PZC Minutes 12-04-2012 (2)., 1. Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission 01 j, Meeting Minutes VON Tuesday, December ha bens Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public 0 1 o k N u o Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street I. Call to Order (5:00pm) The meeting was called to order at 5:04 pm. II. Roll Call All commissioners were present. II. Meet Virginia Egger, new Avon Town Manager Virginia Egger introduced herself to the Planning and Zoning Commission and answered questions from the commission. 111. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendments to the Agenda. V. Rezoning & Major Design and Development Plan — PUBLIC HEARING Property Location: Lot 61, Block 2, BMBC Subdivision / 75 Benchmark Rd Applicant. OZ Architecture I Owner. Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Inc. Description: A Major Design and Development Plan and Rezoning have been submitted for Lot 61. The proposal consists of 5 stories and 58 timeshare units among other amenities within the building. The property will be accessed off Benchmark Rd and will contain a single sub -grade parking level. This public hearing follows an introductory presentation made at the November 14, 2013. The aoDlicant is reouestino that this hearino be continued to December 18. 2012 in order to address Staff comments. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker overviewed the request from the Applicant to continue the public hearing to the December 18"', 2012 PZC meeting. The meeting was opened for Public Comment The Public Comment was closed. Action: Commissioner Struve move to continue the public hearing to the December 18"', 2012 PZC meeting. Commissioner Losa seconded the motion and it passed 6-0 with Commissioner Anderson abstaining due to his involvement with the project. VI. Sign Design Property Location: Lot 25, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / 850 Nottingham Road Applicant. Chuck Boncordo, YESCO / Owner. Winner Storage I I Page Description: A sign design application to install a freestanding cabinet box sign is being proposed. The cabinet sign will be intemally illuminated and will consist of a wood siding base. This proposed sign is in addition to the approved building mounted blade sign. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the Staff report and highlighted changes to the design of the freestanding sign. He highlighted the sign material section that discouraged interior -lit cabinet box signs. Commissioner Clancy asked if there were other cabinet box signs in Town. Jared Barnes responded that the Westgate Plaza had a multi -tenant monument sign with internal illumination. Commissioner Green reiterated the concerns with the previous sign design, including illumination through the entire box of the sign and the type of sign. Jim Maim, representing Cubesmart and the Elro Sign Company, demonstrated with a prop sign that there would likely be less light, less maintenance, and a more professional sign product with the proposed interation instead of the previous proposal. Commissioner Minervini asked if there was any light bleed and if there is an opaque background. Jim Maim stated the proposed background was opaque and only light will emit through the cut-out letters. Commissioner Prince requested the applicant discuss compliance with the Town Code requirements, which discourage cabinet box signs. Jim Maim responded that the cost, maintenance, and image were the reasons for the proposed interior illuminated sign. Commissioner Prince asked if there was anything to improve the visibility of the building mounted sign by maintaining the tree. Commissioner Losa was in agreement with staff. Commissioner Struve stated the base should be more substantial than the actual sign face. Commissioner Minervini cited that Walgreens was one example of a retailer that diligently complied with the sign criteria. Commissioner Prince reviewed the criteria and stated he was in agreement with Staff's recommendation. Commissioner Clancy did express that he liked the look of the sign, but he could not support it due to the sign code. Commissioner Anderson echoed the comments of Commissioner Clancy. Commissioner Green explained previous approvals, and how this application could not be in compliance with the sign criteria. Action: Commissioner Struve moved to table the application to date suitable for the applicant. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and all commissioners were in favor. VII. Approval of Meeting Minutes November 14, 2012 Draft Meeting Minutes 2 1 P a a e Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approved the revised meeting minutes. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. Vlll. Other Business • Village at Avon Update from Staff • Commissioner Prince updated the PZC on the Traer Creek Design Review Board activity — Studio 8100 • Commissioner Struve questioned the approval of black windows at Walgreen's • Commissioner Minervini asked about a new tenant in the Outback space. IX. Adjourn Commissioner Struve moved to adjourn at 6:00 pm APPROVED on this 18s' Day of December, 2012 SIGNED: Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary 31Page