PZC Res. No. 2010-01 (2)TOWN OF AVON WM PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 ` ° ` ° R A U O A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE TOWN OF AVON TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT TO THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL WHEREAS, The Town of Avon recognizes and affirms the value of a multi -modal transportation vision that includes pedestrian, bicycle, transit and vehicular; and WHEREAS, The Town of Avon's vision is to provide a high quality of life, today and in the future, requiring a diversity of transportation modes that are safe, efficient and effective, and WHEREAS, The Town Council approved the Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan at their September 22, 2009 meeting; and WHEREAS, The Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan acknowledges that there are deficiencies with the existing and future roadways, bicycle/pedestrian facilities, and the current Town transit system; and WHEREAS, The Town desires to place a higher priority on the safety and quality of the experience for pedestrians and bicyclists, with secondary consideration for roadway capacity improvements for vehicular traffic; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan will support the goals and policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, including: Policy C.2.3: Require pedestrian, bike, and automobile connections, where appropriate, between proposed and existing residential neighborhoods. The use of multiple access points, traffic calming devices, and/or street design standards will be employed to minimize cut through traffic. Goal D.2: Create community gateways and streetscapes that reflect and strengthen Avon's unique community character and image. Goal G.1: Create and integrated transit system that minimizes dependence on automobile travel within the Town by making it easier and more inviting to use transit, walk, ride bicycles, and utilize other non -motorized vehicles. Goal G.4: Provide a safe and efficient vehicular transportation system. Goal G.1.2: Devise a public transit service plan that would replace the current one- way loop system with a two-way system that utilizes new road links. Compare annual service hours and productivity (passengers per vehicular hour) estimates of two alternative service plans. I . " 'r Goal G. 1.7: Ensure that streets effectively accommodate transit, pedestrian, bicycle and other modes of transportation. Goal G. 1.8: Retrofit existing streets to provide safe and inviting pedestrian sidewalks, shoulders and crosswalks. Goal G.1.9: Ensure that adopted roadway and intersection standards have adequate provisions within the public right of way to fully incorporate both auto and non -auto modes. Goal G. 1.11: Provide a bicycle and/or pedestrian connection across or under 1-70 between Metcalf Road and West Beaver Creek Blvd. Goal G. 1.18: Support a transit system that maximizes ridership by providing frequent service even if higher subsidy levels are required. WHEREAS, The Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission held public meetings on February 16, 2010, March 2, 2010, and March 16, 2010 meetings to draft vision statements to be incorporated into the Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan, and the Planning and Zoning Commission considered all public comments provided before taking any action to make a recommendation to the Town Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF AVON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, that the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon hereby recommends approval to the Town of Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan Amendment — Attached hereto as Exhibit A. ADOPTED THIS 6"' DAY OF APRIL, 2010 Signed: W. T d Goulding, C on Attest: -1.-a Date: � 2D /a Date: F.IPlammng 8 Zoning Comm/sslonlResolutmnsQOIO Res 10-01 Comp TmnsPlan Visioning Amendment doc