PZC Minutes 02-21-2012 (2)Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes for February 21, 2012 AAvonVON Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street fl I 0 N \ D Il I. Call to Order (S:OOpm) The meeting was called to order at 5:09 pm. U. Roll Call All Commissioners were present, with the exception of Commissioner Prince. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda There were no additions or amendment to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts of interest to disclose. V. Consent Agenda • February 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Struve moved to approve the consent agenda as modified. Commissioner Clancy seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. VII. Montanas Color Review Discussion: Tom Beaver requested feedback on the color. The commission stated they were in favor of the as seen on the building. VII. Sign Program Amendment Riverfront Plaza Sign Program Property Location: Lot 2-3, Riverfront Subdivision / 126 & 218 Riverfront Lane Applicant: Jim Adams / Owner. Riverfront Village Hotel LLC Description: A Master Sign Program Amendment application to add 4 new sign locations for the first floor retail spaces in the Timeshare West building. The new sign locations will comply with the existing blade sign requirements for size, color, material and illumination. Discussion: Jared Barnes overviewed the Sign Program Amendment. He highlighted how the original approval was intended for the Westin Hotel Commercial spaces, but with the common design theme a MSP governing the Riverfront Plaza would be better. He further stated that currently there are only two retail spaces envisioned, but the applicant would prefer to have four locations approved to reflect the sign locations that exist on the building and to provide future flexibility. Commissioner Green questioned the specifics of the sign program and how it related to the current sign program. Jared Barnes further explained the existing sign program and how the proposed program amendment used the exact same specifications, but only added 4 new potential sign locations. Jared Barnes further stated that only 2 of the proposed locations were going to be utilized immediately. Jim Adams overviewed the process that occurred to get to the master sign program amendment. r Commissioner Minervini questioned the proposed gondola ballroom signs and if it was the maximum allowable size. Jared Barnes responded that it was less than the maximum allowable size. Commissioner Struve stated that we should give the applicant latitude due to the past performance and approve the new locations. Commissioner Losa had no issues with the proposal. Commissioners Minervini, Clancy, and Anderson agreed with the proposed sign program amendment. Commissioner Green stated that he is in favor of the signs, but also preferred to allow unique identity to the Timeshare West building. Commissioner Struve stated that future retail in the Timeshare East buildings should comply with this program. Action: Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the Master Sign Program Amendment with condition that future signs for Timeshare East comply with this program and with the staff recommended finding #1. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. Commissioner Clancy moved to approve the two proposed sign designs, Westin Riverfront sign and the Gondola Ballroom sign as proposed and with staff recommended finding #2. Commissioner Minervini seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. IX. 1-70 Regional Transportation Center (Continued Public Hearing) Property Location: Lot 1A & Tract AA Swift Gulch Subdivision / 500 Swift Gulch Road Applicant / Owner. Town of Avon Description: Work Session to review the Bus Maintenance and Storage Building and associated site improvements for a new regional transportation facility at the Swift Gulch subdivision. A formal hearing will likely take place at the February 21, 2012 PZC meeting. During this Work Session Staff will explain the subject applications, and seek design and policy feedback on each of the following applications: A) Major Design & Development Plan B) Alternative Equivalent Compliance C) Comprehensive Plan Amendment' Description: Matt Pielsticker overviewed the modifications from the previous work session review. He highlighted the lighting plan and the new proposed fixtures. He discussed the new green color, stone siding selection, and the final proposed roof color. Justin Hildreth further discussed the background of the project with the requested additional information. Commissioner Clancy questioned where the current items on Lot AA are going to be moved to with the proposed modular relocation. Justin Hildreth stated that they would be moved to Lot 5, Village at Avon. Mark Donaldson discussed the architecture and proposed site and building lighting. Commissioner Struve questioned if an MSE wall is cheaper than a boulder retaining wall. Justin Hildreth responded that the MSE was chosen due to the wall structure of the existing walls. It was actually a veneer in front of a structural wall. Mark Donaldson presented the rendered elevations from different locations to help the PZC better understand the scale of the proposed project. Architectural Review Commissioner Struve questioned why there was screening proposed for the roof -top mechanical equipment if it won't be seen. Matt Pielsticker stated it was a development code requirement. Commissioner Clancy asked if Mark Donaldson has any experience with this screening material. Mark Donaldson stated that he did not have any direct experience with it but explained its versatility and appearance. Commissioner Struve questioned if the screening material could be provided in alternative colors. Mark Donaldson stated it is possible and the design team is proposing to match the roof material color. Mark Donaldson presented the material samples and proposed colors. Commissioner Green questioned the stone material and color. Commissioner Clancy questioned the height of the screening of the ground mounted mechanical equipment. Mark Donaldson stated that it would be 4' tall. Commissioner Losa stated he had no issues with the building. He did state that the extent of the stone on the center piece didn't wrap the element and a logical point to stop the stone veneer would create a better visual appearance. Mark Donaldson suggested stopping the stone at the bottom of the window sill. Commissioner Struve would prefer to have a slanted roof on the east side. He agreed with Commissioner Losa's comment regarding stone application. Commissioner Minervini questioned the height of the proposed structure. It would be 52' tall at its highest portions. Commissioner Struve stated the height and massing of the building helps hide the fleet maintenance building. Commissioner Clancy questioned the changes of the proposed colors. He further questioned the building height. Commissioner Anderson stated that this will be the nicest bus barn in the world. He was pleased with the overall design and use of the mezzanine level. He did state that he liked the stone fagade on the south elevation. Commissioner Green questioned the material of the beam ends supporting the roof. He further questioned how far the beam ends would protrude from the wall. Mark Donaldson stated that the beam ends are proud of the fascia. Commissioner Anderson had no further comments on the site plan. He stated that the requirement for bus movement creates a necessity for the AEC request. Commissioner Clancy stated that he appreciated the amount of evergreen plantings along the Swift Gulch Road. He further questioned if the dead trees are shown on the plan. Justin Hildreth stated they were not. Commissioner Clancy questioned if the cinder pile would have a roof. Commissioner Minervini questioned the "photo -shopped" image and if it was an accurate representation of the building and trees at maturity. Justin Hildreth responded that the trees would be much larger and approach 40 feet tall if healthy. Commissioner Struve stated that the proposed plan was an excellent design. He further requested that Main Street trees, that can be moved, should be moved to this site. Commissioner Losa questioned if the cottonwood trees would remain or be moved. Justin Hildreth stated that they would remain if healthy. Commissioner Losa questioned the location of the public entrance and stated it was in an awkward location. Justin Hildreth stated that it was on the southeast side and was placed there due to the limited amount of public that will visit the site. Commissioner Minervini echoed Commissioner Anderson's comments on colors. He further questioned if the fleet building would be painted to match the Bus Barn. Justin Hildreth stated that when the building needed to be repainted it would likely match the bus barn. Commissioner Green questioned the use of Mugo Pines and the lack of consistency with the renderings. He stated that Mugo Pines were slow growing and they would take time to fill out. He asked for clarification on the intent of the Landscape plan. Mark Donaldson stated that the mix of the Mugo Pines and other pines proposed would create a more natural design versus the planting of trees 50 feet on center. Commissioner Anderson questioned the numerical requirements for landscaping. Matt Pielsticker stated that there was no requirement outlined in the dimensional standards. Commissioner Anderson questioned the requirement for landscape strips for parking rows. Jared Barnes read the code citation that required 1 parking strip for every ten parking spaces and also clarified that landscaping requirements were not required for this zone district. Comprehensive Plan Review Commissioner Green stated that the PZC should focus on the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Matt Pielsticker overviewed Resolution 12-02 and read the findings into the record. Mark Donaldson had no further comments on the Comp Plan Amendment. The Public Hearing was opened. The Public Hearing was closed due to a lack of comments. Commissioner Losa had no comments on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Commissioner Struve stated that this proposal is in compliance with the Comp Plan Commissioner Minervini stated that one of the findings should refer to the zoning modification from GPEH to PF and the inadvertent maximum height change. Mark Donaldson read a proposed additional finding to address Commissioner Minervini's concern. Action: Commissioner Green moved to approve Resolution 12-02 with the findings: 1. The staff proposed findings #146; 2. Adding a new finding #7 that states, "With the adoption of the November 16'", 2010 Avon Development Code the building height on this site was reduced to forth (40) feet." 3. Current finding #7 becomes finding #8 and is revised to state, "This proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment is exclusive to this site and resolves the unintended consequence of the building height reduction and will promote the purposes stated in the Comprehensive Plan."; and, 4. Current finding 8 becomes finding #9. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 6-0. AEC Commissioner Minervini questioned the landscape island requirements. Justin Hildreth stated that landscape islands could be provided. Commissioner Green stated that this is an industrial site and landscape islands could be a detriment to the functionality of the site plan. Commissioners questioned the precedent nature of approving an AEC. Matt Pielsticker read into the record a section of the Avon Development code that states AEC approvals are not precedent setting. Commissioner Anderson is in support of the proposed AEC requests. He stated he is open to making additional requirements. Commissioner Clancy stated that some of the request all fit the review criteria better than others, but all of the AEC requests are crucial to the success of the project. Commissioners Minervini and Struve stated that they had no additional comments. Commissioner Losa stated that he had a fundamental issue with the massing of the proposed design, which directly affected his view on one of the AEC requests. He discussed the roof pitches. Commissioner Green discussed the intent of the property. Commissioner Losa discussed possible modifications with the Applicant that would increase the roof pitch for the 1:12 and lower pitches that would reduce the scale and massing of the design. Commissioner Minervini questioned how the AEC would be approved. Mark Donaldson stated that the design team was focusing on potential modifications to address the roof pitch issues that Commissioner Losa brought forth. He stated that the north side roof could be modified to a 3:12 that would reduce the overall height and massing of the design. He also stated that the south side roof pitch would have to remain at the low angle pitch. Commissioner Struve moved to approve the AEC application with the three staff recommended findings and a condition: 1. The PZC encourages the applicant to modify the north side low angle roof pitch to a 3:12 and to fully extend the shed roof on the south side to the west. Commissioner Anderson seconded the motion. Commissioner Minervini stated that the findings weren't sufficient to address the parking AEC request. Commissioner Anderson stated that finding 4 already covers the issue. Commissioner Green requested that a fifth finding be added: 5. The PZC have reviewed and find the four previous findings are in compliance with the Alternative Equivalent Compliance Review Criteria. Both Commissioners Struve and Anderson agree with the proposed modifications. The motion passed 5-1. Maior Desion and Development Plan There were no additional commissioner comments. Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the Major Design and Development Plan with the findings and conditions as listed in Staff's Report. Commissioner Struve seconded the motion and it passed 5-1 X. Other Business Recent Community Development Staff Approvals: • 37 E Beaver Creek Blvd — "Caf6 de Luna" Sign • 128 Riverfront Ln —"The Market" and "The Lift Cafe" Signs Recent Town Council Approvals • Trails Master Plan Amendment • IC Zone District Amendment— 1st reading XI. Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm. Approved on the 20" Day of March, 2012. SIGNED: ATTEST: Chris Green, Chair Scott Prince, Secretary N