PZC Minutes 03-16-201011
Call to Order 5:35pm
Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission
Meeting Minutes for March 16, 2010
II. Roll Call
Commissioner Lane was absent.
III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda
IV. Conflicts of Interest
Commissioner Anderson disclosed a conflict of Interest with Item VI. Sketch Design Review for
the H.A. Nottingham Park Pavilion. He will abstain from any comments or action on this item
at Final Design review.
V. Consent Agenda
Approval of the February 16, 2010 Meeting Minutes
• Approval of the March 2, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Action: Feb 16d' Minutes — With amendments, Commissioner Struve moved to approve the
February 16th minutes, and all Commissioners were in favor.
March 2nd — With amendments, Commissioner Struve moved to approve the March 2nd,
2010 meeting minutes, and all Commissioners were in favor.
VI. Sketch Design - H.A. Nottingham Park Pavilion
Property Location: Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision / One Lake St
Applicant: Stephanie Lord -Johnson, VAg / Owner: Town of Avon
Description: Sketch Design review for a performing arts pavilion, to be located on the north
side of the municipal building.
Discussion: Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, explained the background of the project and the
direction from Council. Stephanie Lord -Johnson presented the design of the stage and the
programming for the project. Stephanie walked through the materials and colors for the
project and how they arrived at the current proposal.
Commissioner Prince asked if there would be any heat. Stephanie stated that there could be
radiant heat provided to the slab floor.
Commissioner Anderson questioned the height of the structure. Stephanie stated that the
height is approximately 31'.
Commissioner Green asked if their have been modifications to the original programming of the
project. Justin responded that at the first design included a promenade, but that element was
dropped out.
Commissioner Prince questioned the size of the stage and how it compared to other venues in
the area such as Eagle, Ford, etc. Justin stated that it was much smaller than the Ford, and
larger than Eagle's stage. Stephanie responded that it depends more on the type of band and
what there requirements were.
Commissioner Green felt that the siting did not make sense, and mentioned that if it were
required to be moved in the future then the element of permanency would need to be
addressed. Commissioner Green thought the design was fine. Commissioner Green thought
that it was a quality space, and the materiality is good. He stated that this was a descent
architectural statement.
Commissioner Struve mentioned that if the stage were to be placed in any other place in the
park it would take up park space.
Commissioner Goulding hit on the fact that sound amplification can be anywhere in the park,
and wanted to better understand the site lines, how amplification worked in the current
location, and felt that a larger site plan could benefit the review. Stephanie stated that they did
try to open up the stage as much as possible by pushing back the wing walls. This was a
result of further studies in the park and looking at aerial photographs.
Commissioner Struve was concerned that this could be an attractive nuisance for citizens that
could set up there own instruments at night, such as with the stage in Boulder. He thought
that the applicant did a good job making the most of the project.
Commissioner Prince was concerned that we are working under a constrained budget and this
design process should be more geared towards long term visioning. Justin Hildreth explained
that the Council supported an "Enhanced" version of the design since the bare bones design
was not quite appropriate for the park.
Commissioner Goulding directed the Commission to focus on the design application instead of
the programming. Commissioner Prince was concerned with the pillars and the relationship to
the large backdrop. Stephanie explained that the wing walls were to be layered with possibly
a patina finished copper. Commissioner Prince questioned the clear story windows in the
upper rear portion of the stage. Stephanie explained that they are still speaking to the
acoustical engineer and they wanted to keep the roof of the stage as lofty as possible.
Additional light form the south would be a benefit to the stage
Commissioner Anderson stated that he would hold his comments due to a conflict of interest.
Commissioner Roubos stated that it probably meets the design guidelines, but she is
somewhat disappointed with the structure because it lacks interest. She said we may be
jumping the gun because we cannot afford the stage today, and it would be nice to see the
master plan and the big picture for the park and the Town in general before committing to this
Commissioner Goulding explained what he thought would help sell this is and that would be
the richness of the materials and how it will be viewed from all perspectives, including coming
down from Beaver Creek. He questioned the bottom of the roof and if there were acoustical
coffers. Stephanie explained that the warmth of the wood and copper and stone is the
intention of the project. Commissioner Goulding wanted more clarification at final design for
how the rake edge and fascia boards tie in. He questioned the flooring, and Stephanie
responded that the intent is a colored slab, but it needs to be something solid to stand up to
the weather. Stephanie stated that performers would have the ability to come in and put a
wood floor over the slab if they wanted to.
Commissioner Goulding wanted to know if it was real stone or cultured. Stephanie clarified
that it is real and is to match other Lake Street and Transportation center improvements.
Commissioner Goulding wanted more details on lighting and signage and wanted to know
exactly what are we going to see. Commissioner Struve asked Larry Brooks if there was a
possibility of naming rights from a sponsor, would that be pursued by Town? Larry responded
Commissioner Goulding concurred with staffs report and asked if we could see what parking
could be for the project.
Action: No action for Sketch Design Plans.
VII. Transportation Master Plan Visioning (5:30pm)
Description: Final review of the Mission Statements complied during the previous two
Discussion: Sally explained that if endorsement could be reached then at the next meeting a
resolution would be brought forth for a final motion. The Commission went through each
mission statement individually and made additional edits.
Action: Commissioner Struve moved to endorse the vision statements, as edited by the
Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Green and all Commissioners
were in favor.
VIII. Unified Land Use Code (6:30pm)
Description: Review of the Residential Design Standards.
Discussion: Sally Vecchio briefed the Commission on where the Unified Code process stands
today, and why we are reviewing the Design Standards in advance of the entire Code. There
will be a March 23`d Joint Meeting with the Town Council to hand off the entire document.
Sally presented a PowerPoint slideshow highlighting the new baseline standards.
Commissioner Green questioned if the standards applied to all residential development. Staff
responded that the first part of the document was generally applicable to all residential
development, and then there is an additional layer of requirements for duplex and multifamily
design review.
Commissioner Green was concerned with a performance based set of requirements. The
differentiation between prescriptive based versus performance based requirements was
discussed. Commissioner Goulding explained that prescriptive requirements would be like
those for Bachelor Gulch's design regulations.
Commissioner Goulding explained that Staff would go through photographs of different
developments in Town, and the Commission would see what we definitely do not like. More
importantly, we need to express why we do not want to see certain design elements and that
could give Staff direction for further refinements to the requirements. For example,
Commissioner Goulding felt that walk outs should be required for stepped buildings so that the
end result is not an 8' tall blank wall or a retaining wall to meet the ground.
Commissioner Green asked if we should be precluding flat roofs all together.
Commissioner Roubos stated that she too was also concerned with the prescriptive nature of
the requirements as drafted. She explained that the roof and building material requirements
are too limited for general applicability.
Commissioner Struve questioned if it was o.k. to have flat roofs in Town Center.
Commissioner Goulding stated that if we did not prescribe pitched roofs that we would be
challenged with a max height and flat roof design at that max height.
Commissioner Green questioned if there truly was a way to regulate "good" design.
Commissioner Struve brought up the example of Carefree, Arizona, where every building
looks the same, and that it is not all good or bad but not great design.
Commissioner Green led the discussion as the Commission reviewed different photographs of
constructed projects in Town. He broke the review of each design into the following general
Compatibility with the neighborhood with respect to color, materials, & vernacular
Bottom level walkouts, and steep development
Landscaping and Grading
Side lot to side lot guidelines
Non -repeating facades
There was a discussion about requiring stepped foundation requirements.
The Commission reviewed photographs of Bridgewater Terrace. Commissioner Green
questioned what are natural colors? Sally responded that there would be a design notebook
made from the new code and the existing design guidelines will all but be eliminated after
codification. There could be color palettes included in the notebook to guide developers.
Commissioner Goulding questioned if there should there be wider latitude with respect to
the Code?
Commissioner Struve questioned if we should allow detached garages? Commissioner Green
felt that if they are not separated and they are indeed attached for multifamily structures, what
is it that we want? He felt that we want good design and integrated garages. Sally explained
what we are trying to get to with the requirements for detached garages and that is requiring
additional articulation and appropriately located.
Commissioner Green clarified that you should not stack floor plans with repetitious windows.
Commissioner Anderson stated that the necessity for stone on buildings should not be a
requirement in the Avon Development Code.
Commissioner Prince questioned if snowplowing is to be a major consideration for design
review, with concerns to landscape islands between single car garages.
Commissioner Green is hesitant to put material or colors into the requirements. This was
more of a legislative approach.
Sally Vecchio questioned if ridgelines should be prescribed to the point of a linear distance of
30' maximum as drafted, or a percentage.
Commissioner Green asked the Commission what there interpretation of an architectural
feature was. The response was a contrast in form, not all hard lines; window forms,
fenestration, decks, inset windows, columns, timber, and stepping of facades
The "front porch" concept was discussed as it related to the Courtyard Villas project. There
was a discussion between purposefulness vs. arbitrary.
Commissioner Prince stated that the entire structure must hold together in a complete
Commissioner Green wants to encourage 3D models for all submittals given the great
technology that is out there today for architects.
The Commissioners felt that the garage cannot be the dominating feature from the street, and
that less emphasis should be on the garage. It should be subdued.
There may be a differentiation between requirements for colors and auto dependent design
from Wildridge and the valley floor.
The hardship of expense for better design was discussed. It was agreed that the Town has
typically backed down when better design could only result with more expense to the
Action: No Action. Through April we will be spending a couple hours each meeting devoted to
the ULUC. The Work program for PZ review will be developed. Only the larger topics will be
discussed in detail, and a page by page review of the document is not envisioned.
IX. Other Business
March 23rd Joint Work Session with Town Council
X. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm
Approved on April 6,
W. ... Goulding
S9==VJ, —