TC Res. No. 2016-38 Adopting the Eagle County Climate Action PlanAvo n OICIR FO TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO RESOLUTION 16 -38 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN FOR THE EAGLE COUNTY COMMUNITY WHEREAS, during the year 2016, a group of 30 stakeholders representing local governments, businesses, schools, and nonprofits from throughout Eagle County, has collaboratively worked together to create a community -wide climate action plan to help guide greenhouse gas emission reductions into the future; WHEREAS, the new Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community recommends greenhouse gas reduction targets and actions that can be integrated with the Town of Avon's other plans, including but not limited to the Strategic Plan, Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Master Plan, and where each of these plans may include opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon recognizes that scientific evidence for warming of the earth's climate system from human activities is unequivocal. Combustion of fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum and natural gas is increasing the concentration greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, pushing average global temperatures higher and changing our mountain ecosystems— making winters warmer and shorter, summers longer and hotter, and increasing the risks of wildfires, droughts and floods; and WHEREAS, the county -wide 2014 Eagle County Energy Inventory identifies energy sources, uses, and emissions by sector. According to the Inventory, greenhouse gas emissions in the baseline year 2014 totaled 1.4 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), with 6o% of the emissions from commercial uses and residential buildings, 27% from vehicles, 1o% from landfill, and 3% from the airport. Community -wide energy costs for the year 2014 were totaled at $243 million; and WHEREAS, adopting the new Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community will help the Town of Avon ensure a sustainable future by protecting the natural environment and recreational economy, reducing long -term financial expenses, creating more affordable solutions for residents and businesses, and supporting a new post carbon energy economy with less climate pollution and more clean renewable energy; and WHEREAS, the first Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community (attached) includes: recommended greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of 25% by 2025 and a minimum of 8o% by 205o, and recommended climate action goals and strategies by sector, and key recommendations for community leaders and decision makers to take proactive steps to reduce climate pollution and help create positive solutions for future generations. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF AVON: THAT, the Town of Avon adopts the Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community, and endeavors to meet the recommended greenhouse gas emission reduction targets through ongoing initiatives, and through continuing support and participation in community actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. THAT, the Town of Avon hereby finds, determines and declares that this Resolution is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the residents /constituents of the Town of Avon. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the Avon Town Council, at its regular meeting held this 13th day of December, 2016. By: Jenn Fancher, Mayor Attest: Debbie Hoppe, T t, MIS Yi40 1 aw PIS �i