - - - -4 PLAN 14 -1/2" USE GATT INSUL O 10' -0" O.C. HORIZ 3" DIA STEEL ST I I AND VERT FOR I 4 F.S. & D.S. WET BAR A10 dote: 2110100 stole: - -� -- - - - - -+ 114" = 1' -0" FLOOR AREA drown by: 1266 S.F. 29 ff42 BEDROOM 2z I 1 o I CONTINOUS FURRED DOWN I ) 00 CEILING OVER BATHROOM I 17 AND CLOSET AREAS -�— FOR HEATING AND VENTING I I -" 2'B O I I h I 2' -4" 7' -0 _ I 16 I 17•_6• SUPPLY AND I J A10 TSNOAVER Rw DUC BEDROOM I O H r 2' -4•I 16 RISERS .J1 19 I I = 9'-11 " 28 TREAD = 0 1 10 -1/2 "% 24 J � - - ---- -- - - - -I- 27 I I T-71 16" 1 1 SINGLE SLIDE 4' -0" x 4' -0" I 2._ EGRESS WINDOWS 42" SILL HEIGHT 1 (TYP ALL BEDROOM E) I O m I I BEDROOM I T dOi ^ ' 03 ' -6 1 -HOUR FIRE WALL I y� I 1 A9 \ HANDRAIL 36" I I ABOVE NOSING N 13 N I I I I x I 4" CONCRETE � I I SLAB ON GRADE a ==f -- - - - - -- T1LE'O R' _ I I I I ,'16'-0" OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOOR \ I I 2J' -0" G ,1_,_ I I ---- - - --II 1 I II--- - - - - -41 'ri3 - uum %j 11- - - - - - - -I 1 -- 00 m I� - - - - -- 11 ..J -- - -- - I1- --- - - --41 II I1.- -- - - - --41 I� - -- - - --II II II LI--- - - - --u -=F4 -------- fF= D �Y 1�--- - - --II 11--- - - - - -41 1st FLOOR 1 --- - - - - -4 PLAN \ HANDRAIL 36" I I ABOVE NOSING N 1 I I 1 -HOUR FIRE WALL o I I I x I 4" CONCRETE � I 1 I SLAB ON GRADE a I 1 I / GARAGE I I I ,'16'-0" OVERHEAD SECTIONAL DOOR \ I I 2J' -0" I�--- - - --l1 UNIT B — EXISTING B &B AND RESIDENCE Lt--- - - - --u N 0 ob z N as U � I Q o j O ti O Cy U mcrO U o ^i 2 < Vl U � ' Cl vj x O � Cr. a sheet W W cc V 00 m � M Q �Y U C4 %c m JW o Z CL aim N dote: 2110100 stole: 114" = 1' -0" drown by: T. B. sheet UNIT A — PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB NORTH EAST ELEVATION i v �G - EXISTING 6 AT HIGHES 5�7 -66" _ UNIT B — EXISTING B &B AND RESIDENCE SAFETY GLAZING IN ALL AREAS SUBJECT TO HUMAN IMPACT TEMPERED GLASS SHALL COMPLY WITH REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 2406 UBC 94 RE. LABELING. LOCATION AND SIZE. GRADE EXISTING GRADE Jwv I n Gfi%3 / LLL YH 11Vlr h ry cnzm.., O O z z Q U o N W m m p^ stole: 114" = 1' -0' _ 6 'ADE drown by: T. B. sheet: � C W W U W � r Ct coca i+ Q o m �Y ai U w C S UU Z 1 �o W 3 /O 4 W w N date: 2/10/00 stole: 114" = 1' -0' _ 6 'ADE drown by: T. B. sheet: � C UNIT B — EXISTING B &B AND RESIDENCE UNIT A — PRIVATE RESIDENCE CLUB SOUTH WEST ELEVATION 7'-6 J. 56'8 EXIS77NG GRADE 91' -8' N (n sp e o� W � � Vi z o Q Qc V) V) O U m U O ` U O) ob b �W X m cico � Q a �0.. w U 0 Q ct u j QD W Mm w R O Q w z —� Y J � Lu N V U 0� uj� 2 mm date: 2/10/00 °z 0 m w U 0 mo W U 3 o Zo N Q scare: 114" drawn T.B. sheet: N� 0 N LIVING AREA BELOW I � I � I � I / / I I � o 1 I e I1I 1 � SOL - 3R'DR A L J" STEEL POST 11 - 1 UNDER 1/I 2 DN II -- -- ll------ -- -- - -- — o �^* GLUELA I LOFT STAIR O. OVER II RISERS 8" / o I II TREADS 10" v ( MICROLAMS I // UNDER II STUDY / Tl 284 S.F. TOTAL I A I I II CLO �� r 13'-6" LIVING AREA BELOW W "i / I Cit J o / 1 At0 N 4J N V 0 er ti . I 5E N� 0 N LIVING AREA BELOW I � I � I � I / / I I � o 1 I e I1I 1 � SOL - 3R'DR A L J" STEEL POST 11 - 1 UNDER 1/I 2 DN II -- -- ll------ -- -- - -- — o �^* GLUELA I LOFT STAIR O. OVER II RISERS 8" / o I II TREADS 10" v ( MICROLAMS I // UNDER II STUDY / Tl 284 S.F. TOTAL I A I I II CLO �� r 13'-6" LIVING AREA BELOW i " I MASTER BDR BELOW I I t II I � II MASTER BDR BELOW I - -- — r— — II 5 I 13 M' I i I IV ENTRY BELOW I I II 49 ; 1 II --- I-- - - - - -- - - -� GARAGE BEL W i ENTRY BELOW i I GARAGE BELOW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 — -------- -I - - -- --------- - - - - -� 1 PLAN AT LOFT LEVEL 23'-0" U I MIT e — DD►VATD DCCIrl1rA/rC rI I IQ 4 A10 3 A10 0 N 'n m� UNIT B — EXISTING B &B AND RESIDENCE L a N ff AA o► v1 � �► Z b 011 QW b � L rV� LE 0 Z e N o 0 Q u O =L O Cc U O 0 U � � N I c r, Obi W v k Ct Q a W / I Cit / 1 4J 0 er Mm . I 5E 1 �. - -- --- I - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- I z I GLUELAM — — -- - S— OLID GUA D— RA— IL — 36—" — H - _ I o N Z J —i 114"1 lj� r53• I I I - O1�- % 5/ pw 0 STEEL POST POST I 1 I °, UNDER DN _ J I / -_____ LOFT STAIR GLUEA� - RISERS 8" OVR P84 S.F. TOTAL I TREADS 10" I19- -e 112• MICROLAMS I OL A UNDER I O50 I j� GLUELAM OVER _ I II 1 i " I MASTER BDR BELOW I I t II I � II MASTER BDR BELOW I - -- — r— — II 5 I 13 M' I i I IV ENTRY BELOW I I II 49 ; 1 II --- I-- - - - - -- - - -� GARAGE BEL W i ENTRY BELOW i I GARAGE BELOW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 — -------- -I - - -- --------- - - - - -� 1 PLAN AT LOFT LEVEL 23'-0" U I MIT e — DD►VATD DCCIrl1rA/rC rI I IQ 4 A10 3 A10 0 N 'n m� UNIT B — EXISTING B &B AND RESIDENCE L a N ff AA o► v1 � �► Z b 011 QW b � L rV� LE 0 Z e N o 0 Q u O =L O Cc U O 0 U � � N I c r, Obi W v k Ct Q a 2110100 scale: 114• = 1' -0- drown by: T. B. sheet: e -a W Cit V 4J 0 er Mm 5E O Q JY z u OZ I 3 0 o J �+.1 c mm o N Z 2110100 scale: 114• = 1' -0- drown by: T. B. sheet: e -a