PZC Packet 050200Town of Avon
Planning & Zoning Commission
Site Tour
May 2, 2000
ul U
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Site Tour
Site visit of projects considered for review at the
May 2, 2000 Regular Meeting
Meet in front of the Municipal Building. Lunch is available to
those who RSVP by 10:30 AM, Monday.
Posted on April 28, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center
• City Market, main lobby
On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org
Town of Avon
Planning & Zoning Commission
Work Session
May 2, 2000
5:30 PM
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
II. Work Sessions
Discussion of regular meeting agenda items.
Dinner will be served.
Posted on April 28, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center
• City Market, main lobby
On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org
Town of Avon
Planning & Zoning Commission
Regular Meeting
April 4, 2000
6:00 PM
Council Chambers
Town of Avon Municipal Building
400 Benchmark Road
I. Call to Order
II. Swearing In of New Commissioners
III. Roll Call
IV. Nominations and Election of Officers
V. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
VI. Conflicts of Interest
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the April 18, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes [Tab 1]
Posted on April 28, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center
• City Market, main lobby
On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org
VIII. Modification of Final Design
A. Lot 6, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision [Tab 2]
Project Type: Duplex - Exterior Modification
Applicant: Gary Marner
Owner: Trent Cole
Address: 5031 Wildridge Road East
IX. Final Design Review
A. Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision [Tab 3]
Project Type: Duplex
Applicant: Ron Diehl/VailCo
Owner: Funck/Schmid Residence
Address: 5768 Wildridge Road East
B. Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision [Tab 4]
Project Type: 4 -Plex
Applicant: Bob Mach
Owner: Claus Holm
Address: 2170 Saddleridge Road
X. Public Hearing
Special Review Use
Applicant: Intermountain Landscaping / Gosiewski [Tab 5]
Project Type: Equipment Storage & Staging Area
Address: The Village of Avon - West of LaFarge Plant
Owner: EMD Limited
Posted on April 28, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center
• City Market, main lobby
On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org
XI. Work Session
Lot C, Avon Center Subdivision
Project Type: Time -Share & Employee Housing Phase 1A -1C
Project Name: Mountain Vista
Applicant/Owner: Vistana, Inc.
Address: 0160 Beaver Creek Boulevard West
XII. Other Business
A. Meeting Schedule for July 4, 2000
B. Staff Approvals:
1. Lot 40, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2685 Bear Trap Road
Siding Color Change & Split Rail Fence
2. Lot 111, Aspens
901 West Beaver Creek Boulevard
Deck on Mobile Home
3. Lot 22, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision
2960 June Creek Trail
Retaining Walls
XIII. Adjourn
Posted on April 28, 2000, at the following public places within the Town of Avon:
• Avon Municipal Building, main lobby
• Avon Recreation Center, main lobby
• Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center
• City Market, main lobby
On the internet at http: / /www.avon.org
Town of Avon
Minor Project Staff Report
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Project type
Legal description
April 28, 2000
Modification to Final Design
Lot 6, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
5031 Wildridge Road East
The applicant is seeking approval for revising the exterior decks on the duplex
residence. The project is very visible from Wildridge Road. The modification includes
extending the deck across the rear of the building to the master bedrooms on each unit.
The attached plans show the decks as approved and proposed changes.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4.10, the
Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of
the Zoning Code.
There are no encroachments proposed with this project.
2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon.
3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed.
4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights -
of -way and easements.
5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site
disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or
other significant alteration of existing topography.
6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height,
orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors.
Staff is concerned with the overall expression of the decks proposed on the rear of the
building. The decks will appear as an extensive horizontal unbroken plane. The building
does have some articulation to break up the proposed revisions.
7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity
that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired.
8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals,
Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon.
Town of Avon Community Development f: \p&z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \lot6b3.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Lot 6, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning meeting
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval.
Recommended Motion
"I move to approve the deck expansion for the master bedrooms decks for Lot 6, Block
3, Wildridge Subdivision."
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me
at 748 -4030 or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth Borne
Town of Avon Community Development f: \p &z\staff reports\2000 \5200 \lot6b3.doc
970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
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Town of Avon
Final Report
Design Staff Re p
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Project type
Legal description
April 28, 2000
Duplex Residence
Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge
PUD — Duplex
5768 Wildridge Road East
The applicant is proposing a duplex residence with 3 bedrooms and a loft one each side for a
total of approximately 6,220 square feet. The project maximizes the site from the side setbacks
and has some extensive retaining walls to work with the existing grades. Architecturally the
duplex fits within the neighborhood and complies with the design requirements.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4. 10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning
• Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use.
• Density: Duplex residence.
• Lot Coverage: The applicant is proposing 6.7% lot coverage.
• Setbacks: The proposed residence extends to each setback and leaves no room for error.
There are retaining walls proposed on both the East and West setbacks.
• Easements: The applicant is proposing landscaping by the driveway entrance in the 10'
Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement which may impact sight distance.
• Building Height: The proposed height is 34'6" and complies with the height restrictions.
• Grading: Southeast side of the building — contour lines are missing and may result in
drainage into the building. The retaining walls on the rear of the project exceed 4'0" and
will require details stamped by a licensed engineer. The applicant has noted that no walls
will exceed 6'0 ". The driveway entrance requires clarification and must be designed to
comply with the 4% grade requirements for the first 20'0". The property must be staked
to avoid grading outside of the property boundaries.
• Parking: The applicant is proposing 8 parking spaces and 6 are required.
• Snow Storage: Submitted plans comply with the town requirements for snow storage.
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff repo rts\2000 \5200 \I6b4wr.doc
(970) 746 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, page 2
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
• Landscaping: The planting in the 10'0" Snow and Storage Easement should be relocated
near the house to eliminate any site distance problems. All disturbed areas will require
re- vegetation of 3 sagebrush per 100 sq. ft.
2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon.
The driveway must comply with a 4% grade for the first 20'0 ". Details of the retaining
walls must be stamped and submitted with the building permit plans — no walls to exceed
6'0" in height.
3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed.
The architectural style, massing and materials fit well with the site. The stucco color may
be too white. The rules require the project have earth tones and stucco as proposed may
be too vivid for Wildridge. A more neutral off -white color would work well for this
project. Lighting cut sheets must be submitted.
4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights -of -way
and easements.
The drainage plan along with the landscaping plan for the project needs to be resolved.
5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site
disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other
significant alteration of existing topography.
The project fits well with site. The project is maximizing the site to increase the amount
of density for the duplex residence.
6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to
street, quality of materials, and colors.
The overall architectural design works well with Town standards and within the
7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that
monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired.
The design of the project is consistent with the previously approved residences within
8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and
Programs for the Town of Avon.
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval for Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision with the following
1. Submit lighting cut sheets;
2. Revise the driveway entrance to comply with Town standards - 4% grade for the
first 20'0" is required;
3. Clarify drainage on the southeast corner;
4. Revise landscaping plan by relocating plant materials from the 10'0" Snow and
Drainage Easement;
5. Revise stucco color to a more natural off -white color, to be approved by staff.
6. Details of the retaining walls must be stamped and submitted with the building
permit plans — no walls to exceed 6'0" in height.
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff repo rts\2000 \5200 \I6b4wr.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, page 3
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Recommended Motion
I move to recommend final design approval for Lot 6, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision with the
following conditions:
1. Submit lighting cut sheets;
2. Revise the driveway entrance to comply with Town standards - 4% grade for the
first 20'0" is required;
3. Clarify drainage on the southeast corner;
4. Revise landscaping plan by relocating plant materials from the 10'0" Snow and
Drainage Easement;
5. Revise stucco color to a more natural off -white color, to be approved by staff.
6. Details of the retaining walls must be stamped and submitted with the building
permit plans — no walls to exceed 6'0" in height.
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
748 -4030, or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth O. Bo
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff repo rts\2000 \5200 \I6b4wr.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Town of Avon
Final D o rt staff Re p
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date April 28, 2000
Project type Four -plex project
Legal description Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge
Zoning PUD — Four -plex
Address 2170 Saddleridge Loop
Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision is a challenging site because of the limited access and
building area. The project includes four (3) three- bedroom units of approximately 2,442 sq. ft.
Staff and other departments have received several phone calls from residents concerned with the
impact of this project within the Town. Staff has reviewed the project and cannot recommend
approval at this time.
On April 4, 2000, this project was tabled because all of the submittal and design requirements
necessary to fully evaluate the project had not been submitted.
Design Review Considerations
According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4.10, the Commission
shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project:
1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning
• Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use.
• Density: Four -plex residence
• Lot Coverage: The applicant is proposing 9% lot coverage.
• Setbacks: The vertical retaining wall on the first unit (south side) is over 8'0 "and
encroaches into the 10'0" setback. The boulder retaining wall on the southwest corner
encroaches into the 10'0" and 25'0" setbacks and exceeds 4'0" in height — a variance will
be required to accommodate these walls.
• Easements: The applicant is proposing landscaping by the driveway entrance in the 10'
Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement which may impact sight distance.
• Building Height: The proposed complies with the height restrictions.
• Grading: A grading plan has been submitted by Peak Land Surveying. The elevations
on both the south and east elevations do not correspond to the new grading plan. The
drainage appears to be running into the garage on the third unit. The retaining walls on
the project exceed 4'0" and will require details stamped by a licensed engineer. Contours
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \I15b1wr - deny.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, page 2
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
are not indicated on the culvert — it may be more appropriate to allow drainage to sheet
across the driveway.
• Parking: The applicant is proposing 16 parking spaces and 10 are required. The backing
area on the east unit is minimal and requires more area for adequate maneuvering.
• Snow Storage: Submitted plans require 5,000 square feet for snow storage — there is no
snow storage indicated on the site or landscaping plans.
• Landscaping: The planting in the 10'0" Snow and Storage Easement should be relocated
to eliminate any site distance problems. All disturbed areas will require re- vegetation of
3 sagebrush per 100 sq. ft. A guardrail has been added at the entrance to the property. At
the April 4 meeting, Staff was concerned that a guardrail should be installed adjacent to
the maneuvering area — if a guardrail is not required additional landscaping should be
installed to screen the project from the road. Wheel stops should be provided for people
backing out of their units — some areas are 9% grade.
2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon.
The elevations do not indicate any existing or finished grades consistent with our
submittal requirements. Upon review of the site plan and the elevations, it appears there
are areas where the finished grades will block the windows. There is landscaping
proposed where decks are shown on different sheets. The decks are not shown on the
grading and site plan. The rear retaining walls and boulder retaining walls are not
indicated on the elevations.
3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed.
The applicant has added some horizontal siding on the east and west elevation. The
applicant has not added stone to wrap- around the east and west elevations as
recommended at the Planning and Zoning meeting on April 4, 2000.
4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights -of -way
and easements.
The site grading does not minimize the impacts to the public rights -of -way. The amount
of grading and retaining proposed are indicative of a project that does not fit the site.
5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site
disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other
significant alteration of existing topography.
The project does not minimize the site disturbance or work well with the existing
topography. Please review the comments outlined regarding the encroachments into the
setbacks and discrepancies between the site, grading and elevation plans.
6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring
properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to
street, quality of materials, and colors.
The Staff and Commission members have cautioned the applicant of the concern with
developing this site and its exposure as you enter Wildridge. The colors and architectural
style appear to fit well with the site — the difficulties arise with the amount of grading,
walls, and overall site disturbance required to fit this project within the property
7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that
monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired.
8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and
Programs for the Town of Avon.
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \I15b1wr- deny.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, page 3
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends denial of the final design application for Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge
Subdivision based upon the overall lack of conformance of the proposed improvements with the
design criteria for the Town of Avon. The following is a list of considerations for Staff s
recommendation of denial:
1. Retaining walls over 4'0" within the setbacks, which require a variance;
2. Discrepancies between grading, site plan, and elevations with regard to the building,
decks, existing and finished grades;
3. Clarification of eliminating drainage into garage;
4. Maneuvering for vehicles;
5. Safety concerns on the maneuvering area;
Recommended Motion
I move to recommend denial of the final design application for Lot 15, Block 1, Wildridge
Subdivision based upon the overall lack of conformance of the proposed improvements with the
design criteria for the Town of Avon. The following is a list of findings for the denial:
Retaining walls over 4'0" within the setbacks, which require a variance;
2. Discrepancies between grading, site plan, and elevations with regard to the building, decks,
existing and finished grades;
3. Clarification of eliminating drainage into garage;
4. Maneuvering for vehicles;
5. Safety concerns on the maneuvering area;
If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at
748 -4030, or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth O. Borne
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance \cd - public \p &z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \115b1wr - deny.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax (970) 949 -5749
Town of Avon
Special Review Use Staff Report
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Report date
Special Review Use type
Legal description
April 28, 2000
Temporary landscape staging and storage area
The Village at Avon - located northwest of
LaFarge Concrete Plant
Not assigned at this time
Ruth and Ziggy Gosiewski are requesting a temporary use for a staging and storage area for
their landscaping business. They will store inert landscape materials such as mulch, gravel and
soil as well as vehicles at the site. Their employees will report to the site at the start of their
work shift, and exchange their personal vehicle for a company vehicle. The applicants are
leasing the property from EMD Limited Liability Company, owner of the Stolport property. The
property is located west of the LaFarge Concrete Plant, south of the existing landscape storage
area, and north of the railroad tracks.
Criteria for Review
According to section 17.48.040 of the Avon Municipal Code, the Planning & Zoning
Commission shall consider the following criteria when evaluating an application for a special
review use permit:
1. Whether the proposed use otherwise complies with all requirements imposed by the
zoning code.
The temporary use has no apparent conflicts with the Village at Avon PUD, which establishes
zoning for the property. Permanent outside storage areas are only listed as a use by right in
Planning Area M, which is north of Eagle Vail. Staff believes a temporary outdoor use is not in
conflict with the approved PUD.
2. Whether the proposed use is in conformance with the town comprehensive plan.
Staff does not believe the proposed temporary use is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan.
3. Whether the proposed use is compatible with adjacent uses.
The use is proposed in the immediate vicinity include the LaFarge Concrete Batch plant and
another landscape business. The use will not have any impact on these businesses. It will
generate additional traffic on Nottingham Ranch Road, and possibly Hurd Lane. In staff's
opinion the amount of traffic generated from the 14 vehicles will not cause any significant
Town of Avon Community Development \\finance \cd - public \p&z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \villagelandscapesru.doc
(970) 949- 4280Fax modem (970) 949 -5749
April 21, 2000
Department of Community Development
Town of Avon.
Re: Use of Lindholm property adjacent to the concrete batch plant for
storage of landscape material, supplies and vehicles.
From: Residents on Eaglebend Drive, Avon.
We would like to request that if permission is granted to the applicant to use the
Lindholm property at the end of Nottingham Ranch Road for the storage of
landscape material, supplies and equipment, that the only access to that area
should be via Nottingham Ranch Road. As Eaglebend Drive is a residential street
we would not want vehicles related to the landscape business travelling along Hurd
Lane and Eaglebend Drive.
We would also like to make you aware that the concrete batch plant has polluted a
vast area surrounding that plant over the past few years.
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The Village at Avon, Temporary Landscape Storage and Staging Area, Special Use Review, page 2
May 2, 2000 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting
Staff Recommendation
Staff recommends approval of the proposed temporary landscape staging area for a one year
period from date of approval. The applicants may request renewal by Planning and Zoning
Commission on an annual basis.
Recommended Motion
I move to grant a Special Review Use Permit for a temporary landscape staging and storage area,
located west of the LaFarge Plant, on the Village as described in the plans dated April 20, 2000
for a time period of one year..
If you have any questions regarding this or any other project or community development issue,
please call me at 748 -4030, or stop by the Community Development Department.
Respectfully submitted, —�
Karen Griffith
Town Planner
Town of Avon Community Development \ \finance\cd- public \p &z \staff reports\2000 \5200 \villagelandscapesru.doc
(970) 748 -4030 Fax modem (970) 949 -5749
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P.O. Box 2706, Avon, Colorado 81620
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April 14th, 2000
Intermountain Landscaping and Maintenance, Inc. is a landscape
construction and maintenance company. We want to set up a storage area
for our trucks, equipment and supplies and provide parking for our
employees. Daily operations are from 7:30 A.M. to 6 :00 P.M. Monday
through Saturday. The staff will park their cars, load up the company
vehicles with supplies and leave for various job sites, they will return
occasionally during the day to pick up or drop off supplies.
Vie have 14 trucks, one dumpster, one portable toilet and 20 pallets
of landscape Supplies. Organic debris will be put in a pile and removed
weekly to the coUnty landfill. We will not construct any permanent
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