TC Minutes 11-15-2016avo n r,0L0 ; ; TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1. A CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:14 p.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Sarah Smith Hymes, Scott Prince, Jake Wolf, Matt Gennett, Buz Reynolds and Megan Burch. Also present were Town Manager Virginia Egger, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Police Chief Greg Daly, Public Works Director Gary Padilla, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Fleet Director Rego Omerigic, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Preston Neill and Town Clerk Debbie Hoppe. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Town Attorney Eric Heil requested a change to the title of the Executive Session. He requested the title to read as follows, "a conference with the Town Attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on personnel matters under C.R.S. §24- 6- 402(2)(b)." The agenda was approved with the addition. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Amy Phillips, Michael Cacioppo, Albert "Chico" Thuon and Betty Todd commented. 4. ACTION ITEMS START TIME: 00:29:40 4.1. ACTION ON FUNDING REQUEST FOR THE 2017 COVER ROCK FESTIVAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,000 CASH AND $7,500 OF IN -KIND SERVICES (TRUE LOCAL EVENTS & EVENT PRODUCER TOM DOBREZ & DIRECTOR OF FESTIVALS & SPECIAL EVENTS DANITA DEMPSEY) Michael Cacioppo and Amy Phillips commented. Mayor Pro Tern Wolf moved to approve $75,000 cash request, with the condition that $45,150 will be given up front and the remainder ($29,850) will be put on hold in order for the Town to assess if it would be feasible and cost effective for the Town to invest in "infrastructure" equipment, such as fencing, electric, waste and tents, in order to offset for the producer and the producers of future events. If the Town finds that it would not be cost effective to make any investments to cover the costs associated with the remaining amount, the producer will receive the remaining amount. Council Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 4.2.APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2016 MINUTES (ASSISTANT TO THE TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) Councilor Burch moved to approve the October 25, 2016, minutes. Mayor Pro Tern Wolf seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. Councilor Gennett and Councilor Reynolds abstained. 4.3.MOTION TO SET FUTURE MEETING DATES 4.3.1. MOTION TO SETTHE NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING TO SWEAR IN NEW COUNCILORS 4.3.2. CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 5TH FOR PRESENTATION OF THE AVON HOTEL 4.3.3. CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION TO SET A TOWN COUNCIL RETREAT IN DECEMBER FINAL -Avon Council Meeting Minutes 11- 15- 2oi6.doc Page i AV on TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Council agreed to set the swearing in of new Councilors for Thursday, November 17, 2o16. Council agreed to set a Public Hearing for December 5, 2o16, for presentation and public hearing of the Avon Hotel. Council agreed to set December 12, 2016, as the date for the Town Council Retreat from 11:oo a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5. WORK SESSION START TIME: 01:32:31 5.1. PRESENTATION OF THE TOWN OF AVON CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROPOSAL AND EAGLE COUNTY PARTNERSHIP TO SUPPORT WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER IN ACQUIRING APPROXIMATELY SIX ACRES ALONG BUCK CREEK, SOUTH OF THE EXISTING CAMPUS TO EXPAND OPEN SPACE, PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING AND PUBLIC RECREATION ACCESS (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) Michael Cacioppo commented. 5.2. PRESENTATION OF OPTIONS FOR ADDING DEED RESTRICTED EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNITS AND/OR A RESIDENTIAL MIX WITH EMPLOYEE AND FREE MARKET UNITS TO THE NEW TOWN HALL (TOWN ENGINEERJUSTIN HILDRETH) Michael Cacioppo and Amy Phillips commented. 6. WRITTEN REPORTS 6.1. MONTHLY FINANCIALS REPORT (BUDGET ANALYST KELLY HUITT) 7. MOTION TO CONTINUE REGULAR MEETING FOR A MEETING OF THE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY START TIME: 03:53:40 Mayor Fancher moved to continue the Regular Meeting. Councilor Burch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by those present. 8. CALL TO ORDER OF THE CONTINUED REGULAR MEETING Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 8:59 p.m. A roll call was taken and Council members present were Matt Gennett, Buz Reynolds, Megan Burch, Jake Wolf, Sarah Smith Hymes and Scott Prince. 9. COMMITTEE MEETING UPDATES: COUNCILORS AND MAYOR 10. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS 11. TOWN MANAGER UPDATE 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO COLORADO REVISED DISCUSSING PERSONNEL MATTERS Council convened into Executive Session at 9:10 p.m. Executive Session ended at 11:43 p.m. STATUE 24- 6- 402(4)(F) FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINAL-Avon Council Meeting Minutes 11- 15- 2oi6.doc Page 2 Avon TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2016 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Council reconvened into regular session at 11:43 p.m. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the regular meeting adjourned at 11:43 P.M. APPROVED: Jennie Fancher Jake Wolf Matt Gennett Megan Burch Albert "Buz" Reynolds Scott Prince Sarah Smith Hymes RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Debbie Hoppe, Town C erk FINAL - Avon Council Meeting Minutes 11- 15- 2oi6.doc Page 3