PZC Minutes 05-01-2012 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for May 1, 2012
Avon Town Council Chambers
AVON Meetings are open to the public
Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street
1 0 1 0 k\ 1/ U
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:05 pm.
The reinstated PZC members were sworn in by Debbie Hoppe, Court Clerk. Those
members included Commissioners Losa, Struve, Minervini, and Prince.
II. Roll Call
All Commissioners were present.
III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda
There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Losa had a conflict of interest on Item VIII.
V. Consent Agenda
April 3, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the consent agenda as modified.
Commissioner Minervini seconded the motion and it passed 7-0.
VI. Major Design & Development Plan
Property Location: Lot 8, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision / O'Neal Spur
Applicant: Eric Johnson, Architect / Owner.
Description: Addition to an existing single-family residence of 1,400 square feet. Other
modifications include a covered patio and solar panel system. All materials and colors will
match the existing residence.
Discussion: Jared Barnes presented the major addition and other improvements to the
Commissioner Minervini asked if the code allows new cedar shake roof shingle installations.
Jared Barnes responded that the code does not allow new shake installations and asphalt
shingles would be more fire retardant.
The Commission asked what the Colorado state requirements for solar were.
Staff was unaware of the exact requirements. Commissioner Green asked if staff could
come back with an answer from the Town Attorney.
Commissioner Losa asked if there was a reflectivity requirement for residential roofing for
solar panels. Jared Barnes responded that there was no specific requirements, and
explained that the panels would be a black finish and there should be little to no reflectivity
Eric Johnson, Architect, Applicant, and owners representative, addressed the PZC's
concerns and presented the application. Commissioner Green asked which roofing color
was to be used. Eric Jonhson responded that the choice was for the brown asphalt shingles.
The roofing would all be the same color and installed at the same time. In other words, the
entire roof would be done with the new shingles.
Commissioner Green stated that there was not much of a landscaping plan and asked the
applicant to walk through the proposal. Eric Johnson demonstrated the amount of existing
landscaping, including mature healthy landscaping and native serviceberry below the
Eric Johnson addressed the Commission's concerns, and suggested that he could submit a
revegetation plan to staff to "feather in" the existing native landscaping up to the limits of
disturbance. He also clarified that all existing lighting on the structure would be replaced and
all new light fixtures on the addition will use the new full cut off fixtures.
Commissioner Anderson asked how the walkway would be constructed and what the
materials would be from the upper existing house to the lower addition. Eric Johnson stated
that it would be sand -set sandstone.
Commissioner Prince wanted staff to clarify on page 2 of staffs report the lighting. Jared
Barnes stated that all lighting on the building would be the new fixture.
Commissioner Losa had no comments on the proposal.
Commissioner Struve liked the idea of getting rid of shake roof. He was concerned with the
site disturbance around the SE side of the site due to construction disturbance.
Commissioner Struve felt that site damage should be limited and revegetation into its natural
state should be a condition if the proposal were approved.
Commissioner Minervini stated that it was a terrific site, and expressed that Eric Johnson
was being sensitive to the issues raised by PZC. He was in favor of tabling the application in
order to address the concerns that had already been raised with lighting and site
Commissioner Prince was in support of the addition in general, but felt that the PZC needed
to be careful, and that changes would come back to PZC for final approval and not staff.
Commissioner Prince did not think that the fixture seemed to fit in with the rest of the
building, and requested a different sconce be chosen that was more consistent with the
Commissioner Clancy asked if a stormwater management plan was part of the building
department review to ensure that it would be reviewed at some point in the process.
Commissioner Anderson was in agreement with the need to review a revegetation plan. He
was also comfortable with staff approval on a revised lighting fixture.
Commissioner Green feels that the proposed plans result in an incomplete application due to
the absence of a comprehensive landscaping plan. Furthermore there were not any notes
with regard to how plant material will be established. He was not comfortable with an
administrative approval.
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve with conditions to be brought back to PZC
for review and approval:
1. Revise proposed light fixtures so that they are appropriate for the building
2. Revise the Construction Management Plan to adequately provide construction
fencing and identification of limits of disturbance.
3. Revise the Landscape Plan to accurately define the re -vegetation plan.
Commissioner Prince again wanted clarification that lighting would be for the entire building.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Clancy.
Commissioner Minervini clarified what the motion means with conditions, and if it generally
approves the application. Commissioner Green asked if this would hold up a building permit.
Jared Barnes cautioned with the condition number 2 would delay a building permit since it
directly affected the first phase of construction, but it would not hold up submitting an
The motion passed 6-1.
VII. Minor Design & Development Plans
Property Location: Lot 2, Sun Road Subdivision / 15 Sun Road
Applicant: Brandt Marrott, Trinity Development / Owner. Trinity-Sunroad, LLC
Description: Design review application for modifications to the approved set of Final Design
drawings for the Walgreen's building currently under construction. The proposed
modifications include replace all areas of smooth stone with stucco, and minor landscaping
Discussion: Matt Pielsticker presented the proposed improvements. He highlighted the
previous review and approval. He also specified the West Town Center District Investment
Plan's prohibition of stucco.
Commissioner Anderson questioned the stone product.
Commissioner Struve questioned the scoring of the stone product.
Commissioner Clancy questioned if there were other outstanding issues from the Final
Design approval.
Commissioner Green questioned if there was an on-site mock-up review. Staff responded
Commissioner Struve questioned the snow storage modifications. Matt Pielsticker stated
that the landscaped area was reduced and the snow storage was increased in the southeast
comer of the property. Commissioner Struve questioned the need for additional snow
Commissioner Clancy questioned if the landscaping got removed from the northeast corner
of the property.
Brandt Marrott discussed the proposed modifications. He highlighted the material change
and further discussed the landscape plan.
Commissioner Prince questioned the exact location of the spruce trees that will be removed
and replaced.
Commissioner Minervini questioned the cost difference of the stone to stucco.
Commissioner Clancy questioned the offset of stucco finish instead of the stone finish.
Brandt Marrott responded that it was about 2 inches of difference
Commissioner Green stated that there was plenty of discussion of the materials during the
final design approval of the project.
Commissioner Minervini questioned the need for additional snow storage areas. Brandt
Marrott responded that it was due to the final civil plans being developed and curb locations
Commissioner Losa questioned the sill material for the upper windows. Brandt Marrott
responded that it was a heavy timber.
Commissioner Anderson stated that he would prefer an on-site mock up of substantial size
so that they can adequately see proposed and approved options.
Commissioner Clancy is comfortable with the landscape modifications. He agreed with the
opinion of Commissioner Anderson on the idea of an on-site mockup to review the changes.
Commissioner Prince agreed with Commissioners Clancy and Anderson.
Commissioner Minervini stated that he suspected that this was a cost saving measure and is
contrary to the "new mountain prototype" comments made by the Applicant during the
original approval. He further stated that the additional grass and removal of trees are a
negative to the project.
Commissioner Struve asked if we received any public comment on the project. He was
concerned about the lack of shadow lines and scoring on the north elevation. He would like
to see more money put into the "pocket park", if the stone was to be downgraded to stucco.
Commissioner Losa was fine with the proposed improvements regarding landscaping. He
was comfortable with the stucco modification. He would like to see more scoring and
channeling to help break up the massiveness of the stucco walls.
Commissioner Green did not favor the stucco material change. He stated that a mock-up
would be a good idea, but he needs to be seriously convinced to allow stucco to be used.
He further discussed the "gateway" aspects of this project and that stucco is a very utilitarian
material and not a high-quality material that helps create a "gateway" project.
Commissioner Green stated that the landscape modifications are acceptable to him.
Brandt Marrott stated that he would take the stone to stucco modification off the table.
Action: Commissioner Prince moved to approve the landscape modifications, but all
references to the stucco material change is removed from the application. Commissioner
Losa seconded the motion.
Commissioner Anderson questioned the lack of time for a mock-up. Brandt Marrott outlined
the schedule and that it would not allow for the stone material to be picked at a later date.
The vote passed 6-1.
VIII. Work Session
Main Street Improvement Design Modifications
Discussion: Jared Barnes introduced Pedro Campos who will present the proposed
Jared Barnes turned the presentation over to Justin Hildreth. Justin Hildreth overviewed the
process that has occurred up to this point. He stated that during the Lot 61 review the Town
did learn that any future entrance would require encroachment into the mall area.
Commissioner Struve questioned the construction timeframe. Justin Hildreth responded that
it would be 6-8 weeks.
Pedro Campos, Zehren Associates, discussed the lessons learned from the access
requirements for Lot 61.
Pedro Campos discussed the improvements that occurred last summer in Area 2. Pedro
Campos further presented proposed design modifications.
Commissioner Struve stated that Lot 61 did not appear to be viable going above 4 stories
that limited their ability to park on-site.
Commissioner Minervini questioned the need for vehicular access. Justin Hildreth stated
that the emergency services would not use Main Street even if a roadway was provided.
Commissioner Struve questioned Council's desire to have any vehicular traffic.
Pedro Campos discussed the first option, highlighting the multi -use plaza and future access
to Lot 61 and Main Street. He also discussed the second option, highlighting the lack of a
multi -use space and the additional lawn area. He stated that the second option could be a
first phase and that the second option could be the final phase if the costs become
Commissioner Struve questioned some council members the Art feature at the entrance to
Main Street. Pedro Campos stated that an obelisk was previously approved during the 2007
plan. Commissioner Struve retorted that visitors really appreciate the bronzes and that this
would be an acceptable location for another bronze.
Pedro Campos discussed the potential need for name changes of streets, specifically
Lettuce Shed Lane. He further discussed the Lot 61 overhang and how that would impact
Lettuce Shed Lane.
Pedro Campos stated that his thought process behind most of these improvements was to
get the structure of the project in place so that as the economy improves, over time
improvements can be added to create a more attractive area.
Commissioner Prince questioned the Multi -Use Plaza material. Pedro Campos responded
that concrete would be the most likely product understanding costs and budgets.
Commissioner Anderson would prefer the hardscape option especially for use during the
winter months. He also stated that he would remove focus from Lettuce Shed Lane and
move those funds to the intersection of Main Street and Lettuce Shed Lane.
Commissioner Clancy stated his opinion is a full lawn approach and then see how the area
is perceived. At that moment the Town can invest more funds into a functional hardscape
Commissioner Prince stated that the unknown with Lot 61 is difficult to address. He did state
that the area was very hardscape heavy in the first concept. He stated that he is leaning
towards all lawn, which is more cost effective and gives a future public benefit area for Lot
Commissioner Minervini stated that he preferred Commissioner Anderson's opinion. He
likened the area to the Olympic Plaza in Atlanta and how the hardscape area would function
for the World Championships.
Commissioner Struve stated that he preferred the lawn idea especially in light of the use of
Nottingham Park for the Snowball Music Festival.
Commissioner Green stated that he preferred the lawn idea as well. He did state that he
doesn't agree with parking in this area.
Commissioner Struve stated that the status of Lot 61 is unknown.
Commissioner Clancy stated that the multiple summer events in this area may be more
beneficial than a single winter event.
Action: No Action was taken.
IX. Other Business
Village at Avon Joint Meeting on May 8'" with Council
X. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.
APPROVED on this 15th Day of May, 2012
Phil Struve, Vice Chair Scott Prince, Secretary