PZC Minutes 05-15-2012 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda for May 15, 2012 AN-0 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street ( Il 1 0 6 1 I) O Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:OOpm II. Roll Call Commissioner Green was absent from the meeting, and Commissioner Struve served as Chairperson. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda No additions or amendments were proposed. IV. Conflicts of Interest Commissioners Clancy and Losa had a conflict with Item VII. V. Consent Agenda • May 1, 2012 Meeting Minutes Commissioner Clancy motioned to approve the modified minutes. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Losa and all Commissioners were in favor. VI. Major Design & Development Plan A. Hecht Residence (CONTINUED) Property Location: Lot 8, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / 2890 O'Neal Spur Applicant. Eric Johnson, Architect / Owner. William Hecht Description: Addition to an existing single-family residence of 1,400 square feet. At the May 1, 2012 PZC meeting the Major Design and Development Plan was approved with conditions that a revised Landscape Plan and Light Fixture cut sheet be brought back to the Commission for approval. Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the updated drawings and noted the changes since approval at the May 1, 2012 meeting. He noted that the conditions have been satisfied and that the changes met the minimum code requirements for landscaping and revegetation. The applicant, Eric Johnson Architect, presented the changes. Commissioner Anderson asked if there would be any heavy equipment around the structure. Eric Johnson stated that there would not be any equipment moving around and that the deck was existing thus limiting potential heavy equipment. Commissioner Clancy asked if there would be seven light fixtures. Eric Johnson clarified that there would be six total fixtures, not seven. Action: Commissioner Minervini moved to approve the revised drawings as proposed. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. IIPage B. Sunday Residence Property Location: Lot 115, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision / 2090 Beaver Creek Point Applicant: Jeff Manley, Martin Manley Architects / Owner. Dan Sunday Description: New single-family residence measuring approximately 4,300 square feet with a 1,500 square foot attached garage. The residence will be designed in a Mountain Ranch style and will utilize stucco, board and batt cedar siding and stone on the exterior walls. The roofs will be finished with a combination of asphalt shingles and standing seam metal roofing. Discussion: Jared Barnes outlined the proposal and the packet materials. He highlighted the unique plat note regarding Block 1 height restrictions. He also presented the Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) required for portions of roof overhangs not meeting the minimum requirements. Jared Barnes noted that the engineering department had concerns with foundation design as noted on Sheet A1.1 related to the rebar integrated within the bedrock. Commissioner Clancy asked about the parking scenario for trailhead users and if there had been any conflicts with construction parking at the Beaver Creek Point cul-de-sac. Jared Barnes responded that a ROW permit will be required to address parking and that there have been no complaints received to date. Commissioner Prince questioned the ownership of the open space and if it was truly private. Jared Barnes discussed the platting of the Benchmark at Beaver Creek subdivision and the ownership of the Tract A parcel. Commissioner Anderson asked if the town regulations allow the installation of serviceberry shrubs. Jared Barnes responded that there are no regulations prohibiting them, but he is aware that the PZC routinely asks for all bear attracting plantings to be removed from landscaping plans. Commissioner Struve asked if there is a patio in the southwest corner of the driveway. Jared Barnes responded that the southwest patio does not extend into the easements and because the southwest patio is at -grade and does not require substantial subgrade improvements it is allowed to extend into an easement. Jeff Manley, Architect and applicant, presented the design and digital massing studies for the single family house. Commissioner Losa stated he likes the look of the house. He commented that the plantings in the ROW are o.k. for the most part. He further stated if they are being counted towards landscaping total then they should not be allowed due to conflicts with snow removal. He stated that the AEC request for the roofs are not in compliance with the standards and are a setback issue. He is slightly concerned with the rusting of the roofing material and its staining potential. Commissioner Minervini stated that he would defer on most of the general review to his fellow commissioners, but he did comment that the site looks great. Commissioner Prince stated that the proposal is an overall good design and color palette. He commented on the similarity to neighboring designs. He did comment on Sheet A3.1, north elevation, as it seems the roofline is flat and linear. He was comfortable with the material for the roofing. He was concerned about the AEC request, specifically the area above the garage. 21Page Commissioner Clancy commented that the Applicant did a great job with 18' building height requirement and the landscaping in the ROW is acceptable as long as the Town approves it. He commented that the four specific review criteria for the AEC makes it difficult for him to support the request. He further commented that, at only 9" it is difficult to support but if the overhangs were closer to 1'-4" then it could be more paletteable. Commissioner Anderson stated that the design conforms to the Comp Plan, design standards and is compatible with the neighboring properties. He commented that he is not comfortable with the AEC request and cannot recommend approval. Commissioner Struve had similar sentiments with other commissioners. He cannot think of findings that would support roof overhangs less than code requirements. Commissioner Prince would like to see the design again, as opposed to a conditional approval. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to table the application. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. VII. Temporary Use Permit (Noticed Public Hearing) Property Location: Lot 1, Filing 1, Village at Avon Subdivision / E. Beaver Creek Blvd Applicant: Tim Baker, Beaver Creek Resort Company I Owner. Traer Creek RP LLC Description: Temporary Parking request for Special Events on portions of Lot 1, Filing 1, Village at Avon. The parking is requested for the Tough Mudder and USA Pro Cycling Challenge events, as well as winter skier parking for the 2012-2013 season. Discussion: Commissioners Clancy and Losa recused themselves and left the room due to their conflict of interest. Jared Barnes presented the request and staffs recommendation. Commissioner Prince questioned the requirement for VAA design review for this item. Jared Barnes responded that the VAA DRB is charged with reviewing any improvement, but the requested use is reviewed by the PZC. Commissioner Minervini stated that all of these are great events. He commented on the Pro Cycling challenge and stated for safety reasons there may be a requirement for lighting. He had other concerns with lighting and safety. Tim Baker, executive director of Beaver Creek, addressed the lighting concern. Commissioner Prince questioned the proposed parking north of the salvation army, stating that this area has never been used in the past. Tim Baker responded that it would be one of the last areas filled, but he expects a larger crowed for this year's Tough Mudder and USA Pro Cycling Challenge. Commissioner Struve questioned who provides the electronic signs for parking on 1-70. Tim Baker responded that it would be coordinated with CDOT and Beaver Creek. Commissioner Struve state that the parking is good for local business in these locations. Commissioner Prince questioned if staff talked to other town departments. Jared Barnes responded that this request was presented to other departments and no input was provided. He further commented that many other departments, specifically Avon Police and Public 31 Page Works, are involved in the planning of these events, specifically the USA Pro Cycling Challenge, with a larger team. The Public Comment portion of the meeting was Opened. It was subsequently closed due to a lack of comments received from the public. Commissioner Minervini stated that encouraging biking during the USA Pro Cycling Challenge is a great idea. Commissioner Struve cautions the uphill finish of the race and stated that even more people could arrive due to the potential this stage has on the overall race standings. Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the Temporary Use Permit. 2n° by Commissioner Minervini and passed with a 4-0 vote. VIII. 1-70 Regional Transportation Center Minor Amendments Property Location: Lot 1A & Tract AA Swift Gulch Subdivision / 500 Swift Gulch Road Applicant/Owner. Town of Avon Description: A Minor Amendment application to review design modifications to the bus barn. The modifications are a result of the project design being over budget. Changes include modifications to roof pitches, materials, windows, and screening. Discussion: Matt Pielsticker introduced the design team. Justin Hildreth discussed the design progress and pricing issues that have occurred since the last approval. Mark Donaldson further elaborated on the stone removal and the lack of architectural compatibility. He discussed the screening of roof top materials and how the design was not functional. Commissioner Prince asked about the location of the roof -top mechanical equipment. Commissioner Struve questioned if the colored renderings were accurate. Commissioner Losa questioned the material of the "white" columns. Commissioner dialogue ensued discussing the differences in the renderings. Mark Donaldson commented that the window design on the major entrances were not compatible with the window designs throughout the rest of the building. Commissioner Losa stated he was comfortable with the changes. He did prefer a difference in color to help breakup the massing. He was not concerned with the mechanical equipment standing out. He preferred an oversized metal column instead of the white stucco column that was approved. Commissioner Minervini agreed with Commissioner Losa's comments. Commissioner Prince was comfortable with most of the changes discussed. He did have issues with the materiality and specific concerns with the removal of stone. He felt that this revision was too much value designing and needs to be compatible with the level of architecture that other projects are held to. 41Page Commissioner Clancy echoed Commissioner Prince's comments. He stated that the stone was nice because it provided a material change, he wasn't set on stone, but wants to see some additional materiality added to the design to help break up the massing. Commissioner Anderson also agreed with Commissioner Prince and Clancy. He stated that keeping the stone below the roof line would be acceptable to him. Commissioner Struve stated that the window change from the main entry feature being a positive. He compared the stone application discussed by Commissioners to the review of the Westin project. Mark Donaldson stated that the stone below the window would be acceptable to the design team. He further suggested that a different metal application and different color on the protruding element would help provide more architectural elements. Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the Minor Design and Development application with the following conditions: 1. Roof pitch modifications are approved; 2. Removal of the mechanical screening are approved; 3. The north window modifications are approved; 4. The material changes are not approved nor acceptable. Commissioner Minervini seconded the motion. It passed 6-0. IX. Other Business • June 5"' meeting agenda • Work session with Town Council meeting update X. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:20. APPROVED on this a Day of June, 2012 SIGNED: C" Chris Green, Chair ATTEST: Scott Prince, Secretary 5111age